5 Recipes That Will Change Your Mind About Eggplant

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hi guys happy sunday it's always a happy sunday for me because sunday is the day when my italian wife ava cooks a magnificent sunday lunch for me i spend all week looking forward to this day she always cooks me something amazing like meatballs and lasagna and cannelloni it's quite the feast she leaves early for the supermarket to pick up what she needs and i think she's going to be home soon and that's always the most exciting part of the day because that's when i find out what she's going to make amore welcome home now down to business what'd you get ready yes ready uh all i see are eggplants see our sunday lunch will be based on eggplants so no lasagna no eggplants hi i'm harper i don't know if it's just a me thing or if it's an american thing but if you're anything like me you're not much of a fan of eggplants i i don't know i i've never liked them they've always just seemed kind of bland kind of boring and i just never know what to do with them but ava promises me that uh eggplants can be extraordinarily delicious and she's never led me wrong so far although i must say i am pretty skeptical in italy arpel will love eggplants we cook every single dish with eggplants antipasto pasta we do like a second course side dish we do everything with eggplants and they are amazing well i'm willing to give it a shot eva is going to cook an entire four course meal using all eggplant themed dishes and uh i guess i'll just have to wait till next week for my lasagna you know what what if there is also one dish that you don't like i will make for you a lasagna how it sounds deal [Music] okay our very first eggplant dish of the meal il primo right now this is the antipas antipasto i'll get it right one of these days so it's like an appetizer yes it's appetizer in english and we roast our slice of eggplants then we put inside ricotta cheese with pine nuts parmigiano black pepper salt some basil and ready to eat well they look finger looking good i must say so i'm excited to try them it's so cute bon appetito i'll be right back i can see the lasagna goes very very far from us i have to say when i saw these i thought that the eggplant would just be sort of a what's the word a kind of non-relevant wrapping in that it would really be all about the ricotta filling but the ricotta filling is actually quite mild and it's the eggplant that's bringing off the flavor so i have to say this is a win for eggplant they're really delicious i know what a vegetable potato this could be more than the antipasto i could eat like an entire meal with these like 20 this without any problem this is the kind of food that if it was on a platter at a party i would just stand there and pig out the whole time i only have one problem with this though why did you only make four because we have our primo and then second course and then side dish i think i'm okay with this let's just see more of these so one zero for the eggplant yes one zero for eggplants you win this one i will win all the rest [Music] for our pasta we are going to use this cheese this is a mozzarella smoked if you can find you can use a normal mozzarella or you can use also a sharp cheddar anyway it has to be medium hard cheese [Music] i'm starting to notice a trend of using eggplants to package the food we're about to eat if i hadn't just had the antipasto i would have assumed that this was also just eggplants used in a sort of a relevant way but i have a feeling that this is probably going to be delicious that smoked mozzarella smells really good i haven't tasted it yet but it certainly smells really good so it's time okay bon appetito come on i can see come on [Music] well i can definitely say that eggplants are not a one trick pony i know what a one trick pony that means they're not good at just one thing they're good at at least two and we are still at the first course the eggplants give it this like rich earthy flavor that i don't know when i've had eggplants before they've always been maybe just like grilled with some olive oil on top but this is just like a much much deeper flavor than i've ever experienced from an eggplant we know how to work with eggplants clearly and it's anything but bland and that's smoked mozzarella i know which we found at whole foods by the way so it's worth looking for it's really really good it gives a twist that yeah it's amazing okay two nothing eggplants i'm i'm coming around i'm slowly coming around i'm still missing my lasagna but this is not bad wait for the second course because i made for you her majesty her majesty to check the temperature of the oil i do like my mother does for all her life because she has not the technological tool that you have maybe but she took just one small piece of eggplant put here and as you can see is ready [Music] her majesty the royal parmigiana parmigiana judging from how excited you seem i think i should be pretty excited for this this is one of my favorite dish in all the world and it's kind of like a lasagna this is sort of here we go that's why i call it her majesty