RVing SUCKS | Our top six things we HATE about Full-Time RV'ing

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look at that hair it's really windy today making it impossible to have a good hair day not like I ever have one so let's film this inside okay okay hello there to do that for in this episode we're gonna talk about the top stuff that really irritate your ear irritates us it just doggone light so far getting hot up in here we're gonna talk about the things that really irritate us about our being we're been in Michelle we sold our house or not we sold our house but we moved out of our house we rented our house we sold most all of our stuff we moved into an RV we're not retired yet so we're still working and living full-time out of this RV and we're traveling so we're gonna keep it real sometimes RVing is other times it's occasionally it is and then every now and then it is downright so Michelle what's the number-one thing that sucks for you with our being the gray tank fills up and it fills my back with stinky gross water because somebody forgets to empty it or and to check the gauge to see if it needs to be emptied hmm clearly it's not my fault it is what's your number two thing that sucks about arguing I will show you what I mean [Music] [Music] now I have to play it all back in just the right way or it all fit that's a major - what's the number three thing that sucks for you with our beam it mess that happens after you travel somewhere and have things that have fallen out of place before travel and this is after travel so what's the fourth thing about our being that sucks for you Michelle the noise the thin walls and the fact that you go two or three days without sleep so you have to get your trusty earplugs and then your ears start aching so hey Ben what irritates you most about living in an RV I've really only got two things but my number one is a biggie you know some people go into road rage are you doing recruiting there are two things especially that I do that that are data-intensive number one is I do a lot of video conferencing with my marketing job and then number two is YouTube to upload a YouTube channel you've got to have quite a bit of high-speed data the problem really is not connectivity it's just having enough high-speed data you can burn up 15 gigs of data really fast and that's what most people say to me so then why don't you have unlimited well we do have unlimited i've got an iphone i got a jet pack I've got an pad and you Michelle have gotten up have got a phone also each one of those devices has got 15 gigs of data we've burned that up before but before the end of the month before it resets do you know what happens when they when you run out of high-speed data they throttle you check out the definition of throttle at least they named it appropriately throttling my second thing it's my number two is the fact that we're living in an RV that's designed great for week-ending but it really sucks for a full timing because there's a big difference so come on with me let me show you what I mean a little bit look at this kitchen it's just completely ridiculous their dorm students that have more counter space than this let me show you one more thing let's go look at the exterior storage that this RV has so I can fit a few things in here oh boy just barely overall it's pretty ridiculous not much exterior storage at all so our being is just a lot like life in general you improve one thing and you often make another worse so besides living in a house we've got this awesome mobility we hitch up and we take our home everywhere with us and we're gonna cover that next week we love love so if if you're RVing we'd love to hear what your horror stories are post those below if you're thinking about getting into our being what are you afraid of is there anything holding you back I'd love it if you could post those comments down below - we'd love to answer those and help out in any way that we can if you liked this video click that thumbs up give it a thumbs up and if you think it'll help someone who's looking to get into our being share it with them and it would really help us out a lot if you could subscribe thank you very much for doing that we look forward to seeing you next week thanks for watching thanks for watching bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: FreeBirds
Views: 214,730
Rating: 4.5651679 out of 5
Keywords: RVing Sucks, rv life, rv living, full time rving, full time rv living, full time rv, rv travel, living in a travel trailer full time, what we hate about rving, full time travel trailer living, rv lifestyle, rv living pros and cons, rv nomads, rv vlog, road trip, recreational vehicle, full time travel, go rving, rv america, everyday is an adventure, rv lifestyle videos, rv life on the road, full time rv lifestyle, travel trailer, tiny house, how to rv, freebirds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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