5 Times Celebrities Messed With The Wrong Cartels

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this video is brought to you by cyber ghost VPN December 18th 2017 a Mexican YouTuber threw a party in the city of halisco despite the warnings he got from a notorious cartel not to ever step foot in the same city but before we get into those details here are five celebrities murdered by Mexican drug cartels number five Serio Vega Jose Sergio Vega qua was a famous Mexican singer killed by a Mexican cartel for one of the worst reasons you could imagine born on September 12th 1969 Sergio who went by the stage name El Shaka was a regional Mexican singer he was born in AO Orno Sonora located near sad oon in Mexico and was the eighth child of 13 children in his family growing up there were little to no opportunities for Sergio to take advantage of so in 1989 he relocated to the US where he joined his brother's Musical group in Phoenix as a singer and bajo sexto player the group Los Hermanos Vega later signed with Joey records and released numerous hit songs such as corason de oropel and Elio deoa Sergio Vegas time with the group helped him launch his musical Persona and after 5 years riding with this group he had a Fallout with his brother and decided to leave he then created another group Los Ros Del Norte and signed with a new record label digital Universal they released numerous hit albums while Sergio's Fame continued to Surge however he made one big mistake getting involved with the Narco coridor genre of music in case you didn't know Narco Coro is a gen romanticized ballads set against a poab beat that recount in glamorous detail the lives loves and murderous exploits of Mexico's most feared cocaine Barons kind of like singing about their accolate blades so you might be thinking why the heck would anyone sing about that well for starters the life of these kind of singers can be very lucrative drug lords who make billions of dollars from trafficking cocaine and other substances to the US don't mind paying tens of thousands of dollars to see these singers to in a reporter's words immortalize them in special commissioned songs but the downside to it was when a song is made to glorify a particular drug lord the singers instantly become Target it's for the drug Lord's enemies who hate seeing their Rivals glorified by anyone and Sergio Vega was not Exempted from this rule however one after another Narco cor those singers began disappearing or getting murdered in Cold Blood including Grammy nominated singer Sergio Gomez Gomez was the front runner of the band Kaz de laera but after performing at a concert in the state of Mito aan Gomez was kidnapped along with his singers his body was found strangled to death 7 Days Later in another town if you were Sergio o Vega you'd run for your life right seeing that one of the biggest singers in your genre just got murdered for the type of songs you sing would instill a level of fear in any man but not Vega and after the death of Gomez the media began circulating the news that Vega himself had been killed but he was still alive he was even interviewed by a Mexican entertain website where he spoke about the rumors being untrue he said and I quote it's happened to me for years now someone tells a radio station or a newspaper I've been killed or suffered a terrible accident then I have to telephone my dear mother who suffers from heart trouble to reassure her that in fact I am still alive sadly out of his bravery foolishness or maybe both Sergio Vega was murdered while on his way to perform at a village Festival concert in the the Mexican state of caloa at around 9:30 p.m. on June 26th 2010 a gang armed with auto weapons in a white truck drove up to his speeding red Cadillac and opened fire on him the 40-year-old singer's assistant Sergio Montiel was also in the car and who miraculously survived told the reporters that after the vehicle was forced off the road the gunman ran up to the passenger side where Vega had been sitting and finished him off with shots to the head and chest more than 30 bullets were found in his deceased body with half that number being aimed at his torso and when the news of his death broke out once again his mother never received a call from him his death and that of Sergio Gomez moved the Mexican Government to place restrictions on naroo music and even push social networks like YouTube to remove dozens of videos from their platform Sergio Vega was a good man who sang the songs he did out of the fame and money it brought brought however he refused to pay attention to the repercussions and I guess it's safe to say that they caught up with them number four Juan Luis lagunas Rosales lagunas was a Mexican YouTuber popularly known as El pirata de kuak Kan standing for pirate of kuak Kan born in caloa Juan's childhood was pretty tough he grew up without a father and his mother hardly worked he was left in the care of his grandmother but there was just so little she could actually do it's also worth noting that Juan's childhood neighborhood was just a few kilometers away from that of the infamous drug lord hen El Chapo gozman however Juan didn't have any encounters with the narcotics underworld opportunity until he decided to drop out of high school and seek a better life in the city at kuak Kan you see when he got to kuak Kan Juan took up a few menial jobs to sustain his living but as he did this he entered an unhealthy relationship with alcohol I mean this guy was drinking on the job away from the job at any point in time in between he had a bottle of liquor with him the worst part is he wasn't even old enough to drink but the twist of the story is that the unhealthy relationship with alcohol made him famous he started a YouTube channel posting videos of himself consuming large volumes of whiskey and beer and then show his reaction to getting drunk sounds a bit but for some reason his videos got enormous amounts of views and reactions from the public he also tried to add some sense of humor to his videos making him blow up in a very short period he had over a million followers on his Facebook page and over 300,000 followers on Instagram in fact Juan got so famous he began appearing in music videos and TV shows from there Juan's life took a drastic turn for the worst he began posting photos to his Grand page that weren't really accepted by the older community given this kid was just 17 years old he was seen with guns luxury cars and of course Very beautiful women who were more times than not dressed in sultry style and just when you think that lifestyle must have led Juan down the path to being killed by a Mexican drug cartel it actually didn't instead he turned a new Leaf after he met a guy named Betto Sierra Sierra was a mastermind