5 tips for the perfect Notion + Morgen setup

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hey there Morgan now integrates with notion making it easy to plan track and time block your notion tasks right into your calendar today I want to show you five things I've done to make my notion and Morgan combo a seamless time blocking experience tip number one only import tasks that I likely want to add to my calendar when I set up my integration not only do I pick pages that should sync with Morgan but I can also decide which tasks to add to Morgan so for example when I connect my database here there are going to be some instances where there are different people that belong to different tasks inside the database so in this instance I can market so that I only want to see tasks that are assigned to myself and not for the people on my team so I'm going to choose to only import those tests assigned to me based on this property that way what I see over here on this task list in Morgan are all tasks that I want to plan and schedule in my calendar number two we can choose how I want tasks to be displayed so at the top of my task manager you can open the task menu here and you can decide how your task should be grouped and sorted for instance I want to see my notion task grouped by something like different project types or by priority so for example I have MS set to Priority here so it's grouped into different priority categories and then on top of that I can sort them and order them by my time property which is essentially my due date so in here inside of my high priority tasks you'll see that the ones for today are showing up here and then the ones for tomorrow are after I can also adjust that if I wanted to do the opposite with the sending or otherwise but I like doing ascending showing the earliest ones first I like this setup because it helps me see what to schedule next but you can tweak it to work for you you can also decide which notion properties you want to see as tags for key details visible at a glance this can include blockers due dates priority levels and more I like to make those properties that inform my scheduling like due dates and priority levels always visible but if I wanted to get rid of them I can always click on the tags these time labels I can click none or show all and that's just a nice way to adjust things visually inside a Morgan the way you configure your tasks will apply to all your notion databases you can jump between databases using the drop- down selector at the top of your task manager here and the next tip that I'm going to dive into is that due dates and doe dates are different and both important so essentially what I did there was due dates being due and then there's D dates in Morgan we can consider the time when you work on tasks to be different from when those tasks are required to be done AKA due do sometimes you may want to work on a task while in advance of when it's due or you may need multiple work sessions to tackle it what this means inside of Morgan is that when you schedule a task in your calendar that is considered the time to work on that task TKS it will not impact or change the due date set in notion as you can see here if I were to move this task over to this side the time property which is my due date doesn't change inside of notion it's still today not tomorrow if you want to keep an eye on what is coming due you can opt to have a today and upcoming list visible at the top of your task manager so inside of here you can either enable or un enable those items here or I like having them on so I'm going to keep them on there so as you can see right here by clicking on today that's obviously what tasks are due today then for the upcoming section these filters are based on the due dates so for the upcoming Feud date it's going to be items that are due within the next 7 days if you have no tasks due today or in the next week you'll notice that the list will not be visible tip number four in your preferences you can set up some defaults to make time blocking faster if we open up the preferences menu at the top of General preferences you can set up some defaults to make time blocking faster so instead of having an automatic one I can set mine to rise productive which is my main work that's just for like my basic calendar and I could also do the same or a different one for my tasks if you have multiple calendars connected to Morgan you can set a default calendar for scheduled tasks mine is personally set to this rise productive calendar and then for the default overall calendar I'm going to pick meetings cuz that's a little bit different right I'm getting task done versus I'm setting meetings rice productiv is then name my company it's my general work calendar which is where most of my tasks are scheduled I can always reassign a scheduled task to another calendar when relevant but those are my defaults if others have permission to see your calendar you can choose whether you want your scheduled tasks to be visible to others or to keep the details of those tasks private you can always override this in each scheduled task you can see right here by clicking on this I can adjust this from being public to private so that others can see or not see the information on these and you can decide whether scheduled tasks should be marked as busy or free as a default once again for everything that I'm referencing this can be done in the front end manually on your calendar but you can adjust between private public on preferences as well as the transparency for busy or free I usually keep mine private and busy I recommend making them busy but you know you can always change this and tip number five is going to be that some tasks require more than one work section once you've scheduled the first time Block in your calendar you can copy it with command C so for example as you can already see I have this task right here and I have a feeling that I'm going to need some more time with it so I can find another time slot for later in the week and I can click somewhere and then paste it out one important note is that if you schedule multiple work sessions for one task in order for it to be considered complete you'll need to Mark the task from your task manager complete only then will it relay its to notion the task is closed and updated status if you discover other tips to make time blocking your notion test in Morgan a great experience please share them here you can also get more tips for time blocking in Morgan from this video as well thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Morgen
Views: 3,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morgan, calandar
Id: CYwdShjwSxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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