50 Cent And Katt Williams Leak Video Of Diddy's Fr3ak 0ff With Kevin Hart

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I don't dress at all you can interrogate me but torture I won't confess at all oh because because because in 30 years I've done nothing but collect information knowledge and your secrets so if you and a man was in a corner doing something you wasn't supposed to be doing you will tell it no somebody come to tell me Cat Williams is spilling more tea on Diddy and now it's about his alleged freak off with Kevin Hart yeah and 50 Cent is backing it all up these two are out for Diddy's neck and they're not going to stop until they bring him down cat's Vibe has always been to keep it real and not sugarcoat the Shady stuff the entertainment World tries to cover up he's all about laying it bar exposing what your fave celbs are up to behind the scenes so Cat Williams just threw the entertainment industry into chaos with some mind-blowing claims suggesting that Diddy and Kevin Hart might have been up to some shady business especially in connection to the dramatic Usher Saga despite the seemingly Eternal friendship between Diddy and Kevin Hart cat is dropping hints that there could be more to their connection than what's on the surface hold up though we all know Diddy and Kevin have been ride or die forever but according to cat their Bromance might have some dark Corners he's dishing the Deets that they could have been mixed up in some seriously messed up stuff potentially playing a role in the whole Usher essay drama brace yourselves it's about to get even crazier word on the street is that this power Duo might have had a hand in Usher's alleged runin with an STD this JW dropping Revelation has everyone raising their eyebrows wondering what else Diddy's been cooking up over the years seriously the tales about him are on a whole new level of insanity let's be clear when Cat Williams spills the tea on celebs he goes all in no holding back when he announced he was hitting up the sh Shay podcast for an interview we knew it was about to be an absolute roller coaster and believe me he did not disappoint all of these uh big dick deviant is all catching hell in 2024 it's up for all of them it don't matter matter if you Diddy or whoever you is TG Jak any of them the every all lies will be cat just Unleashed on Kevin Hart and Diddy dropping the industry plant bomb he didn't directly call out Kevin for shady dealings but he threw major hints making it clear that nothing in the industry comes easy in 15 years in Hollywood no one in Hollywood has a memory of going to a sold out Kevin Hart show there being a line for him ever getting a standing ovation at any Comedy Club he already had his deals when he got here have we heard of a comedian that came to LA and in his first year in La he had his own sitcom on network television and had his own movie called Soul Plane that he was leading no we've never heard of that before that person or since that person what do you think a plant Kevin initially brushed it off claiming he was unbothered and wouldn't dignify it with a response however Kevin was clearly salty about it calling cat a clown who belonged in the circus hey hey Kev you you say nothing to Cat Williams when he did a three-hour interview talking slow yesterday you didn't put a shot clock on him well do you do you entertain the circus or do you watch it per which one do you so peep this everyone was half expecting Kevin to go off especially after he sued Tasha k for spilling the tea on his supposed cheating Adventures the nerve right but ever since cat Unleashed these jaw-droppers it's been crickets from Kevin's side cat's been calling out Holly W's weird Vibes for ages when questioned about turning down rolles he spilled that he turned down fat $50 million offers four times cuz he wasn't willing to compromise now who going to turn down 50 million now I've had to turn down $50 million four times four times just to protect my integrity and but hold on it gets wild cat also revealed that he straight up turned down a fat check from none other than Diddy himself cuz P Diddy be wanting a body and you got to tell him no you got to tell him no I I did I did see I got the receipts for everything I'm telling you that's why I can say them so freely he even claims he's got the receipts to back it up this bombshell was Next Level considering the big bucks involved and the fact that he went head-to-head with Diddy this big shot in the game Diddy's got some explaining to do cuz Cat Williams just went all out calling him out for acting all high and mighty like he owns the whole planet with just one look but cat isn't the only one Throwing Shade at Diddy even 50 Cent who's basically Diddy's biggest rival spilled some tea a while back apparently Diddy offered to take 50 Cent shopping and 50 found that move kind of