5 Simple VFX You Can Try

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staying on topic of creating at home today we want to look at five simple visual effects that you can use when making your project at home before we jump into that of course as always if you are in a position to help and donate with everything that's going on right now we've put those links that we put in the past few episodes below for you guys or places that we really like and have continued donating to so again if you're able definitely check out those links below and of course the submission deadline for our second stay at home challenge is today at 11 p.m. of course that's the 16th of April so depending on when you watch this it might be over already so like we did last time we're gonna be taking the next week to go through all of your submissions picking the winners and showing that on the show next week [Music] I'm shooting for film you know I'm sure I text you two seconds dead Sam's what was the question are you know I'm shooting the episode I'm glad you asked rate shot and legends is a dark fantasy RPG game with an insane amount of fun and immersive features there's the PvP battle arena where you can form your own squad of champions and fight other players yes it's a phone game but you can also play it on your desktop oh that's cool yeah two of my personal favorites are the tavern where you can go in and upgrade your champions and the battle dungeon where you can fight ten different bosses to win artifacts silver and other items to grow your rank well what I love about this game is that it has so many different game features that you can jump on and play casually for a couple of minutes or play it like you were in quarantine and never stop playing with which I am I can't stop playing and now the daily log and rewards program for new players has been doubled from 90 to 180 days so go to the video description click on the special links and if you're a new player you will get two hundred thousand silver plus one free champion called tree filming actually sounds really cool yes Ryan it is cool and the rewards are only available for the next 30 days which is why I FaceTime you so go download it and stop being an idiot okay I will tell I will download it once we get off here joshan such a bag analysis anyway jumping back into the effects removing things from your scene be it items or people even a light like we showed in another episode can be a really useful thing to have in your FileMaker toolbox for instance if you have something like a wide shot but need a light or boom mic close to your actor you can use a separate empty shot as a clean plate and mask the gear or the crew member out of the shot this gives you more freedom in lighting setups as you can hide things in post of course if you don't have a clean plate you can always use a cloning tool paint out your object and then use that as your clean plate our second effect is one that you see used all the time in television and film and that is replacing screens especially when you're doing something that's more modern because of how many screens we have absolutely everywhere from TV screens to computers tablets and phones replacing those becomes extremely important more often than not is because you want to have a lot of control and post over what's on the screen but also it can be very difficult technically to shoot the screen and your actors at the same time via timing or just the issues you get from filming a screen for this we grabbed a quick shot of this TV with the power off so we can have these reflections that we can use later to put over the footage and after effects we'll duplicate it then on the top layer use the pen tool to mask out screen set the mask to subtract and feather it if needed drop in the footage that you want to play on the TV below the top layer scale and reposition if needed and if your shot is from an angle similar to ours you can use something like the power pin effect to move each corner until it matches the perspective of the TV to help make your footage feel like it blends into the scene better move the bottom footage layer up and set the blending mode to screen now you have all your reflections back and you can control the opacity and add effects for contrast or blur to soften them keep the change you filthy animal for our third effect we're looking at ifx and there's a ton of different types that you can do and if you watch the show you know we love us some I effect whether it's to make your character look like a demon like they're overtired possibly that they've done drugs there are so many different applications to doing a facts to your characters I to start drop your footage into new After Effects composition and move to the point in the timeline just after your actor opens their eyes create a new layer and we'll call this one left then duplicate it and call this one right right-click your footage and track motion select the point in the corner of the eye then track through you can then track back a few frames during the eye opening and if your track moves too much you might need to manually track it for these few frames apply this to the correlating Knoll then track again and do the same for the other eye and know create a new solid layer if you want to make the eye white instead of making it a white solid it's better to just color pick the white area of your actors eye to help match it with their eye and the scene if you hold down shift while pic whipping the solid to the knoll it can move the layer over to the correct position shut up the solid visibility and draw a shape around the eye then a shape within that so that it can keep the detail at the sides set the second mask to intersect and feather both to make it less flat you can add a gradient ramp effect set it to the radial ramp and move the