5 Ship Launches That Went Horribly Wrong

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one of the most incredible occasions in a ship's life is the day it is put to sea the process of taking it from dry dock and getting it into the water is an incredible feat in and of itself but every once in a while these ship launches can go horribly wrong leading to everything from wet spectators to massive amounts of damage sometimes resulting in the complete destruction of the vessel that had just been built from the united states to indonesia here are five ship launches that ended up going horribly wrong if you enjoy this video subscribe to underworld for more just like it although many boats are built and put to water from a dry dock there are some smaller vessels that are built and put to water differently most of the time these smaller vessels are personal boats where customers order and have them delivered that is the case here when a boat was being delivered after being recently purchased by a local however upon delivery and launch things did not go off as they usually do during this launch the boat was being put into the water using a large crane now this is nothing unusual as cranes are regularly used for jobs such as this however this job was a little bit different as the water level was well below normal one crane immediately to the side of the boat was responsible for lifting it and placing it into the water while another crane in the distance had a line attached which would keep the boat steady preventing it from turning one way or the other but as the boat reached a certain distance from the shore something went wrong and the crane that was holding it tipped backwards dropping the boat into the water and nearly falling into the water itself rain over it was evident that the weight of the boat was held too far from the center of gravity being the crane luckily the crane's extended arm prevented it from falling into the water additionally if you look closely you can see the driver escape just before the truck overturns as for the boat it took a hard landing and may have been damaged however it somehow remained afloat large boat launches are dramatic things to see believe it or not though not every launch is done in such a way a few places in the world have a totally different way of putting these huge vessels into the water large cylinders are placed underneath the ships and then inflated allowing it to essentially roll into the water there is a flaw in this process though there's little support and it's possible for the ship to tip onto its side this is exactly what happened in jakarta indonesia on this specific day a shipyard was attempting to launch a coast guard vessel by rolling it along the inflatable cylinders into the water suddenly the ship started to list to the side as the ship continued backwards the list became worse until finally it crashed onto its site with the front part of the ship still on the land [Music] [Music] oh [Music] although everything seemed to happen at a slow pace it was a very dangerous situation because there were sailors on board riding the ship into the water as the ship tilted to its port side some of the sailors were able to hold on others were not so lucky and got thrown into the water below the men that were left had to jump for it after the ship came to rest there were a few minor injuries from this incident but the ship itself ended up being scrapped after the accident in the grand scheme of things it's not very spectacular when smaller boats are put in the water if you really want to see a show check out the large tankers and cruise ships these monstrous boats are built on dry land and then launched once they're almost completely built when these launches happen it's a pretty big event even though the spectators are kept at a safe distance there are times when it's not quite far enough in this video we see that a large cargo ship is still under construction however it has reached the point where it is safe to be launched into the water where the construction can be completed as the audience looks on the ship slides in and creates a humongous splash it comes much to the delight of the onlookers that is until they realize that the displaced water is rushing straight for them the wave hits the shore and continues onwards although it isn't a big wave it still has enough force to take a couple of people off their feet there she goes [Music] oh well a few people ended up tripping and falling in near the end of the video you can see a young family with two children one of them being a newborn they all escape unharmed though incredibly wet however should the parents have not been able to keep their balance things could have ended in a much different way failed boat launches aren't only reserved for large ships or yachts it can also happen with small boats like ski boats it's rare but it does happen it mostly depends on the skill of the person steering the boat that's precisely what happened in this video shot in september of 2014 this video shows a boat that was being launched from a small boat ramp at lake havasu in arizona the boat had already been in the water for a small amount of time when the driver wanted to slowly reverse it out into the lake at first things seemed to be going very well but that changed rather quickly the boat's engines kicked into high gear and sent the boat backwards then the driver corrected his mistake but overdid it quite a bit shifting the gear forward the boat then went full speed back up the boat ramp and onto the concrete where it eventually came to a stop oh [Music] although it's not known whether or not this accident was due to a malfunction of some sort the most likely cause is human error the driver simply did not have much experience operating a boat and as a result crashed luckily no one was hurt in this incident only the driver's pride so far we've seen some examples of ships being launched where people simply end up wet or sustain some minor injuries however there was one ship launch that ended up causing quite a few injuries this was during the launch of a ship named the ruben lasker a huge research vessel that was owned and operated by the national oceanic and atmospheric administration usually when these large ships are put to sea they slide along steel rails and fall into the water but on this day the rails were not made of steel but were made of wood so when the reuben lasker slid and hit the water the wooden rails burst under the enormous pressure sending a wave of water and huge chunks of sharp wood flying towards the onlookers standing nearby even though all the spectators survived there were some injuries two people sustained cuts to their torsos and arms while a third person was knocked unconscious when she was struck in the head it is unknown who made the decision to use wooden slides as opposed to metal ones but it was an oversight that could have ended with someone dying luckily that didn't happen for everything we've seen one thing is for sure ship launches have to be precise no matter how large or small even people who are relatively close by should stay very attentive you never know what could happen to see another video like this one be sure to click the link on screen now with that thanks for watching and be sure to tune in next time you
Channel: Underworld
Views: 345,722
Rating: 4.4890857 out of 5
Keywords: Underworld, Underworld channel, Top 10, Top 5, Facts, viral, recent discoveries, mystery, scary, 2021, 5 Ship Launches that went horribly wrong, ship launch, boat launch, boat launch fails, boat ramp fails, ship fails, ship launch fails, dangerous big ship launch, 10 awesome waves, ship launch waves, big waves, ship launch close calls, big ship launch
Id: DOV_VRyageg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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