5 astuces pour bien jouer son Moine - Baldur's Gate 3 / D&D

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Hi everyone, today we'll see 5 tips & tricks to play your monk in D&D and Baldur's Gate 3. First, abuse your Ki points. Ki points are the main mechanic of monks. You'll have a lot of them and they'll grow as you level up. In addition, you'll get all of them at each short rest. Ki points will allow you to do a lot of things during your turn, such as add bonus attacks or actions, inflict conditions such as stun or use reactions. They'll make your monk effective, so abuse them and spend them all between each short rest. Tip number 2, optimize your bonus actions. Monks are one of the classes with the biggest range of bonus actions available. So, you'll have to optimize them at each turn to get the most impact possible on the battlefield. Indeed, each turn you'll have the choice between doing a free additional attack or two unarmed attacks with your "Flurry of Blows", push, disengage or dodge. In addition, the different monastic traditions (also called Way) will allow you to enrich your choices, such as Way of the Open Hand, which will allow your "Flurry of Blows" to also inflict the choice, prone status, push the target 4.5 meters or prevent it from using its reactions. You'll understand, it's these bonus actions that will make the difference with the other classes. So, take the time to think about your turns to optimize them. Tip number 3, use your fists. Monk's fists are his best weapons, and the more you level up, the more they'll inflict damage. Indeed, from level 5, your damage with your unarmed attacks will go to D6, at level 11 it will be D8, and from level 17 it will be D10. In addition, thanks to your "martial arts" skills, you can use your dexterity modifier instead of the strength one, if it is superior to succeed in your attack and damage rolls. Finally, the different monastic traditions will also be able to improve your unarmed attacks. For example, in Baldur's Gate 3 with the Way of the Open Hand, from level 6 you will gain the abilities "Manifestation of the Body, of the Soul or of the Spirit", which will respectively add to each of your unarmed attacks 1d4 + your wisdom modifier as necrotic, psychic or radiant damages. You will have understood, unarmed attacks are one of the pillars of the monk class, so use them as much as possible, and do not hesitate to replace your weapon attacks with your fists as soon as they inflict more damage. Tip number 4, never wear armor. Wearing armor on a monk would be catastrophic. You could not benefit from your movement ability "unarmored movement", nor from the defense ability "unarmored defense". The last one will allow you to add your wisdom modifier to your CA and get a pretty nice CA ! You will have understood, you must maximize your dexterity and wisdom to become untouchable and at the same time increased. The efficiency of your ki points for wisdom and your chances of hitting and damage for dexterity. In addition, being in motion is crucial for the monk. By not wearing armor, you will have the best mobility in the game thanks to the ability "unarmed movement", which will increase your movement up to 9 meters once level 20. This will allow you to act as you please during the fights and prepare your future actions, or simply to get out of reach. Finally, master the different status. Knowing the different states is crucial when playing monk. Indeed, most of your bonus actions will allow you to win or inflict a state on your opponents. So you will have to make the most relevant choice each time. Knowing for example that against an opponent on the ground you benefit from an advantage on all your attack skills can prove deadly. In addition, this will allow you to determine in what order you must do your actions, because it will have an impact on the whole of your turn. Mastering the status effects is therefore one of the keys to obtain very effective turns. And that's it, you know everything now to be the best monk, so don't hesitate to abuse these tips!
Channel: ZasshemTV
Views: 6,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JDR, Jeu, de, role, RPG, jeu de role, jeu de role sur table, roleplaying game, VTT, foundry, foundry vtt, let's role, roll 20, Engine, DnD, D&D, Dungeon&Dragons, Donjons&Dragons, Donjon, Dungeon, Dragon, bg3, baldur, gate, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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