behind social media management and his friendship with Juan helped Juan reestablished his online presence he moved away from the whole alcohol drinking scene and delved into a more marketable content creating things like his own merch and trying to become a singer but regardless of Sierra's influence in his life Quan was like a tick and time bomb and sooner than anyone expected his time was up Juan made it known on countless occasions that he had numerous enemies and he wasn't afraid of any of them and in a video in which he appears to be wasted Juan insulted nesio sigua cantes also known as El meno he said ELO yeah which Loosely translates to El meno suck my you know what and I mean try to mess with any cartel okay but El meno that was way overboard El meno is the leader of the notorious New Generation halisco cartel AKA cj& in Mexico to some extent even El Chapo and his cartel never like crossing paths with these guys cuz their level of brutality and violence has gotten into another realm however Juan crossed the line and although he was drunk he didn't stop there the cjng then issued a warning to Juan to never step foot in the city of halisco again unless he wants to be killed however Juan stubbornly went ahead to throw a party at a bar in halisco December 18th 2017 a group of armed men entered the bar where Juan was partying and blasted his soul away from his body with more than 18 bullets fired at him from multiple High caliber guns Juan's body sustained so many injuries that the only thing used to recognize him were his tattoos with his death Juan became more popular than he would have ever imagined he was featured in Rolling Stone magazine not for his life but for his death at the hands of the cj& G an article about him by the Univision reporter read he opted to make a career as Broken Toy of cyberspace a path he carved out drink by drink and that left him with the enemies of flesh and blood as for his friend BTO Sierra who tried to save him from the evil path he was going down he wrote in an Instagram post after hearing a Juan's death you were living a fast life you never listened and I don't judge you those who knew you knew you were a good person this was just one of those times when it was obvious that El meno wasn't the guy to mess with so while you may not have to watch out for El Chapo that doesn't mean you're safe in every aspect hackers and malicious websites are always on the hunt and without a solid VPN you'll will be at risk of them stealing your data credit cards or maybe even looking at you through your webcam right now so a huge shout out to this video sponsor cyber ghost VPN cuz with them all your traffic goes through a secure VPN tunnel meaning your IP address and all your data would be encrypted and that'll effectively say by-bye to all those scammers cyber ghost VPN has more than 38 million users and five stars on trust pilot so it's definitely one of the best vpn's on the market and with their strict no logs policy no one not El Chapo or even cyber ghost will know about your online activity the product's super easy to use and in just a few clicks you can access Geor restricted content from websites YouTube included social media networks go and find better deals online play games blocked in 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lady wearing a black afro wig red lipstick and gigantic lenses she would often go to the supermarkets and interact with people you know like the millions of things we see on Tik Tok but after a while Leslie's audience grew larger and she decided to switch up that content to expose corrupt Mexican government officials Al Lesley was smart about it she didn't just outrightly insult or expose these individuals rather she conveyed these messages in a comedic tone but the messages were still clear and it pissed off a lot of people now OB obviously there's no harm in excessing freedom of speech right well in a country like Mexico it kind of is and other places I mean just from the year 2000 more than 150 big-time journalists have been murdered in the most cruel ways and Leslie was just another statistic the road to her demise began when she began reporting on the activities of Mexico's most silent cartel the independent cartel of Acapulco I bet you haven't heard of of him before and that's because these guys operate in the shadows the cartel is mostly composed of former members loyal to a high-ranking member of the beltron Lea cartel Edgar Valdez vial who was arrested in September 2010 the group is responsible for several homicides in Acapulco and is part of the wave of smaller local gangs operating in the area now back to Leslie after Leslie made her activities known to the public she began receiving death threats with banners thrown around the restaurant she owned accusing her of working with other cartels to expose them to the Mexican Government however Leslie obviously denied these accusations stating that she had no affiliations with any cartels but that the information on her channel was from a reliable source she didn't stop posting and allegedly Expos the cartel making her a threat to their organization and so on February 5th 2018 two men walked into her restaurant while she was working a night night shift they ordered two beers before opening fire on Leslie they shot her three times in the head killing her instantly thankfully one of the sarios responsible for her death elipas was arrested by Mexican authorities however this is where the story gets interesting during his trial the judge presiding over the case dismissed the charges against them stating there was an insufficient amount of evidence and believe us when we say there was all the evidence in the world to convict lpus all this case proves is that Leslie was right to call out the corruption in the country cartels had their way of bribing judges and even top government officials to escape from the law we can even take Chapo's prison escapes as an example Leslie died trying to expose the independent cartel of Acapulco and it wasn't until her death that foreign bodies began investigating the Affairs of this cartel in Acapulco itself now during their investigation they discovered that Acapulco was such a dangerous place to live in it was named the second most dangerous city in the world the United States even placed a special travel ban on its citizens to visit that area Leslie thought exposing the city of Acapulco to the public and the Mexican Government would make a difference she had the determination to stand up for justice and sadly she had no idea the corruption was more deeply rooted than she had ever imagined despite her commitment to journalism she missed the one thing that makes cartel's Thrive and that's [Music] power number two El Compa Jorge April 18th 