Amazing ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Vegan Butter Chicken Recipe | These Mushrooms Taste Just Like Chicken

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hey y'all I hope you're hungry because today we're making butter chicken vegan of course using oyster mushrooms in place of the chicken they're just as meaty but even more delicious this recipe is actually quite easy to make because we're going to be using some tools to help us with the prep we're going to serve it with naan which we will also make fresh because when you usually go to an Indian restaurant the naan is not vegan but today it is this whole butter chicken is full of anti-inflammatory ingredients to make you feel your absolute best now if you haven't already please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel okay now we can get started for our ingredients we are using oyster mushrooms coconut milk a blend of amazing aromatic and fragrant spices tomato sauce our aromatics which include onion garlic and ginger our first step for this recipe is to prepare our aromatics which are the onion and the garlic along with the ginger now because this is a butter chicken and we want a silky smooth sauce we're going to use the food processor to mince almost make a paste with the onions the garlic and the ginger which also makes our lives a lot easier now that we have our aromatic paste all chip chopped chip chopped is that a word now that we have our onions and stuff all minced we can start cooking Oh but before we do it is incredibly important to measure out your spices I've actually already measured out the spices but it is so important when you're cooking especially if you're using more than two ingredients to measure the spices before you start cooking now for this recipe we're going to saute those onions first and then add the spices and I don't want to take 10 minutes trying to measure out spices while I'm cooking while the food is already on the stove so measure them out ahead of time here we have a blend of garam masala which is the main spice blend we're using Kashmir chili cardamom cumin coriander and even a little bit of cinnamon it's all measured we've got this so now we can cook warm 1 tbspoon of vegan butter in a dutch oven or heavy bottom pots add your onions and garlic mixture and sauté that until it is golden and fragrant or as mine did turning green but that's okay then add in the spices allowing them to toast for about 30 seconds lastly you can add the tomato sauce coconut milk sugar to balance out all the flavor and salt let it gently simmer for 20 to 30 minutes while you prepare your mushrooms now we find oursel at my favorite part of the process the oyster mushrooms now oyster mushrooms are so easy to make you don't have to prep them too much actually for this butter chicken recipe I want them to stay whole so I'm going to do as little prep as I need to do to clean these mushrooms I'm going to be using a damp paper towel basically to just wipe clean the tops as much as possible especially when I see something that might be dirt these did come from a bulk bin at the grocery store I don't know how many other people's hands were in that bulk bin but we will be cooking them so of course the germs will be destroyed oyster mushrooms actually come in a lot of different shapes and sizes and colors these are the typical gray oysters that you will often find at the grocery store and at your local farmers market however you might have noticed if you ever bought mushrooms at your Farmers Market they might also come in different colors like pink and yellow and even blue each of those colors have a different texture and flavor profile these great oyers are perfect though they're meaty they've got an amazing flavor they're nice and juicy even and they are the most common so get whatever you can put your hands on you might see them having these large gills like these or just a a few days ago I bought a huge box of mushrooms with the tiniest little caps they were so so so cute either will work for this recipy this bottom piece of mushroom this is like the base this is where it's attached to the growing substrate when it is growing um in not in a lab but they grow these indoors on like pine chips and stuff so anyway this is where it attaches and it is very very tough we do not want to eat this part just because it's just too tough however it still does have flavor so you can cut this off and save it to make mushroom broth which is what I always do I always stick it in my freezer or my fridge and when my container gets large I make a broth it's very nutritious now for this recipe I would really love for the mushrooms to stay as one piece as much as possible and so in order to accomplish that I'm only going to cut off the very base of this where it was attached all right guys I need you to get a cast iron Skillet if you don't already have one this is your sign to go out and buy one I will link some below that I love because these are necessary in your kitchen cast iron skillets will last you a lifetime and even longer you can pass them down to your children and your grandchildren that's how long they last so we're going to use two cast iron skillets for these mushrooms we're going to use this pretty mustard yellow Skillet to sauté the mushrooms and then we are going to put another cast iron skillet on one top to press them down that pressing of the mushrooms is the key to create the tastiest meest mushrooms oh they're so good I'm only going to do like maybe I don't know half a tablespoon