50-41 | 100 Greatest Games Ever Made!

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finally the long slog of the bottom half is over but that is the foundation upon which we build our list and the Great Pyramid of games we had to Wade through a neck deep level of trash I know and now we're finally clear breathing Waist Deep level of trash until we get to the ten to one stop 100 games [Music] wrong [Music] is better what's up everybody I'm Mike I'm Nick we are the brothers Murphy it's time to continue down to our journey of the top hundred games of all time this is an objective list made with science and the science is we basically said like what are my favorite games and I chose those games that's how science works there's a Bunsen burner on over there it is unsafe boom it is right near an electrical outlet and it's going to cause problems later but we've got to get a lot of kerosene we are talking about yeah not next time we're officially in the top 50 which is very very exciting I want to give a quick quick shout out to tabletop Alliance who we're partnering with for this whole top 100 they're an awesome uh they're awesome non-profit who gives games into the hands of teachers and loves after school clubs who want to teach games or use games in their teaching it's super super cool um as the time of recording this so it's been like five or six different teachers including one from like rural Alaska which is super cool if you're a teacher work with them they will send games to any place including rural only accessible by playing Alaska indeed so again and then over on the right side of your screen there's a donate button we're trying to raise at least 2 thousand dollars really let's smash that goal but not unless tabletop lines follow the link up here there's a whole video we did on where you can learn how to get more involved in kind of what they do they're super super awesome but Mikey let's get in the 50 and 41 huh sounds good all right my number 51 is just snuck in um is the castles of burgundy offensive honestly I know I think people some people have given me like like grief for some placements but like let's give Nick some grief now yeah if you want to be upset with this one I love gastonbury it's in my top 50 which is very impressive honestly very good but the castle is burgundy it's a classic Stefan Feld game it's a classic for a reason because it's incredibly good this is a game where you have a central board and there's going to be different Depots on there that have different tiles like shipping tiles and like build Animals Building Euro games this game kind of coined the phrase points out because you kind of do a whole bunch of stuff and you always just get points for kind of everything right everything gives you points everything you do and you're drafting these tiles and putting them onto your board and then you can put them into your duchy the nice thing is is the one thing about castle Brady what you really like is Castle and burgundy is ultimately a very simple game yeah you roll out two dice on your turn and those two dice dictate what you can do if you have like a one that means you can grab a tile from like the one duchy or you can take a tile and put it onto a one space into your I'm sorry grab from the main board or put it on a one space in your dutchie right that's pretty much it and the tiles themselves do different things but ultimately it's very very simple the game and it's like I would say it's like a Gateway game but the rules are pretty limited but there's so much strategy and there's like so many different dudgies and expansions and stuff for it it's just it's a classic for a reason I absolutely love um because we're gonna be higher on this guy's list but um it's really really good we have the old version like Robert came with a newer version which looks nicer now there's like a big crazy version which we did not get and then maybe someday maybe I am intrigued but nonetheless I love castles burgundy I think it's absolutely outstanding it's a classic for a reason and it's my number 50. I respect that my number 50 is a new game that's just delivering we've had it for a little bit longer than folks because we did a video for it this is Wayfarers of the South Tigris slow I mean it's working its way out wow I don't know I thought this might be your top 20. it's a brand new game man the the highest of the brand new game I don't know that's fair but I like it you like it a lot it is destined for a higher Point okay cool uh so this is a Garfield games game uh that's at the beginning of a new Trilogy of games there was North Sea the West Kingdom now the South Tigris and uh this is a a dice placement so like you have dice workers and also just standard worker placement game uh where you can build up synergies with cards basically there's these four types of cards there's cards that are on the land and they fall into two categories of cities and and kind of like Landscapes uh and then on the water side there's harbors and then kind of like Open Sea Open Water there's also all these different space cars they'll have stars and planets and all sorts of things that are all just point based end game point based yeah uh and within these types of cards you can play You're gonna build out this Tableau that's extending on either side of your board and up above in a second world all those star cards and space cards and stuff like that and this game is all about building synergies between the types of cards that you're getting put out into your tablet below because they will often come with tags such as cities and Landscapes and such and oftentimes you will be rewarded for kind of continuing to gain certain types of tags uh the you might have something that gives you a coin every time you get an open water so maybe I want to get a bunch of Open Water to do that there's also Town spoke in the game that can get slotted in under a lot of those cards too then mitigate how those cards work even further and on and on and on there's a lot to do there's so much to do and this game can be like kind of overwhelming on that first teach because it's like there's a million options that to me is what's so fun about this is like you can it's an open book like it's one like literally like all the Garfield games it's the less has a less linear like you should do this it's kind of like those are all the things you can do choose something do whatever you want it's all about finding synergies and bonuses and how does this combo into that so I can eek out more out of the resources that I produce the dice workers you have are only yours they go onto your player board onto the various cards you build but there's these workers that actually go out onto the central board and give you like little hits of resources and stuff but then if someone drafts that card if there's any workers on it they get those workers so it's kind of like those are like a public resource that we use and that will move around and I think there's kind of a Brilliance to that kind of close economy of workers yeah yeah and if you don't place any workers there's just no workers out you still have your dice though so it's not like you're you're not stuck but it's just like there's just so many things that work so intricately with each other yeah that it's um that's why it's only 50 now but it's definitely so much higher I've forgotten when you were talking here I remembered because I was looking through my list I was like where's Wayfarers on mine I forgot when we did our list wafer somehow didn't end up in the thing yeah so that's why it's actually not on my list it would have been on my list but that's right you're you put it Midway through my yeah through my rankings that's why it's Midway through this list but number 50 is Wayfarers of the South Tigris it's so good I've heard some people have talked about the next game in the series them better than this one I'm like well hold on now that's true then we're in a different Stratosphere I literally can I'm so excited that's number 50 for both of us let's get into 49. number 40 is a game that we've uh really well yeah but 40 minutes we're not on 40. everything from now on is 40 until we're in the 30s and it's all 30 49. he said it goes first continent oh good it's a goodie it's game John declare AEG I think it's most Bingo style games the most underrated game on the planet it might be it's way up there it's not it's not unappreciated by people people have played eco's first continent really enjoy it but I think it's one of these games that I'm like man this is so much better than we are talking about no one's mentioning how great it is to us anyway yeah and I think it's because it uses a bingo mechanism and people for some reason think that's like a bad thing and it's really not it's like it's not so the Bingo mechanism the way it works out is you are we are all working to change this landscape that is in the central board around us that is all these different hexes of land and water you can add mountains and trees and different types of animals to this land uh and we all want to have the land be kind of laid out in a certain way for our purposes because we have these cards we're going to put into play that are going to allow us to change change the landscape add animals and ultimately kind of score based on the state of the game as it is in the present right and so we're kind of getting everything set up so we can trigger this big scorecard Kaboom you get a bunch of points and things like that uses a bingo mechanism because these cards