Here's What I'd DO to Get RICH Again! | Warren Buffett Best ADVICE

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To make $10 a week more doing something that you don't feel good about Compared to something you'd feel good about, yeah, make the change you can't Say i'm gonna Suddenly become a terribly attractive person when i'm 60 it just doesn't work that way so pick up the right habits now the test Isn't whether you get the greatest Does this idea in the world the first time out the test is whether you keep learning as you go along What your strengths are? What's that belief nation at seven my? One word is believe and i believe in you i believe you have an amazing gift inside you that i want to see Exploded onto the world now i started the meant to me series to try to hang your Own people who've done a lot, more than us who've accomplished great things and hopefully By spending a little more time with Them some of their mindsets their beliefs their way of thinking Seeps into us to help us become the best version of ourselves so today we're going to learn From one of the best warren buffett, and five simple yet powerful pieces of his advice mentor me warren Alright let's kick it off with number one be determined to succeed i would like to tell you of two women, oh? That each sold the business? to, berkshire hathaway To, me actually for many many many millions of dollars Both of them started with twenty, five hundred dollars by a coincidence was the exact same ahmad it was everything they Had in the world and one of them Was a woman? who landed in seattle in 1917 Couldn't speak a word of english Had a tag around her neck The tag said Fort dodge iowa The red, cross Got her to fort dodge where she was reunited with her husband, who would come to the country a couple years earlier And she lived in fort dodge for two years and as she put it she Felt like a dummy She couldn't pick up the language and she couldn't learn a word and so she decided and she and her husband decided To move to omaha so they came to omaha in 1919 And there she found a Small colony of russian jews so she started feeling more at home and then as her oldest daughter, went to school She would come home this daughter frances and she would teach her mother the words that she learned in school that day and This, woman rose bumpkin spent 20 years Saving money bringing first her siblings over Her mother and father Fifty dollars at. A time she sold used clothing to do it She had four children, during, this period and by 1937 after 20 years She saved $2,500 She, went to chicago And she bought what she put a furniture her dream had always been to open a furniture store and This, woman, would never gone to school one day in her life with $2,500 But with the same spirit that the people in this room had About having a dream and working to accomplish that dream she built a business Which she sold with me in 1983 for 60 million dollars approximately in which which did a billion and a half dollars worth of business last, year The fourth generation, is working in that business This, woman rose blumpkin Lived, while she she worked for me until she was 103 and then then i'm not Said then she retired and she died the next year which is a lesson to all the purchasers managers it Pretty much her retirement nothing. You can't tell, what's going to happen but mrs. B With her $2,500 One further fact about her She could, not read or write And she went into a furniture business and she didn't bring anything in unique in furniture but she brought a determination to succeed she Knew she could outwork, anyone else she knows she cared, about her customers She worked at murray low Gross margins but she built this incredible business number two tried to find your passion Last week honored 60 of them from our burton's south dakota state i just Don't try to find your passion and you know i mean may not find it the first time but you know Don't sleepwalk through i find something that you really enjoy doing if you can, do it and not you know Not everybody is lucky enough to be able to find that but it's it ought to be your goal To, make ten dollars a week more doing something that you don't feel good about Compared to something you'd feel good about Yeah, make the change bill said something i thought, was really interesting he said the thing you do obsessively between Age 13 and 18 That's the thing you have the most chance of being world-class at yeah, they'll said his one thing was coding, what, was your one investment? No bill and i his father many years ago right after, we met had us a group of about? 20 right down on the sheet of paper one word that they thought accounted for their Success and bello guy, who may only met twice didn't know, what the other one was writing down? We both wrote down the same word which was focused and he was focused on? Software i was focused on investments and it? It gave me a big advantage to start very young there's no question About it number three be the person. You, want to be if you look around you at the people you admire You know they have certain qualities i mean you've got you've got friends, why, do you, like them you know Generally, you know that they Generally, they have an upbeat attitude on life generally, they are generous people they're Humorous, people there are people that do more than their share they're, people that are thinking, about something nice they can do for you And all those qualities attract You and none of those are our innate at birth i mean you you can acquire those and then there's other people to turn you off you know, and They, have habits they take credit for things they didn't do they Don't show up on time whatever it may be they're little dishonest about things and If you're, looking at your life at a young Age like you are and you can choose what kind of a person you can Be why, not be the person you admire rather than the person you can't stand it so simple so just write down The qualities you liked take you to take your five best friends, why, do