5 Teens Face Murder Charges for Killing Man by Throwing Rock Off Overpass: Cops

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it happens out of nowhere a rock flying right into your windshield here's another one in a split second lives are changed forever these were accidents now imagine if it was a deliberate act of mindless stupidity these five teen from Michigan are accused of throwing six pound rocks off an overpass now they are in shackles and their families are in a state of shock the prank called dinging killed 32 year old Kenneth white his fiancee Amy Kegel he took away a child's father and the love of my life how much damage can a rock tossed from above due to simulate the force we're dropping a similar sized rock from 20 feet in the air now imagine the car is moving at highway speeds it's happened too many times Brandi bud was driving on a highway in Pennsylvania with his wife Sharon when some kids tossed a rock from the overpass there's a lot that came in she is grasping for her life oh my god her brain oh my god Sharon has undergone nine surgeries we interviewed her husband Randy in 2014 they took away the wife that I know and they robbed my kids of their mom and it now saddens us to report that Randy took his own life we spoke to his sister Rhonda Williams he snapped and couldn't take it anymore because it is it's a very sad situation what do you say Rhonda to these kids out there who may be still doing this it's not a prank it's not a joke you're going to hurt somebody and you're gonna spend the rest of your life in jail the five suspects in the Michigan case in which the father of four died have all been charged with second-degree murder they are in jail without bail they have all pled not guilty [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 10,729,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside edition, rock, killed, charged, arrested, tragedy, flint, Teenagers, prank, cat-news, windshield, ie Newsdesk, Michigan, Kenneth white, damage, overpass, murder, inside_edition, Teens, vehicles
Id: xsUQ-raEDbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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