5 Things Pokemon Could Learn From Monster Hunter Stories 2

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to my surprise there was no mention of pokemon at all during e3 despite there being two major title releases in less than a year's time seemed rather concerning but i guess they were saving their shot for the pokemon direct dropping this week which i plan to stream so definitely drop by to say hi in this video i want to explore a game that recently came out namely monster hunter stories 2 to shed a light on what that game manages to accomplish that pokemon as a series would greatly benefit from as well exploration has always been a key hallmark for any self-respecting rpg in their attempts to immerse the player into the world laid out before them uncovering hidden secrets and unlocking new areas are some of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences in gaming and is what makes role-playing games so enticing to play pokemon of old accomplished this in a clever way that took advantage of their main appeal the namesake of their series they had the player go out and capture monsters and then have the player use those very same monsters to advance the plot forward through the use of hidden machines or hms for short the hm system while far from perfect does a great job of neatly tying many different facets of the game together it allows the monsters that the player captures to have a tangible effect on the world at large all the while granting increasing agency to the player throughout the run time of the game hms were unfortunately rather clunky and outdated and in dire need of reformation pokemon x and y flirted with this idea by introducing pokemon you could ride on to help you traverse certain terrain such as ryhorn or mammoswine to conquer rocky or snowy areas respectively omega ruby and alpha sapphire introduce soaring allowing the player total freedom to command the skies pokemon sun and moon culminated on the idea of ridable pokemon eventually evolving into the poker ride system yes daddy a complete overhaul with hm's being abandoned all together instead of requiring semi-permanent attacks that were largely underwhelming in battle and a hassle to work around with in the overworld poker ride gave the player access to a handful of ridable pokemon that executed specific actions this was a fantastic improvement with the main criticism being that players failed to resonate with the ride pokemon due to them being random mods given to you as opposed to allowing the player to use their very own monsters that they personally captured and raised let's go went with the secret technique system the partner pikachu or ev is able to perform various different actions in place of hms a near perfect system that addresses many of the issues of past systems with lack of variance being the main concern [Music] sword and shield took a different approach but was ultimately a significant regression compared to all of the aforementioned systems they brought back the bike despite riding pokemon being better in every single way the bike was also made able to surf on water but again surfing on pokemon is more enjoyable surf is the only traversal tool preserved from previous titles everything else from cut to rock smash was removed the consequence of removing these tools which contributed a significant deal to world exploration is that exploration becomes one-dimensional and is essentially inconsequential as a result a huge component of the series rendered near obsolete secrets are non-existent with few exceptions and the world becomes increasingly linear having the unfortunate side effect of making the world as a whole feel smaller which is ironic because sword and shield introduces some of the largest areas in the series the charming and playful aspect of pokemon interacting with the world was greatly lost in sword and shields which is extremely disappointing and is a sorely missed opportunity after crafting such expansive open areas this brings us to monster hunter stories 2 which managed to perfect the field progression system that pokemon was striving for monsters born and raised by your hand can seamlessly assist you in your journey whether you need to move around the map faster jump a great distance or swim through the water you're able to depend on your own monster buddies to give you a hand and help you out this incentivizes the player to seek out a wide variety of different monsters to diversify their team and encourages return visits to places you've been to before to access areas that were previously inaccessible pokemon would benefit a great deal by implementing this simple yet effective system that would contribute greatly to bringing both the world and the pokemon that reside within to life in a meaningful and enjoyable way pokemon bdsp are rumored to be extremely faithful recreations of diamond and pearl if that's the case then it's more likely than not that hms will be returning in some capacity i'm intrigued to see how ilca approaches that prospect if it's as literal as the rumor suggests then i can only imagine how many people will be extremely displeased i've mentioned it before a few times in past videos so i will be brief the pokemon scene in the wild area are underwhelming to say the least things don't seem to be improved in any way based on the only available footage we have of legends arceus thus far monster hunter stories 2 addresses this issue by implementing yet another simple yet