have to have to be activated by hitting all these different kind of like little element type symbols that's on the top of the card and you're gonna pull out these these really chunky element tiles that'll be like sun or grass or water and things like that and his son gets pulled out anyone who has a son on one of their car it's going to add a little energy Cube to it if you want or you can choose a knot and you kind of spin this other thing around which helps you play cards get cards get more energy cubes things like that yeah so you're always going to get to do something yes you're never stuck but there is the randomness of like those those yeah tiles being pulled out but to us the game is so funny because when you start to activate stuff you can combo your cards together in crazy ways all your cards will give you these symbols as well yeah when you like to give you when you turn this card it'll give you like two water symbols which you can then put on there and now this card's full and so then you can also activate that card yeah and so you can do that you might add land I want to have this big old desert and stuff puts a bunch of mountains on it then I'm gonna you know do those which gives me an energy to pop down onto this new card which allows me to trigger that I score for all the mountains that are in one mountain range and stuff and there's just like so many combinations there's all of these cards a ton of cards are all unique and you know they'll be like this one you put down a rhino then you score you can score three points for every Rhino that's not adjacent to any other animals because they want to be they're solitary yeah they want to be alone and so it's like just stuff like that yeah so it's really fun to be like I want to build things out in the way that I want but Nick has like different goals in myself and you start putting like a river through the desert and I'm like no man like I don't want no River there like I'm trying to put out hippos yeah you're drinking the hippos and I'm like well I'm gonna put a shark down and eat your hippos and make points and stuff it's really interesting to be like all working to modify this landscape and this kind of ever-growing board in between you we're kind of like dueling Gods almost kind of yeah we're trying to shape it shape it in our image and stuff and it's just really fascinating and really fun the com the combos from the card play I think it's so neat it plays uh two to five it is fun at different player counts and stuff it obviously feels different but it works all the player counts the expansion's cool it's just like literally like it doesn't under I don't understand why it's not talking about Morris by John declare very much it's so weird to us and I'm like so why are we sleeping on this one of the greatest games that's eco's first continent I love it I think people should talk about it more our ID number 49 for me number 49 for me at this point is probably my go-to Gateway game I think it's probably the best Gateway game out there at least for me personally this is Project L project L is about the letter L shapes shapes shapes so one thing that's nice about it probably all has no theme which is kind of nice because like you if you're playing Clarkson as a Gateway game you might be like carcasso and it's about like you're build not the character region of France people might be like okay why this one has no theme so you know it's not gonna like yeah bother anybody or anything like that but basically you're going to get these dual layer cards and these dual layer cards will have a big void in the middle of them and you have to take these really nice acrylic pieces and you're going to be putting those in those voids trying to fill it up so you're kind of Tetris style you're trying to fill in an area and they have a bunch of different like Tetris shapes and then once you fill in that area you get to take off your pieces you get to keep those pieces yes and then you get we'll get to score that card at the end of the game on your attorney you have like three actions you can do you can get a new puzzle you can have up to four going at one time or you can place pieces or you can do it what's called a master action which means you get to place one piece in all of your puzzles that's where the game gets juicy and so it's just like so you're just trying to get these pieces you can also I'm sorry upgrade a piece as well so you can go from like a little one by one to like a two one or a two to a three or three to a four and then oftentimes when you fill out these puzzles they will give you another shape on top of that so get all your shapes back and usually we'll get another one and then there are um two different kinds of puzzles some are bigger and have more open space and therefore are worth more points and you're just trying to score the most points but it's so darn simple because it's something people understand like hey there's this void here's these shapes fill in that void everyone can understand that concept and on top of that the actions are very very simple you can get a puzzle you can put stuff in your puzzles or you can upgrade your pieces that's it and it just works it works so well it's in a very reasonable size box it just it looks very nice because it's just kind of like black and white the two layer boards are really satisfying so nice which they didn't need to do but it makes it so much easier to play and it's better and then these really nice acrylic pieces got that little click clack action which is nice and it just works as a if you're playing a game with non-gamers you can teach this game to anybody it just will go over so well because it's just a little puzzle and people love little puzzles and it looks really really nice and then you can start working in some more stuff so at this point I honestly think projectile is the best Gateway game out there I think it's absolutely outstanding I love introducing it to people I love bringing it to places with non-gamers because I think it's absolutely outstanding and you're just filling in Tetra stuff people love that kind of stuff it's so good it's great satisfaction level is high on that one it really is project development number 49 I think it's really really outstanding um and let's get number 48. number 48 is actually my favorite game two solo if you know anything about me you will know that I like this game solo because I talk about a lot this is X libris oh yeah yeah X Libras is a game where you are running a magical Library um it's Library it's kind it is indeed the best kind of stuff and so you uh have a library the library will have a special power and a special worker so you can be like a Bigfoot library or like you're a witch who has a library like a cube and stuff it's very very cool and so then you'll get generic workers and then a special worker that goes along with your library which will have a special power which is nice because everyone's a little bit different yeah and then you have different locations that you're putting your workers out and those are most going to give you these shelf cards and these shelf cards are going to be part of a shelf that will have a certain kinds of books on them the books will have different genres like potions or like like corrupted codices or um historical books in like Fantastical fictions and stuff just different genres of books and you're basically trying to build out your library trying to build up your shelf by putting these cards next to each other and building a big old shelf but because it's a library your library has to be in alphabetical order so you have to go a b c d e and so on and so forth you also need to try I make sure your library is very square and very stable because you don't want like big teeter-tottery shelves and stuff and then on top of that there's certain books that you really really want you will have a focus on your library so you want to try and get a lot of those kinds of books there but you also want a very wide variety of books at the same time because you will score three points per book that you have the least of and then there's also each game banned book so maybe this time potions are the banned books and so you don't want any potion books because for every potion book you have you'll get a negative point so it's one of those things where there's so many things to think about this game you need to have a stable shelf you need to try to get your focus you need to try and get a wide variety of books but you need to try and make sure you don't get banned books you need to make sure it's in alphabetical and numerical order because there's multiple a shelves there's like five a shelves so it's a one through five so if you have a four before A3 those are out of order hard to find those books so there's so many things to think about in this game but it's got some pretty bad graphic design issues unfortunately and so I actually really enjoy playing this game solo where you're playing against the public library which I think is hilarious because they're just like gobbling up book it'll take anything no shelves no organization they're just taking everything everything everything and then you have to try and beat them and then there are certain ways that you'll score because they have no shells they won't get any kind of shelf stability bonuses that you do but they just I have so many they're very much quantity over quality yes exactly and it's really really fun solo I really really love it it's the point now where I just flat out don't even want to play