5 Tasty Turkey Leftover Recipe Ideas To Make the Most of Thanksgiving

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[Music] hello this is chef john from foodwishes.com with turkey manicotti that's right it's the day after the day after thanksgiving you've had the sandwiches you've had the reheats and now you're looking for something completely different to use up the last of those leftovers and this could be it two things we generally don't have in a traditional thanksgiving meal would be cheese and tomato so that's why i think this is gonna work so well and here is how you do it so step one we're gonna make a very eggy crepe batter so i have two large eggs some all-purpose white flour some cold water a pinch of salt and a little bit of olive oil and then we're going to take our whisk and we're going to mix this very very thoroughly no lumps so give it a real good working over sometimes i'll actually do this in a blender so it's super smooth but i just did not want a dirty a blender so i'm using the whisk so work that over with the whisk until it's completely smooth and it's going to look like basically a thin pancake batter all right when that's done you're going to wrap that up and you're going to let it sit in the fridge for one hour at least you want to give that flour time to hydrate so we're going to let it rest for a while and while we're in the fridge we might as well grab our turkey leftovers and get the filling ready and because this filling is so deliciously cheesy and moist this is perfect for the driest most unappealing of your leftovers but of course my turkey was so moist even these scraps from the end of the breast are still pretty succulent but regardless whatever you have i want you to chop it up we don't want giant chunks but we also don't want to mince we want to be able to tell we're biting into meat so when that's chopped we're going to throw that into a mixing bowl and then we're going to add the rest of the traditional manicotti filling ingredients first of which would be whole milk ricotta cheese we're gonna throw in an egg i'm gonna do a pinch of dried marjoram just for a change of paste a little bit of red pepper flake because i'm not using cayenne in this recipe what that's right so some red pepper flakes we need some salt of course some mozzarella cheese and some finely grated parmesan and then just to give it some nice color some nice freshness and help with our post thanksgiving detox a nice big handful of fresh chopped italian parsley and that's pretty much it so let's go ahead and take our spatula and give that a thorough mixing so once that's thoroughly combined you can just set that aside until our crepes are made if it's going to be a while just refrigerate this you can actually make this ahead no problem so that's done and it's on to the crepe making i have a non-stick skillet over medium high heat i'm going to brush it fairly generously with olive oil then i'm going to dump in a quarter cup or so of the batter and you want to swirl it around tilt the pan so it covers as much of the bottom as you can all right do not obsess over being perfectly round does not matter at all and again we're on medium-high heat so these are going to cook really quick so i'm going to say it's about a minute to a minute and a half per side you're going to flip it over the side you started with is going to be sort of lighter and smoother and that second side as you'll see here is going to have these little golden brown dimples those are very cute i think and once they're done you can just pile them up on a plate all right they're not going to stick together so no worries so as you cook them just pile them up if you're doing a whole bunch you can have two pans going at once all right and once your crepes are done we are ready for final assembly and before we start stuffing our crepes we're going to go ahead and put a little bit of tomato sauce in the bottom of our baking dish i'm doing a pretty small batch here i'm only making four you can obviously do more and use a bigger pan of course and once your baking pan is prepped you're ready to start stuffing your manicotti i like to put that golden brown dimpled side down all right so we're gonna put the filling on the smoother side so i'm gonna scoop on one fourth of my filling and then you just roll it up nothing complicated now i like to tuck in my sides that's totally optional i've had this many times where it's just rolled up and the ends are left kind of floppy whatever you're into some people like them tucked some people like them floppy all right you are the boss of your little muffs which by the way is what monica means in italian little muffs and of course moff being one of those fur lined tubes that you use to keep your hands warm all right so you're gonna roll that up you're gonna place that in your baking dish and right here i realized hmm that crepe is touching the edge so i went around with a little bit of olive oil that i used to grease the pan with so i did that three more times i placed those in and then we're gonna go down with some extra sauce on top but mostly down the middle and this is mostly an appearance thing we want some of the monicati to be saucy but it's nice to have a little bit of exposed crepe so you get a little bit of browning in the oven so i'm going to put my sauce over like that i'm going to grate over some more