5 tips to SAVE TIME washing your car! | PODCAST #84 #detailing #diydetail

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five ways to make your detailing go faster hi I'm Ivan I'm Nick and this is DIY detail we have five ways that make not necessarily your detail and just your car washing go faster a bucket on Wheels is amazing for efficiency it will make your detail go faster talk about that so a bucket Dolly just having your bucket on Wheels you don't have to walk back and forth your bucket all the time it normally takes what 2 3 weeks to train a bucket to follow you around the car but once you've trained the bucket to follow you around the car it makes it so much easier to do your detail you're not walking back and forth to the bucket all the time just that's wasting time wasting energy and having the bucket following you around is like a a puppy it's there you know just wants to be with you so a bucket in like a cart with like a cutout for the bucket to be kind of belly button height I've seen use those in the past or am I kicking the bucket on the ground like show me talk to me how this bucket works I know this is like simple stuff but I mean if we're going to do this I want to do it right so how am I moving this bucket if I you don't even want me to bend down most of the time you want me to be super efficient so I'm like I'm envisioning the Ivan way what do you do with the bucket having it in a cart is great if you don't have a cart at least have wheels under your bucket and get larger Wheels the larger the wheel the higher the bucket's going to sit up the less you're going to bend so yes the point of not bending is a great one but and I always like to have the bucket in front of me not behind me so it's not following I'm actually following the bucket which means I'll take my wash media out of the bucket I'll push it away from me I'll wash that section I'll move to my bucket dunk my wash media move it forward again then wash the next section and keep going along the vehicle like that are there DIY Dolly Solutions out there or how would you someone build their own should they go and buy someone else's what do you think there's a lot of great ones on the market look for bigger Wheels the bigger the wheel the easier it will be to move the easier it will Glide the less obstructions will bother it so if you have very very small wheels and there's some of them that I've seen that you know they have like a a 3/4 in or 1in diameter wheel you hit a grain of sand on the driveway and it's going to stop it uh whereas if you have a good 3 or 4in wheel now it's going to roll over an extension cord without a problem H that makes sense you know what also makes sense more and more now that the cell phones can record such long videos this thing you've been talking about since I started detailing probably six seven years ago now which is record I never did it of course I don't listen to you most times until the fifth time and I'm like ah he's probably right but the take a video of yourself detailing yeah take a video of yourself washing your car and you'll see just where you're losing time are you walking back and forth to a bucket are you looking for products are are you just spending an inordinate amount of time time doing a certain task or are you you know washing a section and then rewashing that same section and then re-washing that same section again cuz you forgot that you washed it so having that video and eventually post on YouTube if you want but you can just do it for yourself watch it and realize okay I did this really well but this step I could have done a little better and you know one thing you've seen in a lot of our videos and Nick has now gotten over this but he used to think wheel wells were Square they there's always a little triangle above the wheel well that he missed with his wash sponge or the wa or the the Legacy sponge or the the washm and now you're not doing that anymore because you've seen yourself on video so many times leaving that little triangle that you're not doing that anymore I mean you get to it eventually but is getting to it actually washing it or just drying it with your towel at the end with a little ceramic gloss and calling it a wash right I that's not the way to do it but the more you spend doing what you love I think is important so what I mean by that is like if you love detailing spend as long as you want but you can love it and get efficient at it cuz if you're washing often you don't want to spend 3 hours a wash probably and and if you get quick at it it'll be more enjoyable and then you can do other things you love like spend with your family or your hobby so it's like this is great but like if this takes you two hours to do a weekly wash that's a lot you know that might be getting in the way of you actually taking care of your car exactly and driving it that's you know they're made to they're meant to be driven they're meant to have fun in and we're saying you know there are ways to accelerate there are ways to make your washing a little faster a little easier for you but at the same time if you want to take the two or three hours to lovingly wash your car there's nothing wrong with that but a lot of