the game if I'm not playing it solo we still have it strictly because I like to play it solo yeah um otherwise I think we would have called it if we if it was strictly a multiplayer game it would have gotten cold because it works really well yeah and honestly with the graphic design features of Texas very very small in the locations and it's basically unplayable unfortunately but I really like X Libras I would love for them to redo this game maybe clean up a couple things clean up the graphic design and release it again because I honestly think it's an outstanding game agreed um but yeah it's my number 48 I Love Actually versus by far my favorite solo game uh and I love it nice my number 48 is another new game I sound like I don't know if I have any other new games several within this section uh it is you do love this game yeah yeah this one didn't make my list but I probably will in the future brand new game from board and dice board and dice makes games that we typically like against quite a lot yeah they're just you know Euro game goodness uh and this one is uh really interesting because you're it's a like they do a lot you're kind of drafting and using dice uh for stuff and then doing stuff on a board and this one you're gonna be every round drafting three Dice from these this kind of like action wheel uh and you just roll out the dice and then assign them based on their values all the ones together and twos and things like that and what is really fun and interesting is there's these five action types you can take and when you take a die you are going to get resources equal to the pit value and the resources you get will be based on its colors so pink provides food for example so if it's four of pink I'll get four food as soon as I take that and then I'm gonna get the inverse amount of action point points equal to seven so if I get a die that has a pit value of 4 I'm going to get three action points if I take a pit value one die I get six action points so you are playing that game of like how do I balance my resources which I need to carry out a lot of the types of actions I can do versus I need to have more actions so I can actually spend those resources and like do the stuff you're getting six gold which is awesome but then I could do one action point you're like that sucks I really want me to be doing more than that but what am I kind of willing to to get rid of and then of course the way the dice rollout will dictate kind of yeah what you can do there's one point where like like all the time but like two were like twos and we were kind of like well I guess we're doing this a lot yeah a lot of actions yeah and so there's ways to mitigate stuff you can manipulate the dice and things like that but this game is really fun because we love games that where you get rewarded with combinations of stuff and this game has all sorts of crazy combinations like you'll pull off a turn at some point that is just bananas like uh there's these bonus styles that you pick up throughout the board on the action wheel and various places and they will give you sometimes just like resources straight away uh they might give you a shield a Crest rather that you can put down onto your player board but oftentimes these bonus tiles will come with bonus action points for a specific action you can do which may not be the action that you chose that turn and so literally you can use those whenever so mid turn you could be like I'm dropping this I'm going to move my architect over here put a pillar down uh because I just got Stone I know I'm doing the the character action but just got some Stone I want to build a part of a cathedral so midterm do that build this part of the cathedral blam back to my character tournament drop this character down they every time you put them into a building they trigger a bonus which then moves your Merchant over and now I'm in the right place for the fair at the end of the round you can do that throughout the game you can do turns like that that are just in every game you're going to have crazy at least one Bonkers term yeah where you just do so much stuff and you're like this is amazing because this game comes down to you have like 12 odd turns yeah uh you have a very limited amount of time to do stuff but you get to do so much stuff within the that's really amazing and that satisfaction level for the game is high because I feel like I got to see The Matrix for a minute and I got to really manipulate and pull the strings and the levers and things of this game and so it's really fun to play with it yeah and it's a game that allows you to do that without being too grindy in or in order to get in there you'd still need to have high strategy to win and all that stuff it's not some Gateway game certainly not but um I don't know it's just so fun to pull off those things this is not a pretty game which is a shame but it is so good that it vastly overcomes for me uh its looks it's it's very functional purely functional uh which board and dice is definitely guilty of at times of going function over art form um he makes those too I promise you I know it is possible to do it but this one uh works so so well and uh you're just trying to get you know the board built up in certain ways to trigger you know the most points possible during the fair at the end of each round and it's just really really fun over the place really fun so that's my number whatever 48 indeed let's get number 47. number 47 is a solo uh little resettable campaign game that we covered it's not quite out yet but I like it so I'm putting it on my list it is legacy of you oh I saw them played this yet dude I'm you haven't you've had I've been hogging it through it yeah I haven't played it yet this is a solo campaign game we're gonna play through uh at least seven games and upwards of like 13 or 14 games because you're ultimately trying to win seven games before you lose seven games uh I started off and have mostly lost this game so this is a game where you are you really had to get advice from Shem I did so help me out man he's just like I got you bro sham is the designer it's another Garfield game uh this is a game that uses you're trying to like make them the best possible use of your kind of pool of resources and workers that you generate each round and you can play these Harvest cards that will allow you to generate kind of more stuff as the game goes every round you're going to get certain amount of workers certain amount of resources and things it's just like this efficiency puzzle because you got a lot of stuff to balance you need to build you're ultimately trying to build now so you're trying to build canals because there's been a ton of flooding and everything like that and you're trying to make it a safer you know area to land and kind of married a cultivate and farm and stuff like that make peaceful you have barbarians that are coming in threatening your actions building the canals themselves is a dangerous task and you will often lose workers which are represented by these cards that you're playing down that will provide you resources and things like that and you're kind of managing this deck of cards and you're trying to recruit new workers down to help you know provide their skills and abilities and put them essentially to work to help kind of better the land and these are the kind of these multi-use cards which you can use just for a little hit of resources you can tuck them under your board to kind of do stuff during the harvests and things like that so they have a lot of kind of abilities you can work with so uh this is a game where it's like you can be overrun by barbarians you can run out of time you can lose all these different ways and as you kind of build out the sections of canals you get access to more and more ability to kind of manipulate and trade your resources around you get the right stuff you need need to then build the next section of canal and things like that however as you do that you're kind of making more you're making yourself more known more barbarians start flooding in faster and faster so you have to work harder to overcome them and the game ramps up in a really hard way so it's really fun really tough really thinking perfect for a solo game yeah because I want to put my head down and think about what I need to do here and this game is nice and contained in terms of its size it's really fun to play and the campaign's cool because if you lose a bunch like I did you're going to get some story elements and stuff you're going to unlock you're still moving forward you're always moving forward you're going to unlock some stuff that is going to maybe help you out a little bit so there's that as you start to win your life is going to get a little harder so it can it constantly self balances so that the challenge level stays in this kind of happy median Zone like if you're crushing it the game will get harder if you're if you're getting crushed it's gonna make a little easier until you kind of write the ship and you're trying to win seven games before you lose seven games but it's a fully resettable campaign you don't ever tear anything up yeah yeah and it's really fun to uncover the story and try to get better at this puzzle so much fun yeah it's cool all right yeah I'm excited to try that one I haven't had a chance so good my number 47 is a game that I've actually cooled on a little bit um but this is lost ruins of arnoch sure yeah eyeglasses are not a lot this game came out is always between dude Imperium and lost friends are on which one is better I