highly effective element into their games monsters can be seen doing normal everyday things like eating or sleeping seems trivial at first but it does a great job of grounding the creatures to their environments tethering them to the world in the process gamefreak already has access to both sleeping and eating animations for every single pokemon in the game so it would be nice to see them utilize those assets in organic ways to help breed some much much-needed life into the pokemon when visible in the overworld the developers of modern pokemon games are alleged to care so much about the player's time that the games are intentionally sabotaged in order for the player to put the pokemon game down faster so that they can get back to their free mobile games respecting the players time is so important that pokemon league champions are savagely gimped to the point where their pokemon don't even have four attacks you're led to believe that respecting the player's time is of the utmost importance in a pokemon game so much so that it warrants entire games being dumbed down to insulting degrees even children would scoff at and yet rudimentary and extremely convenient time skipping tools are nowhere to be found despite the series being over two decades old with over 35 titles to choose from sword and shield finally granted the player the ability to skip cinematic cutscenes but even that was implemented in the most convoluted way imaginable like you either have the ability to keep the cutscenes on or you're forced to turn all of them off via a toggle in the options menu for some reason as opposed to you know doing it the way it's been done in modern games for many years now there was only a small handful of cutscenes in sword and shield to begin with anyways so this was ultimately a negligible poorly implemented last minute addition the main issue especially with recent pokemon titles are the unskippable dialogue boxes which constitutes like 90 of the game rendering the vast majority of the campaign unskippable which is downright painful if the player attempts any additional playthroughs and is antithetical to respecting the player's time so when hop is droning on and on and on about pointless things you don't care about there's nothing you can do except spam the a button until he goes away only to stop you moments later so that you can repeat the process a simple skip feature fixes this very obnoxious issue monster hunter like most other games out there actually respects the player's time by allowing them to skip any and all cutscenes whether cinematic or strictly dialogue this actually came in handy for my very first playthrough because i played the demo but wanted to start over on a fresh save i was able to breeze through the opening tutorial in 20 minutes as opposed to two hours due to being granted the ability to skip story beats at my discretion speaking of respecting players time let's take a look at the battles [Music] the battles in monster hunter can be sped up with three varying degrees depending on how fast or slow you want to go once again perfectly demonstrating the value of actually respecting the player's time without insulting the player or compromising the experience the battles themselves from the combat to the animations are quick snappy and satisfying this game has z-move style attacks that are extra flashy and deal tons of damage you can skip those too if you want can you imagine how nice it would be to be able to skip the dynomax transformation cinematic after seeing it for the 1000th time pokemon battles by contrast are actually slower than they were over two decades ago on the original gameboy surprisingly enough despite there being over 30 titles in the ongoing series they all play relatively the same way with very little innovation or substantial improvements considering how long it's been [Music] like there's no reason something like this should be released in the year 2019 [Applause] why is it so slow why does it show the animation stop to deal damage and then repeat this over and over for each subsequent hit for the gameboy games you could argue it was due to a multitude of limitations at the time but why is it still like that we live in a world where games are unimaginable orders of magnitude more complex and capable than they were 20 years ago yet pokemon the highest grossing franchise on this blue rock can't process successive hits one after another without awkwardly pausing in between each while multi-hit attacks like these are relatively rare it's just one example of many archaic game boy elements still somehow finding their way into modern titles the fact that this is a thing at all to begin with is cause for concern regardless one simple solution is to have the damage dealt at the same time as the animation as opposed to after which is precisely what pokemon battle revolution on the wii managed to pull off hopefully future nintendo switch pokemon titles will be able to accomplish something similar even if everything remains slow and clunky pokemon would especially benefit from having the ability to at the very least fast forward matches if desired this would come in extra handy for those that wish to grind [Music] pokemon despite all of its flaws actually rests atop an extremely robust and mechanically deep battle system you wouldn't actually know this though if you were just a casual player who runs through the game a single time due to its extremely shallow implementation which is