weird J's like yo why don't we like go shopping or some I mean like I pay for it and I was like n just say I got the I was like this this just tell me he take me sh and this is that goes on little the fruit pile ask me could he take me shopping and I'm looking like this just said I want to take you shopping I got a bank roll I want to take you why cuz when you walk around looking so mother good I feel like godamn it that with me that's all I want to do that's all I want to do but when a tell me you want to take me shopping what the matter with this hold on so when Diddy got grilled in an interview about the whole 50cent shopping Escapade he straight up denied ever making such an offer classic Diddy move right he tried to play it cool claiming he just wanted to help 50cent upgrade his wardrobe one thing's for sure he was definitely caught off guard with that question and he said you did the same thing to him you asked him to take him shopping yeah I thought he needed some clothes what I'm a nice guy what the why are you hey why y hey yo I don't have no beat with I don't know why with fif He Loves Me He Loves Me y beef it's been a wild ride with 50d and Diddy these dudes are like lifelong Frenemies 50's been throwing shade at Diddy for ages trying to snatch that Throne whether he's tossing around rumors about Diddy's preferences or roasting him for his epic parties 50's been on a mission but the real game changer came when Cassie stepped into the scene Cassie rocked Diddy's World by dropping a bomb of a lawsuit against him in late 2023 the details were straight up spine chilling from years of physical abuse to Diddy allegedly forcing her into bed with male escorts Cassie spilled all the tea and it was intense even though they settled outside of court with a hefty $30 million it set off an explosion according to Cassie's lawsuit Diddy supposedly made her engage in intimate encounters with male escorts and he'd film the whole thing while pleasuring himself in the corner it's a twisted plot and the gravity of these accusations paints a disturbing picture of Diddy's actions it makes you wonder if Diddy was holding on to those picks to use as blackmail against Cassie she stayed in that situation for nearly a decade probably why and the Shocker when Diddy handed her a 10-year music deal it's like he was setting the stage to trap her in that cycle of abuse Believe It or Not Cassie and 50 ain't the only ones Throwing Shade at Diddy he's got a history with this stuff after Cassie's lawsuit another woman stepped forward accusing Diddy of drugging and assaulting her back in 1991 court documents spill the tea that they had mutual friends and even worked together in a few music videos it was all professional until Diddy took things well left but Kim Porter's story is a dark reminder of the consequences of getting too close to Diddy's orbit the dude's got a trail and it's not a pretty one the story around Kim Porter's death takes a dark turn while the official autopsy reported pneumonia as the cause many people think that's all Bs now why would Diddy take out the mother of his kids according to gal Diddy's ex-bodyguard Kim story mirrors Cassie I didn't know Cassie but I knew somebody who was going through the same thing she was going through and that was Kim Porter during Kim's time sources revealed intense abuse climaxing when she was found with a broken nose after an argument with Diddy allegedly Diddy suspicious of Kim talking to another man invited her to a yacht in St Trope an argument ensued escalating to Diddy allegedly breaking her nose earned every bit of that yo I heard that he beat her so bad he sent her to Hawaii so she could stay away from people that's crazy man but that's Kim's story that's Kim's book that's Kim book then you hear about the fact that he he broke Kim nose on a yacht wow I ain't hear about that he broke him oh let's let's say allegedly but it was told by people in her camp that he broke Kim nose on the yacht so Cassie story is Cassie's story is Kim's story Cassie book is Kim's book sources claimed Diddy couldn't have Kim in public with a broken nose so he flew in a plastic surgeon and had her stay in a hotel until her nose healed Kim supposedly planned to expose Diddy in a tell all book but it never saw daylight fans speculate that the book could have ended Diddy's career and put him behind bars which is enough motive for Diddy to silence her permanently so this book it detailed his relationships with men footage of those encounters it had the names of the men he slept with a disease allegedly Diddy given Usher a disease the argument that took place between Diddy and Usher's Mom Mary J blah being pregnant by Diddy it says that she had a Ab also in the book was the DV that Kim endured in a surprising twist the story extends Beyond just woman rumors about Diddy's sexuality have circulated for