parmesan and last but not least a very light drizzling of olive oil just a few drops here and there just to moisten the surface makes it look like you know what you're doing and those beautiful little muffs are ready for the oven so we're gonna place that in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes and when they're done they look like this which i think looks pretty beautiful so they're going to be a little puffed up when you first take them out but they will deflate slightly as they cool speaking of cool you want to let these sit at least five minutes before you serve them they will just be too too hot to enjoy so while we're waiting let's give them a little garnish of parmesan cheese a little more fresh italian parsley and that's it turkey manicotti and who would have thought this was inspired by trying to get rid of leftovers it looks like we totally did this on purpose of course if you wanted to serve some extra sauce on these you could but you know what i don't for me it's not about the sauce it's all about that cheesy amazing filling and that tender eggy pasta like crepe just a beautiful beautiful thing and yes many versions do use those pasta tubes but i think the crepe is so much nicer for this and really not hard to make you can do the crepes ahead of time you can do the filling ahead of time and like you saw a great way to use up any kind of leftover meat especially turkey that you're sick of and you don't want to taste like turkey anymore so whether it's right after thanksgiving or just any time of the year i hope you give these a try head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy turkey noodle casserole that's right a post-thanksgiving leftover turkey special edition and there it is the dreaded leftover turkey you know you can only eat so much turkey soup and hot turkey sandwiches so this is a delicious way to use up the last of that turkey so what we're going to do is we're going to pull off the skin because skin is not that appetizing in a casserole so pull off the skin pull off the meat and then chop the meat and do fairly small pieces so there you go i got about three cups or so the amount really doesn't matter this is gonna work with whatever you have all right so my turkey is cut i'm gonna make a little bit of a white sauce here with some butter and some flour and i know what you're thinking man we've been making a lot of roux lately you're right it's ru season all right so we're gonna cook the flour in the butter on medium heat for about three or four minutes just to take the raw edge off and a tip i haven't given you in a while one way you can tell it's cooked long enough is if the flour smells like cooked pie crust once your roux is cooked we're going to drizzle in our cold milk right start off slow and then you can pour it in a little quicker if the milk's cold you shouldn't have much problems with lumps all right once the milk is stirred in we're going to bring that up to a simmer of course and while it comes to a simmer we're going to add stuff i'm going to add a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup and what looks better than condensed cream of mushroom soup anything so it's not the most attractive thing in the world but it wouldn't be a classic old-school american casserole without it all right after the soup i'm gonna spice this up a little bit i'm gonna add something called garam masala which is basically a type of curry powder mixture you could certainly use curry powder i'm also going to put in some dry tarragon my secret ingredient in this fresh tarragon would also work i'm going to stir that in i'm also going to add some chopped green onion some diced red bell pepper and green bell pepper all right we're going to stir that in we're still on medium heat we're going to bring that up to a simmer make sure you stir occasionally all right you can see it bubbling up around the sides there let that cook for about two minutes and then turn off the heat very critical you turn off the heat at this point before you add the cheese i'm using a mixture of white cheddar and pepper jack and not just any pepper jack habanero jack all right so the cheese goes in the heat is off as soon as the cheese melts which is only going to take a couple minutes just set it aside and reserve till needed which isn't going to be long all right once your sauce is done i'm going to boil some egg noodles make sure your water is well salted and we're going to cook that one minute less than the package directions all right once that's done i want you to drain it really well by the way do not rinse those noodles please all right we're ready for final assembly and for this step i like big bulls and i cannot lie other chefs can't deny that it's easier to mix in a big bowl all right so we're gonna dump in the turkey meat we're gonna dump in the noodles we're gonna pour in that sauce and we're gonna take a big spatula and fold it all together and the reason i like big bowls and i cannot lie is because it's just so much easier to distribute everything evenly also known as distribute all those ingredients evenly throughout the noodles and that way when you dump it into your casserole dish a large casserole dish by the way you're in great shape i'm gonna spread that out evenly now for the topping i was gonna do a classic breadcrumb topping but then i saw in my pantry a bag of new york cheddar