5 Tricks All Good Barbarians Know In D&D

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[Music] here are five tricks all good barbarians know in d and d number one maintaining rage rage rage flapping rage maintaining rage is the most important thing a barbarian can do because without it you go from conan to well conan basically you ain't much good in a fight without it at that point you're just a worse fighter and fighters are already nerds just play a ranger with a sword for god's sake as a barbarian you lose your rage if you fall unconscious or if you haven't attacked an enemy or taken damage since your last turn and because losing rage is terrible good barbarians know to keep it going where's your [ __ ] rage the simplest way if you've got a full turn and haven't attacked anyone or taken damage is just to punch yourself in the face some dms will allow this others will not technically you are taking damage but some people say it's too easy if they rule this simply get yourself some alchemists fire alchemist's fire is basically napalm it sticks to people and burns them for 1d4 each turn you are a barbarian you eat 1d4s for second breakfast that is nothing and as long as it's burning you cannot lose rage definitely worth having a few vials of this stuff on hand to make sure you stay angry i'm always angry two abuse your consumables kids don't do drugs don't do drugs if you're doing it stop it get some help yes yes don't do drugs unless you're in d d in which case performance supplements are amazing and you should be doing them all the time if you're playing a barbarian optimally a good chunk of your gold should be going on potions let's break it down potion of speed sure sex is great i would imagine but have you ever been a hasted barbarian double movement speed extra attacks oh girlfriend you are unstoppable but then the bard gets hit she loses concentration the haste spell ends and you're left standing there limp and impotence and you can't take any actions for a full turn well potion of haste is all the upsides of the haze spell without any of the downsides it doesn't cost a spellcaster their concentration and you don't lose a turn when it ends it is busted it is tons of fun and you should be using it for every boss encounter at the very least another great option is the potion of flights barbarians really struggle with reach and there's nothing worse than fighting a beholder that's just out of the reach of your greatsword well the potion of flight is all that stands between that beholder being a beholder and that beholder being an overhyped pinata other good consumable items include the oil of sharpness the potions of giant strength and any good berserker barbarian should definitely have a few potions of vitality three let's talk about ac ac or armor class is a huge part of most melee builds so it makes sense as a barbarian to spec into it right [ __ ] no man i believe you get your ass kick saying something like that man why is barbarians know that ac is just not the way it's just not going to keep you safe arguably the barbarians best ability even better than rage is reckless attack you should always reckless attack just ask snape snape when should we reckless attack always yeah always reckless attack gives you advantage on attack rolls but it gives your enemies advantage right back by the time you reach level six or seven it really doesn't matter what your ac is when you're giving enemies advantage their modifiers will be high enough that they'll hit you most of the time so don't be wasting your money on plus one or plus two armor it's just gonna get completely undone by reckless attack use that money to buy bigger weapons or more consumables or gear to patch your saving throws prioritize corn over decks every time and remember if you're not taking a crap ton of damage in a fight the encounter was either too easy or you're not being aggressive enough and speaking of being aggressive why don't you just beat the [ __ ] out of the like and subscribe buttons you know for fun punch me in the [ __ ] face four multi-classes in session the most common complaint about barbarians is that they're too simple for advanced players to really get their teeth into well that's where multi-class options come in here are a couple of good options to be aware of rogue barium sneak attack means you get to add a d6 to your first attack each turn that you make with advantage and reckless attack gives you advantage on every attack it's a massive flavor fail but man it is powerful hit him with a finesse weapon and you'll feel like you're dropping a goddamn cement mixer on an enemy every single turn plus if you take rogue all the way up to level five uncanny dodge alongside bear totem makes you pretty much unkillable through damage the barbarian being a moon druid with a couple of levels in barbarian means your already busted wild shapes can now rage giving them damage resistances and a nice power boost you probably get the most out of this multi-class by taking three levels in barbarian to get to the totem bear but beast barbarian moon druid is a really flavorful multi-class as well just remember you can't rage while concentrating so use your powerful spell effects first and then getting close for the kill other good options include two levels of fighter for action surge and a fighting style or two levels of warlock for eldritch blast to give you some range you can also try bard for healing outside of combat and that juicy expertise or add barbarian to paladin for extra tankiness and damage 5. polar master and great weapon master look i'm more into feats than quentin tarantino why did i write that look i'm more into feats than quentin tarantino and all good barbarians know that if you're going for power you need to be making use of either great weapon master or polar master great weapon master gives you a massive damage spike extra attacks and the disadvantage is completely mitigated by reckless attack it's just flat out disgustingly good damage now that's a lot of damage polar master is a little bit more fiddly it gives you an extra attack each turn on your bonus action which you get to add your rage bonus to and you get to attack any creature who has the balls to step within 10 feet of you but it really gets busted when you combine it with another feat sentinel sentinel means creatures you hit with reactions can't move and they can't even disengage this combo makes for a terrifyingly annoying build that plays offense and defense incredibly basically you totally lock down melee creatures because you can hit them but they can't move the five foot towards you to hit you back whoa that is disgusting and there you have five tricks all good barbarians know like subscribe check out other videos on my channel and i'll see you next time
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 476,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, tabletop gaming, roleplay, board games, dungeons and dragons, barbarian, cosplay, figurines, minmax, fighters, warrior, tutorial, dnd, shorts, d&d, d&d shorts, weird things you can do in dnd
Id: S_4PZcrLHlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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