5 Things To Know Before Buying A Mazda RX7

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hey guys welcome to another episode of RoR magazine my name is Kenny mcke and today I'm be talking about five things you need to know before buying a Mazda RX7 now before we get started in this video I just want to give you guys a quick quick news update about the channel um the shop tutorial and maintenance videos are coming soon um we're in the process of shooting them and things like that but uh Matt and Jared are currently getting their cars ready to go we're getting ready for the upcoming season poverty is about to see some huge upgrades here soon as well as my FC coso and then I have a right hand drive ofd on the way but everyone's cars are kind of coming together before we get some shop stuff together so we're going to kind of do more of this this sort of concept for a little while uh just list answering general questions that I can answer in front of a camera in my own room while we get ready to shoot those things so the shot videos are coming uh don't fret I know you that's what you guys want to see uh we have tons of great Tut contrs on the way um the definitely pertain to our cars and a lot of from everything from budget to while we have everything coming so so stay tuned for that all right so let's just jump right into the list the first thing that you need to know about buying a Mazda RX7 is that the rotary engine is not a pissing engine uh with the rotary engine comes its own different set of Maintenance and quirks and things you need to know about the car um that doesn't make it any less reliable doesn't make it any more expensive like it just makes it different people understand they're literally just fundamentally different in the way that you take care of them the way you drive them so understand the rotary engine is literally not a piston engine you just need to take care and find out the things you need to do for your car um if you need resources for those I'll leave those in the description down the below the basic things the most newbies need to know about the car um but just know that it's different it's not you can't just hop in the car and drive it and do whatever you want like you piss an engine you need you need to know what you're doing before you get one and my second tip is if you're buying a car that isn't top dollar you need to go ahead and already budget a rebuild into the price of the car that's not to say that the car is going to break down that's not going to say it's to rebuild immediately that's just to say that you can't always trust what you see on the internet I've seen it countless times someone buys an RX7 and then has to rebuild immediately or goes and blames the owner like that's those things happen that's what happens uh just know that for if the car is cheap there's a reason it's going for cheap sometimes and you can't always trust every owner that that says they're going to do things that they don't it's just that's just the way selling the inter works so when you buy an RX7 expect to rebuild the car I've gone through it personally myself where I bought an FD and the GI you need rebuild within a month and it was just it was a whole ordeal so just understand that you might need to rebuild the car like I said that doesn't mean that every car was going to need to be rebuilt immediately or soon it's just it's just a good idea to have that for peace of mind or if you don't have the money you need to understand that you could potentially have the car down for months while you wait to accumulate the money for a rebuild just know that the rotary game is a patient one you understand that do build right it does like with anything it takes time to do so just understand that you need to to to be ready for anything that could possibly happen with the car now my third tip for buying a modx7 is that unlike what you read on the Internet or what people say with no experience rotaries are neither that difficult to maintain nor they really that expensive they're they're honestly not they're actually really simple and they're really cheap the reason that people say that is literally because they're different like I said in the first tip they're fundamentally different and people don't want to go out the way to learn something that they're not comfortable with so as long as you are adventurous you you you thirst for knowledge understand the rotary is going to take a little bit more thinking power it's you're you're going to have to learn something that's not fundamentally the same as everyone it's not something you can go to a part store and ask someone hey how do I do this you're going to need to research by yourself so the rotary is a car that you need to take initiative in yourself to find what you're going to be doing with it um if if you don't this is not the car for you if you're not a self-learner don't this is not the car for you if you don't understand if you don't want to take the time to learn something this is not a car for you just understand that it it requires your own self- drive to understand and learn about these cars unless you have a whole bunch of money to throw people I mean you can do that too but like for most people like me that's like the DOI guy you can't just afford