Comparing American and British Money

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what are you doing to our cat hi welcome to the latest episode of halfway planet and today we're talking money for I speak no other language that is so not true it's not what Paul and that's not true either but when we were in the United Kingdom we found ourselves having to use cash for the very reason well you explain the reason why did we use cash because whenever we used our card there would have been a fee like a bank fee yeah an international fee for the percentage as opposed to just a set amount of whatever was that you used it for so for example we bought coffees every day which we did most days that we were there at least one he made it too but either way we bought coffee is pretty much every day that we were in the UK and every time that we use our card we would have had a percentage fee for however much the coffee was for but today because of that we actually came home with a lot of British cash so we thought what better opportunity than now to do a comparison of British and American money so without further ado let's make a deposit I'm so sorry about that so the first one that we have is the twenty dollar bill and the 20 pound note so notes versus bills and you can see they're both for 20 naturallyspeaking and you'll find this with all of these sort of British currency you will find the head of the Queen on there it's not she haven't been decapitated it's just a bust you know the head boss not the other kind and thus like said that's throughout all the money but one thing that British money has in common is it doesn't just have the queen's head on it but it has some other faces on it as well so if I turn this round has the profile of mr. Adam Smith on the twenty dollar bill we have Andrew Jackson anyway we mostly have just presidents or founding fathers on arms in Ben Franklin's case I think an interesting thing as well let's just do a size comparison a new size and everything but look at that I think you'll find actually I think act well this one's wider and this one's taller so they're about equal in many ways who cares right well they're not quite equal I think right now at the time of filming it is a dollar 27 to a pound yeah well yeah in terms of the the exchange rate they're not evil that's that's definitely for sure let's go down in descending numerical order and I should point out we don't have any hundred or fifty dollar bills or pound notes just because we can't afford them but the next one is a ten dollar bill something that I I notice instantly about the ten dollar bill and the twenty dollar bill and just sort of All American bills is there's kind of a grin leanness to them I had to get that word in there they're all of a certain colour there are some different shadings and different colorings on them whereas the British money the difference is quite noticeable I think throughout so you have this is the ten pound note you have sort of orangey colors on that one and a purple color on that one they're all kind of pastel either yes yeah I suppose so yeah and on this one as of quite recently we have Miss Jane Austen right there on the back of it I think she's quite knew she was added what is in the last five years I think yeah but his is an interesting comparison that the further down the smaller we get the smaller the banknotes get as well so now the ten dollar bill is absolutely destroying the the ten pound notes I've never really thought about that before but it is true we do shrink down the bill another new feature that I quite like about some of the smaller money is that you can actually see through it and what is it made out of it's made out of polymer this is a new feature for I think it's the ten and the five pound note this polymer feels very shiny is very hard to tear this in half and also you could in theory put it in the washing machine and it would be absolutely fine at least that's what I'm told I haven't tried it yet maybe I'll take that risk somewhere down the line and speaking of somewhere down the line I think we're moving on to the next one oh look it's another green bill so yes all the the major American bills do carry that tendency this one of course Hoover gone the front of that mr. Abraham Lincoln the last one was Hamilton away oh yes we didn't mention president Hamilton president not person another founder whereas ours has obviously the Queen again on the front be turnaround if we got oh it's Winston Churchill say hello to that oh look at that Churchill and Lincoln that have been a dream team of sorts depending on your politics so and this one again this one actually more goes along with your color scheme doesn't it yeah bluey green but not very pastel it is and it is a tad smaller than the ten pound note and of course very much more than the five dollar bill I don't remember from from memory because that's how you remember things and whether all of the American bills are exactly the same size could you pass me a couple of those just do a quick the same size yeah they're the same size so that's definitely a difference I've not considered actually until we started making this video right now we did have a list of things we wanted to cover but that was not one of them so bonus okay let's move on to our next value as we just said so you do have the dollar bill again it fits that same size as all of the other sort of American bills I'm not gonna bring out a note here I'm gonna bring out a coin right there we have a pound coin we don't actually have notes [Music] I didn't know that yeah I was reading about that recently something I should say about this is in fact this the pound coin did not look like this when I last lived in the United Kingdom it was just a gold coin there was no sort of silver middle part to it but what I should say and you don't really have an equivalent of this here is a coin that represents two pounds sterling and they're kind of brother and sister look at that they're both got the sort of gold and silver thing and the the two pound coin always had that in my lifetime this was introduced and he always had that sort of gold ring to it with the silver in the middle the pound didn't but I think they tried to marry them up the only thing I would say though is if you look very closely this isn't completely round there's sort of some edges to it whereas the two pound coin is entirely circular so it's it's little things like that that just filled my heart with nerdy Joey now there did used to be two dollar notes oh did that yeah yeah so they've gone they've gone away right I don't remember the last time that I had one I think and then they were still pretty much obsolete you could still use them as money but I'm pretty sure I had a few of them in high school that you know would go into circulation and out of occasionally [Music] but now that we've got past the one dollar amount I think we're going to get into the coins on the US side aren't we so you don't have