50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #109

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- Get ready to learn some amazing facts. (mellow music) Here are 50 amazing facts to blow your mind. (bomb exploding) In March of 2018, scientists discover that all galaxies, regardless of their individual sizes, rotate at the same rate of one billion years per spin. Studies have shown that when it comes to relationship issues, men tend to be more emotionally effected than women, but are good at hiding it most of the time. Goosebumps are the result of evolution. They occur when the muscles around the body hair rise up to make the hair stand up straight. The intent is to puff out the entire outer coat to increase insulation, and thus keep us warm. A study conducted at Oregon State University revealed that drinking beer can actually make you smarter. There's a chemical in hops, which positively affects intellectual function. The only problem is you'd have to consume 3,520 pints in a day in order to see such results. And I'm pretty sure that'd have a negative affect. A study done in 2016 revealed that as climate temperatures increase the scents released by flowers decrease. Despite the incredibly popular theory, you absolutely do not swallow eight spiders while asleep each year. In fact, it's far more likely that a spider has never come even close to your mouth than having you consume that quantity. The first woman to ride a bicycle around the world was Annie Londonderry, who circled the globe between June 1894, and September 1895. What made this feat even more impressive is the fact that she learned how to ride a bike only a few days before setting off. Psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa conducted a study with 20,745 students over a five year period, and he concluded that night owls, or those who prefer going to bed and waking up later, tend to be more intelligent than early risers. Another study revealed that despite what early risers may nag their night owl counterparts for, the owls tend to use more of their awake time productively. They're mentally alert for longer periods than the morning people. In the early days of cologne being marketed to potential buyers, it was sold as protection. People would wear and drink eau de cologne to avoid getting the plague. Napoleon, Hitler, Alexander the Great, and Mussolini all allegedly suffered from ailurophobia, the fear of cats. Despite what several politicians seems to pitch, science has shown that there is no substantial connection between mass shootings and violence in video games. In fact, many responsible for so many deaths don't play video games at all. Our blood appears red because of how oxygen and iron interact. There are sub-units called hemes in each hemoglobin protein in our blood, which bind iron molecules, which in turn bind oxygen. When iron is oxygenated, it becomes red. When it becomes de-oxygenated, it becomes dark red. After his death on December 26, 1974, comedian Jack Benny continued to remind his wife, Mary Livingstone, of how much he cared. Every day, Mary received a long stemmed rose from Benny's estate, until her death nine years later. The average yawn lasts six seconds, and humans yawn about 240,000 times in their lifetime, which means you spend around 400 hours in your life yawning. Researchers at the University of York determined that dogs are more likely to respond to high pitched voices, like the way you talk to a baby, than normal toned ones. A 2013 report revealed that nearly a third of children learn how to use a smartphone or tablet before they learn how to speak. As a human being, your skin regenerates itself every 27 days. And will replace itself on average around 900 times in your lifetime. The reason tattoos are not replaced when your skin replenishes is because the dye is inserted deep into the dermis layer, which does not exfoliate or otherwise fall away without injury. Although she was born deaf, Taiwanese dancer and choreographer, Lin Ching Lan uses the vibrations music make on the wooden floor beneath her feet to feel the rhythm. She's been featured in commercials, and even started a dance troop for the hearing impaired. Self driving cars developed by a company called Oxbotica, learned to navigate thanks to a series of programs which included Grand Theft Auto V. The tech company claims that there are not enough hours in a day to clock the real world miles needed, so GTA was used to simulate. According to researchers in London, if everyone on earth regularly washed their hands properly, over one million lives would be saved every year. Roodharigendag, or International Redhead day in an annual event held on the first weekend in September in Breda, small town in the Netherlands. Thousands of natural redheads attended, participating in lectures, workshops, and demonstrations all focusing on having red hair. American scientist James Reyniers conducted several studies building clean rooms and using various animals in an attempt to determine if they could survive without bacteria. He eventually concluded that it was technically possible, but many of his test subjects died, due to the digestive system needing certain bacterias in order to break down food and extract nutrients. On September 6, 1901, Doctor Roswell Park was performing surgery when he was called on. He replied that he couldn't leave, even for the president of the United States. Ironically, it was, in fact, President William McKinley, who had been shot and needed him, but he refused to abandon his patient. The president died, and two weeks later, Parks saved a woman who presented with similar injuries. According to the results of a Harris Interactive Survey, women who play video games tend to have more sex and have happier relationships than those who don't. There's a farm in Delaware that turns old, damaged and retired United States paper currency into mulch. It's estimated that nearly four tons of the bills are turned into compost every day. According to an article published in 2002, there's been a constant increase in human beings maximum life expectancy since 1841, of around 3 months per year. An Ikea, in the Netherlands