potato chips so i decided to smash that up sprinkle that over the top i'm going to take the tines of a fork and just press that down a little bit so the crumbs are kind of sticking to that sauce a little bit all right that's going to go in a 350 degree oven until the top is browned and the sauce is bubbling around the sides everything's basically cooked in there so you have to worry about that but you do want to make sure it's heated all the way through and you get a really beautiful crust on it like that and i'll be honest when this came out i was like i really want to pull one of those crunchy pieces off and eat it but then i realized i hadn't taken any photos yet and i'm like don't do it so let it rest at least 10-15 minutes serve it up and dig in it's so delicious you'll totally forget you've been eating turkey for the last three days it'll be like a whole new experience i think the peppers and spicy cheese really help and you know what things that are topped with crispy potato chip crumbs are never bad so anyway i really hope you give this a try after your thanksgiving feast head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts as usual and as always enjoy turkey flautas that's right it's dry it's old and people are tired of it no i'm not talking about my sense of humor i'm talking about the last of that leftover thanksgiving turkey because by about the second or third day they're just not that appetizing anymore which is why i think you should learn this easy and delicious flautas technique i mean there's an old restaurant saying when in doubt add cheese and fry it and that certainly works out here so let's go ahead and get started with the dreaded leftover leftover turkey so the first step here we'll go ahead and shred the rest of our turkey into a bowl and yes it would be a little faster to cut this up but i do prefer the shredding i think the texture is going to be better but more importantly if you dice it the filling tends to fall out of the ends as you fry these but of course those kind of decisions are up to you you are the jehovah's of your leftovers but i do recommend taking the extra minute to shred and then once that's set we'll add the rest of the ingredients which is not that many so we'll toss in a little bit of salt as well as some freshly ground black pepper followed by some no not cayenne i know you're a little shocked but don't be because the next ingredient is going to be pepper jack so that's going to provide me with plenty of heat and by the way i know you're tired but please grate that yourself not a lot of people realize the pre-graded stuff is actually coated with powdered sawdust true story so unless you're cooking for termites you want to grate that fresh and then last but not least i'm going to throw in a handful of green onions and then we'll go ahead and take a fork and mix this up so we're going with a very simple filling here mostly turkey and cheese and while you're stirring this together try to think of what else you might have that would work in this okay maybe you have a little leftover peas and carrots that could work or maybe we'll dice up the rest of those roasted sweet potatoes but anyway the point is as you're mixing think of other leftovers that might be included in this and then once this mixture is mixed up we have a couple choices we can wrap it up and pop in the fridge until we need it or we could start building our flour dust right away which is what i'm going to do right now and for that you're going to need some small corn tortillas and i'm going to use this white corn variety but yellow corn works just as good and then what we need to do before we can use these is steam them and for me the easiest way is just to do them in a bag in the microwave so i will put those in a piece of paper towel like this and pop those in a zip top bag except don't seal it all the way just go about halfway or so and then what we'll do is we'll pop that in the microwave for about 45 seconds after which you should be looking at a bag full of very soft very hot and steamy tortillas which we can now roll without breaking so we'll kind of keep those covered and wrapped up so they stay warm while we work and then the other thing we're going to need that's totally optional is some egg white i'm going to use that to seal mine together although i've been told that's totally unnecessary but since the person who showed me how to make these used it i'm going to use it and that's something else we can debate on the blog and at this point we are ready to start production so what we're going to do is place our hot flexible tortillas on the cutting board and yes you can do these just using a single tortilla but what i prefer is to make slightly larger ones using two overlapped like this okay in the business this is referred to as rolling on dubs so we'll place down two tortillas like that and then we'll go ahead and place down between a quarter cup and a third of a cup of our filling and as you can see i'm kind of placing that filling just south of the equator and then i'm going to dip my finger into my possibly unnecessary egg white and kind of paint that across the opposite edge like that and then all we need to do is bring that tortilla over like this and roll it up fairly tightly into a nice neat package and one of the big keys here really the only key is to make sure you end up with the fold