like lost we went last week it's gonna be better um dude Imperium will not show up on my list um but I really like lost runes on especially with your Expedition leaders expansion which makes everyone a little bit different gives them a slightly different deck this is a deck builder worker placement game which seems to be a very very popular um combination of mechanics right now there's a lot of these games um and this is a game where you are exploring you're kind of going into and you're exploring the land that's kind of like big uninhabited area and you're kind of exploring all these like abandoned temples and stuff like that you're kind of digging up like uh ancient civilization yeah so like you're kind of going around and doing that and uh it's it's cool because you kind of can go to the spots on the beach which are very easy and accessible give you very easy resources but you can kind of go farther and farther and farther into the board and those will give you better resources better things but the problem is is you will need to travel there because you need to go on this side of the board you need a boat to get up there or you might need a truck to get up to this part so your cars that you're playing you can turn them in because they're going to have these different symbols like a boat or a truck travel exactly if you travel play those to travel put them up there and then also on top of that your um cards will do a lot of different stuff you can play them just as cards give you resources exchange your resources a whole bunch of different stuff um and then you can also buy new items you can buy artifacts which are better which you have to turn in resources every time you use and it's just a deck building game I think the main problem with loss was arnock is there is a research track and that is a big big part of the game because ultimately your goal is to learn and then do research yes you need to be going up this research track so whenever I teach this game always tell them like this is a very important this is the game over here yeah it's like this is you need to be doing this um but this what I love about the game is this is one of those games where it's like the first two rounds of this game are gonna go very very fast yeah because you only have so many cards you only have so many resources but every time it comes back to you you can keep doing stuff forever as long as you have the ability to do so so the thing is is like when you get especially the fourth and fifth round it becomes just like how long can you extend your targets how long can you extend your rounds like oh I'm gonna go do this that's gonna be these two resources okay now I can go over here and turn these two resources to do this that's going to be this okay now I can turn this into go up the research track oh that bonus right there gives me allows me to draw a card oh great I drew this card now I can turn this into you you just keep going and going and going and I really enjoy games where it's just about trying to extend your route as far as humanly possible and I think last words are not does that really really well I do think if you like lost ruins you should definitely give the Expedition leaders expansion yeah honestly if you're really interested in this game I would just get it it's one of those expansion words like you'll just never not play with it it's just fun to have like a little bit of a player power add some extra cards and then cool yeah they're cool they're all different uh there's also now like another research track so you have some more variety there there's like a hard side and easy side of the board so there's a lot of variety now I'm assuming they're probably I can put more expansions out there but yeah it's really really good I like lost words on it it's absolutely gorgeous I think it's probably the prettiest board ever it's so so pretty I really like lost ones are knock a lot um yeah and it's my number 47 again it's like I was super hot and it first came out I've cooled a little bit but it's still my top 50. I really really enjoy it best number 47 lost ruins are not let's get number 46. my number 46 is one of the games that is so easy to get to the table and that is Cascadia cascadius Phil jars winner it's just one of those games again delightful we were playing so so so so much we've kind of slowed down a little bit which is just natural but man I'll play it anytime though yes Cascadia is one of those games I will play at any time and it is so easy to get to the table this is a game uh by flat out games where you have a little you have hex tiles which are going to be different uh Landscapes they're gonna have part of a river on it part of Mountains part of like grasslands and when you're drafting these tiles you're also going to draft an animal along with it you will take a pair of a tile and an animal and then you'll place the tile somewhere and then you have to place that animal on one of your tiles that can hold that animal so it might be like a hawk or like a fish or a bear or an elk or something like that North American Cascadia which I believe is what like Washington areas I think so Cascadia I believe I think so Pacific Northwest I believe sure our ignorance here yeah we'll say yes it is that area the Cascade region those kind of there's not like elephants is what I'm getting exactly that'd be Bonkers no expansions different region versions why not would be cool but now listen so you put that on there and then each animal the five or six animals are all going to score in a different way so like the salmon white might want to all be in a line the Elks might want to be in different groups you might want a big group of something the Hawks might all want to be very far away from each other and so every game you're going to choose a scoring condition for each of these animals there's like five of them in the box you just kind of randomly choose one and that's how those animals are gonna score and that's the whole game is you'd grab a tile with a pair of an animal put out the tile put out the animal and you're trying to score as much as you can for these animal types that's it there's is one of those games where it's like it's probably Gateway plus I honestly think you could teach it with pretty much any non-game understand how it works it's so so easy it's got Beth solo art so it's really really pretty and it's just simple you have you can also get these like nature tokens which you can turn into Break The Rules it's a teeny teeny bit but ultimately it's very very simple and it just works there's the reason why I won the Spiel is yours is because it's just so simple so easy pretty elegant and it's just so dang easy to get to the table yeah you just break it out whenever it's like at the end of the night let's play a little Cascade it's quick you know it's like 30 minutes maybe it's just like it's just done Cascadia is so good yeah fully agree that is such a good uh pick my man my number 46 is New Frontiers race for the Galaxy games uh wow I played like once I played a lot during the early days of Kobe which is probably why it's here uh you love this game I do love you just got it finally got it finally got it I got to play physically I played it digitally uh you know on bga's up much more uh this is a race for the Galaxy games you're doing race for the Galaxy stuff and the kind of main mechanism that you'll see there is the sort of action selection where uh not every action is going to happen every round only once I get selected by one or more players will happen and if you're the one who selected that action everyone gets to do it including you but you get a bonus for that you get a better version of that action you get to get a development tile for cheaper perhaps and things like that so you get to do uh more stuff so there's kind of like the mental game of like I'm pretty sure you're gonna explore this guy's gonna explore so I'm going to do this over here yeah and try to like maximize and get the bonus and stuff but still get to do the other stuff in the game uh in this game you are trying to explore planets uh and then kind of settle those planets you are trying to do the develop action and get these different tiles onto your player board which will give you discounts we'll give you bonuses for different types of planets that you might settle and things all sorts of things like that you're going to kind of in this game very quickly build up a little engine for yourself we're going to focus in on kind of one area of the game I'm gonna do a bunch of consume action things so if I ever do the action where I get to do my consume stuff I'm just going to trigger a whole bunch of things a lot of plants will produce resources so you can kind of make them produce their resources then spend those resources on stuff to turn in for victory points and you're gonna be pulling as you score victory points from this pool that's in the center of the table that's going to be the timer for the game based on player count you'll have a certain amount of victory points one that empties yeah that'll be the last round of the game and of course in my opinion it's like you have a set amount of which you can do and then once it's gone that's what you don't see that very often it's very interesting yeah so you can you can end the game that way if you settle a certain amount of planets you can end the game if you fill up a certain part of your player board with development things you can end the game that way there's lots of ways mostly it'll be you know emptying that pool of victory points so you're kind of trying to get this like little engine built up as quick as you can and start working that engine to kind of race and grab those points so it really does feel like a race game because this game will be fast if it's if you're playing it well you're going to grab the right things get stuff up and running and so it's kind of cool to have that quick sense of engine building um and it's like the player boards where you put your kind of planets all around which then starts to provide their abilities and stuff as well there's a lot of fun things to do and it's ultimately not too heavy or anything like that um I've had a lot of friends with New Frontiers over the last few years so that's why it's on my list I'm so happy to have it physically finally yes yeah Newport News I want to play it again um it's a good and yeah it's cool I'm glad we finally got it yeah really really good all right cool that was our number 46 is let's get number 45. 