to throw money in chops you need to be able to learn things on your own on the fly so understand the rotary is a car that requires you to learn on your own my fourth tip is that swapping a rotary engine is not cheap and when I say I don't mean the ls swaps I don't really care about LS people like that it's not a big deal but one common thread that you'll see in any RX7 group revolving around the Roary is I'm going to put a three roer in my car I'm going to put a fourer in my car cuz I saw it on the internet and it's a great thing realistically and I hate to be completely Frank here you're probably not going to do that it's not going to happen just because it's for one it's the cost effectiveness of swapping the car isn't really that great like you're not going to gain a ton of power it's for the DI hard enthusiasts that want to have that that Elite the elite top- ofth top rotary thing um just to put it in perspective for some of you cuz a lot of you like your FC owners or like your your your like your new FD owners if you're an FC owner an FC average price for Turbo 2 is 4 to 5 grand and na will be 2 to three um if you buy one of those to put a 20b in the car requires a $10,000 alarm block $500 or not $500 like $200 mounts an ECU custom turbo manifold custom downpipe six injectors custom ignition setup everything is custom for a 20b drop in the car now with an FC it's a lot cheaper because the 20b goes in just some straight mounts before an FD owner um which will typically have more money than an FC on but the FD requires new subframe which is expensive needs new ECU new ignition new every like everything has to be custom for n FD as well so understand that if you want to put a 20b in an FC you're going to spend another $115,000 if you want to put a 20b in FD you're looking at spending 20 to $30,000 and that's just to do it cheap that's not even upgrading transmission the diff or anything that's using the stock transmission everything just to put it in there is that much money just to get the engine in the car is that much money so if you're going to if if you plan on swapping the car understand that's how much you're going to be spending it's not so don't make the mistake that a lot of people make and say I'm going to swap my car within the future cuz you're realistically probably not unless you have a lot of cash flow which some people do I understand but the average person will not do that so under so don't make the mistake don't say you're going to swap the car and then if anyone ever asks you hey is your car a two- roer or three Rader look I'm like a dumbass and realize that that costs a lot of money to do but no one really understands that and then my last tip that you need to know before buying an RX7 even though I said they're not that expensive to maintain and i' I've said that they're not difficult to maintain you need to understand these cars do have the potential to $1,000 you to death and what I mean by that is every part you go to do the upgrade the car is going to cost roughly about $1,000 or more so if you're looking at upgrading turbo it's going to be a minimum of probably about $1,000 if you want a single turbo FD it's going to be a minimum way more than ,000 but it's at least minimum $1,000 and the thing is that they're addicting it's addicting the upgrade RX7 so understand that they're going to become Money Pit the reason why FC's and FC's have have the the nickname financial crisis and financial disaster understand that they're these cards are addicting you find out how easy it is to modify them make power and all you want to do is keep making power keep making power and keep making power so you're going to spend a lot of money that's the, the death isn't about maintenance cuz you're not going to it's it's going to like maintenance the normal thing of a performance car just understand when you go the modify it you're going to spend a lot of thousand it's going to be a lot of thousand increments just over and over and over again just just understand that the cars are addicting but they're entirely rewarding for every dollar that you put in the car you earn 10 times back in just satisfaction and gratitude for the car so this is why I personally love rx7s RX to me are amazing I love every single thing about them but you if you go into it with with a realistic expectation what you want and you move from there uh you you you'll grow the love them even more um so with that I just want to say thank you guys for tuning in uh you should take a look at this video right here or this one because uh I hear they're pretty good uh yeah so choose one of these also uh another fact you need to know about a Mazar X7 the Turbo 2 Hood is not centered on the hood uh so now you can un seee that have a good one [Applause]
Channel: Kenny McKee
Views: 355,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mazda RX7, RX7, RX8, Buying Rx7, Rob Dahm, Rotary, 13B rotary, 2 rotor, 3 rotor swap, 20b swap, 4 rotor swap, 4 rotor, 26b, 767B, 787B, RotorsMagazine, rx-7, 5 things to know before buying an rx7, rx7 buyers guide, things to know before buying an rx7, 5 things to know before buying a mazda rx7, fd3s
Id: DjSK8-kJHX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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