on the bottom and that's all there is to it so you'll continue rolling those up as shown until your filling's gone and by the way for the sake of this video i'm just doing two the sun was setting and i was home alone it's fine and i should mention here once these are rolled you could put these in the fridge and fry them later but i'm not going to i'm going to cook mine now so at this point let's head over to the stove where i have about a quarter of an inch of vegetable oil in a saute pan set over medium heat and one great way to tell if your oil is hot enough to fry is just to dip a little scrap piece of tortilla into the oil and if it starts bubbling you're ready so i could tell my oil was preheated so i'm going to go ahead and carefully place my flourish in the oil seam side down but you knew that and as soon as those are placed in i do like to press the tops with a spatula just for a few seconds to make sure those bottoms are nice and flat and staying together and then all we need to do here is continue cooking on medium until these are beautifully crispy and golden and heated through and please note one reason we're doing this on medium heat is because we don't want the outside to get too brown too fast or if the oil is too hot the outside is going to be dark brown and starting to burn and the inside's still going to be cold and by the way if that does happen and the outsides are cooked before you think the insides are you can totally finish these in the oven which is what we would do if we were doing a lot of these anyway so i let my fry on medium for about three or four minutes per side and then because i like to play with my food i gave another couple flips just to make sure everything was getting nice and crispy i also rotated my pan for no apparent reason and a couple things i want to mention here appearances to the contrary these really do not absorb a lot of oil and get greasy and because we shredded our meat virtually no filling went into that oil so i actually think these are more user-friendly than people might imagine and then once we think our flowers are nice and crispy and golden brown and our fillings heated through we will remove those from the pan and of course let any excess oil drip off and we'll just let those drain on a paper towel for about a minute before we set up our plates which is what i'm going to do right now and of course there's hundreds of ways you could finish these off but what i'm going to do is scatter over some finely shaved cabbage and not just any cabbage i'm using savoy cabbage that's why it's all crinkly and gorgeous so if you haven't heard of savoy cabbage you should probably google it it's basically the kind of cabbage that movie stars eat i mean you think george clooney's eating regular cabbage heck no i'm also going to go ahead and garnish with a spoon of guacamole or at least that's what i'm calling it it's really just an avocado i mashed with some lemon and salt i will also be doing a spoon of sour cream as well as a couple spoons of roasted tomato salsa which i will admit is from a jar i mean what kind of crazy person is making homemade salsa a couple days after cooking a thanksgiving meal besides the one i used was created by a celebrity chef so you know it's got to be good and then we'll finish off with some fresh cilantro as well as another pinch of savoy because i was not happy with my cabbage placement and that's it our leftover thanksgiving turkey flautas are done and i won't lie if i was going to make these from scratch i would probably use shredded beef but even using turkey in this and dry leftover turkey at that this is still incredible of course we have that hot crispy shell encasing our cheesy turkey mixture i mean just that part's good but when you add that fresh crunch of the cabbage as well as that guacamole and sour cream and salsa you're talking about something that's delicious and a lot of fun to eat and while i have no way of knowing for sure what your family is going to be thinking about while they eat this i do know what they won't be thinking hey this is leftover turkey these are so tasty that's not even gonna cross their mind but anyway that's it turkey flautas making something nice with turkey leftovers is not that big of a deal but making something amazing with turkey leftover leftovers that's the real challenge and for that i think this flattest technique is just the thing so i really do hope you give this a try soon head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy turkey rice that's right welcome to another annual installment of what the heck do i do with the rest of this leftover turkey and for me what really makes a recipe using leftover holiday turkey great is that of course not only should it look and taste good but it should also be very simple to make and not have a lot of ingredients plus and just as importantly it should be different enough so as not to remind us of the meal where the leftovers came from in this simple but amazing turkey rice checks all those boxes so with that let's go ahead and toss whatever leftover turkey we have in a soup pot which for me were a thigh and a leg and a few assorted scraps of white meat and then to this we will add four cups of chicken broth or stock or of course turkey broth or stock which reminds me if you've already picked all the meat off the bones and made a proper stock you can