45 Nick a classic it's a classic as classic as Carcassonne it's carcasso oh okay I was like what it's up uh CarZone classic Gateway level game is a tile placement game pure and simple you're building out Carcassonne France area which is just sort of a rural area it could be anywhere on Earth it could be New Jersey why not New Jersey why not us um because there'd be no grass probably true I'm assuming it's mostly hot dog stands building on a boardwalk anyway we don't understand New Jersey point is it's in France and stuff and you were trying to build out these tiles now you're turning You're simply going to flip over a tile from any of the available piles flip over a tile add it to the board that we are all building together and the main thing is that you have to make the landscape make sense so you can't have a road Dead ending into a city that would be bad the cities have walls if you're making a city speaking of you want to complete the City by having all the walls connect up so it's fully enclosed and safe and as you complete that as you complete a section of roads and stuff you get to score you're gonna Place meeples onto a tile when you place it if you want to claim this road is mine and when it completes you get to score the points to that road or this city is mine I can build into a city that you're trying to go to and if I connect them up later now we both have presents we can share that City and stuff like that so it's really beautiful and simple and the reason we say it's like such a good Gateway game is because the intuition of like grass touching grass makes sense if the landscape makes sense you can play that tile and that's something that everybody can get yes like you just don't know how don't have roads that end don't have a city all of a sudden go into a field that'd be weird and that is really useful I think when people are kind of getting into games to like not feel so overwhelmed it's like hey does this board look like a sensible place to live then we've done it correctly yeah yeah and the fact that we always talk about the board starts off with one tile in the middle of the table and becomes a sprawling thing it's just really interesting and exciting and different yeah uh and so this is one that we'd love to bust out with anybody and it's also just like if you want to play a game of Carson still really fun to play yeah it's not like it's only for beginners or anything like that and so this game just has massively just base carcass on it it's still in my face it was in my top 100 you know it's still my favorite games like two player based carcassone is outstanding so good yeah it's outstanding that's carcassum love it all right cool that's your number 45 I remember 45 is a new game um it is seven wonders Architects oh yeah nice I don't really like seven wonders that much I think it's too complicated I don't think it's really a Gateway game people always say it is I think the science and stuff gets way too complicated drafting especially with new people gets confusing I think Seven Wonders duel is fine I've never understood why people like it as much they do but I really like seven wonders Architects I like it because everyone's Architects is is just a simple version of all those things I do things everyone as Architects is format for them for the most part a Gateway game yeah where basically you're gonna be building some kind of Wonder you are given a Wonder a lot of times that will also give you some kind of special power as you build your wonder and then you are gonna have your deck of cards which will have all the different resources like Papyrus and glass and stone and brick and all that kind of stuff and then kind of like seven wonders you care about your neighbors so you are going to put your deck of cards in between let's say the neighbor you're right and then and then they're going to put the neighbor to your left who's gonna put their cards in between you two so on your turn you can draw the top card of this deck the top card this deck or the top card of the face down just kind of generic deck in the middle and that's all you can do you just go this one this one or that one and then as you're building up your um your wonder you will need to have certain things so the very bottom might be like you need to have two different resources if I have a brick and a stone you will then turn those in and you'll flip over that part of your um of your uh wonder and then or this one might be two of the same and then three of the same three different four four and so it gets them harder as you go but it's super super simple and then a lot of times as you flip over these pieces you will then get to do some kind of special action so when I was playing recently I flipped it over and then I was able to take five cards from one of the decks to my side take one of the cards out of there and then essentially shuffle them back in and it's like cool so you get a little special power as you go and that's pretty much it you're trying to finish your um wonder you can can also get these military cards and then certain points of the game there will be like a big fight and you have to compare how many military symbols you have compared to your neighbors if you beat them you will get these Point tokens if you lose they get the point tokens and then that's it for that part and it's very very simple very very easy it looks really nice all of the production is like really really nice all of the Wonders come in these little trays which is really really cool it's just so simple I think it's a simple streamlined version of Seven Wonders that I think works really really well and at this point it's like pretty much the only way I want to play Seven Wonders um especially because like seven wonders dual to me it's just like a completely different game it's just it's not even like remotely like and so I like someone as Architects a lot it's gonna be a game that we bring out with kind of non-gamers or early Gamers all the time and I really really enjoy it's number 45. nice those are 45s is getting number four to fall number 44 we actually played last night at the time of recording this and this is gloomhaven we played in digital to be fair super good gloomhaven um we have not played in a little while now because we played all of Greenhaven a week you can follow the link yeah so what if we took 12 months off that's that's fair indeed again we played all of gloomhave in every single scenario in one week it was really fun and one of the reasons why we did that one because it's a fun challenge too because we were like this is the only way we're gonna get to play gloomhaven because we just don't have the time Mike's got a family we can't be playing gluehaven everything we can't like leave it up on our table for a month that dude that's not that's not how it's gonna happen but I really love gloomhaven I love this system this is a big Dungeon Crawl where you have a character on your turn every round rather you're going to be using two-year cards and to use the top half on the cards in the bottom half of another one of your cards the bottom half tend to be more movement based where you're gonna get to move around the top and tend to be more attack based and you're doing scenarios the scenarios might be classic kill all the enemies it might be like hey you need to go pull this lever a whole bunch of them there's like a 100 of them in the base game or 95 or something like that whole bunch and you're doing all these this you're doing this big main storyline but you're always gonna be unlocking all these like Side Story lines so you can go off so you can go down here and do this like side quests and come back to the main story it's very open you can do a lot of different things it's the number one game of all time on Board Game Geek it's blue Maven uh people love gloomhaven and so do I actually really really enjoy it that card play for the actions it's just really fun yeah you can of course upgrade your character and get cooler actions it's so it's so cool and I do love that part where it's like you really have to learn your character you have to learn how they work and then your mercenaries and your mercenes will retire at some point which means you have a special goal like you're kind of Life goal you're trying to do once you do it your mercenary has to retire and you will choose then a new character so halfway through your campaign you will then start a whole new character in which you have to then learn and you unlock stuff as you go it's really really cool and I really really like it digitally at this point I