people they hesitate to wash their car because in their head it's oh this going to take me 3 or 4 hours or it's going to take me one or two hours if you can do it in half an hour and still get as good a job then you're going to be watching it more often yeah if you could do it in 30 minutes I'll bet you you would do it tell me this if you're watching this video or listening to this podcast somewhere if you can comment if it only took me 30 minutes whether you would wash your car every week cuz I think that's very prohibitive for people or more often it is for me or yeah more often but I in an Ideal World I would hand wash my car once a week yeah I would ideally yes yeah but I don't have a garage no and so for me it I make excuses it's cold outside this that the other thing but a lot of you do have a garage or a driveway right you could set things up for success and one of the things that we talk about is Mis or how do I say that in French Mis which means putting everything in its place and putting everything in its place when you're done that's sort of normal you know a place for everything everything in its place but before you start having everything set up ready to go makes it easier and one of the ways of doing it is having a cart and if you can have a wash specific cart so you have your bucket set up you have all the products you need for washing ready to go it makes washing faster and when you're done washing your car instead of just throwing the stuff in the corner of the garage and driving away cuz you want to go get that ice cream cone you have a big thing about ice cream cones and and car washes well it's a satis the car wash going to get ice cream or something yeah you're giving yourself a tip for washing the car it's a good summer thing I think yeah exactly in the winter maybe not but in the summer great uh but nonetheless when you're done take a few seconds to just put everything back in its place so the next time you go to wash your car it's not a oh I have to find this and I have to find that no everything is there it's ready to go bingo I think it's a great idea I first learned about Misan plas uh when I was trying to figure out how to be an adult and like learn to cook right you know and there were like these videos on YouTube on on how to properly get your kitchen and I've mentioned this before but it's like you know if you're turning around to go to the stove there's no motion that's wasted so anytime you're turning or taking steps in the kitchen it needs to be with purpose so something's in your hand so every step has purpose and everything is in its right place like like that makes a lot of sense to me yeah and detailing is the same way if you're not making any moves that don't accomplish the goal then you're going to get through it faster it's going to be easier for you and you're actually going to have a higher quality product so assuming someone out there has a garage is there a couple of things that you recommend in terms of where things should go where they should be placed to make the process of me walking on of my garage and getting onto that paint with my wash mitt um faster and more efficient cuz I talked to someone else recently who has never done Rines wash yeah and he was like man just setting up the pressure washer takes forever da so it's like just getting to the wash step takes a bit yeah you know one of the friends of the channel is cars with ke and you can go on his YouTube channel and he's done a couple walkthroughs of his garage he's revamped it a couple times and he is great with organizational well great videos anyways but great organizational skills and showing people how to set up the garage how to set up your pressure washer to be efficient and for it to work the best so yes having your pressure washer on a Shelf ready to go that you just have to flip the switch versus taking it out of the cabinet setting it up connecting it to the hose so anything you can do that's a repetitive motion a repetitive thing that you can automate or have already done for you makes it a lot easier what do you do with your towels and your washit after the job you didn't just you know have a crew of 10 guys working today so you're a detail shop so you have of microfibers what if you have like a drying towel you know and a wash mitt and maybe another like three or four towels then what do you do with those right ideally you'll want multiple towels that let's say you wash every week and it takes you 3 weeks to accumulate a load or four weeks to accumulate a load of towel have enough towels to live through that uh I like to just hang them up to dry once they're dry then I put them in my dirty towel bucket okay or dirt dirty towel bin whatever you want want for your clean towels have them in a closed bin so no dusk gets on them and those are your clean towels you know where they are they're easy to get couple of buckets right we don't Advocate the two bucket method but having a bucket for your wheel brushes then for your Rines wash Spong or incredible SS bucket with wash mitt so maybe a couple of buckets there as well exactly empty those out when you're done with the job yeah now and another thing that we do here we work as a