5 Ways British and American Bathrooms Are Very Different

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and I've also aged 10 years in that time and it shows my joints are what they were so getting in and out of the bath was a bloody nightmare hello I'm Lawrence and I'm on a quest to uncover all of the memos that Britain and America lost in the pond and one of those memos pertains to cleanliness and one place that is absolutely synonymous with cleanliness try saying that after four whiskey's I mean I just did but is the bathroom and believe it or not I've not yet in my four and a half years of doing a youtube channel on the differences between Britain and America talked about the differences between British and American bathrooms so that is what I'm gonna do today so as my bath water gets deeper than the Marianas Trench here are five ways in which British and American bathrooms are so very very different yes yes yes any Americans that have spent any time in Britain and vice-versa will know that the way in which taps are presented is somewhat different or at least can be so having grown up in Britain I was so very used to the taps being divided not politically that would be madness but in terms of hot and cold so washing your hands in a British sink goes one of two ways either you could just fill up the entire sink with both hot and cold water until it is warm and wash it that way with soap extra work granted but it does save on water usage there is that or you could be really lazy switch on the hot tap do this I realize that it burns you switch on the cold tap a cool it down realizes that stings in a different way and give up halfway through and suffer the consequences of poor hygiene now I should mention that that is not entirely nationwide there will be some bathrooms that unites the taps and I was very happy to find after moving to the United States that it's not just commonplace in the US for that unification to happen this is all sounding very political needlessly so and but it's Universal in the United States to have one central tap or as it's often known in the United States a faucet and this alleviated so many problems with washing hands now I will find that I use far more water in doing so now so again there is that kind of give-and-take but pound for pound I'd prefer not to burn my hand off now the separate taps in Britain go back to the fact that the and the plumbing is just really old and you couldn't sort of mix the hot and the cold water back in the day and it sort of stayed that way because of a lot of our buildings don't get demolished like they do in the United States so they just keep that same old plumbing system I mean that's that's the watered down version of the explanation see what I did there yeah anyway speaking of water that brings us on to our next entry whether you call it the toilet the commode that John the loo or the porcelain God we can all agree that the toilet is one of the greatest inventions of all time behind toilet paper which I've just realised came after as it always does but when we are talking about Britain and America there is one chief difference between how toilets are in those two countries and it all comes down to one thing the water level so in Britain you practically need binoculars just to make out the water level down below although if you do that you run the risk of enhancing the size of other things and the chief problem with it being so low of course is splash back you know and you don't want that on a cold Monday morning which again is why I was relieved to move to the United States where the water level is really high so when you come to do one it gets lost in the pond I'm so sorry just flush all of that out of your memory as we pull the switch on entry number three that's right both countries use bathroom lights differently but before you get the idea that Britain is still somehow using out low the candle it's not the light source itself but the mechanism by which we light it in the United States of course this is almost always done using the light switch and while that is also the case in a lot of UK homes and hotels and the like you will find the odd usually distinctly odd bathroom in Britain where that very mode is essentially just a piece of string that you pull until it clicks this can be very confusing for a lot of people walking in and not having a clue what that does and to this day I'm not entirely sure why it exists but you know in addition to a dripping tap and a comfortable bathtub I'm tempted to believe that it was designed by a cat and speaking of bathtubs that brings us on to our final two entries I think it was the actor Burt Reynolds who said the most underrated thing in life is a nice hot bath and I agree with subvert was yes sir wasn't even British it was American he was correct baths are amazing and one thing I noticed after moving to the United States is that the surface of the bathtub is actually at the same level as the ground outside of it that's quite novel to a British person because where I'm from the bathtub is raised so when I was in England visiting this past May I'd forgotten this fact after 10 years of being away and I've also aged 10 years in that time and it shows my joints aren't what they were so getting in and out of the bath was a bloody nightmare and I'm not afraid to admit it on live YouTube so anybody from me nowadays is visiting Britain that likes to have baths keep that in mind you may need to take a step ladder with you slight exaggeration and speaking of baths and Americans that like to have them that brings us on to our final entry so it turns out that Burt Reynolds may well have been an anomaly when it comes to Americans that like to take baths the truth is it's not as big a pastime in America as it is in Britain in Britain we absolutely love to take hot baths and this is evidenced by the fact that there is one thing and one thing alone that America doesn't do bigger and that is the bath tub British baths just give you so much more room you don't have to crunch on these ah which is in fact how I ruined my joints because American baths are smaller not only are they smaller but they don't recline as much usually I mean you can buy specialist baths that do do that but for the most part the standard bath tub in America has that back that's straight up so you just have to sit there and if you're a tall man like me six foot one then there aren't many easy options for that you just have to suck it up and take it and one of the reasons is the first the Americans just don't value bath taking as much as they do over showers which is I was about to say fair enough but I don't think it is you don't know what you're missing out on they listen to Burt he knows what he's talking about I mean he's dead so he's not here to speak for himself but I'm speaking on his behalf bath tubs are amazing and hot baths in them are even better but the other thing that it comes down to I'm assured is in the sort of real estate market you know real estate age or whatever you call them here Realtors want to ensure that there's more floor space in the property that is being sold so as standard bats don't come bigger and if you want them bigger that's gonna be a very big hefty expense on your budget anybody who's been to Restoration Hardware will know that so those were five ways that British and American bathrooms are so very different the time has come to pull the plug on this episode I'll stop now don't forget to hit the subscribe button so that my videos don't get lost in the pond or the toilet or what have you and a big shout out to my patrons without whose generosity this channels success would not be possible from the writing to the technical equipment to the Burt Reynolds shower cut and every penny really helps this channel if you would like to become a patron of this channel you can do so at patreon.com slash lost in the pond all patrons will have access to my secret life stream and anybody pledging five dollars or more a month will also get access to my secret podcast and more until next time have yourself a nice bath and I'll see you soon thank you for watching this episode of distant words don't forget to hit my stupid little face to subscribe and please share this video with the world hit me up on Twitter Instagram and Facebook and if you'd like to support this channel please do so at patreon.com slash lost in the pond [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lost in the Pond
Views: 317,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laurence Brown, Britain, America, bathroom, toilet, taps, faucet
Id: wcbyDEUaXeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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