because yep i understand that now that is a royal dish it's very hard to beat a parmigiana wow and uh i don't even have any words it's one of the things that once you eat you never forget you also can't stop judging from my reaction the eggplant certainly come out the strongest in this dish so far i mean it's almost all eggplants and it's it's it's wonderful it doesn't feel heavy either like you would with with the frying and everything and all the cheese i thought it would be a much heavier dish it doesn't feel that way at all for better or for worse because you can kind of just keep eating and eating and eating it it's almost all gone how did that happen where did it go it's a work of art thank you i feel like we have one more dish left but what can we possibly have after this after this we need the side dish because this was our second course you're telling me we're gonna follow up this royal dish with a side dish well the side dish is pretty good [Music] so after the majesty of the royal parmigiana it's time for the side dish yes seems a little anti-climactic anti-water connecticut never mind okay these are eggplants that the fairy tale eggplants that we baked in the oven with salt some olive oil black pepper and then we season them with olive oil vinegar fennel seeds then we put dried oregano some garlic and spicy pepper now the name of this dish in honor to the person who teach me this they are eggplants of mama rosa which is my mother this is a thing that she cooks all the summer every day because we just ate and eaten it well i trust her taste so might as well give this a shot ain't gonna be no parmigiana but mama buena petito potato [Music] what's up that's the best this is the best this is the best one all day i see why you saved this for last i see why you saved this for last the parmigiano was amazing but i i i honestly like this better the roasted eggplants they're kind of like just as hearty as like roasted potatoes or something but you have the tang of the vinegar the spice and the fennel seeds there's more i understand the game lay it on me what do you do keep it coming keep it coming are you going to eat them yes yes why have you been hiding this for me because this was our dinner for tonight well we'll make more we might have to go buy more eggplants but we'll make more i am really serious when i say that this little humble side dish is my favorite eggplant dish of the day we didn't finish yet we had the antipasto we had the premo yes the secondo and the side dish what's left and we missed the the sad [Music] [Applause] dessert [Music] so [Music] i realized that after all of the amazing food that you've made for me today i have no right to be skeptical but i am very skeptical about this eggplant dessert okay this dish has a very long story because it was made for the first time maybe more than 100 years ago and is one of the typical the sarah from the amalfi coast and everyone in the world knows amalfi costa i can't see how that rich earthy flavor that i've come to love today is gonna work with sugar it sort of seems like a potato dipped in chocolate but i'm always trying to give it a shot and so there's crushed amoretti cookies the chocolate of course almonds and what are those like candied uh orange fruit orange and lemon okay though potato i'm eating an eggplant dessert and it is delicious what the heck is happening today what is happening i'm eating an eggplant dipped in chocolate it's it's amazing i started this morning thinking i didn't like eggplants and here i am chowing down on chocolate eggplant and it works this is some black magic it was invented it seems by not announcing um in a church well i've learned today that whether they're roasted baked fried or dipped in chocolate eggplants are pretty darn good they are delicious i severely underestimated them guys eat eggplants because they are also good for your health and now you know you can start from the antipasto until the dessert and you can be very satisfied i must say i was looking forward to a lasagna today but this ended up being one of the most memorable sunday lunches we've had in a long time so you don't have any space for a lasagna not for a lasagna no but if you made some more of that side dish i wouldn't complain guys we will put all of the recipes for all of these delicious eggplants down below can't go wrong with any of them i promise thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already follow us on instagram facebook and twitter at pasta grammar and check out our recipe blog www.pastagrammer.com see you next time
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 584,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggplant recipe, parmigiana di melanzane, italian eggplant recipe, delicious eggplant recipes, eggplant, recipe, what to do with eggplants, how to use eggplants, authentic italian food, authentic italian eggplant recipe, eggplant dessert, parmigiana, eggplant appetizer, pasta grammar, italian wife, harper, eva, tasty eggplant
Id: oviLEd72IkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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