team we'll have a bucket on either side now eventually we'll have wheels on our buckets once we get them out of storage but we'll have a bucket on either side so yeah that makes a lot of sense and uh you know it's a little bit more product cost because we're doing it for videos but yeah I mean if you're running a detail shop it's it's profitability wise hey if you don't care about a couple ounces here or there you could have a bucket on either side exactly when you watch the car it does make it faster it it does but ideally just get wheels on your bucket there you go uh we have two more guys so we promised you five we're going to give you a bonus cuz that's we are we like to be generous with the tips um eliminating products is is tip number five to make your car washing faster and I you've been into a lot of shops and I see them on YouTube as well and if you're a YouTuber you get all the products you want but yeah you know imagine trying to train someone else on this or explain your process when you know depending on which way the wind is blowing and what color the paint is and how you're feeling you grab a different product for the same use I think I'm going to grab this snow foam today or perhaps this wheel cleaner or you know they think this might be better on this particular vintage of a car you know it's like ex there's so many products in your cabinet right and it takes it takes time and energy to make decisions it's it's fun though it is fun oh having that collection of products and looking at it is great but having that collection of products can also induce a bit of anxiety in a lot of people in the sense that oh uh which one should I use which one should I use which one can I use which one is the best for this particular item relax find one you like and run with it that's the the best advice I can give you the other thing is you mentioned cleaning wheels and and this is somewhere that it becomes a bit of a marketing thing for a lot of companies but they'll have a dedicated Tire cleaner a dedicated wheel cleaner a dedicated bug remover and an APC when you look at the chemical makeup of those four products they're pretty much an APC so having a good quality APC allpurpose cleaner yeah allpurpose cleaner is going to save you time because now you're not spraying something on the wheel and then spraying something on the higher and then having to brush this one but I don't want interfering with that one and then oh I need to go get another product cuz I have two insect remains on the front no just get a good quality APC a good quality APC unlike a Degreaser will clean your tires without making them Brown they'll take the Browning out but they won't make them Brown when it dries uh it won't damage your paint won't damage the Plastics won't damage your wheels but it'll do a great job at cleaning them and the more often you clean your vehicle in terms of especially the wheels the less often you're going to need to grab what I was going to mention was iron remover yeah right so there's times when iron remover will be something you want to add so you spray on iron remover first typically on a dry wheel hopefully it's not like hot in the Sun so you don't want to work in direct sunlight on super hot scorching wheels that you maybe just drove but yeah just some iron remover spray that on there then foam some all clean over there for a good deep wheel cleaning but if you're washing once a week and you've been laying down some protection on there maybe some quick bead sprayed off at the end or even ceramic Closs on a towel and you wipe down they're going to be so much easier to clean you can pretty much just wash Wheels with rinseless exactly and that is tip number six so our a little bonus tip is wash your car more often the more often you wash it the less you have to wash it and that's a weird way of looking at it so that means that if you wash it once a week versus the person that washes their car every two weeks the one washing it once a week is not going to have to get out APC on the wheels he's not going to have to get out brushes he's not going to have bugs that have baked on for two weeks at worst going to have been baked on for one week so it actually makes it faster to wash it more often yeah it's almost easy at that point exactly almost too easy so how often do you wash your car at home I'd say I'm probably on an every two week I mean yeah I'm I'm not in a place where like I have a brand new car that I love it's it's uh we're in the long-term commitment phase right you're in the you've got the family hauler I've got the family hauler but I still have pride I'm a detailer I want to take care of it but I don't have a dedic Garage in Utah so it's a little bit more of a challenge to try to keep up on it but you know the idea of of a new car or a car that I truly love uh I I know I would want to do this very often so I'm trying to think about the person out there and and how we can help them right and actually one thing that's going to help you a lot is ceramic coat your car ceramic coating your car is not as difficult as a lot of people make it out to be it's very simple it's very easy but when you your car is ceramic coated it's so much easier