obviously skip ahead to the cook and the rice part otherwise we'll go ahead and toss in a diced onion and then bring this up to a simmer on high heat and by the way if you're wondering if i pulled the skin off that thigh and wrapped it around some stuffing and ate it like that yes i did good guess and then what we'll do once things start to bubble is back our heat down to medium low at which point we'll cover this and we will simmer it for about an hour or until our meat has pretty much fallen off the bones and because we don't have a ton of liquid in this and the meat is not fully covered it's never a bad idea about halfway through to uncover this and maybe turn those pieces over so i did that and you probably should as well and i don't know about you but it's tough for me to just let something sit on the stove for an hour and not touch it or do something to it so even if this doesn't make a huge difference to the final product i'm still a fan of the maneuver and that's it we'll simply cover that back up and let it continue simmering for another half hour or so or until like i said that meat has pretty much fallen off the bone and once we do reach that stage we'll go ahead and remove our meat and bones to a bowl which i did mostly with these tongs but a better tool would be something called a spider which is what we call in the business one of these round long-handled strainer things and if there's a foodie in your family that doesn't have one of these that would make a great gift but anyway once we remove our meat we'll go ahead and let that cool at least enough so we can pull it off the bone and cut it up and then what we'll do while we're waiting for that is bring our liquid back to a boil over high heat at which point we're going to stir in about three quarters of a cup of white rice and this time i'm actually using a medium grain rice but i usually use long grain which works beautifully as by the way would a short grain rice the only difference being the cooking times which you will of course adjust but anyway once that's been stirred in we can go ahead and season this up a little bit with a little bit of freshly ground black pepper as well as a little touch of cayenne and of course a big pinch of salt and then what we'll do at this point is lower our heat to medium and we'll let our rice cook for about 10 minutes to give it a little bit of a head start before we add our turkey back in speaking of which while our rice is simmering for that 10 minutes we can go back and pick that meat off the bone and of course as we pull that meat off we always want to be looking for small bones cartilage and assorted tendons since those things are a lawsuit waiting to happen and that's it once we have a nice pile of meat we'll go ahead and chop that up as big or small as we want and right here you're going to get a great look at how big i wanted my pieces and at this point we'll head back to the stove to check our rice which after about 10 minutes is not going to be cooked yet of course but as you can see it has started to plump up and at this point we are free to go ahead and stir in our turkey meat and if we so choose maybe another splash of stock or broth and of course that's going to depend on how thick you want this all right i do sort of want this kind of thick when it's cooked but not super super super bend the spoon thick so yes i did splash in another splash since after stirring and observing i thought it needed another splash but of course you're going to take a look at yours and decide for yourself i mean you are after all the curious george of your turkey rice porridge which by the way really is what this recipe should be called but it's not because i don't know much but i do know that not that many people are going to click on a link for turkey rice porridge but anyway once we have everything stirred in we will adjust our heat to somewhere between medium and medium-low and cook this stirring for another i don't know 10 or 15 minutes or until that rice is as tender as we want and we can do that from anywhere between just barely tender all the way to absolutely soft and falling apart and in case you're keeping score at home i like to go somewhere in between and then what i like to do while my brush finishes cooking is take some green onions some sliced hot or sweet red chilies and a little bit of freshly picked herb like cilantro and i like to make this sort of quick colorful vibrant salsa for the top and what we'll do first is slice our onions and then once those are broken down we'll toss on our peppers and we'll continue chopping until we have those into a fairly fine dice at which point we will toss over our herbs and continue chopping until this is as fine as we want and why i'm really hoping to do this technically optional step is because great dishes are so often about contrast and when you consider what we're going to be serving up which is something that's hot and soft and rich and kind of sticky and as we mentioned kind of porridge like what better contrast than topping it with something like this so to summarize take the extra five minutes and make this and that's it we'll head back to the stove whereas you may remember our rice and turkey is cooking until we think it's done as judged by you and besides deciding when it's at the perfect texture we're also of course going to taste for seasoning since this might