2022 famous Mexican businessman and YouTuber El Compa Jorge was gunned down right in front of his house by two armed men after he released a terrifying statement against a notorious Mexican cartel orge started in the world of Fame as a simple YouTuber he posted simple Vlogs and storytime videos but saying there was a bigger audience for him in the car Niche Jorge began making Vlogs about cars but looking back it's safe to say that it was the wrong decision I'll tell you why in the city of kuak Kan where Jorge's from Cars attract the attention of everyone including cartel members orge once made a video where he talked about how he was kidnapped in kuak Kan according to his story he was out with a friend at a party having a couple of drinks the friend asked them if they can head back home but also wanted Jorge to carry along a mutual friend Jorge being the kind man he is decided to have a plus one but on the way home he noticed the sudden urge to throw up as he had won too many drinks at that party and when he couldn't hold it anymore he decided to park roadside and just let it out but as he did a car pulled up from behind and a man stepped out holding a rifle before Jorge knew what was going on the man placed his head in a bag and shoved him into his vehicle when they got to their destination the armed man met up with a few of his colleagues and they dragged Jorge into a secluded area where they tied him up and began questioning him they asked what the source of his wealth was and if he was into drug trafficking but Jorge responded by telling him that he was only a businessman who owned the torer shop and nothing more but they didn't believe him I mean who would he barely had up to 100,000 subscribers on YouTube and owning this shop definitely doesn't seem like the kind of business that would fetch him that type of money to afford such a luxurious collection of cars they kept him for hours beat him and hit him numerous times to tell the truth but Jorge had already told his truth then they left him with no other option than to kill him one of the kidnappers cocked his gun and pointed it at his head at that point Jorge knew it was all over so he pleaded to him they should dump his body on the roadside where his family could gather him up and give him a befitting burial something about that statement sounded very genuine even to these kid Nappers so they decided to spare his life they untied him and told him to wait 5 minutes after they left before he could take off the blindfolds now there are a lot of loopholes to this story like what exactly happened to his friends in the car did they follow did they call the cops and were the kidnappers really cartel members while Jorge didn't share these Minor Details with his audience he saw the surge in interaction on his channel after uploading the video that talked about his kidnapping so he decided to do a little more cartel content for YouTube he released another video where he was talking about the time he met one of El Chapo's sons and went into detail about some other stuff we really can't say here but the bottom line is Jorge's video revealed a little bit too much and he became a Target so on April 18th shortly after he posted an update to his socials revealing all his plans for the day a truck with numerous armed individuals pulled up in his front yard and spread bullets to every corner of his body neighbors heard the gunshots and called the ambulance but Jorge died on route to the hospital some say he should have moved out of the city after that kidnapping incident some say he should have never steered his YouTube channel in that direction and others say the kidnappers were probably one of his friends but the killers are still out there and the case is still unsolved and number one super Chinelo a quick warning this story might scare you more than you think Ruben Ortega was a passionate YouTuber known online as super Chinelo he embraced a huge part of Mexican culture from thak capan in the state of Morelos he brought the awareness of his audience who were mostly foreigners to the dance and culture of his people he would live stream events wearing his trademark red mask and makeup to add a sense of humor to his online character he was loved so much by the locals who saw him as a happy man showcasing their culture and Heritage to the world and although he wasn't all that famous super Chelo's death sent shock waves around the world August 31st 2022 Ruben his wife and their 4-year-old son were all returning home from an event when a wave of violence erupted around their neighborhood Ruben hurriedly got out of his car to open the gate to his house but immediately he was gunned down shot 10 times his wife was seriously injured and their son was F fast enough to escape the scene unscathed the news of his death was made known on his Facebook page with a post that read unfortunately everything is true my friend and colleague Reuben Ortega passed away thank you for showing your support now the big question why was he killed well there's no answer to that Reuben was just another victim of circumstance in the continuous war between Mexican cartels some say he had previously critized ized corrupt politicians in some of his YouTube videos and that might be the reason for his murder while we can't say for certain if it's true or not Reuben's death made everyone have a sense of resentment against the Mexican Government this was a guy who had done no wrong who was a father a husband and a friend to everyone in his community who only wanted to bring out the heritage of his people yet the government couldn't protect him Mexico failed him failed his family and most importantly failed his son who would grow up traumatized and without a father it became very clear that any and everyone in Mexico was In Harm's Way Reuben's Killers remain out there adding his name to the list of thousands more who have been killed innocently in the wave of violence plaguing the country as a whole his death sent a message that no matter how much you choose to stay away from the violence of drug cartels No One Is Safe and that's a scary thing to comprehend be sure to click the link in the description to get that limited discount cyber ghost VPN has offered for all you guys take a stance and protect your data while browsing all your favorite Geor restricted content for just $23 per month
Channel: Crime Dynasty
Views: 381,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime Dynasty, history, documentary, true story, historical document, educational video, educational purposes, informational video, real life, history documentary, true crime, pablo escobar, escobar
Id: l9__no69ln0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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