to wash especially the wheels uh you know so if you're not able to wash it every week ceramic coat it is going to make that wash almost as easy as the guy that's washing it every week that was actually number two on our list but it was a small little list that I could see so actually we only gave you five so this is the bonus tip actually is ceramic coating your car yeah definitely cuz that does it does make it faster for sure ease of clean ease of clean that's it and ceramic coating your car don't just worry about the paint and the wheels ceramic coat your interior our interior ceramic makes cleaning the interior so much faster and easier it helps to repel dust no you're still going to get dust but you're not going to get a heavy accumulation of dust as much because it's not attracting the dust it's just dust is going to naturally fall on things but it makes it so much easier to clean your leather is going to clean a lot easier your steering wheel is going to clean easier your infotainment system all of that is going to be a lot easier to clean so ceramic coat not only the exterior but the interior and with your wheels Nick mentioned quick beads that is as far as I'm concerned our biggest musthave product when it comes to cleaning wheels it's not going to clean your wheels it's going to make your wheels a lot easier to clean the next time quick beads has this phenomenal ability to get in everywhere CU you're spreading it with water so two or three sprays on the wheel hit it with a hose it's going to get back there on the the brake calipers it's going to get on the brake disc and don't worry it's not going to hinder your braking it's going to get on your suspension if you spray it in there if you have a pickup truck with a big open wheel well you're jacked up in the air spray inside the wheel wells they're going to clean out easier once you have them barrels as well bar barrels of theel everything so quick beads on those intricate areas that are hard to maintain they're hard to coat they're hard to to clean once they once you do have them clean quick beads it's going to last a fair amount of time four to 6 months and it's going to give you a nice coating on there if you're into farm machinery you're a farmer you have AGG equipment the back end of the tractor between the two wheels where you have the three-point hitch where you have all those hydraulic connections that is a bear to clean it's a bear to do anything with because it's very intricate and there's a lot of lot of stuff there get it clean or when your tractor's new get some uh quick beads on there and then every time you wash it add a bit of quick beads there it's going to make your life so much easier and keeping that area clean if you have leaks in the future you're going to be able to spot that leak faster we were detail in a car the other day and uh I was like should we just do a ceramic gloss wipe down you're like no we'll just do quick beads and then we'll do ceramic gloss on the drying towel and one spray on the paint after we've applied the quick beads and rinsed it off it you said it' be faster I'm like what are you talking about right but it actually was because it wasn't much time to spray it on and rinse it off and the paint was so slick under I it didn't really add time at least no it didn't add time we used you know maybe half an ounce of quick bead so not a big deal but I think I was spraying it yeah okay so maybe yeah no but not never half a bottle uh but from that what happens as well is so much more water is dropped off the vehicle that we have less water to move around to dry and with the ceramic gloss it's just even easier so we'd already done a hose wash to begin with so we were still getting the drips from the mirror so it's not like anything was going to happen by introducing that hose at the end ex it wasn't already there so I don't know do you guys ever do the quick beads and then once that's rinsed off the paint then you do ceramic gloss as you're drying it if so let us know in the comments below it's an exceptional way to do your car and it always seems like it's a little bit glossier at the end it's fine so one way to amp up the appearance of your vehicle is through polishing and so maybe you're a weekend warrior you've washed the car many times you love detailing but maybe you want to take that next step into polishing I want you to check out this video it's top 10 polishing mistakes there's a lot to learn here folks if you have questions we answer all of them right here in the YouTube comments
Channel: DIY Detail
Views: 13,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Detail, Detailing car, Detailing, car care, Yvan Lacroix, Carwash, Foam, Rinseless wash, All Clean, Iron Remover, Incredible Suds, Ceramic coating, Clay towel, perforated synthetic decontamination towel, ceramic coating car, Nick Mcgurk, Ceramic Gloss, Quick Beads, Water Spot Remover, APC, training detailing, ceramic coating, keg sprayer, detail keg, pressure washer, kranzle, waterless wash, tree sap remover, paint decontamination, paint correction, how to detail a car
Id: AOCbtp2C7Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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