50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #111

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- Whoo, you already know what time it is! Here comes the facts! Here are 50 Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind. Discounting the planet's 30 kilometers per second trip around the sun, anything located on the Earth's equator is traveling around 1,600 kilometers per hour, while anything situated at either of the world's poles is essentially stationary, with spinning in place. There are actually no female peacocks. The correct name for the species is peafowl. Males are called peacocks, while females are called peahens. Females lack the bright blue color. Their feathers are brown, gray, or cream, and tend to be much smaller than their male counterparts. Counting all of the territories controlled, the country that exists in the most time zones is France with 12. The United States covers 11, and Russia covers nine. In the early 1950s, doctors at Tulane University in Louisiana discovered a way to trigger the pleasure and pain centers of the human brain using electrodes. In one of the most famous experiments, the team managed to give a female subject a 30 minute orgasm. A compass doesn't point to the planet's geographical north pole, it actually uses the earth's magnetic field to identify the magnetic north pole, which moves in loops up 80 kilometers per day. Between June 2nd and June 4th of 2017, a pop-up establishment called The Restaurant of Order Mistakes appeared in Tokyo, Japan. The owners actually hired people with dementia to be their waiters and waitresses which led to many diners having a laugh as they were served the wrong things. That was really funny until it wasn't. Lady Gaga wrote her hit songs Born This Way and Just Dance in only 10 minutes each. And both of them became number ones! During the Cold War as a deterrent for potential invaders, the Swiss government executed a plan to defend it's borders by having a number of bridges, roads and railways wired with explosives. Over 3,000 points of demolition were prepared, and the bombs could be detonated at any moment. Many of them hidden in the mountains and able to cause devastating rock slides. Nicknamed the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean, Mount Stromboli is a volcano situated on an island near Sicily, Italy. It's been in a constant state of eruption for over 2,000 years. After her screenwriter friend, Heather Robinson, was sexually harassed by a male producer, actress Carrie Fisher personally hand-delivered a package, as well as a note to the harasser. Inside the package was a cow tongue and a note that said if you ever touch my darling Heather or any other woman again, the next delivery will be something of yours in a much smaller box. I think she's talking about his you know. Southern Florida is the only place in the world where you can find alligators coexisting in the wild with crocodiles, even though the gators greatly outnumber the crocs. There is an online, interactive, digital map called Ancient Earth which can show you where the ground beneath your feet now would have been on the globe as far back as 750 million years ago. Before the rise in popularity of Netflix and pausing live TV, the British show EastEnders caused huge spikes in the power grid that required backup stations to go on stand by. This is because when a commercial break started, millions of people would put on a kettle for tea, suddenly drawing all of the electricity at the same time. That's a lot of tea. In the late 1980s and early 1990s professional pole vaulter Sergei Bubka broke the world records for high jump 35 times, beating his own previous records by only tiny amounts so that he could cash in on the record bonuses as many times as possible. It's said that we'll never know how high he could have actually jumped. Ketchup was initially sold as a medicine after a medical paper published in 1834 claimed tomatoes helped with digestive issues. A number of scientists believe that the earth used to have two moons in it's orbit. The smaller one crashed into the larger one to form the moon that we know and love today. The near side of the moon is much different from the far side which could mean that that half was changed, scarred by a collision. Google is technically one of the world's top five computer manufacturers by volume, simply due to the fact that they build their own servers. In 1994, the very first meeting of the Homestead, Florida Crime Watch group was interrupted when a bale of cocaine weighing 34 kilograms fell out of the sky. The drugs were being transported in a small plane overhead, and the traffickers ditched it when a US Customs jet caught up with it. Although he's easily recognized in part due to his dark-slicked hair, Elvis Presley was actually a natural blonde. He dyed it raven-black as he thought it would give him an edgier look. Honey bees are capable of transmitting diseases to each other through sex. The STDs tend to spread very quickly throughout the hive, as queens have been known to mate with 100s of males in a matter of hours. Around 95% of the population of Suriname live along the northern coast. This is because 91% of the African country is covered in dense jungle. Tigers are widely considered to be the most vengeful creatures in the animal kingdom. They've been known to stalk humans and other animals that have somehow wronged them for several days. Before he was the king of racy television, talk show host, Jerry Springer was a politician. In fact, he held office as the Mayor of Cincinnati for one whole year between 1977 and 1978. In the early 1900s, cars were actually considered the cleaner and healthier way to travel, as they didn't leave horse poop all over the streets. The pollution that horses left behind, along with the rising costs of food and stables led to the last horse-drawn carriage leaving the streets of New York in 1917. Every year, 1,000s of people attend the Interstate Mullet Toss, a charity event on the border between Alabama and Florida, in which paying participants literally toss dead fish from one state into the other. In the early 1990s a group at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan managed to successfully train pigeons to discriminate paintings by Picasso and Monet. After being presented with several examples of their artwork the birds managed to recognize pieces by the artists that had never been shown to them before. In the 2014 film Hercules, the beard that Dwayne Johnson sports isn't his own, but actually a prosthetic made of yak testicle hair. (baying) Yak. It's estimated that that world's oceans