5 Signs You Have a Lone Wolf Personality, Not Just An Introvert

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[Music] what is a lone wolf personality no it doesn't mean you wolf out whenever there's a full Moon instead it refers to people who enjoy time alone don't mix well with crowds and value quality over quantity regarding relationships similar to introverts you may picture lone wolves as no different than that big bad wolf that eats up Red Riding Hood and her granny but just because someone doesn't talk much or meld into the crowd doesn't make them anti-social or unapproachable lone wolves can easily be brushed off as introverted Outsiders but that's just a tiny part of the story here are five signs you're a lone wolf and not just an introvert you prefer independent solitude many people assume loneliness and Solitude are the same but Solitude is a choice whereas loneliness is a feeling that can persist even when other people are present as the term implies lone wolves tend to isolate themselves or build small Social Circles and as a result many assume lone wolves are innately lonely however Jonathan cheek says some people such as lone wolves simply have a low need for affiliation like introverts lone wolves do not need many friends to feel validated nor should you you don't need a whole wolf pack to be happy but having quality friends never hurts your introspective and aware like introverts lone wolves are prone to introspection and self-reflection they often use deep thinking to analyze their own thoughts actions and emotions allowing them to have better control of themselves they want to be keenly aware of who they are and don't just look at the good they look at the bad as well and actively try to improve themselves they want to know their strengths and weaknesses and use them to their advantage in school and the workplace this active introspection allows them to constantly improve and see things in a new light making them more confident and open-minded than most others take a page from The Lone wolves book and take the time to think about how you can actively improve yourself you think outside of the box commonly known as lone wolves actress and activists Emma Watson and filmmaker Steven Spielberg are recognized as incredibly creative thinkers capable of thinking outside the box and coming up with new innovative ideas likewise lone wolves are often confident with their opinions and refuse to succumb to peer pressure what makes lone wolves special is that many experience fear of rejection but they will often still voice their opinions they value their inner voice and want to be heard if you want to be hard it's time to speak up there's nothing wrong with expressing yourself if you find this video relatable and helpful don't forget to give us a like And subscribe to our channel for more content with that said let's move on to the next point you're a good observant listener we live in a world where people love to talk about themselves but few listen instead they just wait to respond lone wolves may not be big talkers but they can be excellent listeners as said they are often open-minded and take time to listen and reflect on what others say they take the time to listen observe reflect and respond and in doing so they can provide some of the best advice this is because they pay careful attention to the people around them observing and listening while the world keeps spinning we all want to be heard and finding the right listener can be challenging but chances are they're ready to listen if you find a lone wolf for a friend you value quality over quantity as mentioned in our previous Point lone walls do not feel the need to have large quantities of friends for a happier life instead they like carefully selecting members of their pack they choose to build intimate connections versus superficial affiliations and often do not hesitate to drop anyone who proves toxic or fake this may come off as picky but this choice of friends proves that lone wolves care about who they surround themselves with they set boundaries and don't appreciate when those lines are crossed time and time again keeping boundaries and wanting meaningful relationships should be a priority for everyone if you relate to these signs you may be a lone wolf and that's not bad just because you're a lone wolf doesn't make you the big bad wolf instead it makes you unique and ready to write your story so go out there and see what Adventures await you if you didn't associate with these signs refrain from assuming they're a threat next time you spot a lone wolf they may be introverts looking for some much-needed space so please respect that before judging them if you found this video helpful please like and share it with your friends until next time remember to hit that subscribe button to be kept up to date on our latest videos take care and remember you matter are you used to being quiet not sure why we made an in-depth video about that too are you looking for a cuddly companion that brings positivity and mental Wellness to your daily life get your very own side The Lovable plushie is here to brighten your days it embodies the spirit of Psych to go and it serves as a reminder to prioritize your mental well-being its Green Leaf symbolizes growth renewal and the importance of self-care whether it's for yourself or as a thoughtful gift for a loved one Psy is ready to be your snuggly friend through all of life's ups and downs by your side bless you today link is listed in the description box
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 839,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lone wolf, introvert, introverts, the lone wolf, wise thinker, lone wolf personality, introverted, lone wolf personality traits, lone wolf traits, traits of a lone wolf
Id: Rf-I7ua9FrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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