5 Things NO ONE Tells You About Being An Electrician

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today we are going to be talking about the five things that no one tells you about being an electrician now this is going to be perfect for any of you who are either looking to become an electrician or if you already are an electrician and you feel stuck and you want a way to expand your career this is going to be perfect for you comment down below and let me know what your favorite job site your favorite place that you've ever been able to work being an electrician has been what the facility was what the project was because the number one thing that nobody really talks about is all the cool stuff and places that you get to see being an electrician there are countless times that I've been on some projects that have been pretty cool and it's not something that people tell you all the time however when I was downtown Indianapolis setting up an Amphitheater that was downtown standing at the top being able to see the whole city I was like wow this is actually incredible how many people are really going to get to stand at the top of this Amphitheater and see the city from this way it's actually one of my favorite Parts about being an electrician is getting to see all these different buildings facilities all these back rooms that no one else is allowed to go in because they are not electricians another one of my favorite projects I got to go all the way up to the top and stand at our Hospital in my hometown right in the Bell room so I could see just about everything that was around there that's not a place you get to go often however I was working in the elevator room that's right below that and so when I would eat lunch for those couple weeks that I was working there doing some rework putting in new lights and re-running power to those machines I got to eat lunch up there in that Tower and just see the whole city it was super cool and it's an experience that I would not have gotten to have if I wasn't doing something like this the second thing that nobody tells you about being an electrician is that it is one of the fastest ways to own a business it will equip you and allow you to have the skill set needed to actually go run the business and run the work the thing it will not teach you is the actual business side of things but it will teach you the skill that you provide to your customer if that is something you want to do or you're currently doing there are things that can help you with that one of my favorite ways to help get rid of some of those things that we don't know how to do as electricians is a company called Market they help manage all of that stuff they will give you all the tools needed to send invoices to schedule to do everything you need all from an app on your phone it's actually incredible and it's super affordable so if you guys are looking at starting your own business or if you're started already and you need some help with organization because it's the worst part go check that out it'll be in the description but making money is the name of the game for work and owning your own business is one of the ways that you can make buku bucks I'm talking so much money there is not a cap on how much you can make if you start your own business especially if it's service related there is some crazy money in that number three is that you have some of the easiest days sometimes it's not every day there are are some very hard days however you will have some days where you're doing a lot more thinking processing planning you're doing a lot more traveling you're doing those type of things and you have days that are much much easier on your body this is obviously a benefit I love to work hard I always want to do my best but sometimes that means you're using your brain a little bit more than your body especially winding down to the end of a project going through checklists doing all that stuff pre-planning getting materials it's a very very positive thing and it's not talked about all the time we all want some easy days every now and then it's uh it feels good it feels good the fourth thing that nobody tells you about being an electrician is that you will work with some of the best people I have worked with some amazing people who are just so down to earth kind and really caring people they work incredibly hard and they're just good folks there are other cases yes I'm telling you that those are so few and far in between though compared to how many people I know that are just genuinely not nice people hard-working and they care they're usually extremely easy to work with yes there's moments but over the years the majority of the people that I have worked with have been incredible people and it's been such a blessing and an honor to get to know them to work with them and to spend time with them it's been a joy I really do enjoy the people that I work with there is this notion that everybody you work with in the trades is going to be rough and tough and scary the journeyman that I spent the most time with they were so kind my managers and my project managers were always super awesome it's not always like that however it very easily can be especially depending on what kind of company that you work for this fifth thing here might get some of you out of a rut if you're feeling stuck the fifth thing that nobody tells you about being an electrician your path the way that you take can differ so much depending on what area of the trade you go into and it can drastically change the outcome of where you end up what kind of money you make the harshness of your environment all sorts of things like that now what this means is you can go into residential you can go into commercial you can go into new construction service you can go into Data you can learn different skills that will allow you to make more money and also have more say because the more skill set you have the more valuable you are and the more companies want you the more companies want you the more you have the ability to say yes or to say no if you become an incredibly skilled service tech you are going to be very desirable on top of that if you can not only solve problems for service but if you can also do things like terminate data fiber optics that type of stuff if they know they can throw it at you and you'll do well they will pay you money having certifications having credentials those things will get you paid they'll give you availability and they'll give you freedom in Indiana one of those things is getting your master's license it's not required here it's actually extremely diff difficult most people do not pass the test on their first time but everybody gets their journeyman license now from there if you choose to get your Master's license you will have so much more availability you'll be able to get so much more pay you'll be able to get more freedom and that is how you'll be able to go start your own company if you want if you have your own Master's license then you can sign off on jobs you can go apply for different things and companies will value that because they need your license in order to sign off on projects and they need you to run and be at those projects these are five of the things that no one tells you about being an electrician and I wish people talked about this stuff more because it's so important that we inform the community and inform all these people who either want to get into the trades or are in there and feel stuck you don't have to be stuck there's so many ways it's such a broad field having that base skill set will set you up to go so many different places and do so many different things now if you want to know more about what electricians make or what you could possibly be making go ahead and watch this video but remember it's all for his glory and I will see you guys on the next one
Channel: American Electrician
Views: 5,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apprentice electrician, Being an electrician, Construction, Electrical apprentice, Electrical trade, Electrical work, Electrician, How much do electricians make, become an electrician, becoming an electrician, electrical apprenticeship, electrician apprentice, electrician apprenticeship, electrician class, electrician courses, electrician podcast, electrician school, electrician vlog, how to become an electrician, journeyman electrician, mad electrician, master electrician
Id: UA1Bqx3OFvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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