think I'll probably only ever play it digitally because the good thing is is it takes care of all the maintenance for you there's a lot of little rules in the game there's so many edge cases like well in this situation where would they actually go to the game the digital game takes care of all that kind of stuff it's still not the same as like actually playing the game but man it's just so easy we can like hey let's pop on play a quick scenario yeah and then we can just leave especially since we have played the game physically I'm like okay I'm good with that now let's play over here forevermore because and it's so easy it's so good I love gloomhaven it's number one for a reason people really really like it frost Haven is just now starting to hit people's hands we don't have Frost heavy because we're like we won't get to play it so we didn't back it but um who knows someday maybe we'll play it in a week but uh uh I really like Loom Haven I think it's outstanding system um and yeah I'm excited to uh try out more stuff on the digital stuff but I like blue maybe lots of number 44. nice my number 44 is a game that we've played uh more than just about anything else that was outside of a challenge anyway except this is legendary a Marvel deck building game pure deck building game where you're just getting better and better cards and using them to do better and better things uh and it's all set around Marvel characters and Marvel villains and stuff like that so what's really fun is in a game you're gonna choose like 5 five different Heroes and each come like 14 cards um and you're gonna smash them all together create this hero deck and you're going to create an assembly ultimately through the game of these different Heroes and to find the finding the synergies between those types of cards because they will all kind of have like a suit or a blended suit of like the blue cards and the yellow cards and oftentimes it's like if I play this yellow card then I play this second card this card will give me a bonus if I've already played a yellow card before and Wolverine gets to start drawing a bunch of cards and doing a bunch of Combos and stuff like that so it's all about building up the right deck of cards so you can hopefully pull out a hand that is very combo Wombo task yeah uh and it's just fun to be like you know all of your favorite characters from Marvel they all feel thematic in terms of like what their sort of style is and stuff like that and you're ultimately gonna be trying to overcome a mastermind who's carrying out an evil scheme so you might be taking on Doctor Octopus yeah and they're trying to uh I don't know set up a bomb in the city sure so the game is fun because you can lose by basically being an overrun run by the villains because every round a new villain is going to come into the City and stuff because you need to be fighting them off and stuff but those aren't going to win you the game you need to ultimately Fight The Mastermind like four times and take them down to ultimately win but they can win by carrying out their schemes that's going to add a bunch of twists of like now you got to worry about this thing over here make sure we don't lose the game that way there's a lot of fun things to kind of carry out and and this game has infinite variety because we have a bunch of characters which is like maybe half of the total amount and there might be more it might be less than half it might be there's a ton of masterminds there's a billion schemes there's different uh groups of henchmen and stuff that you you can swap in so you can just do you'll never play the same combination of games twice which is really fun maybe less than half and I think we have over a hundred Heroes yeah and it's something like 40 masterminds like 35 villain groups like 100 schemes like you can play you'll never play these never that's really exciting to see like well how does like this combination of Heroes how do they play off each other that's kind of cool and like with this scheme how do I how do I do with the schemes there's just a lot to explore it's just really fun to like have some really basic cards and then keep buying better and better cards and so now when you're drawing out your hand you can do a lot more than you did at the beginning deck building is is I think really popular for that reason because you feel that ramp up you feel that sense of accomplishment you get better and uh legendary for us has had a lot of legs and uh it's not going anywhere no it's not it's still great yeah it's great all right that's number 44 yeah yep it's getting to 43. my number 43 man is uh is a game that ube's made us a few times now but nailed it this is framework yeah framework is Dice off of uh sagani and Nova Luna which is all based off of the habitats and stuff so it's a game that uve has been working on uh for a while and doing little twists and turns uh on the the stylings but this is ultimately a tile Lane game all these versions of The Game come down to you're gonna lay out some tiles that are going to provide a color in the in case of framework one or more frames potentially or zero there's some that don't have any frames um that are basically colors and stuff that are all made to be colorblind friendly because they have different patterns and stuff which is really nice uh and they're gonna have some tasks so in the middle it's gonna say like hey I need four green frames around this tile in order to complete this task and then on that same time I might have also a task force seven green frames yeah so you need to surround I mean sharing aside this tile with the color or colors that is asked looking for now of course if you want something that's seven frames surrounding a four-sided thing how could that possibly happen bad game there's this fun thing of follow through adjacency so if I have a green frame attached to that uh that wherever that task is if I put another green frame on the far side of that that's touching the other green frame so there's an unbroken line essentially of these green frames those are considered adjacent to the task tile so you can build out this group since as long as there's nothing that completely severs the tie between them they're all considered adjacent so you can build up these like massive groups of silver and yellow kind of thing in the end very much so I look at it like that like you should focus on a couple colors build as big a groups as you can with lots of openings so later on you can place down tasks and auto complete them yeah the reason we like framework so much is one the color blind friendliness of this is nice uh there's a lot of tiles will have multiple colors of frames so that adds a whole other level like oh this is maybe you can help me with multiple things now yeah uh and they streamline the way you you get your tiles in other games they they add different ways that dictate what tiles you get to take an ad and framework says it's simple if we're playing a four player game we're going to draw out five tiles me as the first player I get to choose the first one we go around the table everyone takes a tile from what is available the first player gets the leftover tile as well yeah move the bag to the next player and continue on that's it there's no other Fanfare about it and it's just the best way to do it because how I get my tile is not interesting I just want to get my tile and put it into my grid that's the interesting part so they finally got the other stuff out of the way yeah it's not like Nova Luna is bad for the way that you drop the tiles it's just not the way it's not why I'm there at the table Yeah so let me get to that reason framework's just like just everyone gets one in order perfect thank you for doing that it's so fun to build out your Tableau and build up that engine framework is fantastic I love it so much I'll play it over and over again this is this is one of the most easy to game oh easy games to get to the table you play it oh my gosh all the time and we'll often play multiple games in a row it's so fun to teach people I love framework 43. 43 my number 43 uh is I got assume it'll be higher on your list but this is product to put reg knee this is a uh this is a Vladimir Suki game um and delicious games which is kind of his company um and this is a game where you are building out the city of Prague um and you are doing a whole bunch of different stuff it's got this really cool action wheel Vladimir very often has very interesting ways to choose actions and to do stuff it's got this big action crane wheel thing where there are these kind of hexamino tiles that will have two different kinds of action on them and you will take that tile and then depending on where it is within that action wheel thing you might get a bonus yeah or an extra bonus because you always have a bonus attached to this action that might give you like resources and stuff and then you'll choose one of the actions on that tile and you can build out kind of like your part of the City by getting these hex tiles and putting them next each other they will do a whole bunch of different stuff and you're moving up these two tracks which will be like the cathedral chat track and like the hunger wall track and you want to move up and to the right on one of them up and to the left on the other one you can go down the Kings Road and the King's Road is going to uh for you reason more bonuses and stuff like that lots lots but you can give these tiles and put them out of the plaza and build out the plaza which will give you more resources and