of vegan butter yeah that's probably half a tablespoon we don't need too much cuz we do want this to stay as healthy as possible anti-inflammatory cooking of course which means we don't don't want to rely too heavily on highly processed oils olive oil would be the best choice if you're going to do anti-inflammatory cooking um but again I'm just using a little bit for this dish coconut oil because it is made of medium chain triglycerides even though it's a saturated fat it does seem to have protective and anti-inflammatory properties in the human body so coconut oil is good especially in moderation um I wouldn't eat too much coconut oil all the time olive oil is still my preferred cooking oil if you've ever eaten oyster mushrooms you already know that they have so much flavor on their own however we're going to amplify that flavor just a tad let me add these mushrooms directly to the pan look how pretty they are huge but they are so beautiful I'm going to put this mushroom capside down and try to squeeze these three in here as much as I can I love that scent down I'm not going to season these just yet because well I can put a little bit of Saw on them but I'm not going to do the full seasoning only because they're so big I want them to cook down a little bit so that when I put that other Skillet on top it doesn't just stick the spices don't just stick to it I'm going to do a little bit of salt because when you cook with salt it helps to bring out the moisture of the vegetables so a little bit of salt and then we're going to put our other cast iron skillet where is it where are you oh here we are we're going to put this other cast iron skillet directly on top press it down and you were using a cast iron skillet for this because it is so nice and heavy I actually could make it even heavier like I could put this cast iron this enamel cast iron on top okay that works I'm going to cook it like so for probably five minutes till the mushrooms have reduced as you can see they are releasing a lot of their liquid the water already that liquid release is just going to help them cook faster and bring out more of that flavor and then we're going to remove this cast ir and skillet and add the spices directly to the mushroom and continue to reduce it it is so easy they're going to be so [Music] delicious okay my friends it's now time to taste okay first off the sauce which is rich and creamy M oh my goodness wow wow okay and the mushrooms which are so oh my gosh so medium m snack break so good all we have to do now is put the mushrooms into the sauce and we're going to let it sit and we're going to let it stay hot and get all extra married and delicious and in the meantime while we do that we will make our non bread I recently switched to only eating organic flour that's because usually white flour is enriched with all sorts of stuff that we do not need in our diets artificial forms of vitamins we you don't need those and I think I was having some sensitivity to flour because of those things now I'm not quite sure but the first step to figuring out is to Simply switch to organic flour I've long been a fan of spelt flour which is why I used a bit of it in this non recipe spelt has less gluten so I didn't want to only use it and it's also a whole grain which would make it a little bit denser and a little bit heartier than the white flour but a little bit in there is certainly nice it adds an even more more nutty flavor and makes it a little bit extra delicious in my opinion this might be my new favorite recipe it is so delicious the mushrooms they're complex they're meaty they're full of flavor and that vegan butter chicken sauce is literally everything I can drink it with a spoon or I mean come on the way it tastes when you scoop it up with the vegan naan I mean oh Sublime you guys this vegan naan it is chewy it is so absolutely pillowy and soft and delicious and the little the brown bits are crispy oh it's so good it's so good wholesome plant-based diets automatically tend to be very anti-inflammatory that is because we're avoiding processed food as much as possible I have this thing about 8020 80% of the time I will eat really healthy unprocessed or minimally processed plants plants like my beans whole grains nuts seeds all of that and no more than 20% of the time I will include processed foods or things that are less healthy like baked goods at home or eating out at a less healthy restaurant I don't let it go over 20% of the time though because I want to be my healthiest self of course but if you just focus on that 8020 and make sure that you're eating as many plants as possible then you will be getting the anti inflammatory benefits of a healthy vegan diet speaking of eating healthy you're definitely going to want to tune in next week because I'm going to be sharing the five foods that I eat every week the ones that are the most anti-inflammatory high protein high fiber Make Me Feel My ultimate best and Thrive every day tune in for that it's going to be like a what I eat in a day video but over the course of a week so tune in I know you're going to love this if you haven't already hit the subscribe button turn on notifications and I'll see you guys next week thanks for watching bye ooh time for me to dig in this going to be messy y'all it's going to be messy ooh
Channel: SweetPotatoSoul
Views: 19,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butter chiken, vegan chick'n, butter chik'n
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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