5 Things We HATE About Our DIY Camper

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COURNTEY We spent two   and a half months building the camper of our  dreams. We had never built a camper before,   and one of the most common questions we get  is what would we do differently next time. RILEY Today is our six month   anniversary of living in the camper, and we feel  like we have a good idea of what we would change. COURNTEY It's not   actually five things we hate about the camper,  because there's nothing that I really strongly   dislike about the camper. So we're gonna go with  five things we would do differently next time. RILEY All right, Courtney. So what's number one? COURNTEY If you guys watched   our build series, you saw that our original  idea was to put the porch light right here.   Seemed like a good idea until we turned it on at  night. And then when you walked up the stairs,   it would blind you and you couldn't  see to get in the camper. So then   take two, we moved it up there, which seemed like  a great spot for it until we moved to Idaho and   there were bugs. If we leave the porch light on  at night, it fills with bugs. And then you open   the door and all the bugs go in your house. Not  ideal. We still want a porch light on this side of   the camper. But I think next time we would put it  over here, where it's still giving light to camp,   but it's not right by the door. That way, it  doesn't matter when it attracts a ton of books. RILEY One of our most   talked about topics around this camper is our  poop. Everyone wants to know how we do it. COURNTEY They don't want to know how we poop.   They want to know how we get rid of it. Just  making sure we're on the same topic here. RILEY So we have a cassette toilet, and it's awesome.   There's just this little cassette that slides out.   This one's kind of full right now. We can dump  this in porta potties, gas station bathrooms,   pit toilets. It's very convenient. However,  if you asked us in winter, we never smelled   it a single time. But when it hit 110 degrees  up here, this toilet started really stinking   and stinking up the inside of the camper to the  point where we didn't really want to be in there. We still love the toilet and the functionality  it gives us but we needed to fix the smell.   We've tried different tablets and additives.  And they help but they don't get rid of it.   We have a really simple solution that fixed  the problem. We added a little tiny 12 volt   fan right to the bottom here that just runs 24  hours a day and pulls air through the toilet.   We no longer smell it inside at all. Now one problem that we were anticipating that  a lot of other people on our channel called us   out on was that the toilet was going to freeze  in the winter. Turns out that wasn't a problem   at all. Even at negative 12F for multiple days  in a row, we did not have a single problem with   the toilet freezing or the waterline feeding the  toilet freezing. We think that's because our water   heater is right here on the other side of the wall  from the toilet, and it puts off a lot of heat.   So we think that the water heater kept the toilet  and the water lines from being able to freeze. So   that was just dumb luck that our toilet doesn't  freeze but it worked out pretty well for us.   We love having the cassette toilet and we're  definitely adding one to our next camper. COURNTEY We have a love hate relationship with our windows   for the price point and the insulation value they  are amazing, but they do scratch very easily. So   now that we're up in Idaho, and our road is  a bit overgrown, things like tree branches,   I mean even just the little pine needles, if  they brush the window, they will scratch them.   So that's something that I do not like but they  are very easy to buff out. And so every few weeks   I'll just buff the scratches out and then they're  good until we drive on a overgrown road again. RILEY We actually use the inside shower way more than   we ever expected to. However, there is a problem.  If we can find a level parking slot everything is   great, but a level parking spot is hard to  come by. So we usually try to park with our   heads uphill. The problem is when we park with our  heads uphill, the shower drain doesn't work right. It's dirty under there, that dirt came off of me. So the floor of the shower pan slopes this  direction, and the area that the toilet   sits on slopes this direction. But when  we're parked with our heads uphill,   the back where the toilet is ends up  flat, and water pools in the back corners. So I've talked to some other people that have  built their own campers and they've actually   added two drains so that it doesn't matter how  they're parked their shower always drains I   think that's an idea that we'll use next time. The  shower is also a great place to put the dog bowl. COURNTEY  Now we're to the fifth and final thing that we  would change about our camper if we were to build   another one. When we designed the camper and the  outer shell we wanted the front nose cone to do   a nice taper for a lot of reasons. It helps  with aerodynamics when you're driving.   And also it looks cool. However, it meant  that we don't have quite enough headspace   when we're in the bed. Every morning when I  sit up, I whack my head, and so does Riley. RILEY Now if you haven't gathered, whacking   my head is something that I do on a regular basis.  So for some reason, it doesn't really bother me. COURNTEY I don't normally go around   whacking my head into things and so it is kind  of a downside. Another option would be to just   flip around and sleep with our heads here. But  then your pillow falls off. And that's annoying.   