5 steps to make your Hybrid battery last a lifetime! (Nobody knows)

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foreign [Music] what's up guys all right so I'm gonna give you five steps on how to make your Hybrid battery last a lifetime so if you follow these five steps your Hybrid battery will see significant increase in life expectancy okay so first step is do not let your Prius or your hybrid car sit for more than two weeks that is terrible on the Hybrid battery it drains it just sitting there it'll drop cells out inside the Hybrid battery pack and it is very very unhealthy for that for the hybrid car to just sit there even if you're not going to go very far just try to drive it every other day at least just to get the Hybrid battery that conditioned to like stay healthy that's a major one step two is important and kind of obvious but people don't really know better do not run your hybrid car out of gas because then it drains the Hybrid battery because it relies on the Hybrid battery once it runs out of gas and it will drain the cell and it'll drain all the cells inside the Hybrid battery and that's not good you don't want your Hybrid battery cells to fluctuate like that that's really bad on them and can make the life expectancy go down a whole bunch so do not run one out of gas step three is keep your Hybrid battery and your hybrid car out of the Heat so if you can park in the shade make sure you can park in the shade uh make sure your all the cooling system for your Hybrid battery is like cleaned out there's always like no dust on it the heat temperature means a whole bunch to hybrid batteries if it does get really hot then that can swell the cells and when this the cells are swollen it the computer notices that and it tends to like put more like voltage tow to those cells which is not good so you you do not want to expose these hybrid batteries to extreme heat this the fourth step is very important as well people don't really know uh Do not sit like in a parking lot or anywhere with your air conditioner going so don't don't be in park with your AC like blowing full full throttle because that is also it'll drain your Hybrid battery pack so all these pretty much are like things that will drain your Hybrid battery pack or overcharge it which are both not good you do not want it to fluctuate you don't want it to fluctuate you don't want it to overheat just if you follow these five steps your Hybrid battery will see a big big difference the fifth and final step is to not let your Hybrid battery fluctuate this is a very very very very very important step if you always stay on top of this which I'm going to show you here in a second on how to like kind of do it it you'll see a huge change in how long your Hybrid battery lasts so what I mean by this don't let your Hybrid battery like charge all the way full because believe it or not that's not good for the battery you don't want it to be like fully charged because it it can kick on life it's not good for lithium battery cells to get fully charged and do not let it drain all the way down either the fluctuation is what's bad remember so you don't want it to drain all the way down you don't want it to charge all the way up that's what decreases life expectancy very very much so so I'm going to show you guys on what I mean and how to like keep your Hybrid battery in the middle so if you follow these five steps I promise you you'll see a big change in the life expectancy of your Hybrid battery so I'm going to show you guys how to keep your Hybrid battery like in the middle okay so this video goes for everybody that owns any model of Prius any generation any year all hybrid batteries work the same uh if you don't think I know what I'm talking about we own over 200 Priuses and here's our backyard they're just Prius is everywhere we own the most priests in North America so all batteries will show your battery percentage your Hybrid battery percentage right here and if you ever see that getting low then you want to charge it and to charge it you are so yeah I'm going down the road and you just if I gas it it uses the battery so you don't you don't want it to use the battery if it needs charge so we're going to let up and see it's charging and it already went up a bar we're going down a hill so we let up with it still in Drive see the car's still in drive and we let up and it's charging the Hybrid battery it's already went up a couple bars see now I went up another bar and here's another thing okay see now the hybrid batteries are already almost to the top that's not good that means it's it can get too charged and if it gets too charged it can kick on the light on I know that sounds weird but you don't want it to be like in the green right here you want it to be kind of in the middle like in the bluish area so to drop it we're going to gas it see how it's using the the battery now to help power the car that's what you want to discharge it and also what discharges if you have the AC on all right so I'm going to gas it and try to get the battery to discharge a little bit and if you got a lot up to go around a corner or something and you don't want the battery to charge anymore this is something that nobody knows how to do so listen to me closely all right so say I'm going down the hill and you don't want the battery to charge anymore just kick it into neutral all right so we're in neutral now we're going and the battery's not getting charged at all so when the car's in neutral it don't charge the battery so it won't allow it to overcharge so now we're just coasting to neutral until we get to a spot where we can gas it and that's just constantly discharging the battery and it keeps it where you want it so if you just monitor your hybrid Hybrid battery like in whatever price you have it will last forever all right so now we're going up a hill I'm going to put it in Drive and now I'm going to gas it see now it's using all battery and I'm a gasket going up this hill and now I got to slow down a little bit so I'm gonna kick it neutral so it quits charging so if you just regulate your battery like that kicking it in neutral and drive and maintaining your battery to be like in the middle then it'll last forever discharge it a little bit more see we got it in the middle now so that's good and that's how you get your Hybrid battery to last a lifetime uh if you if you liked the video if you own a Prius make sure to subscribe like the video uh yeah thank you guys
Channel: CarHub
Views: 334,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prius, Hybrid, Toyota, Cars, Priuschat
Id: a_BY4fEhNIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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