an equivalent of this one but this is the quarter and you can see it has Washington on the front of it and this is actually a special edition quarter so on the back it has one of the 50 states and I think in this one it's 2017 it has Missouri on it so yeah the Ozarks Missouri but there every state has one of those quarters and just for our non-american view is how much is a quarter 25 cents right there so yeah we do not have a equivalent coin in the United Kingdom to denote 25 pence we do have the 20 pence but before we get onto that I want to hold up a coin we're gonna get to here in just a minute that's quite like the quarter in fact it's almost exactly like it isn't it let's get a little closer this is the 10 P I suppose I've shifted around a bit here so we'll we'll cover this now this is the ten pence coin roughly the same size I thought the only difference is you may not be able to see here but the ten pence is actually slightly thicker than the quarter obviously different value but the the closest thing we have in value I suppose to the quarter is the 20 pence it's actually a 7 sided coin the 20 pence but you know what I actually skipped one and the reason I skipped one is because you don't really have an equivalent of this in American money this is kind of like the the midway point I suppose between zero and a dollar or a pound in this case and it's the 50 pence coin and the 50 pence just like the 20 pence also has seven sides it's just quite a bit bigger I always like this one it was easy to find in your pocket at any one time and I'm glad to see they haven't changed the fifty pence you know what though I think I think they might use to have been bigger [Music] but what's the next coin on the American yeah it's not the smallest in number but certainly the smallest in size and that is the dime the dime has ten cents and it has Franklin Delano Roosevelt president on it very interesting that this actually brings me on to my next coin since we've already covered at the ten pence but once again we have a coin that's not dissimilar to the Dyne let's hold them up closer this is the five pence coin you probably start to see a trend here if we have a coin that's like America's is probably worth less and something else I should say and I didn't say this about all of the coins is you don't have any other sort of peripheral figures if peripheral is the right word but you do have the Queen on the back of all of these and yeah very much like the dime and I've often confused them in fact cuz we did have a few of these kicking around after we moved to the US and I think I once got away with using one of these in a shop here in the u.s. oh I've done it so many times I can't count any more numbers like this it's crazy so we have Jefferson on the nickel and the nickel is worth five cents and this is a new edition Nicole I want you to look at it because it's got Jefferson but he's kind of like facing you and it's a little bit creepy let's have a look he is a bit he's a bit of a handsome man the winning oh it's creepy yeah it's not I love these things though like the I like the new nickel I'm partial to it over the old one but yeah he it like if you look at it in a certain way it kind of looks like he's looking at you know one common theme that you'll see on both some notes and some of the coinage is that on the backs of some of these then you have the monuments they go along with them so in this case Monticello is on the back which is what Jefferson's house was but then also on the five dollar note on the back you have the Lincoln Memorial [Music] we are down with the penultimate coins and in this case we're talking about the sort of coppery colored coins that might sound odd to an American hearing that the copper coins are in this sort of penultimate section because there's only one in the US whereas there are two let's get our coins up and let's do a bit of compare and contrast what have you got there we'll all it is and another way of putting that is what percent whereas well I'm gonna get my biggest one our first coin don't get worried and it's this thing it's much bigger than that is slightly worth more but only just this is the two pence coin it's quite an old one I think this is this used to be as sort of shiny as the one Tara has there don't you think the two pence coins are starting to go out of fashion I think all cash is for the most part that's in both countries I think that we're moving away from sort of you know cash usage towards sort of cards or contactless payments in the UK but nonetheless since we do have it it's it's interesting to do a comparison this one this very 2p coin is very special to me it's from 1981 it's the year I was born this is as old as me 2016 so it is a baby but I do have quite a new one and this this these these can be friends they're almost the same size I think the 1p coin is actually slightly bigger than a cent but it was this would born made in 2016 as well they are their blood brothers without the blood or the gender what about in America do you think America is moving toward a house move towards a cashless society to some extent yeah for sure I mean if you think about just the way that we go through our daily lives we use our card for pretty much anything I don't remember the last time that I got money out that wasn't for this video or just for like our weekly laundry yeah the one exception you might point out some cities including Chicago is quite big on this a lot of restaurants and places like that do weirdly stick to this a cash-only rule but they're they're more the outlier I think in this this particular scenario and so you know what are the alternatives well like we said it in Britain you know they mostly moved a lot of people have moved to this sort of contactless method of payment and that you can achieve through your phone if you're going to purchase don't touch anything and that's supposed to be a secure way of doing things it's not really taken off yet that in the United States but there are movements toward doing so just this year I think in banks across the East Coast and beyond so that should be interesting to see if that comes about thank you for joining us for this video today was very nice too was nice to hold this amount of money in our hands doesn't happen often what are you doing to our cat okay we will see you soon bye thank you for watching this episode of lost in the pond don't forget to hit my stupid little face to subscribe and please share this video with the world hit me up on Twitter Instagram and Facebook and if you would like to support this channel please do so at slash lost in the pond [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lost in the Pond
Views: 216,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UK Travel, US Travel, Laurence Brown, Tarah Cantrell, Halfway Planet, Money, British money, American money
Id: yTeM_gW2zhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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