5 Step Formula to Solve Any Problem | Brian Tracy

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hello i'm brian tracy and today i want to talk to you about my formula for happiness and wealth as you become aware of procrastinating you can overcome it and then turn it into execution [Music] i want you to take a quick moment and think about how you faced problems that have come your way in the past if you're someone who gets easily overwhelmed you might find yourself making little or no progress on your career or in your life at least currently that's why i've come up with five steps that will help you solve problems in an orderly way and that will increase the power of your thinking sort of like a recipe in the kitchen for making a delicious dish you have a recipe for problem solving that enables you to handle anything that life throws your way the first step is to proceed with a positive attitude approach any problem with the knowledge that there's a practical solution just waiting to be found be relaxed and calm and confident and clear in your mind if you're struggling act as though it were impossible to fail act as though you already had a high level of self-confidence and that success was guaranteed eliminating a negative attitude about the outcome of your goal will help give you the confidence that you need to succeed be true to yourself to the very best that is in you and never compromise the next step is to define the problem clearly define the problem clearly in writing it's absolutely astonishing when i work with a group of executives and i'll have each person write down a definition that they're working with in the company and everyone will have a different definition of the same problem which is why they never get it solved the first thing you do every morning should be to write down your biggest challenges the obstacles that stand between you and your goal and then list them in order of importance if you do this one simple step you'll immediately see your productivity performance and your self-confidence increase by 25 or more if you're not sure where to start try asking what exactly is the challenge that i'm facing never use problem the very best word is always a challenge or obstacle what is causing me the greatest stress and anxiety in my life right now what situations or problems are making me unhappy or doubtful write it out clearly in detail fully fifty percent of situations can be resolved by accurate definition just by clearly defining your problems and your goals and looking at ways to make progress you'll be well on the way to tackling anything that comes your way next identify all the causes and possible solutions to the problems you are facing if you don't identify the causes of the problem you're facing you'll be doomed like sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill and the boulder keeps rolling back down again to deal with the same issues again and again that's why you need to search for the root cause of the problem fully eighty percent of all problems in personal and professional life come from a lack of clarity what exactly is the problem approach the problem from different directions brainstorm unique solutions and remember there are likely multiple solutions to the same problem not just one once you've written your solutions down rank them in order of ease and likelihood to succeed then start attacking your problem with focus and clarity and don't worry if your first solution doesn't work you'll be ready to try the next tactic on your list the fourth step is for you to take complete responsibility for your decisions remember if it's to be it's up to me accept complete responsibility for your actions and your progress many of the most creative ideas never materialize because no one accepts responsibility assume total responsibility and then set a deadline for completion and review remember a decision without a deadline has no urgency no beginning and no end the most successful leaders always hold themselves accountable to decisions and deadlines to become someone that you have never been before you must take full ownership of your life and do something that you've never done before make sure to follow up track your progress and compare your results with your goals the final step is for you to start attacking your problem today there's never been a better time to start today not tomorrow and certainly not someday in order to succeed you must develop a sense of urgency the faster you move in the direction of your clearly defined goals the more successful you will be the more money you will earn and the more you will learn and grow remember you can solve any problem overcome any obstacle or achieve any goal that you can set for yourself by using your wonderful creative mind and taking action consistently and persistently until you attain your objective and there are two ways to deal with any setbacks along the way to carry your problems as boulders that burden you along the way or to use your setbacks as stepping stones to pave a new path for yourself you'll get better and better and stronger and stronger success is the mark of a creative thinker and when you use your ability to think creatively your success can become unlimited now i'd love to hear from you so my question today is how do you go about solving problems what is your method or process leave a comment below and i'll be sure to follow up with you thanks for watching and remember if you want to change your future take action and take action now if you enjoyed this video and feel it was valuable in teaching you about the five steps that help you to solve any problem subscribe to my channel like this video and share this video with your friends don't forget to click the button on the screen for a free gift thanks again for watching
Channel: Brian Tracy
Views: 144,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brian tracy, personal development, success mentor, business success, problems, solve problems, power of thinking, clarify your goals, implement Smart goals, positive attitude, define the problem, start attacking the problem, Formula to Solve Any Problem, solve any problem, how to solve a problem, problem solving, smart goals, personal development motivation, fast track to success, goal setting, proceed with a positive attitude, face problems, progress in your life, clubhouse
Id: CdVCNjX6pc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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