50+ BEGINNER Tips in Sons of the Forest 2024 (Sons of the Forest Tips & Tricks)

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with Suns of the forest going into full release there is bound to be a wave of new players jumping in for the very first time so here are 50 plus beginner tips for all you players looking to get a head start on your journey let's get into it tree chopping in Sons of the forest is a gradual procedure so you'll want to move your ax through or around the tree as you chop it down or else you might find yourself making little to no progress on top of that trees will always fall in the direction you are looking keep this in mind to avoid faing a tree right over your base as this can cause some pretty significant damage don't be afraid to loot literally everything you see undiscovered foods are highlighted with a question mark and trying them for the first time will have you learn whether they are good or not on top of this picking up new items will have you unlock new crafting recipes and there is no encumbrance mechanic so it's worth stacking up until your inventory is filled once you get to that point but find that there are still more items to be looted consider storing excess on shelves or using the items you already have to craft additional utility this way you'll stay efficient and always have room for more throwing logs can be a great way to quickly clear an area of small shrubs and bushes early on you can assign weapons and items to specific hot keys by going into your inventory hovering over the item you want to assign and then clicking the corresponding hotkey your lighter does not have limited usage and will not run out of fuel so don't be shy to use it often when in the dark or when lighting up fires meds will progressively heal you over time but these effect will come to a stop if you take any damage in the process if you're running low on medical supplies good quality foods such as cooked meat or MREs will also replenish small amounts of Health make sure to watch your food when cooking it on a campfire as it will eventually burn and although still edible it will do less towards your hunger and also diminish your thirst you can throw logs directly into log holders making for much more efficient organization boxes and crates around the map will be refreshed and refilled with loot whenever you reload the game making it a pretty good source for certain materials using a quick hitting weapon such as a spear will open crates up much faster than holding the interact key you can click down the middle Mouse button when using the GPS to zoom in and out of the map making it much easier to identify where exactly you're heading when next to a body of water you can command Kelvin to get fish for you which is easily one of the best and fastest sources of food in the game and it's completely passive food that is currently hanging on a drying rack will not SPO oil making it an ideal place to store leftovers if you're struggling to hit birds with traditional weapons when on the hunt for feathers consider throwing logs in the air instead as this will on-shot them in tandem with this hitting bigger Birds such as seagull on the beach once they're already dead will yield additional feathers prioritize aiming for head shot when using the bow as it will not only on-shot most early game enemies but it will also cause bigger ones like this guy to fall over when hit giving you some Breathing Room during a fight laying down a tarp on the ground will give you the ability to place a stick or two underneath it and act as the easiest form of shelter you can make to skip the night this is perfect if you're not yet set on a permanent base location or you're simply just exploring but still want to pass the night it's also the best way to save your game on the go when playing in single player opening up your inventory will pause the game around you however health and stamina will continue to recover this trick can be used as an ideal method to heal up while in combat you can also use this time to equip any spare armor you may have which could save your life if you're about to get hit climb and stand on steep Ledges when possible in caves to avoid getting hit by mutants then use range Weaponry or explosives to take them out from a distance you can use the natural flow of rivers to help you effortlessly transport logs from one area to another take a look at your key binds for Dismantling in the settings menu this will make building a whole lot easier when you've misplaced something so you don't end up swinging your axe away trying to undo it cannibals and mutants are not part of the same family and will attack each other when near use this to your advantage when in fights or when clearing out canable camps muddies won't usually attack unless you've done something to provoke them so keep this in mind if you're looking to have a few less enemies when you're first starting out you can throw cannibal bodies on a campfire hit them with a torch or use fire arrows to turn them into bones which can be used to craft various items such as armor try to pick up sticks and stones that you need during the warmer seasons as they will become much harder to find during the winter when snow has covered the land you can go to sleep at any time you want just bear in mind that going to bed during the day will have you wake up during the night blocking incoming attacks will mitigate the amount of damage you take just keep an eye out on your stamina as each block will deplete it and once you're out you'll no longer be able to block tapping the block button will allow you to Parry time this correctly in accordance with an enemy's attack and you'll not only block it but you'll also stagger the enemy and open up a nice opportunity to strike back cannibals that are wearing armor will take less damage in the areas where the armor is present so try to aim for parts of the body that are exposed most armors in Suns of the forest work on a hit by- hit basis meaning you won't take any damage so long as you're wearing armor but it will break piece by piece as you get hit the rate at which it breaks depends on the strength of your armor and the strength of the enemy you can use the shovel to dig in random areas and find various items such as bones coins and skulls among other things you can also break coffins around the island and dig up Graves for various loot but I'll leave you to find What Lies Beneath opposed to other forms of light wall torches are the best as they are infinitely burning and never need to be relit by the player tree stumps that are left after filling a tree will allow it to grow back after some time removing it will prevent the tree from ever growing back try to keep your thirst hunger and energy meters topped up as much as possible as the lower these three attributes become the lower your overall stamina bar will regenerate to giving you less Freedom when sprinting and to the actions you perform other than sleeping sitting down on player built structures such as a bench or chair will also regenerate your rest meter albeit at a much slower rate or you can just chug an energy drink and be on your way use fresh water to your advantage as any cannibals or mutants that step into water deep enough will drown war that is covered in my Advanced tips video which I'll link at the end consider building your base next to a source of flowing water so that you have a constant Supply to drink even in the winter when larger bodies freeze over you can throw in the supplies necessary to craft more than one of the same item all at once and each successive craft will then become faster and faster make sure to pick up arrows after using them if you want to conserve resources you can also ask Kelvin to do this if you're having trouble finding them unless he's being a lazy piece of sh oh here we go that's what he usually does radios found across the map can be destroyed to obtain extra circuit boards Kelvin can go down a virtually infinite amount of times without any consequence and enemies will not attack him in this state however if you do manage to damage him while he's down he will permanently die in the case that this happens you may want to consider reloading your game without saving to roll back your progress if you still want them around Reviving down companions or other players in a multiplayer session is done relatively quickly and you can also move while doing it so even with a horde of enemies behind you it can still be worth doing a drive by revive Kelvin can also be seen getting up by himself in some scenarios a clothing item's Comfort level will determine the effective rest you get when sleeping with higher Comfort outfits providing more rest when you sleep you can carry a torch around with you in the winter which will provide you with some warmth on the go when in combat remember that you can Sprint when moving backwards which is really useful when avoiding incoming attacks or for kiting enemies when using a ranged weapon and lastly tip number 53 is play how you want to play Sons of the forest does have a core story to follow but at no point in time does the game force you to progress so build explore and discover things all at your own pace to get the best experience if you enjoyed the video drop a like and consider subscribing leave a comment letting us know how you're liking sons of the forest at 1.0 and with that said I'll catch you guys in the next one peace [Music] out
Channel: Alessio
Views: 69,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sons of the forest, alessio, sons of the forest tips, sons of the forest tips for beginners, sons of the forest tips and tricks for beginners, sons of the forest tips and tricks, sons of the forest tips no spoilers, sons of the forest guide no spoilers, sons of the forest beginner's guide, sons of the forest beginner tips, sons of the forest beginner tips no spoilers, sons of the forest tips and tricks no spoilers, sons of the forest beginner, sons of the forest beginner guide
Id: SkxNqO5OP_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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