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limited-edition that fire stocking stuffers I'll show you what's inside these amazing stuffers brand-new and distressed fire t-shirts yo-yo fire dumb earbuds on sale now oh man another lovely day here in Minecraft it's just such a great day you know I mean every day technically is kind of a great day I'm gonna go and craft myself a big old crap and bent right over here BAM check that out oh hey look a ravine okay I love ravines but my mama told me never to check at a ravine if you don't know who owns that ravine if you know what I'm saying and what what I just found a house in the middle of the woods guides I'm literally in the middle of the woods I just found a flipping house I don't know if I should go up here or knock what do you guys think do you think I should just go knock on some stranger's door in the middle of the woods I would not recommend doing this if you know this was real life but since this is minecraft I think we're gonna be okay no harm in just you know checking this out right hey little brother what the heck are you doin in this house in the middle of the woods this is my secret house I built just for you and but it's not secret anymore well okay well you built this house for me you try to tell me you built this house in the middle of this weird forest for me yeah kind of sure well okay I'm just I'm kind of curious why all the way out here you just wanted it to be secret yes I wanna be secret house but now that you found out okay okay well that's not my fault you know I like to play Minecraft and going to random forest okay you can't blame me can you everyone the heck does your name say Pro above it what does that mean I'm a pro okay I already knew this was coming okay what the heck is there's no way you built this no way if you don't have these kind of architecture skills what is this from for guide is this a dart burger head wait why is there a tomato man over okay so since your food you only show you a tour though okay yeah I guess so I mean I don't really want to waste it okay we're going upstairs okay here is the Attic could this doesn't really have anything on it but this place is kind of sick yeah what the heck Josh there's not even anything in the trap sure sure little brother so what are we doing we're going down here now okay [Music] okay Josh why is the floor like vipe whoa whoa whoa whoa okay whoa whoa what the heck is that is that a spike trap yes it is okay whoa whoa whoa dude I literally just almost died like 17 times that's not cool man why do you have spoke why do have spikes inside of your house huh died what the heck Josh why did you build an elevator in your house where you can get killed by it and it can kill your desks are you trying to keep somebody out of the house that you don't want in the house who are you trying to keep out exactly there are a lot of people in the woods oh my god oh dude that's fine trap the trap does 50 damage so I know I know exactly that's what I'm trying to say frame falling through the trap oh my goodness gracious Josh how many visitors do you get out here do you get a lot time to get people but it's really devastating because most people don't know where this is that it was supposed to be a very secret house well okay it's still kind of secret I mean to be fair how many visitors have you had am I the first one yeah oh oh don't you die whoa whoa oh I'm in a good spot I'm in a God's mine okay okay you made it you made this house what I'm talking about oh shoot avoid the llamas oh okay so we don't want to shoot the llamas dude what the heck is this okay Oh doing this oh gosh she's a lot of bullet trail no I feel like I'm not doing a good job oh okay well I don't think I've shot one movie okay I have none yeah I'm not very good at this Josh oh my god oh my gosh I got one I just got one oh I'm eating this one I'm getting the far one JK's I'm get this close one got oh oh oh come on with this far what did Daggett dude oh I got that one no I got that one I swear yeah I got him look at that oh you got one Josh you got one okay what is this even supposed to be I'm so confused right now why are we not allowed to shoot the llamas I thought we wanted to shoot the llamas I've almost got 10 points I'm racking ok llamas stop it stop this madness oh that's my kill Oh got him oh give me that one oh my gosh I've got seven kills bro I need that pro title I think I'm the pro here I'm the pro here bro look at how many kills I've got compared to you don't let's just I'm literally killing this game right now Oh just won the game whoa whoa whoa okay wait Preston proof is that trying to keep you why are you trying to keep me out what no what does it say wait Josh is really cool okay way to sell out bro wait a sec you know what I'm done with you I'm done with you I'm going this way we all know I'm usually better at parkour than you there's no way you're gonna beat me here get out of here tighter no Eddie no Eddie you know enix oh yeah yeah yeah I know I know I got to care and stick I all got carrot stick got a carrot in my Barrett okay dadgum and I keep falling right there I ain't gonna do this one more time yeah Josh you know what for making this secret house in the middle of the woods you're not really great at the minigames that are inside the house no offense okay I design what they look like well what do you subcontract somebody out here to build this for you yes yeah who was it was it my wife because she loves building secret things limits okay I don't think that's called off-limits it's called a secret you keep it a secret you keep it wait oh I think it's got a spawn point hex to the yeah my dude oh you thought this is gonna be pressed and proof parkour my guy not a chance fam not a chance we all know that Preston is a parkour Oh where's the sign say where's this sign say well I guess here the sign says easiest map of my life bro why you put these random weird signs down here there's another one