and probably will need a little more salt so i went ahead and adjusted mine and deemed it absolutely perfect and exactly how i wanted it which means we can go ahead and serve that up in hopefully a warm bowl and then top it with whatever we're calling our onion pepper herb mixture i mean i guess it's a salsa but it's also sort of gremolata-like so maybe it's actually a salsalata but anyway we will top that off and then grab a spoon and dig right in and there are literally thousands of things you can make with leftover turkey but this my friends besides a sandwich might be my favorite it is just so simple and warm and comforting and addictively sticky but not sticky from the starch in the rice all right a little bit from that but sticky from all the gelatin produced by all the connective tissue in that dark meat all right that really is what makes this so satisfying and delicious and again topping it with those freshly chopped flavorful bits really elevates this to a whole other level and of course we could also use this as a catch-all for any leftover veggies we might have around as well but you know what this is so absolutely perfect just like this i don't really think i want any chopped up green beans and sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts in this all right it's called turkey rice not turkey rice and stuff so my official recommendation is to eat it just like this oh and one last thing i should mention here i enjoy this with a very high ratio of meat to rice all right this is almost literally half and half which is why earlier we didn't use a ton of liquid to simmer our turkey in so for me that's another key i kind of want this to be a meat with rice dish not a rice with meat dish but regardless of how much meat you put in i really do hope you give this very simple easy comforting and very delicious turkey rice recipe a try soon so please follow the links below to get the ingredient amounts a written printable recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] hello this is chef john from foodwishes.com with turkey tamale pie that's right i'm going to show you how to make a tamale pie out of leftover turkey because let's face it no matter how moist and delicious your roast turkey turned out the leftovers can be a little bit dry and uninteresting which is the exact opposite of what you're going to experience with this in fact this came out so well even if you don't have any leftover turkey you should roast one just to use for this and maybe make a few sandwiches but mostly for this so with that let's go ahead and get started by sauteing a diced onion and a little bit of olive oil over medium-high heat along with of course the traditional giant pinch of salt and what we'll do is cook these stirring for a few minutes until they just start to turn translucent and all that means is that those pieces of onion are going to go from firm and white to slightly softer in this okay we're just basically taking that raw edge off and then once our onions are looking a little something like that we'll go ahead and toss in a whole bunch of diced peppers and this time i went with a red bell pepper plus a couple beautiful dark green poblano peppers but of course use whatever you want i mean you guys are after all the schleppers of your peppers so whatever you carry back from the store will work but regardless of what you use we'll go ahead and season that up with some freshly ground black pepper some ground cumin and a nice big pinch of dry oregano and what we'll do is stir that all together and cook it for about two minutes until our peppers just start to soften up at which point we're going to add what might be the most important ingredient one can of whole chipotle peppers packed in adobo sauce and if you're not familiar these are basically whole red jalapeno peppers that have been smoked over hot coals or at least that's what the brochure says and then packed in an amazingly flavorful chili sauce and what we'll do is go ahead and break those up and stir them in with our spatula and fair warning those things are pretty spicy which by the way explains why you're not going to see me add any cayenne to this all right that stuff's going to provide plenty of heat and what we'll do as soon as that's all been broken up and stirred in is turn off our heat and reserve that pan of goodies while we move on to prep our turkey which most likely will be some leftover dry thanksgiving turkey and what we'll do is make sure we remove the bones and skin before cutting this up into like quarter inch cubes and what you're seeing here are the remnants to a very unsuccessful honey roast turkey recipe which came out very bland and unexciting but hey at least it was dry the good news however is that it's perfect for a recipe like this so i went ahead and cubed up about three or four cups and once that's set we'll go ahead and add that to our pan of onions and peppers along with a whole bunch of sharp cheddar cheese or any melty cheese but cheddar is the official recommendation and then we will follow that with a jar or can of red enchilada sauce from the store do not make that yourself i mean you could but don't plus i don't think i've ever posted a recipe for enchilada sauce which we probably should but anyway we'll finish up with some salt as well as some chicken broth that is you might be able to see i used to rinse out my jar