5 Tricky DIGITAL SAT QUESTIONS (how to avoid being tricked)

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what are the five hardest digital sat questions in 2024 for context my name is Will and I scored perfectly on the digital sat in this video here in this video I'm going to be going through what I think are the five hardest types of questions on the digital sat and I'm going to be going through how to solve these problems and why so many people end up getting them wrong and I'm going to end the video with what I think is the single most deceptive type of question on the digital sat and how to avoid being tricked by it to start off we have this question right here this question is in the English section and it's asking which of the following words completes the blank according to the conventions of Standard English in particular it's talking about the shape of a traditional violin flattening some of the instruments's curves and making blank lighter overall now pretty quickly we can tell that A and B are not the right answer here as you can pretty much just say these out loud inserting those and one into the sentence and recognizing that it doesn't sound right doesn't make any sense and it's definitely not correct however what's tricky is knowing whether or not it's them or it that should go in the blank many test would think that them would go in this blank since they see the instruments curves they think that the object that the sentence is talking about is a plural and other words they think that the sentence is talking about the curves being lighter overall but that is the trick and the way to realize this trick is recognizing that the words lighter overall are at the end of the sentence and let's think does it make sense to make curves lighter overall maybe but that's not what the sentence is talking about if you read closely you'll see that it's talking about the shape of a traditional violin and it also goes on to say how it flattens some of the instruments curves making it lighter overall in other words the trick of this question is is recognizing that the sentence is talking about the violin and the violin is what's being made lighter overall the main takeaway from this question is you have to read every word in these English questions in order to get the question correct because it'll give you two options one of which sounds like it could be right but ultimately it's wrong and the true right answer is revealed by every word around the blank the next tricky type of question on the digital sat is a new type of question that has to do with bullet points basically in this question here we're given a bunch of random bullet points about a scenario and then we're asked to emphasize a difference in the origins of the two words and so we have a bunch of information here on the left but what we really want to focus on is finding the choice that best answers the question difference in the origins of the two words now pretty quickly we can see that B and C do not do this because they either only answer one component of the question or they don't really answer the question at all so once again we're left with two options that seem like they both could be correct but one is only the true answer D seems like it could be correct because it talks about the diverse linguistic Origins and it actually mentions the words themselves but D is not the right answer because it's missing that final step emphasizing the difference in the origins D doesn't necessarily emphasize this difference it's just saying they have diverse linguistic Origins but doesn't emphasize the difference between the two words here a on the other hand gives an actual explanation for the differences of the origins in the two words saying one is from Anglo French origin and the other is from ancient Greek so a is the best answer and so the take away from this particular question is to ask what is the question asking specifically again you have to pay attention to detail and you have to read every word so that when you get down to two that seem like they both could be right you pick the actual right one the third question that we're going to take a look at has to do with very simple math where it's the total number of points awarded to a student based on red tokens and green tokens and then it asks something pretty weird how many more points is a red token worth than a green token so what we have here is just two variables some numbers an equation and we have to figure out how much more a token is worth than the other this seems kind of difficult at first how do we go about this but what we can figure out if we look closely is that we have the answer right in front of us if you think about what the equation is saying you're saying that for every red token you get 45 points if we get zero red tokens we get zero points from that component if we get one red token we get 45 and if we get two red tokens now we get 90 and so on and so a red token on its own is worth 45 a green token on the other hand is worth five by the same logic and so ultimately the answer to this question is just the difference between the two 45 minus 5 ultimately the takeaway for questions like this is to ask yourself what do these numbers mean in these tricky word problems sometimes just stopping and thinking about what the numbers that you're given actually mean in Context gives you the answer right there and it's very simple moving on to the fourth type of problem we have what I like to call the crazy variables problems basically these are math questions where you're given a bunch of variables just beyond x or y for example here we have C which is some constant added on to the X and Y we have Y = -2x 2 + 9x and then we have 2 yal C and we need to find for what value of C do these two equations intersect at one point now this might seem daunting to do it first if you don't know the underlying math at play but the strategy to use to approach a problem like this is to utilize the tools that are given to you in particular the calculator here what we can do with the calculator is actually graph the first equation to get a sense of what it looks like on on the graph and then we can substitute a value in for C to see what that looks like so here we have 2 y = 16 and we see that this intersects at two points and then so slowly and slowly we can change that value of C on the calculator to find the point where it intersects at exactly one point with the parabola here we see that the equation 2 y = 20.25 intersects the original Parabola at exactly one point according to our calculator and so we can simply state that the answer is C = 20.25 so the takeaway from this type of question is to utilize the tools provided to you and that attempting something or putting something down is better than abandoning the question entirely because you might end up getting it right and it might end up being easier than you thought now finally what I think the hardest trickiest and most deceiving type of question on the digital sat has to do with the comma or no comma questions here's what I mean in this example here we're trying to fill in the blank with the correct form of the word gingerbread followed by either a dash a comma nothing or a colon and pretty clearly here we can see that if we just read the sentence aloud as usual two options are immediately eliminated the colon and the dash it wouldn't make sense to use either of those here but how do we know whether or not to put a comma in here it's a little bit hard to tell based on what is just here alone and trying to read while her 2019 novel gingerbread comma or not offers a delicious Twist on the classic tail pants when gredle it's not necessarily super clear which one to do and many test takers here would assume that we need a comma because boy snow bird for instance has a bunch of commas and so we should then put another comma right but here is the trick they're trying to get you to focus here on the question they're trying to get you to focus on boy Snowbird and just assume that that comma should be carried over to the next question but what if we could just isolate this last part of the sentence and say while her 2019 novel gingerbread offers a delicious Twist on the classic taale we can see that when we isolate it and completely ignore the boy snow component we see that the answer is revealed we don't actually need a comma here at all as a matter of fact a comma makes it more jumbled and so the correct answer is C just gingerbread and so the main takeaway from this one is to focus on what's near the word in question in these English passages where it seems a bit unclear and don't get distracted by unnecessary parts of the question additionally it's important to find the trick before it tricks you so that you can be certain of the right answer and not fall into the Trap all right that's the end of the five hardest digital questions thank you for watching and good luck with all of your test preparation in the future
Channel: Will Kranenburg
Views: 11,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a0Fhhp3-u0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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