two points close to the eye now change the first color to the same as the solid and the second color to be darker from the sides of your actors eye something that'll really help sell this effect is adding the shadow from the island right-click the solid and in layer Styles choose inner shadow and drop down the settings click the settings to your liking to add a glint of light to the actors eye you can also add a layer style gradient overlay once again change it to radial and tweak the setting until you have a small circle you can set this to screen and lower the opacity if needed a bevel alpha effect can also be useful depending on your shot name this solid left the duplicate image right link it to the other null reposition and alter the mask to match the second I then keyframe both eye masks over the frames where your actor opens their eyes now you can use these solids to create different styles like solid black for a demon's look or go solid white and add an adjustment layer with multiple copies of glow effect with a color tint to give it a superpower look you can also change the last glow effect dimensions to horizontal for an anamorphic flare effect for our fourth effect we're gonna look at title specifically 3d titles tracked into your scene you see this a lot in television and movies and it does add a nice interesting factor we've done it several times but you've also seen it in TV shows like fringe and films like David Fincher's panic room and since were stuck in doors a really great thing you can turn to is stock footage and for this we grabbed a shot from art grid now art grid is great we love them they are not sponsoring this episode we're gonna do an episode with them pretty soon but they have nothing to do with this episode but we do love them so if you want some stock footage definitely check out the link below and check out their site so we have this great city shot and for this effect we're gonna drop our shot into a new After Effects comp then right click and track camera once the track is complete you get all these markers look for one place in the scene around the same area that you want to place your text if you find it hard to see you can increase the scale of your points right here it's like the point and right-click then create no land camera with the text tool draw an area and type out your title enable 3d and copy and paste the 3d know position to the text if it's far away you can scale it up then play through and see if you're happy with the placement if you want it stuck to a building this can be great or if you want it floating in the air drag it forward and tweak position to your liking if you want a more professional 3d look you can create a new solid and use video co-pilots element 3d plugin use the text as a custom layer and extrude to your liking then you can apply a material we went with a reflective metallic look and the world transform tab we can change the position value to move it in 3d space as well as change the rotation angle to help it visually match the scene more if you don't have an HDRI image of your scene you can use your actual footage as an environment map and tweak exposure and gamma for the reflections use the rotation settings to get a reflection you like and then you can always alter position scale and reflection rotations to get different visual looks if you want to help separate from the background more you can use a glow effect with the radius boosted to create a soft dark halo around the title and our last effect is our easiest and honestly one of the effects that I use the most and that is split screen of course that has an application like we're about to show which is cloning but you can also use it in ways that you would never even realize that the thing is happening most famously David Fincher uses this to completely alter the pacing of his scene if you have two character standing side-by-side you can split screen that and adjust your timing to really dial in the pace of your project but again specifically with cloning like in this shot here we can bring our footage in and place our clips on top of each other in the timeline like this then we're gonna go up to effects control panel and click the pen tool then we're gonna mask out our actor select invert feather if we need to and then BAM you got two dudes who are actually the same dude chillie gonna catch but again if this was me and Josh sitting on the couch and just not to Josh's this could be done the exact same way just to alter the pacing of our edit because pacing is absolutely everything and sometimes when you do have two people in a scene that pace isn't quite right but the delivery is great that doesn't mean the shots not usable you can use this technique and get the shot and paste the way you want but that's it for today a bunch of very simple effects that you can do for your project and really these are effects that even if you don't have any visual effects experience you can dive in and start using these right now just by getting a free subscription to Adobe or really any software it's going to be able to do all the stuff that we showed you today so definitely try all those out again submission deadline is tonight the 16th at 11:00 p.m. unless you're watching this later and then you've missed it but hopefully you haven't missed it and we're gonna be announcing all the winners next week and until then don't forget to write shoot edit repeat [Music] [Music]
Channel: Film Riot
Views: 530,980
Rating: 4.9243426 out of 5
Keywords: film riot, triune films, ryan connolly, filmmaking, tutorial, how to, adobe, film school, filmmaker, filmmakers, vfx, top 5, 5 simple vfx, simple vfx, you can try, after effects, premiere, editor, visual effects
Id: 2ipV5bGMhAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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