years and these rumors even got Wendy Williams fired as well uh there was a radio personality Once Upon a Time her name was Wendy Williams and uh she was practically burned at the steak for um talking about such and now it's all come full circle there were many situations none of which to talk about but there were many situations um back in the day in in my career and um It's All Coming full circle Wendy supposedly got her hands on a super sketch photo of Diddy chilling with another dude during his vacation in Cancun word on the street is this pic shows someone straight up pulling down Diddy's shorts yeah you heard it right according to Wendy Diddy instructed members of the R&B Trio total to confront her physically while Wendy's then boyfriend intervened preventing any altercation Diddy managed to get her fired Diddy's bodyguard also has stories of Diddy with other men to share Jean deal shared an intriguing incident during an interview involving Diddy and jaw rule engaging in unusual activities in a hotel room I'm hearing at the door and stuff like that like yeah so then next thing you know somebody rang the doorbell we had the presidential suite where we was at so I open the door and uh the dude say yo I'm here for my cousin I said who your cousin he said uh Jau I said well he busy right now he said uh he busy doing what I said he with puff they in the room they busy they don't want to be bothered he said well I'm going in there I said bro you ain't going in there cuz he told me they don't want nobody to be bothering him he was like yo I don't care man I'm going in there that that boot like that I said yo bro Jesus Christ had to come down here and take the air out of my body before you get in that room right there watch watch he tried to bum rush me I grabbed him and threw him against the piano when I threw him into the piano puff and Jau runs out the room puff got his tow J grabbing his tow but they but the ne while Jean initially didn't know what was happening inside the room he confronted J ru's cousin who had arrived unexpectedly the commotion led to Diddy and Ja Rule coming out of the room both wearing only towels 50 Cent and Diddy's ongoing drama just got spicier rumor has it that 50 Cent is cooking up a documentary that dives deep into the essay allegations against Diddy and get this the cash flow from the dock it's all going straight to the victims no fear in 50s game even with Diddy holding down the fort in the hip-hop Kingdom he's been blasting about the documentary on his insta all about doing what's right now how 50 cents documentary will hit we got to wait and see here's the real head scratcher why does Diddy keep making moves on his adversaries first it was 50 Cent and now cat it's like he's just daring someone to spill the beans and expose him buckle up cuz fans had their own theories about why Diddy was getting cozy with cat Hold On Tight cuz the grap Vine was buzzing with the talk that Diddy had his eyes set on cat for his comedy special P Diddy presents the bad boys of of Comedy picture this Diddy was all about conquering the comedy scene in Hollywood and he pulled off this massive special bringing in a whopping 110 comedians sounds like a blockbuster right well it could have been if it weren't for some serious side eye action see back then Diddy was side-eyed for some shady stuff with dudes now here's the real kicker Whispers were swirling that this comedy special was just a smoke screen for Diddy's alleged Shady dealings the suspicion Diddy was allegedly targeting struggling comedians maybe more open to his advances I mean who wouldn't be thankful for someone kicking doors open for their careers right word on the street was that the special was a front a cover for Diddy to get into some not so great stuff cat spilled the tea hinting that Diddy was allegedly scouting out fresh Talent from the comedian pool it's like he was building his own Squad but not for laughs now if you're wondering why Kevin Hart got caught up in this Whirlwind of chaos cats got stories for days according to him Kevin not only knew about Diddy's alleged escapades but was also in the loop about Diddy's sketchy activities even though he wasn't part of Diddy's comedy special now let's dive into the wild world of Diddy's parties where 50 Cent warned us things get crazier than a roller coaster ride attending Diddy's parties is already eyebrow raising but hosting them that's a whole new level of crazy in an old video from one of these bashes Diddy was chilling on a bed when Kevin and the camera crew walked in Diddy looked caught off guard and the attention in the room hit an all-time high for some reason Diddy kept telling Kevin not to get any closer and threw in a no homo joke making things weirder we had we um we want to thank k don't don't sit on the bed or nothing no homo no just just don't get close to the