Another option would be to do an East West bed  instead of a north south bed. But then one of us   would have to crawl over the other to go to the  bathroom in the middle of the night. So I think   this is still our ideal setup, I think we would  just give ourselves another inch of headroom. RILEY Ah,   I didn't actually expect to hit my head that time. COURNTEY It's like   it's just, it's right there. See if there  was one more inch, we wouldn't hit our heads. Alright, now we're done being negative,   and we're going to tell you the five  things about our camper that we love. Whacking my head might be one of my  least favorite things about the camper,   but my king size bed is my number one favorite  thing about the camper. We have never had a   camper with a king sized bed and it means  that we sleep so well every single night. My other favorite part about the  camper is cooking all electric,   it means that we don't have to carry propane, we  don't have to get propane refilled and we can cook   so quickly. Most of the time, we're  just using the little instant pot.   This thing is amazing and it cooks so  efficiently. There's not a lot of heat loss,   so it's a great way to cook with electricity. The  other way we cook is with this portable cooktop.   I love the portable cooktop because it means when  I'm not cooking my counter makes a great desk. I   don't have anything in the way of working. And  it means we can also take it inside or outside   for cooking depending on the weather. Between  these two things we can cook almost any meal.   The only thing we miss having is a barbecue. I've  also come to enjoy Instant Pot cooking with Riley,   you never know what's gonna happen and it  might explode. But it is always entertaining. RILEY Living in a small space   with two large dogs is very challenging at times,  especially dogs with as much energy as ours have.   But we love traveling with our dogs and  they add a lot of joy to our daily life. Adding this small pass through and  making this custom dog platform in   the backseat for them was one of  the best things we could have done   in this build. It allows them to  easily hop back and forth as they want. The platform we built for the dogs to sit  on in the backseat also opened up a lot   of room underneath for us to store bulky and  awkward stuff like our camp chairs, the tools,   Courtney's bike tires, dog food. And  if we hadn't taken that backseat out,   we would have nowhere to put all that  stuff. This build was really about   maximizing the space we had so that we could  have everything we needed in this tiny package   and adding the pass through feature, it made a  big difference in how we use this tiny camper. I love this bike storage. Having the bikes  inside locked up has been awesome. We've had   camper setups in the past where the bikes run  a bike rack outside, and it's just really hard   sleeping well at night in a public area knowing  that your bikes could be gone in the morning.   Having the bikes Inside Out of sight and locked up  is a great peace of mind. Taking the bikes apart   and putting them back together. It's a little  bit of a pain. But I think that in the end,   it's worth it. When we built this compartment with  the swing down table also allows us to have a nice   place to be able to cook our meals outside.  Now hopefully if we ever upgrade our bikes in   the future, they still fit just like these ones,  because it's a tight squeeze to get them in there. COURNTEY The fifth and final   thing we love about our camper might sound kind  of silly, and shallow, but it's the way it looks. RILEY Every time we park and walk somewhere   and we then we come back and we see the camper  that we both go, Whoa, that thing is awesome. COURNTEY It's hard sometimes   when you're imagining something you don't  know how it's actually going to turn out.   But our goal was to make a camper that was  tiny, offroad capable and really rugged looking. RILEY And I think we succeeded. COURNTEY We've had quite   a few people ask us if we're going to be building  another camper and the answer is we have no idea. RILEY I would love to   build another camper someday. But there are a lot  of things that we're looking forward to building. COURNTEY We've been living   in the camper for six months  now and it has been amazing.   I would live in it forever but I am missing having  a shop and somewhere to work and make things   so our biggest priority right now is getting  our Idaho shop apartment done before winter. RILEY If you haven't checked   out that playlist, make sure to click on  our channel and check out our off grid   shop bill. Drop in the comments what you think  the first thing we should build in our shop is. COURNTEY I'm voting for something on tracks. RILEY I want something we can take to the lake. COURNTEY House boat. And thank you for supporting  the channel. Make sure to like   subscribe, and stay tuned for our next episode. Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Channel: Ambition Strikes
Views: 369,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trail tested mfg, ambition strikes, Courtney Casey, Cortney Casey, team trail tested, Riley Casey, diy expedition, vehicle, truck camper, boon docking, earthroamer, museroamer, muse roamer, conversion, dinette, kitchen, restoration, remodel, pickup, plans, lance, overlanding, camper, alternative, tiger, global expedition, vehicles, 4x4, garage, expeditoin, epidition, 37s, buckstop, bumper, backstop, front bumper, custom, ram, rig tour, rig, tour, before and after, transformation, walk through
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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