5 Reasons RVing Is Not For Us

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and today we are bringing you the five reasons RVing is not for us [Music] you number one isn't RVing for retirement I mean much old people go camping right well I can't find any Trump Russia collusion I know let's get an RV what it's not for young people todd todd todd what's a five-letter word for cleaning out your colon you know it's something I definitely thought whenever I was younger my brother always wanted to go camping and I always thought well that's just for old people yeah you know you see you retire you sell your house you buy an RV and then you you know you live your life in an RV right and although historically that may be mostly true RVing has kind of been a luxury item that you do once you get a little bit older and you've got the funds to be able to afford to buy a Motorhome or whatever but that's not really reality nowadays people with young kids even single people who maybe are young and just starting out in life consider RVing and camping as a form of a lifestyle this is my seven-year-old son Tristan there's full time families those are families that have kids that road school they homeschool from their RV they travel full-time it's not something you really need to wait until you retire why would you want to wait it's such a great opportunity to do now you know yeah if you wait till retirement then you know a lot of the places that you want to go see you may not be physically capable to you know go there right so if you just want to stay in an RV park yes I can see that you know the thought would be well yeah we could do that when we get older but if you want to go see the mountains if you want to go to the beach if you want to go we're gonna go what if you want to reach the top ten hikes you know across the United States [Music] let's do whitewater rafting lots of physical things that active lifestyle not that older people don't have active lifestyles it's oh we're gonna get so much trouble young man I'm gonna have to take you spiking hold don't wait until you're you know in your 60s 70s before you start this venture get you something small now and start taking weekend trips so the second reason RVing or camping is not for us is it's expensive don't you have something that isn't out of my price range I don't want to go away empty-handed Bob take it easy don't ruin this feeling I'm getting from you yeah isn't are being expensive don't you have to have gobs of money to be able to go out and buy a million-dollar motor home and have the budget to support thousands of gallons of diesel to push you across the United States yes if you're gonna get that million-dollar Prevost yes yeah now what we're talking about is there are ways sure you could go and go all out and spend lots of money and making camping and are being worthwhile but you can also do it on a budget-friendly what like with your family first of all you can start out as minimalist as tent camping [Laughter] is that you crying though lots of families start out tent camping and even some people still prefer to do tent camping we're not one of those families but there's also you know cabin camping we have just come off of a two-week trip where our Airstream is obviously not ready for us to use so instead of tent camping or you know Hotelling or whatever we looked at the options you'd be renting an RV and we ended up doing koa camps to use their cabins roughly about half the price of a hotel on a night for the family a single room hotel roughly one hundred hundred and twenty dollars to room cabin koa was $67 and we signed up for the KOA rewards so that we get a ten percent discount on all of our stays and just for our time sorry sixty three dollars just for our two-week trip we we more than paid for that card for that rewards camping and RVing fits all lifestyles you know whether you want to be minimalist whether you you know it's anise you know just a toy there's an elegant touch yeah I mean go get you a smaller travel trailer if your budget doesn't support getting a larger travel trailer make it work there's a way you just sometimes have to just jump into it and get started instead of worrying about all the details and how it's gonna come together just you've started with something okay some other options on to help you save money besides purchasing your rig or whatever is camping there are lots of opportunities now for you to do free camping you can dry camp on BLM land Bureau of Land Management there's even an organization called harvest host which which basically are homeowners property owners that have property with the ability for you to dry camp or sometimes even have hookups on their personal property maybe they have a farm maybe they have a winery and they've got a couple of spots that are open for people to come and stay and it may be where you can participate a little bit you may have something that you need to do on their farm in order to earn that site who knows there's also work camping where camper comm is a great resource for people who want to have the ability to work for a season in a particular location and earn free camping because of the job that you do at the park number three okay so but I have a job and I work 9:00 to 5:00 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday my job is very demanding you know when I go camping how would I have time to go camping quit yeah yeah quit your job no this big disclaimer do not quit your job I'm cutting that up get you another job that allows you to go camping we believe that maybe you should look at another career if camping is something that you really want to do and you're passionate about the easiest thing to do at our opinion is change jobs but know you could start now you could just do weekend camping trips start in your driveway shoot I see posts on Facebook there's a pool right behind you you don't see it but there's a pool it's tempting this is how dedicated we are to subscribers - so start now you know go on small trips plan your weekends that you have off to get the family ready meet up with a group of friends at your super close nearby campground you have a state park that's within 30 minutes or so where you live that's a great place to go state parks Burmese they are you you feel like you're out in the wilderness but you're really close to the city and take the kids out and just de-stress for a couple of days camping can be a little stressful if you're not prepared so do a little planning ahead of time or go super minimalist or do like I do or I prefer and go set up and they'd be like okay now where's the closest restaurant with good cocktails we're gonna go grab a bite to eat and drink and come back they're trying to make this inexpensive true sometimes they have margaritas at Taco Cabana