you like them and just write down those qualities and you will find there's no quality there that you can't have yourself and Similarly with the five people you can't stand to be around put those, put those things down to turn you off about those people and If they turn you off about them, why should you possess them you can it's so simple You know it's it's not it's it's, not like it's not like Some something complicated that you think you should be learning with the best educated. As investing in the stock market It its enormous ly, important to have people work with you in life they're Gonna, work with you in life if they like you you know And they may occasionally i mean if you're in the army or something you know You, may work for something that you don't like but, by and large you're, gonna get the best out of people if they feel good about you and It's just so easy but you've got to develop the habits early because you can't Say i'm gonna suddenly become a terribly attractive person when i'm 60 it just doesn't work that way so pick up the right habits now and i Will guarantee you if you actually just write down those qualities and think about it you will find you can Have every one of the attractive qualities get rid of the ones that are Negative and your life will be different number four the light customers henry ford as you may know Failed twice before he started the ford motor company in 1903 any the the test Isn't whether you get the greatest Does this idea in the world the first time out the test is whether you keep learning as you go along What your strengths are and what you can, do for your customers what you can, bring especially to the party and to do that You, need, you need a Genuine a genuine desire day-in, day-out to delight the customer I've never i've never seen a business i've seen a lot of businesses but i've never seen, one that delight the customer That that doesn't succeed i mean what you want is that customer the next, day? When they think do i want to rent a car or do i want to buy, some furniture What goes through their mind you know it's the place, where they've had a great experience I don't know, what i paid for this? Type actually probably if somebody gave it to me proof for the purposes of the speech i will Say i i have no idea but, why, they are the shirt i'm wearing others but i do know, i will remember How i was treated? What i bought it i'm with you you long forget about The price but you never forget whether you had a good experience or a. Porridge furnace with the purchase experience and number five the last one before a very special bonus clip is Read i should mention one thing about reading It was at the library here at columbia, i wish i spent probably more time than any other Should i love their practical, ii but and i pulled the book out there Happen to be whose in america and it? Told me something about My professor benjamin graham and then i looked up and i went to the library and i said i want to learn more about this Because i learned this over here That changed, my, whole life you know, we owned i go now? because of that Library, and directing me to some other book And then following through on that night it's the chance i i read about One-fifth the pace the bill does but i still spend Five or six hours of everything i mean it just you can learn so much i particularly love biography just You know to be able to Live the lives of these people have been extorted see them so extraordinary the lessons and the you know the discouragements They, face just everything, about it so i did you, can't get enough of reading Now i've got a very special warren buffett, bonus clip around, how Anything can happen in this world that i think you're really, gonna enjoy but before that My, question of the day is i want to know, what did you learn, today, what did you learn from warren That you are going to apply somehow to your life or to your business leave in the comments Below i'm really curious to find out thank you guys so much for watching i believe in you i hope We continue to believe in yourself and whatever you're, one where it is much love i'll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clip He is the only person who has ever from scratch built a company that is in the top ten of the fortune 500 Well berkshire is a holding company of sorts it owns a large number of separate businesses that operate independently Of each other and to a great extent from the parent company berkshire hathaway we have maybe 70 maybe 80 Businesses and we ask them to behave in a way that doesn't hurt our reputation at berkshire hathaway but they run, their, own lives other people do most of the decorating of the office so various things come in originally when i moved in in 1962 you can see this i went down, to the south omaha library and i think for a dollar i got seven copies of old New, york times from From big times, like the panic of 1907 this is one? 1929 obviously but i wanted to put on the walls, days of extreme panic and wall street Just as a reminder that anything can happen in this world i mean it it's instructive art you can call it ever if you, had to think of one word That's most important to you or that sums you apple that, would be to like a little beacon They, believe nation if you, want to know what the most important one word is for tony robbins gary vaynerchuk Oprah winfrey and howard schultz i have a very special secret video for you, check the description for details
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 436,419
Rating: 4.8210244 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, 5 simple but very powerful advice from warren buffett - #MentorMe, warren buffett, warren buffett advice, warren buffett motivation, best of warren buffett, success advice, success motivation, warren buffett interview, warren buffett speech, life advice, career advice, billionaire gives advice, famous investor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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