more bonuses and all this kind of stuff you can get these windows you ever get gold Windows you can turn those into take a whole second turn which is also very much a Vladimir thing in the new game Woodcraft you have a similar situation where you can turn in stuff to do like a second turn you do with lanterns in that game very Vladimir stuff it's just really really good it's just one of those games where again you're trying to put together these combos you're trying to like okay I can do this oh that's now gonna allow me to do this oh I got a window great I'm not going to take a second turn but it's also one of those games where you don't have that many turns you have like 15 turns in the entire game yeah and you're trying to do all this different kind of stuff and it just works for Mike and I we really really love this game I feel like this game was like kind of hot when it first came out and then kind of went out of the radar a little bit I think maybe it's a product of covet a little bit that probably maybe it's also not like a splashy game but you're building up Prague and I actually I really like the way it looks but it's just like you're just building up a European city it's a European it's a Euro game point solid game where you can get points a billion different ways you're trying to get in the best possible you know maximize everything and it's great but it does it really well you compare this to like Woodcraft they're not that similar of games at all but it's just like Woodcraft is significantly we just got one it probably would have been high on my list if I had played it earlier but nonetheless it's like that one the theme is just way more interesting so I feel like that's going to get more you have more steam than probably but Prague is really really fun I like it a lot I think it's really outstanding um and yeah it's my number 43 it's really fun if you like about everything stuff try it he's one of my favorites yeah totally agree uh such a good designer and that's a great game that's number 43 yep let's get number 42. the meaning of life Mikey 42 apparently to me that life is searching for the Quest for El Dorado um sure a lot of people have dedicate their lives to searching for they sure did yeah so it's an accurate one the Quest for El Dorado is by number 42. I was actually surprised at how high this one is you you not that it's not that I dislike but you have spent a lot of time really talking this game it's just so good this is a game it's a it's a deck building work replacement game I honestly feel like it's a very good intro to deck building which you got to be a hard mechanic to teach sometimes building a racing games what I say worker placement you're moving your worker people that building racing game is what I meant yes you are racing trying to get to El Dorado El Dorado will be the end of the series of boards the boards can set up in basically any way possible there are suggested status but you could just like put them randomly although they don't really suggest that because you can make it really hard on yourself it might be crazy and on these boards there's going to be essentially three different things there's going to be jungle there's going to be like marketplaces and then there's going to be water and you're playing out these cars and these cards will have different kinds of symbols on them like machetes machetes is how you get through the jungle because you're chopping your way through the jungle paddles will allow you to go onto the water and then money allows you to get through the marketplaces and so you're trying to get to El Dorado and you're playing out these cars being like okay I'm playing this to machete I can now go through two one machete spaces or a two machete spaces and the way the boards are made up is usually whatever is going to be kind of like the shortest way through is going to be like a really dense jungle yeah so you need like really good cards to get through there because if it's if there's one space that requires three machetes you have to have a three machete card you can't play three one machete cards you have to be able to have it all but a three machete card can go onto three one machete spots so to go the shortest route you really have to have good cards and then you can use your Market cards we'll have money on them and you can use those to go through marketplaces or you can use them to buy new cars which will be those it'll have like three paddles on it because that's like the really good water card or whatever and there's a whole bunch of different cards and you only have six available at a time but then as a little deck Runs Out you then get to put a new one out there from this kind of supply of cards and it's just really really fun again it's one of those games where it's like it's a racing game and there's going to be a time where someone is like two boards ahead of everyone else they have just like absolutely crushed but by the end of it it always ends up being really really close it's um got Vincent trade art it's right here it's super super good and again I just love the way the board can set up in a whole different ways there's also an expansion that um is really cool there's also like a completely Standalone game which I like just found out about yeah and now they're like remaking the original one with like even newer art or something I don't know the new artists maybe that's what it is um but nonetheless quest for Eldorado is super super fun it's a really great intro to uh deck building simple game hey you're trying to get here get there as fast as you can I can understand that yeah it's really really good quest for Eldorado is really outstanding I love it so so so much it's my number 42. nice my number 42 is I had it I remembered it cacao I knew it was in here praised me to Fair praise be one per list got you one per list baby uh Phil Walker Harding is fantastic he's still alive I just we just love him he's on Australia what you think if we go up it eventually goes under the Earth and back down that's how math Works points Cacao is great so uh uh this is a Thailand game where you have uh these jungle tiles and then worker tiles we have a little pool of worker tiles that we're gonna play out and that's going to kind of time out the game and these jungle tiles which are going to have uh uh plantations where you're farming cocoa you have markets where you can sell the cocoa you have mines where you can get gold or money which is your points as money there's temples that you can worship at and that's sort of like a little area control piece of the game whether it's the most uh presence around a temple gets to score points uh and there's like these River tiles you can move down the river so the kind of fun interplay happens here where jungle tiles are always going to be offset with worker tiles and so create this checkerboard of a worker tile jungle tile worker tile jungle tile and if I have two jungle tiles one to the right one below and I put a little worker tile there if I have any workers that share a side with these jungle tiles I get to then activate them for each worker that is showing on that side of my worker tile you're going to have some tiles that have one work around all four sides sometimes I have one worker on two of the sides and then two workers on one side with one side blank and then you have a couple of that have three workers on one side one on another and then two blank sides those are super powerful potentially because if I put it down the little three next to the ribber I get to move three spots down the river which is valuable and such like that uh this game is so fun because it really it's easy to understand how it all works if there's you know something that shows two Fields two little cocoa fields and I put one worker there one times two two cocoa it's easy to understand but what's really fun is this whole thing of I'm going to place this worker tile up here I'm gonna do a couple things but then as the board then fills in around that worker I get to reactivate that worker later because I had a worker on this side of the tile that never got activated as soon as the jungle towel gets placed in play and there will be reasons why jungle tiles have to get placed down now I get to activate that so you get these like delayed actions which is really fun when the placement matters too we're like well I don't want to place this here because then this is gonna get filled in and Mike's gonna need Activation so I'm gonna put this here so that way Mike doesn't get anything yeah so you're trying to like play it so that like I'm gonna benefit the most I can while denying you as much as I can if I place it's nothing better than putting a jungle tile down we have a blank side and you're like you got nothing and stuff like that so it creates a lot of like really Intrigue about where you place your worker tiles and kind of wait for that trap to Spring but it's very enlightened approachable it's not like heady stuff you're dealing with so you're basically trying to get as much coke as you can sell it to the most valuable markets for money work down that River because you start off a negative voice on the river you want to get to at least the zero point or into positive points and then again get placed around those temples for for points they're all very easy to understand but that whole like oh this hollow is placed several turns ago now gets to activate again because they put something on this it's so fun to me it's really satisfying and how you use those tiles is really uh