50. Big Giant Bloom Swipe using My Cell Activator Mix!

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[Music] welcome back to my channel my name is erisa and this is the restaurant art and i'm doing something way too big today for what i'm gonna do but that's just fun i'm gonna do it today is thursday but it is my friday so we're having a good time um i am going to do a swipe on this big 18 by 24 inch canvas and i am going to by request use one of my ca recipes i'm going to use the one with the um wood conditioner rather than australian clove troll to swipe with it's going to be black and white my one of my previous main uh videos will have the the recipe in it i will try to remember to put it in the description below but if i don't uh go back and i'll try to figure out which video it is but it's like three or four videos videos go um i am going to use that with artist artist la flow acrylic white and artists off flow acrylic black as my colors my paints and the mixture is mixed four parts ca recipe to one part paint so no matter what units you measure it in four parts to one part so i'm measuring grams so for every 44 grams of the ca recipe i use 11 grams of paint because 11 times 4 is 44. if you use ounces for every 40 ounces use 10 ounces of paint so it's just a four to one ratio for every 80 ounces of sil activator mex recipe you'll use 20 ounces of paint so it's just four to one across the board no matter what unit of measure you use i am going to use a white house paint base it is the glidden high endurance white in semi-gloss with a little bit of the gac 800 in it to prevent cracking since this is such a big canvas if you follow me on my instagram or so or in some of the facebook groups i'm in you may have seen let me go grab it if you see that i'm wearing a piddle pad that's because that's the easiest way for me to clean my swiping tool off is to have it on my body so that's why i'm not winged so let me grab this drying piece here i'm going to stay on this side so this is a piece i made just quickly i do not have a video for it because it was one of the ones you scrape and then you're like i'm so angry pour something on paint on the canvas and then it's beautiful darn it but i want to try to create that i was going for a sunset fill so i'm going to use those same colors which i'll tell you about but i'm also going to add a couple of more so my first color and this is going to be mixed with my pouring medium recipe so also there's another thing what there i've had a few people say that my cell activator recipes are not working for them but then they give me the ratios of pouring medium to paint they're using and you're using like a one to one i don't do that because i like my paints thinner so i one to one is not going to give you that kind of runoff with your paint to pouring medium mix i always always always make my colors thinner by adding extra minwax polycrylic varnish all the time i have a big bottle of it here i put my paint and my pouring medium in there and then i add this this is just the varnish until i get to the consistency i like and that's always thinner this um selected better recipe it doesn't work well as well with the thicker pouring paint i said that in my first video i'm gonna restate it now it likes a thinner paint so always just add varnish to it just to make sure it works so i am going to get started i'll show you my colors here this is a mixture of the modern master sachet red with the lovely my absolute favorite color art primary element in the fireworks such a pretty color oh my gosh i absolutely love it then i have the cadmium uh orange hue by liquitex basics and to it i added a little bit of the pixie dust by color art then i have what is this this is actually neon yellow by the um artist love flow acrylics but to it i added a little bit of um iridescent gold find by golden this is this is a mixture of a few too many colors let me see this is the amsterdam what is that reflex rose with a little bit of the quinacridone quinacridone magenta by artist by liquitex basics and then i have a little bit of the pink lemonade by color art this purple color that was a mishmash of blues and pinks that i already had mixed up so i could not even begin to tell you what's in there and then i have some metallic orange and all the good stuff i'm gonna swipe with this little report cover here that i have i like it because it adds weight because it's floppy but when you add paint to it it adds weight to it and it just sits perfectly for me in my opinion on there i'm super nervous because this is so big so i'm just gonna go and i'm gonna mostly keep this in the middle because then i will tilt i did tape up the sides of this i do i'm envisioning this with uh black sides and i think it would be really pretty and if i need to add more paint to it i will let's see so alrighty i don't want to go crazy because i don't want to leave a big layer and i want to primarily swipe in the middle and then have um to move it i'll leave a little bit of that paint just for me to use oh nervous maybe i'll mix up a little bit more white just in case because i really don't want to run out of white i'm just going to mix up a little more with a little bit of gac 800 that way if it gets to the end and i'm out i don't want the patterns the composition to roll over itself so if i need a flow extender i will then have it there we go for my comfort level preparation is key here there we go that's better and in fact this i was going to put this in the middle because it's actually a little thicker than the paint on the canvas sorry i will get the pouring i'm just talking because this is such a big canvas and i'm working it out with you guys because once i do this i'm using so much product i don't want this to fail basically all right okay so i'm gonna start layering some colors here i'm gonna throw my popsicle sticks off maybe i'll use this one to mark my borders so i know where to put my canvas back there we go all right so this is that sashay red combination and i want a lot of color here and kind of all over oh i'm nervous this is a big old canvas so i am going to load this swiping tool and just kind of see i'm going to pour some white around it because it's already the paint colors are already approaching the dry canvas and i don't want that to drag on uh i don't want the swiping tool to drag on the drag canvas first necessarily just get a little bit more on this side y'all i'm real nervous because this is a lot of product and but that's how i roll gosh it's i swear i work to paint like i love nursing i love patient care blah blah blah but i really love painting and i think i just worked with paint so with my white cell activator i'm not going to put it on this i'm going to actually just add it throughout