5 Things To Know Before Buying A Mazda RX8

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hey guys what's up I've seen that a lot of you guys want to see some RF state content I know we've been super heavy in the rx-7 and we want to make that shift actually oddly enough our first video was in our state video but since then we haven't made any more so I'll actually swing back around we're going to be doing more armed state content one that you can expect is things to look for before buying our exhaling actually with the car I was actually originally planning on shooting that but it didn't work out because right now is actually snowing here so I couldn't make it over the shop is about an hour away but so I just want to make this video to kind of get something out because we we haven't given put something out for a while so five things you need to know before buying a Mazda rx-8 so number one without a doubt the Mazda rx-8 is the most practical rotary car that you can buy it has four doors it's super easy to drive and it's super fun to drive it's a car that you can just get into you can drive it to work you can drive at the school you can drive it to your friend's house you can drive it to the track you can get it back on the track and do all these things is up but what's a little really putting up a fuss as long as ian is in healthy healthy condition as with any car but the ark takes a great car for anyone that just wants to get a car that they can just jump in and drive it has fun it there's so many positives to the rx date and there's there's plenty of negatives but that's any car ever so don't when you hear something about when people talk down without the Artic safe take that with a grain at all it's people that usually typically deterred things on the internet they read at the forum that I read it on like Jalopnik and they don't have any sort of actual frame of reference the rx-8 is without a doubt a great car there's nothing don't-don't-don't looking sai haters number two is that though the rx-8 is a great practical car than the performance side it's it's not the most liable platform to be modified heavily and stop trim they are a blaster guys they're a great car however if you're someone that that wants peak power or if you want to be making going out doing highway races on the street or doing things like that our state is not that car the arc state is is it can be made to go fast not not very cheap not very easily but it's mainly made for obviously driving it's for spirited driving taking around corners Canyon runs tracks autocross things like that if you want a car that you can you can there enjoy and drive the art states of the car whereas if you're wanting to make way more power we're gonna make like over 400 horsepower easily or not easily but reliably or without really much of a fuss an rx-7 is a much better choice as far as the rotary side goes but like the arc state is is by far one of the best selling cars in it I would suggest that if you're planning on buying art state or if you own an rx-8 don't modify the Carver power it's not worth it to modify the car for power modify it for handling and drive Lily and fun there's a time and place for every type cart every car has its advantages unfortunately power is not one for the art state whereas like in an rx-7 like a four port for 413 B through the port of out you can make over 200 pretty easily where the art state it will struggle to get past at 230 240 mark without forced induction and in things they like so just understand the NARC tape is a great car drive it's super fun but if I were to buy one I would modify it purely for handling not necessarily power unless like you've had to beat this pocket on earth number three and this is the honest truth warning is that there is a lot of misinformation the rx-8 community there are also the same time tons of very well-informed rx-8 owners but at the same time since the community is so large since the arcade folds were so long and pulled so many units there's a lot of people it's not dissimilar from from a honda community or a subaru community or like a dsm community or any sort of any sort of major big breath car community where you're going to have tons to people here in a house tons of smart people your seem to be able to to put the goggles on and realize that you need to find the people that know what they're talking about and have proven track records of what they're talking about that's the difference don't listen to Johnny down the street that says I made 600 horsepower on an NA rx-8 which the cobb accessport don't listen to that person find the people they're knowledgeable have proven results and follow those people and that's how you're going to succeed while driving on our estate number four this is a personal opinion if you can if you have the money to swing it get an O nine or newer rx-8 a series two hours the reason I say that is because the series two addresses most of the problems that were prevalent and the series one the reasoning our state has the reputation for unreliability revolves around the series one issues the most notable change in the series too as far as the is that they added a third oil injector for the oil metering pump what that means is if apex tells it spins around inside the housing is more lubricated and therefore causes less friction and where it's slower whereas in the series were not only a two and injected way less oil than the rx-7 is good and created a reliability problem with more heat and more friction being applied the effects field and thus wearing faster so the series to arcades actually where the apex feels slower and thus have a longer engine life so if you do end up buying a series one and you want to attempt to make the engine last longer a lot of people suggest pre-mixing as well as well as running just normal or during oil metering pump as I address my pre-mixing video that's that's a great alternative it will increase the light of your engine there's there's plenty people that have great experiences with them so like I said if you can buy a series - if you can't apply series one I highly recommend at least pre-mixed thing with the car as you own it and then the last one number five before you buy a Mazda rx-8 you need to know we what to look for before buying it now I know that I've made this video and I'm not going to go into depth of that quite yet I will be making a video explaining how what you should be looking for within our state but go on internet forums rx-8 club any rx-8 group can look at what people are saying about cars before you buy them the most notable and obviously if if you're gonna buy any rotary cars check the compression or have a verified compression test of the car make sure you can physically see the health of the engine that's the major major one there's other things like knowing when the cool tax replace and things like that but make sure you have a well-defined checklist and if you don't want to go through that process hire a rotary special snicky not enroll mechanic a rotary specialist mechanic they can help you out take it to him to look it over for you let you know a lot of reputation for the arc state comes with people buying cars and people that didn't know what they were doing and end up destroying them and then people buy them and they blow up like a few weeks later or the already low compression already grown up if you have issues with them and then they gain even more of a terrible reputation than what they already have and it's undeserved its undeserved because people don't treat the rx-8 like it's supposed to be treated they don't understand the actual rituals need to go through with owning a rotary car so make sure you know what you're looking for when you buy an rx-8 and not only that know what you need to do when you own an rx-8 I'll be making another video on that as well soon so be sure to check in to our channel if you found this video informative and really liked it leave a comment like it subscribe please that's awesome and if you realize this video we have more videos over here over this way and if you like those check those out I want to say thank you my name is Kay McKie thanks Jane wrote a magazine go see you in the next one you
Channel: Kenny McKee
Views: 408,446
Rating: 4.8386302 out of 5
Keywords: RX8, Buying RX8, RX8 Tour, RX8 Review, Mazda RX8, RX7, RX8 Reliability, Rotary, 13B, Renesis, Slammed RX8, 2004 RX8, 2004 RX8 Review, RotorsMagazine, rx-8, rx8 buyers guide, 5 things to know before buying an rx8, things to know before buying an rx8, 5 things to know before buying a mazda rx8, things to know about rx8
Id: tV8ld9DVeL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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