5 Times Shroud Went NUTS at Events

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foreign [Applause] [Applause] Jericho Jericho's going why'd you put me against these people [Applause] one's right under you on the right hand side needed one one push you behind you hit once yeah he was literally 2b2 is my my [ __ ] you know what I mean if I [ __ ] I can't be stopped I'm fragged right side middle somewhere I just heard him he slammed his desk oh one's a little left side one's the left side one's mid that's right laughs oh Tucker was stoked that's funny shroud I want to ask you about twitch Rivals because you've been playing with some phenomenal streamers not against the pros I have to say but how has it been like for you to practice for twitch Rivals let me make sure this has worked it works you're on you're on man you're on okay um yeah I haven't played against Bros I'm excited for that I know a lot of people are because they've never seen that before I just play like casually pubs um and on top of that the land client I've never played land pubg so I'm super excited to see how it feels how the lead how the lead's gonna change everything one more come down they're getting attacked by another team found one so they don't steal your kill oh they're probably gonna steal those all right now this guy's still down I seriously think he left them [Applause] yikes oh we can't spectate oh no yeah we were in a pretty bad spot okay so I'm gonna try to save you but yeah oh yeah guy out front down out front of police right now I downed one God damn oh left left two guys out there oh boy that's really good yeah oh my God I think the second guys [ __ ] I'm not gonna be able to save you I was really putting everything on that nade I think I'm just going to use this time to go on the Rocks there's a guy at the rock or treat rather yeah he saw me that shot okay okay I'll take it there you go oh you smoke the two-seater driver after you met I'm dead I'm dead that's it yeah that's right [Applause] [ __ ] [Music] there's an animal right now but can he do more please please try out please please do it let's see what you can do it another name what [Music] please please do it let's see what you can do right it's going up quick comes down oh my God it's so clean so low it's just the time I guess it was just a little too far just a tiny teeny tiny bit that sucks you have great natural aim uh is that what you rely on like you know do you do you also listen to like call outs who's calling out on your team Etc I mean I haven't played this new Cafe before so I played it like one time so I'm kind of confused I don't know any of the angles I'm just relying on my aim people are a common stuff I got no idea I'm just trying to brag as coconut bro will drop it begins to plant trying to take the duel with cross as chai actually takes down flanks crosso to take down Macy Jay also we have an equal bout one Falls is oh my God shroud on an equal trade here by the little amount of bands that we have see that's a valkyrie cosplay that is that's amazing unfortunately not in a position to try and take them down through the floorboard shroud though oh hanging in on the mozzie with the Ronnie we are gonna have Badger fall off immediately though and now we're gonna have shroud on Blitz which is uh a pretty creative pick to say the least having some fun right yeah I don't know what's your Edge I don't know what your opinion on fun is I don't find Blitz America see that I find fun right there shroud finding a nice pick the quick switch over to the ads to catch flank there in any situations here you're gonna hear that Shield noise from quite a long ways away as long as you got your sound turned on you're assassin finds the next pick up here we're gonna see coconut brunt take quite a bit of damage from chai as well shrouch is holding back the tide right now this huge spray of bullets he's taking a lot of heat from his side but ultimately the Rowdy shroud he's picking it up shroud completely blinds out her last player he gets the second kill and the Rowdy shroudies bring it back tie us up we're going to the final round full time between these two teams and they actually have some Echoes excuse me Yokai drone on top as well as well as some assassins utility blank going to be rotating up but he's got a good man in his foot shroud quick with the head shot on the flank across archon also challenging Macy Jay to back him up all of a sudden shroudy's Rowdy shroudies in lead on mankel recognizes out sasseling but is not able to find the kill sasson's going to take quite a bit of damage shroud at the back and forth movement truck could get aggressive he's going to get a call on the Yokai drone stunning him has to challenge him out all he has to do is hit him one time shroud dancing back and forth on the angle though hey now he's got a Yokai drone stun on him the evil eye the legion mine there's nothing that's gonna work shroud's gonna shut it down in the Russian Badger gets up to celebrate as well and they're gonna take the second match of the day here and now move on to face off against the fake diamonds to decide the winner of our creator cup here at the sixth major rally I've got 21 bullets this guy is Iron Man what the hell [Music] there we go baby and this is gonna be the push going back in they are not sitting down they are not resting shroud wants a bit of the fun he spots out the plan that's gonna be a headshot surely where are these bullets going I think I'm missing hello uh all right trial just get the job done you know you want to execute him and you do first one down is there a second form that's the Shroud you want to be seeing put it on the big stage and he delivers cold calm collected the man hasn't broken a sweat oh we got you guys in front of us you want to stop the shoot over just go to the zone right here right right in front of us 320. one by The Rock hello what's that another one yeah yep [Applause] 's also tanked up on the left-hand side so oh that's nasty shroud that's a dirty knock look at this guy he's ready getting round he can take him down punish him for daring to try and fight the king and now he's gonna go back for a little bit more his teammates looking a little scared a little nervous as I would be as well shroud showing us how it is done ladies and gents that one [Music] job [Music] what he's just dropped out uh I think he forgot to program his hotkeys know the direction though right yeah I didn't I didn't see him but I know oh I see one there's two of them over there [Music] I think yeah he's backing up and well they're moving into two of the players have been extremely good shroud not got the full auto gun he's only got the M16 this could be his downfall this could be shroud done there's two players on the other side who's showing some real power so far shroud are you ready for this that Hill two players a week Splinter has been exceptional but he shows a little and he might just give this one one goes down but where's the trade where's his teammate what he's got his Golem shroud 180s round he takes down fizzle and the revive is very much on here oh dude the Zone's closing peace yeah you do your thing damn he's dead to the Zone too probably there was another one in the zone he was literally in the zone well that guy just got how much hundred dollars hundred dollars nice that was a good game nice we got shroud as the captain joining him we've got Justin we've got Choco Taco and we've got Chad soak it in gentlemen stare deeply into the eyes of the crowd those are the people you're here to impress [Applause] Ed yeah 240. I mean good job boys almost on the right very hurt in between the roads where they were round one down two oh boy hit three times let's go let's go getting these dubs baby inside mommy armor Corner got him and behind me dude they had like a they had like a setup dude that sucks broke his armor can't hear anything going to the garage got him oh he's Crossing on me can't see him he's under you guys hit once now done nice mommy and me nice Dude Perfect [Music] Dude all right that was okay you led them to Victory what do you want to say I mean I knew we were going to win regardless like I have we got the god Squad we got the god Squad right we got the god Squad yeah now so yeah they said thank you I'm saying thank you to the people at home that watch me on stream and all of us on stream so thank you guys let's give it up for team shroud we are your very first Doritos Bowl champions they put in the work they put
Channel: Shroud
Views: 2,700,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shroud, shroud highlights, shroud funny, shroud moments, shroud funny moments, shroud youtube, shroud plays, shroud moments pubg, shroud moments csgo, shroud moments reaction, shroud best moments, shroud clutch moments, shroud best moments csgo, shroud god moments, shroud pro highlights, shroud pro, shroud pro scene, shroud pro moments pubg, csgo shroud pro moments, shroud pubg, shroud reacts, shroud apex, shroud csgo
Id: tc7_UAFi9w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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