How To Deploy A dSMB | Deep Dive

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hi everybody and welcome to the deep dive in today's video i'm going to be breaking down a few different ways that you can deploy a dsm be a delayed surface marker boy it's quickly becoming a very essential skill nowadays to basically let everybody on the surface know exactly where you are and where you're going to surface so that you don't get hit by boats and so the boats know exactly where you are let's dive straight in the first thing is the preparation so this is the same across all different inflation methods um so i'm just going to do this as initial section so the first thing is is that you need two basic bits of kit you need your reel or your spool depending on sort of what your preference is and your dsmb so the first thing that i like to do is uh to get the the dsmb out and they are the spools sort of ready two hands the reason why i keep them as separate entities and don't just have them attached in a pocket or something is just one when they're attached together in a pocket it just makes it one big fairly clunky item but also i might want to use this spool for something else whatever else it is um so it just reduces that kind of sort of extra work that needs to be done but to deploy the asmb it doesn't take that much work so the first thing is i usually take my dsmb out of storage wherever it is and then just undo it most dsmbs nowadays have a kind of a bungee loop system or some kind of wrap to stop them from unfurling themselves so just undo that and it'll naturally just kind of unfurl itself a little bit now these tend to be fairly neutrally buoyant so if you kind of drop it for whatever reason they don't tend to disappear too fast so i tend to do that first holding on to that with one hand i then get my my spool out and then i have it locked off uh sort of in storage mode like this just so that when it's clipped onto a d-ring there's a low chance of that unclipping itself so holding on to your your dsmb and holding on to your spool with the the same hand just undo this bolt snap clip that off onto a d-ring uh so it's secure and you can use that later take out the leader the the main sort of loop on that on that line and then you're going to pass that through the anchor point which on this dsmb is this small d-ring here so pass it through and then you just pass the spool through that leader and that creates really quick and effective knot so now your spool is attached onto your dsmb let's look at a few different ways to inflate it first inflation method is using your alternate air source or your octo so holding onto the reel or spool kind of loosely with one hand also holding onto the dsmb just a small corner of it make sure that it's nice and free nothing's kind of wrapped around an arm or a piece of equipment you want to keep this kind of as far away from your body as possible just so that when it does start to inflate you're free from it and it's not going to snag on anything and yank you up to the surface so holding onto both of those with with one hand get your alternate air source or or your octo and then put that second stage into the bottom of your dsmb obviously you need an open ended dsmb to allow for this mouthpiece facing upwards and then press on that purge button that's going to vent gas into the dsmb it's going to shoot up to the top and then depending on your depth as long as it has about half of the bag full just let go of it and that should start to shoot up to the surface and then it will start playing outline so quick and easy make sure that everything's uh sort of far away from you and your gear as possible and that will start to shoot up to the surface next method uses your primary and your exhaled gas as you breathe out to do a very similar thing this one it makes more sense for your buoyancy because as you exhale into the bag your buoyancy doesn't really change uh so it's good for that aspect the downside is is that you're bringing all of this equipment quite close to your face uh which i'm not a huge fan of because if you've got like a dsmb like this which has lots of kind of straps on it then that's just extra things to attach onto you or your gear so i'm not a huge fan of it but i'll show you how to do it so breathing from your second stage then you similar thing as before holding on to your reel or your spool make sure that's ready to pay out holding on to the the dsmb then bring that close to your face and then effectively just turn and allow that exhaled gas to get into the underside of the dsmb same as before fill it up one or two breaths as much as you can without changing your position in the water and then release it and then pay out the line if you have a closed cell dsmb like this one you can still orally inflate it and again it's a preferred method because it doesn't adjust your buoyancy as you exhale into it similar method holding on to your spool just ready to pay out and then with this section here this is so that you can inflate it either with a low pressure inflator hose which i'll show you next or you can orally inflate it you can have specific oral inflation valves nowadays which are a bit more comfortable the metal uh sort of valves on some dsmbs like this if they can be a bit much on your teeth metal on teeth doesn't really go but with a plastic one like this it's fairly comfortable these are basically spring-loaded valves if you push it in it opens the valve so you can inflate it like a balloon and then when it springs out it closes that valve so it keeps the gas inside so all you do is just holding onto the two orally inflate it and in this case you can pretty much fill the entire thing with one lung full um if you need to you can sort of top it up but then of course you've got to consider your buoyancy that will shoot up to the surface and then you pay out your line and finally you have using your low pressure inflator hose either from your bcd you can't take it from your dry suit but when you reconnect it afterwards it can shoot a bit of water inside of your dry suit which is never a nice experience so i tend to use one for my bcd you can always reconnect it later to control your buoyancy and this is basically the same connector as your bcd so same as before just loose pinch grip on your spool or holding down that ratchet down retract the collar on your bcd inflator and then push it onto that nozzle and that inflates very very quickly the thing to note on this is that there's no locking mechanism on this so no matter how hard you push that that connector onto it it won't lock and hold it into position like your inflator it will always just slip off so as soon as it's full just let go of it the dsmb a lot of the times will just come free from your hands and as long as you're holding onto the the spool it'll just shoot up to the surface and you can pay out your line the final method only applies to certain few tanks that have a dedicated bottle attached onto them these are pretty rare nowadays but all it basically is is the same as before attach it onto your reel or spool and then when that's ready to pay out you just open up the cylinder valve of the dedicated cylinder and your dsmb will shoot up to the surface once your dsmb is shot up to the surface it'll keep sort of tugging on the line but then when it starts to go loose that means that your dsmb has reached the surface and you need to keep some amount of tension on that line so reel it in just a little bit until the line is fairly taut check your depth make sure you're at the correct depth and then when you use that that bolt snap you can clip it off onto the line and then clip it off onto one of the holes on your spool and then that will lock it in position so it will just hang there and then you know exactly where you are at depth when you then start to ascend back up again all you need to do is just rewind that line back on depends how you want to do it personally i leave it attached onto the bolt snap just so it doesn't go anywhere and then i just wind it back in as i start to come up and because you're taking your time to really sort of wind it back in it also means you're taking time to ascend back at a safe rate by keeping tension on the line all the way back up means that your dsmb is always going to be in the upright position because you're trying to pull it under the water it's trying to float above the water so that means it's standing nice straight up and tall so that everyone in the water can see you then when you reach the surface keep it inflated don't deflate it then and there this is still a signaling device to let other people know exactly where you are in the water so just keep it upright and even when you're literally right back at the boat keep it inflated all i tend to do is just wind that spool back in and then clip it off onto a d-ring uh just so that's secure i don't have to worry about that still just holding onto the dsmb make your way back onto the boat or back onto shore and then once you're back all you have to do is just deflate the the smb they usually have a valve on it like this so i tend to make that the lowest point because you can often get water on the inside of dsmb's you want to drain that water so just give a little tug on that on that piece of string and that will deflate it and then wind it back from the top all the way down to the bottom deflating as you go and then store it back up properly okay so that was deploying dsmbs an essential skill for all scuba divers nowadays just so that you can be seen in and around the water uh dsmbs have quickly become an essential piece of kit but which one do you use and how do you use it let us know down in the comments below thank you for watching and of course safe diving foreign
Channel: Simply Scuba
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Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, Internet Fusion Group, scuba diving, Scuba Diving, scuba advice, scuba diving advice, How To Deploy A dSMB | Deep Dive, How To Deploy A dSMB, Deploy A dSMB, How, To, Deploy, Deploy A, dSMB, Delayed, Surface, Marker, Buoy, Deep, Dive, Deep Dive, list, list video, how to
Id: wj1yxWJo6wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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