bed don't get but it's just like yo we want to thank you for hosting the thing man man it's been a pleasure you didn't have to do it and you did no no no I definitely didn't have to do it I I definitely didn't have to uh first and foremost I'm not getting the bed uh you know shouts out to him and what he did I'm just going to if we can just let's let's just put the camera a little this way just so we're not I don't want my shot to even res like I don't want it to come close to the bed did something go on between Diddy and Kevin that night for them to act that way cat thinks there might have been a bit of Panky between Diddy and Kevin at that time allegedly he's tossing around the idea that Diddy might have made Kevin an offer and unlike cat Kevin didn't turn it down remember when cat accused Kevin of being an industry plant who sold his soul Rumor Has It cat's holding on to some seriously spicy evidence and that's why Kevin's zipping his lips word on the Block is cat's got the goods on how Kevin may have been involved in Diddy Shady dealings with Usher back in the '90s imagine this Usher the Smooth Operator supposedly crashing at Diddy's pad in New York when he was just 13 and rumored floating around that Diddy allegedly passed him an STD now there's some chitchat in the air and it might Trace back to Usher's chat with Howard Stern Usher hinted at seeing some wild things during his stint under Diddy's roof lived with Shan puffy CS for a year that's the crazy thing now that was La Reid's idea right we're sending you over to something called puffy flavor Camp there you go to learn flavor Camp that's what it was called and you're going to go to Puff daddiy in the90s do you understand what that's like Puffy's place was like just filled with chicks and like non-stop right no not really I mean but hey it was curious I got a chance to see some things yeah but you were 13 what were you seeing I went there to see the lifestyle right and I saw it and it was and it was but I don't know if I could indulge and understand what I was even looking at it was it was pretty wild then there's this video floating around with Diddy Usher and Kevin Hart all hanging out Diddy casually mentioned they used to have morning battles over seral raising some eyebrows maybe hinting they shared a bed overnight Kevin in that super awkward moment swiftly changed the topic right here from day one we used to wake up and I mean damn pause but like test out I mean I mean back in the days when he was like 10 and I was a little bit older his older brother we used to fight over the over the Frosted Flakes you know what I'm saying before pause was invented you know what I'm saying but it's my brother for real we used to actually wrestle off of the off of the Frosted Flakes because he used to always get up early now he's one of the richest in the world yo what just say nobody's going to acknowledge this for me P just said we used to wrestle over the Frosted Flakes and we're streaming live that was stupid listen yo a couple of years back Usher got caught up in some lawsuits accusing him of spreading herpes without giving a heads up Laura Helm dropped a massive $20 million lawsuit claiming they got too close and personal weirdly her case vanished Into Thin Air making folks talk about that hush money then two more women stepped into the scene one staying low-key but testing positive for herpes quantasia Sharpton the other didn't test positive but spilled the beans about hooking up with Usher right after turning 19 sparking big health concerns for her and her kid Usher ended up shelling out a fat $1.1 million settlement to another Jane do now buckle up cuz we're taking this ride to a whole new level Cat Williams dropped a truth bomb hinting that Usher's Mentor Diddy might be the Puppet Master Behind These Shady bedroom Tales cat even tossed out the idea that Kevin Hart might have joined in Diddy's wild escapades cat spilled the tea serving up a crazy theory that Diddy and Kevin might have been mixed up in some strange activities together including the wild escapades and accusations against Usher now cat's flipping the scripts saying Diddy and his powerful crew might have been pulling the strings to launch Kevin into Fame but here's the real kicker according to cat Usher ain't Diddy's only alleged victim nope there are allegedly loads of other artists that he forced into inappropriate activities and hold on to your hats because a few years back cat dropped some serious shade bombs on Diddy and Germaine Dupri suggesting they might have been involved in some unsavory dealings with the criss cross boys all right so Chris Kelly and Chris Smith the crisscross Duo hit it big in the 9s when they were just 12 and 13 Germaine Dupri their Mentor played a key role in their success however Cat Williams suggested there might be more to their mentorship than just