great social lot to explore in cacao it's very playable very fun yeah Phil Walker Harding again on this planet to create board gamers and that one helps create a lot love that game so much that's my number 42. oh okay let's get a 41 last one stop in the name of thief right folks soft Thief is 41. make sense hello uh this is a game about robbers who are going around stealing stuff from uh different these four different buildings on the board and your coppers you're trying to chase down chase down the criminals the pack of criminals using audio specifically I like to think we're very cheap right oh 100 we're not we're not the top brass for sure you know we're people who have we almost have as many felonies as we have arrests exactly you know it's like what side are we playing yeah yeah uh and uh this game is really fun because the game will provide you with audio clues of the of a thief walking inside or breaking a window opening a door and that's gonna be them walking so they're gonna be working in a linear mostly linear fashion and then of course they might be stealing stuff setting off alarms along the way and what's really fun is as they move and do a certain sequence of sounds it will narrow down the possibilities of where they could be because there might not be many spots where they could go from a door to a window to a door to outside you're like okay that specific thing can only be over here yeah and all these spaces are numbers you're going to go to a numbered space and you can make an arrest by typing in that number and if you were correct you'll hear the sounds of a person being locked up and then you've made that arrest so you can play this game competitively where you're all just trying to be the best cop around or private eye uh or we can play cooperatively where we are all trying to parse out where these criminals are together and win by arresting all of the the Atlantic seven uh before they steal fifty thousand dollars worth of stuff so that's where it's really fun to like work together we place on on stream a lot ask the chat like what did you hear how based on that like where do you think they might be you can ask for private tips to get like a kind of an area of the board so you have some information but it's not going to tell you specifically where they are it's really really fun because you can actually get to the answer of like based on those sounds they have to be here or most likely they have to be one of these two or three spaces here odds of making a wrestler pretty good yeah uh it's really really fun we love soft Thief so much it's my number 41. it's just so fun to make those arrests it is it's very good it's my number 51 so you're 10 ahead of me it's outstanding ten better my number 41 I believe was mentioned by you already and this is World's Fair 1893. so World's Fair 18 I think I talked about it I'm appreciate it 1893 is a game about the World's Fair in 1893. uh Mike and I love World's Fair as a theme another game we love is like Crystal Palace is a World's fair theme I just love the concept of world's fair I want there to be another one I think it I think it'd be really good for the world I honestly do my question and I don't know why we don't people in the comments can answer this as well do you think it would be nearly as impactful now that we have the internet I think it could be because I feel like back then it was so much like look at this new technology that you had no idea existed because we did it in France or whatever it'd be cool to see uh just a world where people are coming together to share that technology and have that hopeful view of the future yes versus kind of the more capitalistic way we do it now where it's just like this is mine I'm gonna exploit this for as much money as possible yeah um which is probably why we don't have World's Fair because like what am I going to talk about the concept of World's Fair um world experience the world is run by Psychopaths now probably so that's pretty much yeah but nonetheless uh world for 1893 uh is a game where you are essentially to have the most influence around the world where you have a bunch of your followers which are just cubes and it's ultimately an area control game there's like five different parts of the World's Fair it's like Agriculture and electricity because I was like a new thing um you know and like manufacturing and arts and stuff like that you're basically putting out your followers there and getting cards from these locations and all the cards are either going to be influential people from the World's Fair or they're going to be different things that were honestly at this prototypes and patented things from the world yeah and each card is really cool because it has like a picture of whatever the thing was and it has information on it but ultimately it's just the color is what matters for the game they are real things but they're real things there's actually a ton of like really cool information and stuff that was at these world's fairs on cards now the game plays relatively fast you're never like reading it but like this is again that has so much peruse outside of a game because it's actually a chock full of really interesting it's very very cool like oh the Viking ship is there because they've sailed one over from Norway it's like super super cool and so you're essentially trying to get um you're trying to have area control in these spots because at the end of each round if you have have the most of your followers in this area you essentially get to turn in these cards for chits of the same color and what you want to do is you want to have sets of the chits and you want to have full sets with little blue gray red yellow and green would be a full set that's worth 15 points and you're trying to get as many full sets as you possibly can and so you need to win these areas to be able to turn in cards of that color into these chips because the cards themselves at the end of the game don't give you anything you need to be able to turn them and essentially turn in those patents or whatever for patent ships I don't know female basically and so it's really really fun and then these these influential people from the um from the fair you can then turn in which essentially allow you to put down extra of your followers move around your followers that kind of stuff and they just it just works really really well it's an area control game it doesn't feel like mean because you're not like going in and killing people's troops and stuff it's just kind of you're trying to kind of Vie for control of these areas and it just really really works um I think it's an outstanding game with a really cool theme really cool way they did it so much cool information that you don't really get a chance to look at very often anything it works it's just it's it's very very fun I love World's Fair 1893 it goes down very very smooth it's just rad um and so that is my number 41 and now because it's the end of this list boom that's it everybody new section done uh it's so fun to talk about these games we keep talking about that it's so fun to just think about why we love this game so much it reminds me of like how great this hobby is so thank you for going on this journey yeah if you've been telling us your top hundred along with us we really appreciate that we love you a lot of people doing that let's keep it going as we get going hop in it anytime just with wherever we are if you uh enjoy ranking your games big thanks to all the patrons you see uh scrolling down here patrons get stuff uh extra things when we do top tens we always do a supplementer Supple supplemental supplementer uh that they get um and they're going to get access to our 100 to 200 just chat about games early that will come out on YouTube of course but then our two to three 100 will only be on patreons and become a patron today it really helps support us and you get extra content which is cool indeed make sure to check out tabletop Alliance if you haven't already they're really wonderful donate if you have even a dollar one Buck helps one student that's how they break it down and so it's really really cool we've already helped out over a thousand students it's really really amazing y'all are awesome and I think that's it yeah that's it next time we'll see you we'll be talking about better games than these trash games because these games are lower and that's how lists work but these games were great we'll see you next time bye thank you so much for watching that latest installment of our top 100 games of all time make sure to check out the rest of if you haven't already make sure to check out tabletop Alliance give a couple dollars if you have it the ability to if you're a teacher get in touch with them get some games let's help out some kids want to give a big shout out to our Channel sponsors restoration games Lucky Duck games and Board Game Geek and a big shout out to our December sponsor the Supreme potasha emperor of the known universe Greg White that is who sponsored us the Supreme ever of the known universe that's that's how big the brothers Murph are and that's how important our work is that we have someone like Greg White sponsoring us which get on our level is basically we're getting at thank you so much Greg uh we appreciate you and everything you've done for the universe love ya
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 16,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RRqqA9uNKzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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