this piece so i can catch it on um randomly in here and so i'm gonna load the heck out of this black or this little piece here with my black cell activator so i have enough to drag it and i'm going to let it i'm going to i'm going to bend it around and let it flow but this is way too much on there so i'm going to bend it and like funnel it back into the cup so i don't waste but i want to cover all the edges here okay i just heard the train horn i'm like why is my whole house shaking i swear this train is not that close to my house i mean it's close enough apparently but golly all right so you see this gets really weighty when you put that activator on it so it's going to hold itself into that paint well enough all right here we go and let it go right off the edge here and then use my whole body to clean it off these are paint clothes they don't matter they just get more character that looks really really cool i'm gonna load it again that looks really cool you guys really really cool i'm gonna load it up heavily with my my cell activator and then we're going to tilt this out and see what we get in the end almost done just overloading it here so it's all covering the plastic and then not wasting the excess and letting it fall off into the cup all right i'm gonna go the other way maybe i'll try to turn my canvas because i want to go the other way too oh that's heavy back where you guys can see it i think you're in frame here all right here i go i'm gonna overlap just a little bit mmm i'm gonna miss right here it's gonna be on the canvas i don't want that maybe i'll throw some more color while i'm sitting here just throw some color here oh just sitting there letting my cello activator drip a little bit i guess i should pay attention what i'm doing over there just so it doesn't drag so much white first there we go that's better all righty since i dripped some of this cell activator off i'm gonna put it back all right here i go right overlapping just a little bit letting the weight of the plastic control the weight on the paint do not press down just let the weight take it awesome all right so i'm going to take my little palette knife and clean it off first because i used it just kind of sweep down the middle here there we go whoa guys that looks cool without dripping i wiped off the edge but look at the that looks kind of cool too let me while that sits i'm going to clean this off because i don't want this plastic to have to be so difficult to clean so i'm going to scrape it right now into the garbage so it's easier to clean later because that paint's not going anywhere and because i covered my edges i don't have to worry so much about or i cover i tape my sides i don't have to worry about my size which is excellent what i do want to do because there's a couple of spots there i can see that will get really big because there's blanks you know what i'm not i was going to swipe it i was going to blow it but i'm not going to all right let's let this move it's going to be cool i really like this corner up on my left hand so i'm going to walk the paint that way first just to kind of keep my cells i do want them to grow a bit so i'm not going to worry about losing too much but i want to anchor that corner because i like it and i'll get rid of other corners i'm going to walk up to this right corner up here because this bottom corner near my right hand with all the black on it i don't want i don't mind losing some of that so i'm gonna let that be my last corner that i will let run off this looks so dang spectacular you guys oh my gosh oh my gosh it looks so cool i'll let a lot run off on this side because i do have more paint that i need oh my gosh you guys this is amazing this is that minwax cell activator mix guys wow i'm like ostra by this stuff my goodness the cells are so pretty i'm gonna let this corner come off a lot because there's so much white there and i want to open up the color so i'm gonna let it really drop before i pull it back and it's nice that i don't have to worry about my um sides because they are taped i'm gonna let it run off the side here a little bit where it's getting a little wonky and then i'll pull that back too just a little bit more there we go you guys this is crazy cool i know i'm gonna get some measles and that's okay so for now i'm gonna check the depth of the paint in the center because that's where i gauge if i need to pull any more off or not make sure i'm not dripping oh why am i using this i have a piddle pad as an apron it's not that bad i could let a little more go so i'll go a little more on that top right corner and take some more of that off walking it so myself to try to maintain at least some of the shape of my cells i don't want them to go all askew i love this top left corner where i added that paint that pink there oh that is so gorgeous all right now i'm gonna since the weight of the paint is on the top right i'm going to let it start falling off over there so i don't lose the pink on the left i'm just going to let that run off for just a moment and then pull it back there we go i think that will be fine i'm gonna walk it back to try to shape these cells again the lacing again wow this is amazing this is amazing you guys this is going to look so great under resin the weight of my paint is in the center again i'm going to scrape the tape side actually i'm not i'm going to scrape the safe sides eventually but i'm going to show you first because it looks really cool let me take off my petal pad skirt and i'll use it to clean my hands you guys wow wow dang wow that looks crazy i'm gonna get my gloves all off oh my gosh and put them on my paint cans down here because i don't want to put anything on my table because i don't want anything to touch this oh my gosh you guys okay look at this look at all the lacing i cannot believe i did this this looks so spectacular and i love the bright pink in this upper side upper corner i can't believe i did this guys i can't believe i did this i'm like dumbfounded i don't need to paint anymore tonight because this is amazing amazing i can't wait to post this video i'm so happy i'm so look out the i love this corner i love that corner that is so pretty oh my gosh you guys look at what i did with my own cell activator holy hell that looks amazing all right i need to stop singing my own dang praises but holy moly thank you for watching um let me know what you think about this in the comments below i want to go in one more time look at all of them they're so plentiful oh my goodness look at all this pretty pretty pretty pretty i will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 1,707
Rating: 4.9605913 out of 5
Id: GBix8WLTh_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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