5 Real Serial Killers Who Inspired 'American Horror Story' Characters

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Thatโ€™s why i first loved AHS is because of the real life American horror stories we have and how he incorporates them in an entertainment way.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thefaukingsupreme ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 14 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
the American Horror Story TV show has been popular since its release and with its fifth season coming to an end there are already rumors about the sixth season being based around the legendary Slender Man if the rumors are correct although the Slender Man is a fictional character the new season will no doubt feature some characters based on real-life people something the show frequently does now if you see my other American Horror Story video I mentioned four people and a place that inspired things in the show but here are five more serial killers who the creators of the program have either featured as themselves or based characters on their crimes in season five of American Horror Story James March played by Evan Peters is introduced he's the man who built and owned the hotel Cortez in the 1920s designing it so he could hunt and hide the victims of his murderous addiction he has a sadistic personality and loved to hear his victims scream for help after being caught by police he killed his faithful companion mrs. Evers along with himself by cutting his own throat and their ghosts now remain in the hotel and other backbone of the fifth season it scared a thing that James March's character is thought to be based on the deranged American serial killer Herman Webster Mudgett famously known as Henry Howard Holmes one of the first and most horrific serial killers of all time Henry was born in 1861 to a wealthy family in New Hampshire and despite being very intelligent there were signs from an early age that something was not right he had a fascination with medicine and the dissection of animals and although reports are fuzzy it's believed he carried out cruel unethical experiments on whatever animals he could get hands on and was also responsible for the death of a friend as he got older he went on to study medicine at the University of Michigan and this is where he started stealing corpses abandoning the bodies and then claiming they were his relatives to claim insurance money it's also believed he used a few of the bodies to carry out experiments in 1886 at the age of 25 Hermann moved to Chicago and started using the name dr. Henry H Holmes he quickly found work in a pharmacy and took it over many believing that he killed the owner but there is very little information to back this up shortly after taking over the pharmacy he started the construction of a three-story building on a plot of land across the road from the drugs it was built with the sole intention of being a place for Henry to fulfill his desire to torture and kill his victims since he was incredibly wealthy he could build the perfect murder hotel and that's exactly what he did it was built with soundproof rooms a bank vault where he would leave victims to suffocate a secret room that was sealed in apart from a trapdoor in the roof where Henry would lock people in and leave them to die as well as staircases to nowhere strange corridors and other unusual features by 1893 Holmes was using the first floor as a pharmacy and he had opened up the rest of the house as a hotel as you can imagine many of the guests who checked in never checked out after luring mostly women into the hotel with promise of employment they would be killed by the gas pipes that were fitted into the rooms and taken into the basement where Henry would dissect and make skeleton models to be sold to medical schools before burning the remains in two huge furnaces this carried on for many months and if not for his greed of money he may have continued killing for much longer after he refused to pay a man some owed money he was reported to the police whilst on the run Henry went on to kill one of his con artist friends benjamin pitezel and three of his children before he was finally arrested in Boston on November the 17th 1894 the police searched the hotel and all was revealed and on the 7th of May 1896 he was hanged for his crimes HH holmes is now regarded as one of the first serial killers the world has ever seen and although he confessed to killing 27 people later changing missed only two reports say he took the lives of up to 200 people in that hotel despite surviving a mysterious fire in 1895 the hotel dubbed the murder castle was torn down in 1938 there is no denying the creators of American Horror Story had HH Holmes in mind when creating James March and Martin Scorsese is reported to be making an upcoming movie on the serial killer to be played by Leonardo DiCaprio which I'm sure will be a huge success Elizabeth battery for some may may be hard to believe that Lady Gaga's character in American Horror Story is actually based on a real person but it is it's based on a Hungarian lady called countess Elizabeth battery Elizabeth was born in around 1560s were very privileged family and enjoyed her childhood and education by age 10 she was engaged most likely arranged by a family to Renick nasty and when she was 15 they married after their marriage the couple had at least six children and moved into another castle where Elizabeth managed all of the business affairs whilst her husband was away at war in 1604 her husband died at the age of 48 and shortly after this rumors of Elizabeth's crime started to circulate adolescent daughters of local peasants were disappearing apparently being lured to Elizabeth's castle with promise of work it said the young girls were beaten burned and parts of their flesh were bitten off and then they were left to freeze or starve to death witnesses started reporting seeing tortured dead bodies some of whom was secretly buried in graveyards and other locations in the area and eventually the rumours became too frequent and gruesome to be ignored and the countess was arrested during her trial it was cited that battery had killed up to 650 young women although only 80 have been confirmed despite the overwhelming evidence against