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what's up everybody my name is pippin henderson welcome back to another video so great to see you it's 20 21 brand new year i hope you guys had a fantastic christmas i hope you had a fantastic new year or if you weren't celebrating christmas i hope you had fun doing whatever it was you were doing i kind of was coming annarring about what to do with this video what kind of video i could start off with in the new year and so what i thought i would do is do kind of a rounded video of a few things a few features i think that you guys should be aware of these are the five things that you need to know about cakewalk by bandlab [Music] so the first thing is really you're gonna get a two in one here it's screen sets and mix recall the first one screen sets basically what screen sets allows you to do is allows you to set up custom scenes inside cake walk it allows you to make new work layouts for different sections of your own mix you can have your console up and your track view up at the same time or you can just have the console view up you can mix and match all these different types of views and basically skip between them using the numbered keys on your keyboard it just basically speeds up your workflow and allows you to switch back and forwards to different views to allow you to work on different sections of your music the next one it is kind of the similar idea so i've included it in the in the sort of the same the first one so the next one is a mix recall now what a mix recall is it's very important it allows you to make changes to a mix and recall previous versions or to make multiple versions of the same mix without making multiple project saves you can use this to make an acapella version for example or an instrumental version or to simply try out a new idea without the risk of losing your previous mix so you can go ahead and you can change all the eq on your vocal if you want to try and see if it makes it sound a bit better but you can save your mix before doing so make all the changes you want and then you can revert back to that previous mix if it didn't quite work out and you can make those saves all throughout your project inside that project without actually having to make a separate save so it's a really handy thing to know so make sure that you do this because you can quite easily make all these changes and they don't quite work out and before you know it you've lost all your saves or you're saving over a save and there's too many things to complicate that so just keep it simple make a mix recall and you can just go back and forward to all these different versions that you've done it's going to save you a lot of time the next one is a punch in and out this is a a really handy tool it lets you highlight a specific section to start and stop recording this lets you re-record a small section of a song or maybe punch in a short vocal line in between of the vocal parts without spilling onto other tracks so you can basically highlight a section of a track that you want to punch in a specific vocal and all it will do is record within the section that you've highlighted the benefit of this is that you can start the recording before this highlighted section so you can get a build up before you actually start recording but it will only record within that highlighted section and it won't record outside of it it's a really handy feature something you should really get to grips with the next big thing i want to talk about is comping so before you actually get into this you need to make sure that comping is selected by left clicking and holding on the record button and select comping this means that after selecting some loop points you can record a take over and over and have those takes placed on separate comping tracks within the main vocal or instrument track then you can select the best take from that recording or even splice sections of multiple takes to create the perfect track it's a really good handy tool it also gets you used to just keeping on recording the same line you could you could even take this to the extreme and record your entire vocal track it's so it's something that actually a lot of professionals do is that they record their entire vocal track from start to finish of the song and then they play it again and they sing it again and again and they'll have complete takes of that vocal track from start to finish of that song and then they will select the best versions of those recordings based on the different tracks that they've done and then they'll kind of comp them all together to make this perfect track rather than just singing the chorus and then moving on to the verse and blah blah blah actually sing the entire song from start to finish and again and again and again and if as long as you've got comping on is it will just make tiny little tracks within your main track that you can start comping together all these different tracks and making this perfect track it works with instruments as well it's not just a vocal thing um so get to grips with that and i think it's really going to benefit your recordings the next one on the list is automation now i have spoken about automation before and i've got a few tutorials on automation already but i just wanted to highlight this in this video because i think it's one of those five things i really do think that it's it to gain change if you haven't used it before and there's so many elements to automation so many different variants that you can do so many different things that you can use it for that's really going to benefit your overall project and your sound and it's really going to step up and sort of take your music to the next level if you use it correctly automation is a really incredibly powerful tool that lets you manipulate effects volume pan and a number of other features across either a track or an entire project i have showed this feature in one of my previous videos where i made a reverb effect become more prominent in a certain section of a specific clip but it can also be used to alter the volume or pan of more substantial sections of the project so you can literally have one long automation on say a backing track and you can have i don't know um an ambient vocal take come in and out of the project where you set those automation points and you can sort of manipulate those effects and sounds throughout the entire track so you can have one long automation from start to finish or you can do it specific to each clip it's entirely up to you the whole thing can be blown wide open i mean it's completely up to you how you use it it's so versatile and i really do think you should get to grips with it if you haven't already really play along with it play around with it and get yourself familiar and so the last one on this list is the pro channel now the pro channel is cakewalk's flagship feature so it's something that i really do think that you should get to terms with and get to grips with the eq on the pro channel to this day is still one of my all-time favorite eqs to use um it's just a fantastic eq it's so intuitive it's easy to use its graph is so visually intuitive it really allows you to kind of get an idea of how the sound is looking not that i encourage you to look and and alter sound with your eyes too much you obviously use your ears but if you do want a more visual aid the pro channel eq really is a great eq to start with it's also got some of my most favorite modules on there the the tape emulator they have on there is fantastic if you throw that on to the the master bus it just gives your your your whole your whole project this really nice color uh and you can play along with that and and get these really nice effects and the the pc 4k s-type bus compressor is still to this day my ultimate go-to compressor for vocals uh i mean i do alter you know i do play around with different ones but if nothing else works i will throw that onto a vocal and it just works it's just a fantastic fantastic compressor and that's it those are my five things that i think you should know about cake walk by bandlab i hope you guys enjoyed this hope you found it useful if you guys have any suggestions or your five things that you think that anyone else needs to know about please leave them in the comments below please give this video a like subscribe if you haven't already thank you guys so much for the support and i'm looking forward to to this year i i really do think that good things are going to come not just for me but for you guys to keep at it uh if music's your thing and you want to make this year your year i think i think this is the year to do it so guys hunker down really get to know your door get to know your tools and um yeah i look forward to seeing what you guys have made so please like and subscribe and i will see you very very soon for the next video thanks very much guys and i'll see you in the next one bye you
Channel: Pippin Henderson
Views: 11,942
Rating: 4.9764242 out of 5
Keywords: cakewalk by bandlab, cakewalk tutorial, how to use cakewalk by bandlab, cakewalk sonar tutorials free, cakewalk daw, bandlab cakewalk, cakewalk sonar tutorial beginner, bandlab cakewalk tutorial, cakewalk by bandlab tutorial for beginners, cakewalk bandlab, how to use cakewalk by bandlab 2021, cakewalk 2021, cakewalk artist, cakewalk, comping, pro channel, screensets, mix recall, punch in and out, automation, 5 Things That YOU NEED TO KNOW About CAKEWALK by BANDLAB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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