contain over $771 trillion worth of gold, but it's nearly impossible to obtain based on the fact that it was dissolved into the salt water. So many people move to Florida after retiring, that by 2030 it's estimated that one in four people living there will be over the age of 65. The piercing cry that so many, especially in the United States associate with the bald eagle, isn't an eagle screech at all. Hollywood, in an effort to make the symbol of the USA more fierce often dub in the cry of a red-tailed hawk. This is because the actual sound that eagles make sounds more like a singing parakeet than the a tough predator from the sky. When traveling down to Sweden's coast on the Iron Ore Line, trains generate up to five times the amount of electricity that they use. In turn, this energy is used to power towns and other trains. According to a 2012 census, the Falkland Islands, a British territory in the South Atlantic, have over a half a million sheep, but only 2,932 permanent residents. That means that there's around 167 sheep for every human being. The official highest recorded temperature on planet Earth was 56.7 degrees Celsius, or 134 degrees Fahrenheit. It occurred on July 10th, 1913 at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley, California. For 90 years, it was believed that El Azizia in Libya experienced the highest temperature until the World Meteorological Organization disqualified the record in 2012. According to NASA satellite data, the coldest recorded temperature was negative 94.7 degrees Celsius, or negative 135.8 Fahrenheit. It was recorded in August of 2010. It happened in Antarctica. Before he was a superstar, actor Harrison Ford was a carpenter. He was doing work on a door for legendary producer Fred Roos at the very place that George Lucas was holding a casting call for Star Wars. At random he read for Hans Solo, got the part, and quickly became famous. In addition to the standard set of teeth, moray eels have a second set of jaws located in their throats. Due to their narrow heads, they would otherwise have trouble swallowing prey, however, they can push the throat teeth forward to grip what's in their mouths and pull it into their digestive system. That's some alien nightmare stuff. Though it was a maximum, high-security federal prison that held some of the most notorious inmates, Alcatraz was also famous for the incredible food served to the inmates there. Murderers that were serving multiple life sentences were eating beef steak, baked meat croquettes and iced cupcakes. They were allowed to eat as much as they wanted as long as they left no waste behind. Lucky inmates. Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter started dating, got engaged, got married, and then divorced each other, all while playing brother an sister as the stars of the Showtime series Dexter. The first electric lighting installed at the White House was put in in 1891. President Benjamin Harrison was so afraid of getting electrocuted that he refused to touch any of the switches to turn them on. When threatened by a predator, red-eyed tree frog embryos can detect the danger, and in seconds free itself from its egg and drop away to safety. They can do this even if it would otherwise be several days before it hatches naturally. Singer-songwriter Kesha once sent out a request that her fans send her samples of their teeth. The performer was creating an art piece while in rehab for an eating disorder, and required her followers pearly whites to complete it. While they make up only 1% of the human population, psychopaths seem to be good business people. An Australian study showed that more than one in five CEOs were psychopaths. A number that rivals the percentage of people in prison. British artist Richart Sowa built an artificial island in Mexican waters using 100,000 plastic bottles to keep it afloat. It's over 25 meters long and has been recognized by the Mexican government as an eco-boat. Ferdinand Waldo Demara spent much of his life as other people. Starting in 1941, the American-born identity thief impersonated monks, a prison warden, a sheriff's deputy, and many others as he moved from place to place. And while pretending to be Brother John Payne with the Brothers of Christian Instruction, Demara founded a college that was actually chartered by the state. Another fun fact is that during the Korean War, Demara also impersonated a surgeon while onboard a Royal Canadian Naval destroyer. But despite being a total fraud, he managed to memorize how to perform certain surgeries from a textbook, and completed operations on 16 Korean combat casualties. The meow sound that cats make is actually a language developed especially for humans. Research into how felines communicate revealed that they very rarely meow at one another, but do so when they want something from their human owners. Before he was the host of Inside the Actor's Studio, James Lipton was a pimp. After World War II, Lipton spent a year representing prostitutes in Paris, France, as it was the only job that he could get at the time. Despite the fact that adult flamingos stand between 1.2 and 1.5 meters tall, these animals only weigh between 1.8 and 3.6 kilograms. This incredibly low body density is what allows them to stay in the air and travel at speeds of up to 60 kilometers an hour. If global warming caused the oceans to rise, the first nation to disappear would be The Maldives. The island country is the flattest on planet Earth, with no area rising naturally higher than three meters above sea level. When manatees and alligators approach each other in the water, the alligators give the manatees the right of way. In Florida, a number of gators, even ones that are 3.7 meters long will passively allow a manatee to pass by before continuing to swim. (flames sizzling) And that's it. That's knowledge whale. (screaming) Hope you guys enjoyed this. If you did, leave a comment below. What was your favorite fact on this list? Because there's lots more coming next time. So stay tuned and I'll see you guys then. Buh-bye now.
Channel: Matthew Santoro
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Keywords: remake movies, famous movies 2018, famous movies of all time, famous movies songs, movies remade 2018, movie secrets, movie secrets in their eyes, movies, movie secrets revealed, movie secrets you missed, movie secrets and lies, movie secrets that took years, movie secrets 2017, movie secrets on bet, movie secrets disney
Id: kDhFSskYCfM
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Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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