Preston socks little XD rekt teammate once these are you seeing these beeps you put down here you put dad's a really weird side memes look at this one Preston socks Lola XD rekt m9 whadya mean because you always say what do you mean you always say that exactly you see what I'm saying you always say that I'd see more than a little part of help what do you mean you built this how do you not know how to do this lime black jumpy up lab oh my gosh you're I didn't barely sing me you were a big embarrassment to your brother okay I gotta go this way okay oh I think I went the right way I'm not quite sure yeah I did oh it's got a checkpoint oh my gosh bro I think about the finish the parkour now I'm gonna do what I want to do it you ain't gonna touch me oh oh oh I just finished the parkour meanwhile up my little slimy little brother here you know a little slimy brother why don't I just help you out let me just do one of these bad boys okay let me just do some of that you'd be in our frags how about that okay Preston so now is the ultimate quiz yeah what is my favorite okay everybody knows that Joshua does like hot pockets he does like quesadillas but I think he likes victory right okay hot pockets it's gotta be I do not like it I knew it okay what is the best for tonight item in the game bounce pad rips in the chat quad launcher shadow Gibbs obviously gold skull what okay it's got to be bounce pads I do it you love bounce pass you love this what was new in fortnight season six okay everybody knows that there was a couple of thing okay obviously the free strats oh all right is my favorite item in fortnight impulses dad it's not impulses are you kidding me why is it not it forces all right it's gotta be okay okay Josh is best chief ultra dabble or 2019 better than Preston F fortnight chief hundred percent weights chief okay yeah mix up on that one chief I think it's what you meant to say you always say chief of course I'm gonna answer better than press to that for tonight I should have known you're such a cocky little brightness deck of it okay what is this one Preston is bad new pleb toxic I'm gonna just say toxic you say toxic all the time I do wait what I just got okay why am I getting so many diamonds why am I getting so many diamonds what the heck is going on a little diamonds guys I'm a little bit worried we have a lot of diamonds holy moly cactus are rolling it's great that we have so many diamonds I don't even know what to do with it I know I know what to do Josh I know what to do the only thing I can think about doing right now is having a battle against you come on over here yo Josh I gotta say something by the way your secret house was kind of off the chain pretty dank got by who say so I gotta admit I'm a little bit upset by some of the things that were said in the map you know you copy some hurtful things you're copies of hurtful things okay cramping stuff I'm crafting full diamond gear cuz we're gonna have a battle yeah we're gonna have a battle we're gonna see who is the best man okay who can do this the longest do you have your sword yeah of course that's gonna be baby bro yo I got a crafting bench up here okay you somehow made this amazing house in the middle of no here you don't know how to grab your diving sword what is do wrong with you okay literally I'm still having diamonds spit out of me and I've got a full inventory of diamonds okay the chess piece Josh fill in every single spot but the top middle man you are a blabber II know big arenas are you serious okay it's everyone but the middle piece and the bottom middle piece do you know how to make it sword yes okay all right come over here come over here let's go let's go a chicken nugget brother okay Josh you realize this is a one thirteen point two so spam clicking is actually really bad you gotta wait till those indicators down you know what I mean you got a hit it's it's got like a cooldown for it oh my gosh have you taken any damage yet no what I'm literally chopping you to death son and silly oh okay we okay hold on hold on hold on hold on what's your armor at huh I bet your armors about the break soon no way no way are you kidding me you're lucky this time Josh you're lucky this time no you're not you're lying to me aren't you no you're not know what is like so hard you are actually loaded dying yeah course average in writing were you actually close to dying yes I will be Jonetta brother I waiter smack at the old brevet okay actually did some damage to me hot damage hot damage big Oh hot damage in the damage Department yeah oh yeah yeah oh oh ladies go those always goes oh oh oh oh come on oh there we go there we go this is it this is it Chiefs this is it chief this is it chief called chief goes chief call he says he says Oh baby you wanna PvP fight this time big brother but just wait until you see my next minecraft secret what there's another minecraft secrets no no okay guys seriously I don't think I'm ready to see my little brothers next secret of Minecraft but a few guys want me to adventure more in this Minecraft world and find the next secret for my little brother you gotta hit that like button down below and subscribe to the channel 50,000 likes and I'll come back on this world and I'll find the secrets of Secrets and it will be amazing so make sure you hit that like button down below and I'll see you guys next time - free alright like getting yeah BAM skip it Ditka pay him but tablet got it could tap it up should keep a little bit uh keep it smacking it scoop down yeah okay come on are you ready are you ready freakin boots all kill art killer killer dude okay press alt oh my gosh you're such a plan
Channel: Preston
Views: 12,952,186
Rating: 4.8404078 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, house, minecraft house, mine craft, minecraf, secret, minecraft secret, little brother, prestonplayz, josh
Id: A8D3ZjRr8sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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