honestly a real shame and a criminal squandering of potential this is because most pokemon titles only demand players to engage with surface level mechanics that being the type system but pokemon is so much more than just the type system i've been playing pokemon for a long time and i still learn something new about it by watching some of my favorite players like envy and wheel twinido for example did you know that if you use mean look on a failings that it will be able to use no retreat more than once no neither did i at least until i saw weedle's video on it how cool would it be if you ran into neat hidden tech like this in game granted this is a double battle strategy and there aren't many double battles to begin with which is another problem in and of itself to be honest or how about knowing what a ring target even is an item that removes all of the holder's type immunities such a fascinating concept that only rarely comes to light when players are feeling saucy in online pokemon battle simulators more offhand strategies like tricking ranked targets onto opposing pokemon is perfect material for in-game battles freshening up the beyond stale gameplay recycled generation after generation instead of preoccupying themselves with explosive battle gimmicks game freaks should focus their creative efforts into crafting fun battles by dusting off mechanics already in place that are hardly if ever put into practice if you scroll down mv's channel video after video contains cool and interesting techniques or battle strategies that would be infinitely more compelling to incorporate into a pokemon game than the overwhelmingly exhausted and creatively bankrupt approach of monotype trainers featured in every pokemon title ever there's so much more i want to say about this but we'll probably save it for another time in a video dedicated to this topic on the other hand monster hunter stories 2 does an excellent job of not only challenging the player by encouraging them to adopt all of the game mechanics but rewards them for taking the time to learn the intricacies that the game has to offer with some enemies simply being too overwhelming regardless of your breath of knowledge of the game giving you something to strive for and overcome i have an excellent first hand experience that illustrates this point perfectly i took a side quest where i needed to take down a tough boss called the flying fury the flying fury when enraged uses an attack called hyper vacuum to form change where it puffs out its neck and is able to dish out very powerful attacks each turn that become increasingly more difficult to manage the longer the battle draws on i knew of one countermeasure which was a thrown item known as the flash bomb in his face in order to temporarily deflate it reverting its form change and thereby avoiding massive damage this was however only a temporary solution the problem was that once i ran out of these items i wasn't able to out-muscle the creature when it eventually form changed again even though i was using super effective attacks by winning head-to-heads relying on the rudimentary attack type chart and attempting to abuse it wasn't enough i proceeded to get run over resulting in my inevitable demise i took a step back in order to reassess what i could do better in order to emerge victorious if strictly winning head to heads wasn't enough then i needed something more i went into the notes provided by the game itself something pokemon should learn from as well and came across a double attacks something i did by accident a few times but didn't fully understand turns out double attacks are very powerful as it deals damage while completely preventing your opponent from attacking exactly what i needed to stave off damage long enough to take the monster down double attacks not only require you to choose the correct attack type but your monster buddy needs to be synced up with you by choosing the same attack type as well the double attack strategy came through and i was finally able to fell the wild beast that had done me in just moments before it was such an incredibly satisfying and rewarding experience taking several different tools offered by the game understanding them melding them together and then executing them in a plan of action to overcome a challenging obstacle while having a blast throughout the whole ordeal the neat thing about overcoming difficult challenges is that they're more memorable i'll never forget my quest to take down the ferocious flying fury people still talk about whitney's miltank ultra necrozma or sephiroth and kingdom hearts to this day for that same reason so yeah those are five things pokemon could learn from monster hunter stories too have you had a chance to play monster hunter yet do you think pokemon will make some or none of these changes make sure to leave your thoughts down below till next time [Music] foreign
Channel: DistantKingdom
Views: 124,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon swsh, gen 4 remakes, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon diamond remake, pokemon pearl remake, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, open world pokemon, new pokemon, pokemon presents, distantkingdom, gen 4 reimagined, reimagined trailer, generation 4 remakes, sinnoh remakes, BDSP, Monster Hunter Stories 2, 5 things, MHS, Monster Hunter Rise
Id: y146DVoOgf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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