music claiming Germaine and Diddy were involved in inappropriate behavior with the boys under Germaine Dupri's Guidance the crisscross boys released three successful albums rumors about incidents involving Germaine and Diddy started circulating and Cat link these traumatic experiences to Chris Kelly's later struggles with drug abuse in 2013 Chris Kelly was found unconscious at home and later pronounced dead his family's acknowledgement of his drug abuse history shed light on his painful Journey interestingly the boys had suspicions about Germaine right from the start even at ages 11 and 12 they felt something was off Chris Kelly once shared in an interview that they were just hanging out playing video games at an Atlanta Mall out of nowhere this dude shows up asking them to be rap stars turns out it was Germaine Dupri but they had zero clue who he was he even suspected he might be a child molester or something cat wasn't done yet spilling more tea and claiming that Germaine Dupri wasn't only involved in alleged essay but also turned a blind eye to others in the industry doing the same so rumors started swirling about this weird ritual involving Diddy and Germaine the buzz is they were into some creepy swap meat trading their artists like Collectibles and get this even passing them around within their Inner Circle and reports claim Diddy might have pimped out members of Danity Kane cat spills the tea suggesting Diddy wasn't just watching from the sidelines he was allegedly part of it too in 2011 cat dropped a freestyle and when it came to Diddy and Germaine he didn't hold back huh what's happening puff I'll be back to you if JD ain't had enough yeah J de pre King of the pedophiles if you ask me baby gerain the PRI small as a child but it gets worse cuz according to sources Diddy wasn't the only one that Germaine was allegedly pimping the boys out to he also allegedly pimped them out to Jada Smith cats convinced these Big Shot Music Moguls might have messed with Chris Kelly pushing him into a dark path with drugs sadly Chris isn't the only one caught up in this Twisted Tail word on the street is Diddy's been in some shady dealings with young artists but that ain't the end of it federal law agencies were on Diddy's case in 2013 back when Jimmy henchman got busted the feds had their eyes on Diddy they were suspecting he knew a thing or two about Diddy's Shady dealings with miners it got real with them them grilling Jimmy about Diddy's questionable moves with young boys so according to this official US District Court filing a prosecutor straight up asked about entertainers intimate preferences and you won't believe it they went all in asking not just about Shan comes but throwing it out there if he's getting cozy with underage boys it's like they're trying to get to the bottom of some really shady stuff Orlando Brown also came out saying Diddy allegedly forced him into some sketchy situations like giving him some mouth action yo did you gave me the usk kwash you gave me thek the smash didy yeah sh I mean Diddy's alleged escapades don't stop at crisscross or Usher brace yourselves for the jaw-dropping tail that Chris Brown spilled on the drink Champs podcast according to Chris he was just 12 years old when Diddy allegedly tried to make some inappropriate moves on him and then uh the funniest part like I a lot of people don't know did he turn me down I was t watch's let's let's talk about him right now but no but but it's love now this like my family my brother now but let's get to the point it was you went to see him yeah you was you dancing so basically it came as a package cuz if you dance you he definitely would have signed you no I'm going keep it 100 so I was like 12 at this time this is before I uh didn't and when I linked to death gy okay but it was me and his uh one of my production managers son named TJ's my brother to this day but me and him were like a group you know what I'm saying so he what was the name of your group man we didn't have no name we just this is why he inside y get that we're entering a zone of serious eyebrow raising drama so check this out there's this question floating around about whether Chris danced for Diddy and you got to wonder why would a young Talent need to bust a move for diddy at his crib well insiders are Whispering that Diddy had some wild plans in mind plans that involved Chris hitting up his oddly named puffy flavored Camp yeah it sounds as bizarre as it seems word on the street is that Diddy was allegedly seeking some inappropriate stuff at this camp and Chris being no fool straight up declined he ain't about that compromising situation life steering clear of Diddy's peculiar camp but here's the deal Diddy passing on Chris had zero to do with Talent La Reed and de Jam were practically begging to sign him but Chris had his eyes on other paths looks like Diddy's