reason number six not to go camping no a/c okay so back you know and this also kind of plays into the thing we just talked about if you have a job that prevents you from being able to camping and you really want to take your family out with sitter being a work camper find jobs on the road maybe become a certified RV inspector that's a new way to earn an income while you travel you can maybe learn how to do service work anywhere you go camping where there's campers you're gonna have the ability to earn an income off service work people have problems while they can't that's just the way it is most people do not take the time to learn how to troubleshoot their own issues so service is a great way to get started in an RV industry and make it income while you travel yes can you come over and tell me how to turn on this propane number four but I have kids what are we gonna do with their schooling you know I want to go camping maybe I want to go part time but maybe I want to go full-time maybe we want to go full-time tell them to quit quit school mom some idiot just parked this ugly RV outside our house oh my god it's your husband one of the cool things that we have seen over the last several years in the RV industry is this concept of road schooling you take your kids out of the traditional public school you cram everybody into a 200 square foot or less unit and you hit the road and you educate them out on the road good news I'm adopted good one just determined to have a bad time I'm sure we personally have just recently taken our two youngest out of public school we made them quit and we although now I'm being cool you know by me over there huh yes I got him shot number one now we we've taken our kids out of public school for other reasons but the opportunity to be able to travel more now is exciting we will have the opportunity to be able to take them to places that they probably wouldn't have been able to go on field trips and actually show them the things they're learning about in history books or biology books or whatever geography geography would be a good subject yes anyway you have weekends there's no school on the weekends right there's things called like Christmas break Thanksgiving week Easter mother-in-law's summer they'll watch the kids bring your kids with you make them go get firewood put them to work a tire kid is a happy kid a tired kid is a happy parent you know one of the cool things about taking your kids camping is it forces them out of their normal environment take away the iPads take away the phones take away the electronics force them to go outside get some fresh air and find something cool to do while your parents come and record stuff on technology number five I don't know where to start oh say it again I don't know where to start I don't know where to start if you're watching this video you started maybe now is the time to confess to you that dad's not the master of all things yeah I kind of got that when you started taking advice from morons yeah all we need is a banjo oh man he didn't even open it up all the way yeah you either found us on YouTube or Facebook or Instagram you're researching trying to find more information somewhere out in the world right our shirts I jumped on YouTube I suppose so hey you the nice lady from the pizza and wine shop last night hope you're watching our video there are lots of resources out there YouTube has great videos lots of people wanting to share their experiences with you but there's also some awesome groups that you can find either on web forums on different internet sites you can also join groups on Facebook for instance if you're in a particular like if you're in the state of Texas you can join groups like Texas RV camping all of the subjects and feeds and posts and everything those are a fellow Texas who camp and make recommendations on parks and what to do and what not to do at those parks are in those areas local pizza joints nothing is what use yeah I always like to ask the people who live in a particular area where as they go to eat I don't want to go to Applebee's and Chili's and all the chains I want to go to the mom-and-pop places and support small business and if we can find a great margaritas I do kiss margaritas but that's because they're good mix skinfood places oddly enough RV shows are a wonderful place where you can get information not only do you have vendors there dealerships they're trying to sell you an RV before you leave but there's a lot of education that takes place there actually I speak at the one it takes is quite a bit on the which are these right for me you know so there's a lot of lot of education a lot of information you can go up there get your pencil out start writing stuff down you have people that will give you the right information give you some right questions for you to begin your research right so another good place to start is maybe to consider taking a training class to learn more about RV systems before you buy that RV right I find that if you can educate yourself on how they work and operate then you can start trying to figure out what types of systems and appliances that you want in an RV and instead of being sold on the pretty curtains or the furniture you should be really purchasing based off what does that RV come with what kind of warranty does it come with what type of systems are in that unit what are the reviews for those systems so that's why through our channel we try to give you as much information as we can on our own experiences and of the people and suppliers that we have created relationships with to help you make a better decision when it's time for you to buy or you could just go out there and buy you an old RV tear it apart and start over and then you will learn everything firsthand whether you wanted to or not or you could just continue to watch our show yeah you should do that anyway yeah I mean you'll have a year's worth of education for free I'm serious about this number six no a/c business so yeah bonus number six no a/c yeah we in Arkansas whoo where we're sitting outside in our cabin there is AC so we hope that you can take some information from these five reasons why most people say they don't RV and try to figure out a way to get around them and come up with a plan to overcome some of the obstacles so that you can get out on the road we'd love to meet you sometime at the pizza place yeah
Channel: Two Beards and a Babe
Views: 2,830
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: Airstream renovation, Airstream restoration, Airstream, Airstream dreams, Airstream life, travel trailer life, travel trailer living, RVing, NRVIA, Workamper, Work while RVing, 5 reasons, five reasons
Id: JsLlO-24oAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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