was forced to cancel their one Euro Sunday morning breakfasts, when the demand for them began causing huge traffic jams and road closures. According to a report in 2018, in four of America's five largest cities, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington D.C., it's actually cheaper to rely on Uber than to own your own car. Dallas is the odd city out, and owning a car there actually saves you $116 a week. In 1978, Francisco Macias Nguema, the first president of Equatorial Guinea changed the nation's motto to there is no other god than Macias Nguema. A year later he was ousted and executed. Actor Frankie Munez suffers from memory loss so damaging he doesn't remember starring in the hit show Malcolm in the Middle. His girlfriend actually keeps a journal of what they do day to day to keep him reminded and help with the condition. Studies show that people who have friends live longer than those who don't. In fact, having a community as friends is as healthy as quitting smoking, and almost twice as beneficial to your life expectancy as having being physically active. In 2006, October 10th was declared Tom Cruise Day in Japan. According to the Japan Memorial Day Association, Cruise was given the honor because he has visited the country more times than any other star in Hollywood. A study conducted at Stanford University School of Medicine involving 24 children between the ages of seven and 12 years old, revealed that they could recognize their own mother's voice even when she spoke only nonsense words, in less than one second with 97% accuracy. A study conducted in 2010 revealed that stressed out teenagers were almost instantly soothed upon hearing their own mother's voice. This is due to the bond making hormone called oxytocin being released when humans recognized the loved one as near. Thompson & Morgan, a U.K. horticulture company has created a plant that produces two different edible crops. Called the TomTato, it can apparently provide up to 500 tomatoes and two kilograms of potatoes over a season with just a single plant. The world's oldest social housing complex in Hausberg, Bavaira is called Fuggerei, and it's renters pay today what was paid when the houses were first built in the 1500s, the equivalent of one U.S. dollar. Before officially being given the name dynamite, the explosives were called Nobel's safety powder, and were named after their inventor Alfred Nobel. It's estimated that each commercial plane in the United States is struck by lightning at least once a year. But thankfully, due to technological advancements, lightning has not caused a crash since 1967. There's a steel bridge in Vietnam called Dragon Bridge. It's shaped like the legendary creature, complete with a head that shoots out balls of fire and jets of water. The average person spends more than three months of their lives on the toilet. Research shows that men, on average, spend four more minutes per day on the toilet than women do. After a shortage of human and pig tissues left doctors in Fortaleza, Brazil, unable to treat burns, they began using the skin of tilapia, a type of fish widely available in the area. The results were actually incredible, as tilapia had even more collagen, which is needed for scarring, than human tissue does. There are now clinical trials being conducted and this treatment could spread to other countries. Fish skin, ooh. In June of 2018, model company Revell agreed to stop producing one of their products, a model of a non-existent Nazi UFO called Haunebu II, the packaging of which claimed that it was the first ship that could fly in space. Revell received a number of complaints that it was historically inaccurate, and apologized for their ridiculousness. After a volcano called Mauna Loa erupted in December of 1935, the 15,000 residents in the town of Hilo, Hawaii, found themselves directly in the path of one of the five lava rivers. In order to stop it from destroying the town, the U.S. Army Air Corps dropped 20 bombs on the volcano, trying to cut it off at the source, which had never been attempted before. Luckily, they were successful. The ability to close your eyes, but still touch your nose is thanks to a sense beyond the five that you thought you already had, called proprioception. This extra meta-sense allows you to feel where your body parts are in relation to each other. In the 1960s, pre-internet hacking groups began taking over phone lines with, of all things, toys that they got out of cereal boxes. Whistles given out in boxes of Cap'n Crunch played at 2600 hertz, a tone that can commandeer phone lines and make as many long distance calls as the hackers wanted. In 1980, workers at a 3M plant in South Carolina were shocked to discover that the spools of plastic film used to make stationary items had created a force field of static electricity. Workers became frozen in place and couldn't get near the machinery. To escape, they literally had to walk backwards until they reached an area where the effect was less severe. Scientists using an MRI scanner at the University of California in Los Angeles, found that the same parts of the brain lit up when a subject was feeling heartbreak, such as at the end of a relationship, as to when they felt physical pain. And that's it, oh oh, Knowledge Whale blesses you. I hope you guys enjoy these amazing facts today. I hope you have a fantastic day, and click the card on the screen, and watch another episode. Why not, learn a little something. See you guys next time.
Channel: Matthew Santoro
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Keywords: 50 amazing facts matthew santoro, 50 amazing facts, amazing facts, facts, santoro 50 amazing facts, true facts, matt santoro 50 amazing facts, fun facts, interesting facts, interesting facts about the world, interesting facts about the human body, interesting facts about animals, interesting facts about dreams, interesting facts about cats, interesting facts about, interesting facts about space, interesting facts about black holes
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Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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