5 Ways To Torture a Narcissist (WARNING: REALLY SADISTIC)

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a narcissist wants you to think and believe that they're all powerful omnipotent and nothing can ever impact that but that is not the reality the truth is they do have buttons if and when pushed can elicit reactions and make them go nuts and crazy let's try to talk about that in today's episode hi I am Danish a narcissistic abuse recovery professional and today we are going to talk about five ways to torture a narcissist for real before we begin please make sure that you are subscribed to the channel by pressing the Subscribe button and push the Bell icon to stay updated with every single episode that I put out there number one do not take the bait when they are acting out understand that a narcissist is a developmentally arrested child stuck in an adult's body therefore they have all the capabilities of an adult but the match variety is of a child which means they are going to be aggressive they are going to be irrational they are going to project things say things that are completely far away from the reality which means that you cannot take them and what they say serious why because that whatever comes from their mouth whatever comes from them has no true foundation has no true basis so when they start throwing a tantrum when they start acting out you have to ignore them leave the room take a shower go out go on a walk or just focus on your project completely ignore them because ignorance kills a narcissist's ego and if you successfully do it when they are acting out when they want your reaction the most when you when they want you to argue when they want you to explain when they want you to just get into the fight and basically wrestle with the pigs and get dirty that is the point when you can give them the maximum injury by leaving the room by clearly telling them that what they are saying and how they are behaving is completely unacceptable and you are going to play no part in it that is how you can create this perceptual distance and clearly send a message across that I am not going to take this BS from you number two remember to deflect when they try to manipulate and guess like you when they start messing up with your head when they start messing up with your thoughts beliefs and emotions hold on to your truth and say something along the lines of your opinions or yours and mine are mine and you are entitled to have yours my reality is not how you are describing it and just say it and leave the root that is what would also Kill The Narcissist ego because they want you to react to what they are saying they want you to take it personally they want you to believe what they want you to believe because once they make you believe they get the sense of control which then which makes them feel special in a way which makes them feel powerful because getting control over someone's emotions over someone's psyche gives them a high gives them a sense of self-importance that they lack otherwise so when they try to guess lie to you when they try to manipulate you recognize what that elicits in you what emotions you feel acknowledge them and clearly say no and again create Distance by just putting out the difference right in front of them say it in their face then what you believe is not what my truth is and you are entitled to believe what you want to believe and my truth is known to me and that is what matters the most number third narcissist is hate organization by the definition we're talking about a disorder here so they are struggling with internal chaos which is why they want their external environments filled with it they would want to create as much disorganization as possible emotionally or otherwise so you have to act are positive that you have to create organization in your life if they want you to believe that your life is supposed to be a mess take a stand for yourself and get things together get things in your hand get that job that you have been looking for sort out your education or as it could be as simple as just organizing things around in the house prove them wrong they don't like stability create that stability and show them that you are not going to settle for or recreate that internal chaos that they want to manifest in their environments the moment you create this organization it almost gives them a narcissistic injury big enough to take a step back and to know that they can't control you anymore because you have recognized your true power and that is your life is in your hands and they can't control it in fact nobody can before we move to the number fourth which is going to be an interesting one I'm just curious to know how have you control the narcissists using their own using their own personality traits how have you tortured them drop your experiences in the comments below now number fourth is use their image against them you and I both know that a narcissist is extremely image driven they want people to see them a certain way if they act kind compassionate charismatic or you can name the qualities they they project others if they act that way they would want to maintain it at any cost because they want to be accepted they want to get that supply and validation now you can Corner them using their own image the the insecurities they have and the projection they want to put out there for example if you are in a situation like a court situation where they do not agree to the things that they that you want them to agree to you can bring up this image and first get them to say yes to a couple of things that you know they would agree to for example they you could get them to agree to the things like they put their children before their own welfare or they value their children's knee needs before their own needs once you get them to agree to a couple of things that make them look good in front of others then you can go ahead and present that agreement and the likelihood of them signing it would be quite High because they have to protect the image in front of everyone else they have to look nice they have to maintain this image of a Kind involved affectionate compassionate loving father this is how you can use their image to basically torture them and they wouldn't be able to do anything because they are a prisoner of their own doings they are a prisoner of their own personality traits number five focus on your life focus on rebuilding it Focus On Healing yourself focus on bringing yourself out of the darkness that they have put you in the darkness they want you to stay in forever because if you become what they never want you to become if you become the best version possible of yourself that is going to be the biggest narcissistic injury why because that would prove to the narcissist that all of their mechanisms all of the things that they do are useless they failed miserably because you proved them wrong they try to destroy you but you collected your pieces and you rebuild yourself and you became better than who you were before meeting them or during the abusive cycle so focus on rebuilding yourself focus on creating a life that day would envy every single moment you live the life of your dreams you live a heal life is going to be the moment of torture for the narcissist they can't stand your progress they can't stand your success they have to see you struggling and suffering they have to see you in pain at the moment you destroy that you the moment you step out of the bubble people they have put you in and create your own life and your reality that is when you are going to almost assassinate the narcissist's false ego I hope in today's episode You Will you were able to understand the five things to truly torture a narcissist and move ahead in your life I'll talk with you very soon in the next one till then let the healing begin
Channel: Danish Bashir
Views: 1,341,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 ways to torture a narcissist, how to torture a narcissist, how to injure a narcissist, narcissistic injury, how to give a narcissist a taste of their own medicine, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissist, danish bashir, danish bashir youtube
Id: gwvyf5iPdzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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