of enchilada sauce and we'll dump that in and stir everything together before transferring that into whatever casserole dish we're going to use and please note how runny and loose this mixture is okay we want to make sure we start with a lot of liquid so once this bakes it stays a little bit saucy alright a dry tamale pie is not fly as they say and then what we'll do once that's been transferred in is move on to the last major component a very very thin cornbread batter and that's going to start with some cornmeal and i'm using kind of a medium grind but fine cornmeal will also work and then we're also going to toss in some self-rising flour which is nothing more than flour with a baking powder and salt milled into it and then we're also going to need a little bit of white sugar as well as of course a little bit of salt and then what we'll want to do is take a whisk and give this all a mix so that all those ingredients are nicely combined before we add our wet ingredients and by what ingredients i mean a couple large eggs as well as some nice cold fresh whole milk and that's it we'll just take our whisk and mix this all together to form like i said a very thin batter and yes in case you're wondering we do usually use buttermilk when we make cornbread which gives it a nice little tanginess but here with this particular filling i think something a little bit on the sweeter side will work better but having said that either one will work and then once we have that mixed up we'll go ahead and ladle that carefully over our turkey filling and by applying it this way we're going to hopefully get a nice even layer since if we just dump this in it might be thicker in some spots than others so really is better to take an extra minute and sort of lay that over carefully and the reason we want that so thin is that i'm not trying to make a turkey chili with cornbread baked on top okay we want to get a little bit closer to the texture of an actual tamale which is much denser in moisture so i do realize it looks a little watery but you'll see once this bakes is going to be perfect oh and please note we have our casserole dish set over a sheet pan because this is almost always going to bubble over so make sure you put something under your dish and then what we'll do to finish this off is go ahead and scatter over the rest of our cheese which by the way is why we didn't add any butter to the batter oh yeah this is a no butter batter because the butter fat in that cheese is going to provide all we need and that's it once our cheese has been applied to the top we can go ahead and transfer this into the center of a 375 degree oven for about 45 minutes to an hour or until it's beautifully browned and probably bubbling over and our cornbread cornbread-ish topping has cooked through which if you want you can test with a toothpick and it should come out clean okay if it comes out dirty and it has a bunch of wet batter on it put it back in for a few more minutes but mine was perfect and at this point i usually tell you to let things rest for a few minutes but with this you really don't have to so i'm going to go ahead and cut a piece and serve that up and right here you can get a great look at our still beautifully saucy filling which is why we really do want that stuff nice and juicy before this goes in the oven and then by all means feel free to eat this as is but i like to finish mine off with a nice dollop of sour cream which not only looks pretty but also provides a contrast in taste and temperature plus i also like to show off my dolloping skills and that's it i finished up a little bit of chopped cilantro and my leftover turkey tamale pie was ready to enjoy so i grabbed a spoon and dug in and i could not have been happier with how this came out okay you know that thing they shined in people's eyes in that movie men in black to erase their memories this tamale pie is that for dry turkey okay you're gonna forget you even roasted a turkey and above and beyond that highly seasoned super flavorful very moist filling we also of course have that slightly sweet topping that is basically halfway between a classic cornbread and that softer much moister traditional tamale dough so i'm not officially saying i hope your turkey's a little overcooked and people don't eat that much so that you have plenty of leftovers to make this but unofficially i am saying that so i really did love everything about this so whether you end up making this with actual leftover turkey or you end up cooking some turkey just to make this or of course just substitute with some chicken which would totally work i really do hope you give this delicious tamale pie a try soon so head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts of morpho as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 105,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thanksgiving leftovers, thanksgiving leftover recipes, leftover turkey, turkey leftovers, turkey leftover ideas, leftover turkey recipes, what to do with leftover turkey, turkey manicotti recipe, turkey noodle casserole recipe, turkey flautas recipe, how to make flautas, turkey rice recipe, turkey tamale pie recipe, tamale pie, how to make tamale pie, Chef John, Food Wishes, how to cook, cooking, recipes, recipe videos, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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