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[Music] hey everyone welcome to today's video today we're going to do something a little bit different and take you through my full stretch routine uh typically i'll go through a specific flow from goad but today i'm just doing my regular daily routine and that's because my entire body is sore as game training picks up our intensity is picking up and when intensity picks up that's when you really start to feel the soreness so it's not that i'm doing any movements that i'm unfamiliar with or things like that it's just that we're pushing harder and the intensity just leaves you feeling like you've almost been run over by a truck so today i'm going to take you through my daily stretch routine i hope you guys get awesome stretches from this that you can also implement yourself into your routine and they hopefully make your body feel great because i usually feel really good when i finish so for my first one i'm going to start with the squat opener we squat a lot in crossfit it just feels really good so i'm going to sit in this position for three minutes so i've got my app ready i'll walk you guys through each position so what i like to do is i'm gonna start with my feet parallel ideally in my shoulder they're gonna be shoulder width apart so if i drew a line from the outside of my shoulder down that's where my feet are going to go then i'm going to pull myself down and bring my elbows inside of my knees and then i'm going to think about gently pushing my knees out as i want to lift my chest so right now this is a hard purpose position for me to get into hopefully by the end of the three minutes i'll be feeling a little bit better so i'm just gonna sit here and focus on my breathing and just think about the week that i've had think about what's coming next and just thank my body for everything that i put it through and for allowing me to put it through all of the stuff that i do daily all right looks like i'm ready so next i'm gonna go into a shoulder stretch i really really like this one so i'm gonna have a pvc pipe if you guys don't have a pvc pipe you could use a broomstick you could broomstick you could use a swiffer anything that you can find but what we're going to do is we're just going to take the pvc between our thumb and our pointer finger right outside of our elbow and i'm going to gently pull it across my body i want to make sure my torso stays upright so i'm not hunched forward and my head also stays upright and then i'm just going to gently pull my arm so my hand goes back towards my shoulder and my elbow comes up high one minute per side on this stretch so when you're doing this one it's one minute per side you want to make sure that your elbows are slightly pointed forwards so we don't want our elbows to be pointed down out to the side and then the hand on the pvc pipe can be you can notice it's gently open and then i'm just gently lifting so i'm working into this stretch if you have front squats squat cleans anything along those lines in your workout this will be a great stretch to do before or after so next now that i'm at my one minute per side i'm gonna come down to the floor and i'm gonna go through just a nice butterfly stretch just a regular butterfly so all i'm gonna think about doing is bringing my feet together my knees are pushed out and down and then from here i'm going to tuck my chin and try to take the top of my head towards my shoe you're going to notice i don't really get very far so i'm going to hit play tuck my chin and gently lean alright so holding that for three minutes feels awesome you start to feel everything melt away and again remember apply a little bit of your pressure from your elbow down onto your knee so we can open up our inner hips the next stretch stretch is gonna be for my forearms so i'm gonna come to my hands and my knees and this one i like to hold for three minutes we use our forearms so much in crossfit we're always holding on to something we wanna make sure we give these guys a little tlc and that's gonna help with some of our elbow and our wrist pain as well so three minutes i'm just gonna hit start and i'm just gonna turn my fingers pointed back towards my body and i'm gonna gently apply pressure getting my palm to the floor and then i like to try to sit back so my fingers are all spread out in contact with the floor and this is an awesome stretch where you should feel it on each arm is straight through here it should not hurt if that's too much to turn your wrist all the way around don't turn them quite as far and still just see if we can apply a little bit of pressure as we slowly sit our hips back but still keep our palms in contact with the floor this one you guys should definitely add to your regular routine my next one is going to be a tricep stretch um my triceps i don't know they get super tight but i also like it because i feel like i get a little bit of quad and a little bit of ankle as well because i'm sitting on my heels so all i'm going to do is one minute per side hit my start button i'm going to take my hand flat to my back and i'm just going to gently think about pulling my elbow back so my bicep is by my ear oh i'm really tight today and just try to keep an open chest you can also think about kind of pressing your elbow into your hand forward and that's going to help you get just a little bit deeper of a stretch as well milo's joining us if you guys just saw him walk in front of the camera so nice big deep breaths one minute per side slowly trying to get the shoulder to open as much as we can and get a really good stretch right through our tricep all right guys next is my night stretch also a really great hip flexor stretch this is also probably one of my favorite stretches that you could add into your everyday routine starting in a lunge position it's going to be a little bit of a longer lunge you want to think about keeping our shoulders over our hips so i'm not letting my chest drop forward and i'm going to drive my knee out over my toe as my back leg stays long so again i'm pushing my belly button forward keeping my eyes up everything nice and tall and i'm going to hold this one for about two minutes per side think about when you do this something just to think about would be keeping your abs or your abdominals nice and contracted and kind of squeezing your butt that's going to help you drive your hips forward and also drive the stretch more into the front hip flexor rather than feeling it in a different place the last stretch i'm going to end with today is great for your posterior back side hips everything so it's just a forward fold i think the forward fold is super underrated and it's one way i like to end my stretching session so it's gonna be two minutes hitting start on my goad mobility app and i'm just gonna grab my toes tuck my chin ideally by the end of the two minutes hopefully my elbows and my forearms get closer to the floor but i've had a really tough week and i'm really sore so just kind of breathing here relaxing trying to feel like i'm elongating through the back of my leg elongating through my back and just relaxing into this one i feel so much better i hope you guys give a couple of these exercises a try they're super awesome they can be worked into your everyday routine and now that we're all stretched out uh we should be feeling really good so we're gonna add on an ab workout to the back of this video that pat and i have done that we absolutely love that you guys can complete at home we hope you enjoy it and if you like it make sure to drop a comment below because we'll bring you more of those style workouts or if you like the stretching make sure to drop a comment on that as well or if you have any questions on the stretches i did or the app that i love to use please drop a comment below have a great day everyone and stay flexy i came from the mud there's dirt on my hands [Music] [Music] try to catch me all in that [Music] [Music] to the very end [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Kristi Eramo O'Connell
Views: 860,033
Rating: 4.9270172 out of 5
Id: HgxqZaqRKUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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