rejection was all about Chris dodging some really shady stuff but not everyone dodged Diddy's alleged antic Justin Bieber yeah he might be one of the Unlucky ones rumors are swirling about Diddy allegedly pushing Justin into some really questionable situations you catch my drift right it all started when scooter braa discovered Justin and introduced him to Usher who then introduced him to Diddy it's like a suspicious setup especially after that video where Diddy promised Justin the whole universe as soon as you turn 16 you know what I'm saying I'm going to let you rock this every time you la yeah this going be yours so every time you come La it's a little dusting but you know front shot man oute okay okay all right Diddy the guy known for owing his artists a ton of money and pulling the strings behind their tracks was making some big Promises to the rising star Justin Bieber he was straight up offering a Ferrari and a mansion for Justin's 18th birthday but hold up isn't that a bit too generous coming from a guy not exactly known for being Mr reliable in cash dealings with artists um Justin he's in ever seen the movie 48 hours right now he's having 48 hours with Diddy him and his boy um they're having the times of their lives like like like you know where we hanging out and what we doing um we we can't really disclose but um it's definitely a 15year old's dream um you know I I have been given custody of him you know he signed to Usher I'm signed to Usher I I had legal guardianship of Usher when when you know he he did his first album I did Us's first album I don't really I don't have legal guardianship of him but for the next 48 hours he's with me so um yeah and we going to go full things take a weirder turn when Diddy starts talking about doing undisclosed stuff with Justin that he can't mention publicly why all the secrecy especially with a kid the fans can't understand how someone would even give him legal guardianship of a kid one said what kind of parent leaves their child alone with Diddy and gives guardianship to this strange rich man and another added I wouldn't even speak to my mama again if she left me with P Diddy at 13 years old that's a R Kelly move there's even a video where Justin looks visibly uneasy next to Diddy what's up man you good I'm good how are you young brother everything's good selling out Arenas and everything starting to act different huh you you ain't been calling me and hanging out the way we used to hang out well I mean you haven't I mean you try to get in contact with me you know through all my you know you know partners and whatnot but you never really got my number so my number yeah yeah now there's talk that Diddy might have played a role in getting Justin involved with drugs echoing Cassie's previous claims Justin himself opened up about his struggles with addiction facing the industry's hardships at a young age there was a time where I was sipping lean I was popping pills I was doing Molly um you know shrooms everything and it was just an escape for me I was awaking up in the morning and the first thing I was doing is popping pills and smoking a blunt and starting my day people can't help but notice that that he gets clean once he distances himself from Diddy coincidence maybe not you can clearly see how Justin changed after he cut Diddy out of his life now the fans are scared for cat's safety but it won't be easy to take him down one fan wrote lot of people are saying watch out cat but what's different today is we're all aware before there was less people aware and they could get away with killing them but now there's a lot of people aware we got to protect cats another added I respect cat for sticking up for what's right and exposing all this evil in Hollywood so there you have it Cat Williams and 50 sent dropping bombs on Diddy's alleged freak off with Kevin Hart these two are on a mission and they're not hitting the brakes until they take Diddy down cat's always been the realist never want to sugarcoat the Shady stuff the entertainment World tries to sweep under the rug now we can't help but wonder what's Diddy's next move more like what horrifying truth about Diddy will we learn next yeah
Channel: TriniTEA
Views: 2,358,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katt williams, katt williams interview, kevin hart katt williams, katt williams talks about kevin hart, 50 cent, 50 cent exposes jay z for secretly being g@y with diddy, wendy williams, t.i. reveals details about diddy's parties., katt williams kevin hart, 50 cent leaks new fre@k 0ff footage of jay z & beyonce?, t.i. reveals diddy's secret about jamie foxx, katt williams joe biden, katt williams leaks video of how steve harvey p!mp3d lori to diddy, diddy, spill, celebrity gossip
Id: oX_vbdvaySA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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