5 Weirdest Knives Ever Made Part 9

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what's up everybody welcome back to my bar to over safety is number 14 today I'm going to show you five very strange very unique or weird folding knives let's see what I got this time okay let's see what I got next don't remember whoo yeah this one is actually awesome the reason why I wanted to show you look at these gears that was actually pretty expensive knife right here but it's worth it so I'm pretty sure I'd have to pull it out here no I do not know how to unfold it yet okay this is what I'm saying how am I supposed to know how to close this and guess what they did not come with any instructions or anything so I have to very carefully figured out how to use it okay it's actually like ergo a folding knife you pull it right here and then it still closed but what is this fork whoa okay they said here is for Pharsalus then he closed this right here look at that look I love this night because of the gears especially and it has this fossil is trigger for that reason it's so unique because it has first deployed a guy right here and I really would cool gears and folding way is a cargo a knife how cool is that this dad this way no problem one more time let me show you guys close up big ears so you guys can see how beautiful it is mmm this is so amazing it's like a steampunk knife right here Oh y-you can nail this it's Logan now that I I have no I just do them close it all the way pull it up a little boom so nice so cool very unique deployment system eyes here and it's a little study not wiggling around or anything beautiful knife for sure another one out here let's see what it does boom looks like it comes with a clip how do we take off the clip just pull it out like that so that's kind of cool you can put it on your belt and then you can step on this knife at any time and have it on your belt or even on a backpack super super cool but what really unique about this knife is that here whenever you pull it out boom check this out first of all I would want to say is that handle is a little thick good thing I have really big hands so it's kind of comfortable for me but kind of not because you have all the sharp edges on at the end of both sides but I still love this knife for my collection because the kites and folds you'd have to pull it like that boom one more time it's kinda wanna sometimes close this way or the other way can get stuck I wish it would be smooth like and go in automatically you would have to help it it would be way cooler if it would happen every time like that instantly you see sometimes you don't want to go this way or the other way now I have to hold help it to close it oh maybe you just have to close it all the way okay now I see nope they go okay it's a gravity base I figured that out but never unfold it you push it down or never fold it you pull it up let me show you better view whenever I want to unfold it you point it down whenever you might want to fold it you push it up like that so cool because look they will never go up so it's a gravity folder here and guess what there's instructions next time make sure you learn how to use it if you doesn't work that well read the instructions I know the guys don't like to read the instructions a lot of times but maybe we should that is super unique knife all of it definitely goes into my collection very very cool clip and there but that it actually works to unfold it and fold it back up with just two hands without helping it out it makes it even cooler love that mechanism next one is more like liberty ridiculous but also I love them I love and if it makes our unique stuff first of all be careful whenever you open this this is just so ugly it seems to be like a butterfly folding knife but it's not at all this edge I was scared but it's not too sharp to I've now gonna cut myself but still this a little bit pointy and how do we unfold it just pull it and you got here little sharp edge it here and I'd here whenever you clip it in like that just like a butterfly man you see I'm saying so and then you have here one of these wherever unique knives so you can hold it different ways like that whatever but I'm kinda worried about this edge probably would have been better if this edge wood was not here but it's almost like a mini axe mini folding ox how cool is that but at the same time it's so small out cold steel alien knife and whenever I fold it it's going to look like that very very unique and strange knife right here for sure also this kind of dim goes around everywhere whenever it's in the folded position so yeah let me know in comments below what do you think about this one it took me a minute to figure it out how to open it this is how strange they are look at that the knife is that here but there is no way to unfold it like that what you'll have to do is right here is pull up and push it out let's try this again pull it up nope which way do I push almost almost did it I still have to learn how to do it it's so strange and unique it's almost like childproof knife right here kind of cool but definitely not a quick fold right here okay do I pull it forward okay you pull it back let's show you guys again whenever it's full together you pull it up Wow okay pull it up and push it forward and you on spin it all the way around like that check this out and then there is a little piece set here that is pretty much locks in boom overall look at that new knife very solid knife sits together really really good there's not wriggle or anything maybe just a tiny bit but I wouldn't complain because this is more like a box cutter type a knife as you can see it very very small not a lot of things you're going to do and whenever you want to fold it it's same thing you're gonna pull it on this thing pull it up and push it the other way now so this is why it's kind of confusing you see how I had to pull it this way now and look at that this Soviet Heights pulls together this way all the way down and then BOOM so there is no way you can fast deploy it at all I got by this band let's see what it's all about boom check this out very flimsy seems to be cheap almost coming off as you can see whoa it starts spinning like that so definitely not very safe either but looks like it is one hand pulled about - whoa that is just flies everywhere anyways let's do it slowly pull it like this open it close it so it's so much gravity fold in wait but at the same time look up for him see this if you shake it it will unfold by itself and also whenever you hold it let's say if you're not holding it you see it will wanna unbox by itself you see this is just not very comfortable knife you would have to really hold it steady and look how big oh that that is that is not funny it goes all over the place and if I let go it will easily come off you then really have to fold it that is one of the most strangest useless knives ever seen kind of scary to use because whenever you hold it it just unfolds and flies around everywhere well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below what do you think about this video don't forget to thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you next time you
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 1,904,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Weirdest Knives, gadgets, camping, survival, strange
Id: WzcCKgR4_FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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