her Elizabeth's high standing and influence kept her from facing adequate punishment and she was imprisoned in 1610 within her own castle in Slovakia where she remains in a set of rooms until her death four years later as for her four accomplices who helped supply the young women two of them were condemned to death immediately and had their fingers ripped off their hands with Hopf Liars before being burned at the stake the third was beheaded before being burned and the fourth was sentenced to life in prison so why did countess Bathory kill and mutilate so many girls while his thought that in search of eternal youth she bath in the blood of virgins and had vampire-like tendencies ordering her accomplices to kill whenever she needed to bathe in blood this earned her the name of Countess of Dracula which a film was based off and a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most prolific female serial killer ever a perfect candidate for a main character in American Horror Story Gordon North current now this next one is not an actual character in the show as a clever underlying link to one of the characters and may explain some of her bizarre behavior Hazel Evers is the hotel Cortez laundress often seen cleaning blood-stained sheets in the program little is known about her apart from a devotion to James March requesting she be his last victim but hazel has a tragic story of her own that has a clever twist to reality she lost her only child Albert on Halloween in the 1920s her and Albert were trick-or-treating when she stopped to speak to a friend her back was only turned for a minute but it was long enough for Albert to be lured into a strange man's car after alerting police they searched the home of a local chicken farmer and found the bodies of three young boys although Albert was not one of them it said that he was the victim of Gordon North curt the man they called the wineville chicken coop murderer Northcutt was born in Canada and spent his early years with his parents in British Columbia in 1924 he moved to his parents to Los Angeles where he set up a chicken ranch in wineville California by the age of 21 Gordon was living on a ranch with his mother and 15 year-old nephew Sanford Clark and for several years he abducted young boys and killed them when he grew tired of them either hitting them with an axe or shooting them he would then dissolve their flesh with calcium oxide and dispose of their bones scarily North Curt would have gone on killing and raping young boys for much longer if not for Sanford Clark's parents getting concerned about how their son was being treated at the farm in August 1928 two United States Immigration Service inspectors visited the ranch and took fifteen year old Sanford Clark into custody after speaking to Sanford Clark he told detectives about the murders and directed them to a newly dug grave site under one of the chicken coops there they found blood soaked earth human bones hair and a blood-stained axe and rifle Clark also revealed that he had been beaten and abused by North current and at North Curt's mother had took part in the killings a few weeks later Gordon and his mother were arrested and despite no complete bodies ever being found Northcote was convicted of three murders and sentenced to death at the age of 23 on October the 2nd 1930 his mother was convicted of just one murder that of nine-year-old Walter Collins and received a life sentence in a bizarre twist to this story the mother of Walter Collins the boy claimed to have been murdered by Gordon's mother pleaded with police to search for a son as she was certain he was not a victim of the chicken-coop murders the Clint Eastwood movie The Changeling is the story of Walters mother's plea with the authorities to search for a son so although Gordon North Curt is not character in American Horror Story the producers have put the links to him and his killings in the series through Hazel Evers Jeffrey Dahmer in season 5 Jeffrey Dahmer played by Seth Gabel is a guest at The Devil's night as you will know the character isn't based on anyone but appears as Jeffrey Dahmer himself and he is one of the most infamous serial killers of all time Jeffery was born in Wisconsin on May the 21st 1960 and was a loved unhappy child after a minor operation at the age of six and the birth of his younger brother something happened and Jeffrey became isolated and insecure by the age of fourteen he had an interest in murder and necrophilia and after his parents divorced it seemed these thoughts turned into actions one on June 1978 just after he had graduated from high school Jeffrey picked up a hitchhiker named Steve Higgs he took Steve back to his parents house and got him drunk and when Hicks tried to leave Dalma bludgeoned him with a barbell cut him up and buried the pieces in the woodland behind his parents house shortly after the killing his drinking got out of control and Damas father ordered him to enroll in the army he was posted to Germany but his army career was cut short when he was discharged for alcoholism in 1981 now age 21 Dahmer returned to Ohio and dug up Hicks's remains smashed them with a hammer until pulverized and scattered them around the woods in the years that followed damas alcoholism continued and he was arrested several times for disorderly conduct and was finally jailed for performing a sexual act in front of two young boys it wasn't until nine years after he killed Hicks that Darma killed again this time it was Steven Tommy a man he had met in a gay bar the pair checked into a hotel and by the following morning Steven was cut up and left I with the garbage Dahmer went on killing for a further 13 years killing mostly gay African Americans who yet lured into his house where he would strangle or bludgeoned to death he would then engage in sexual acts with the corpses before dismembering and disposing of the bodies astonishingly during this time Dahmer was arrested for molesting a child but he was so convincing in his defense that he only received the minor sentence after his release and now living in his own flat despite missed opportunities by the police to investigate Dahmer killed a further 12 victims with the body count growing he experimented with chemical ways of body disposal and along with eating the flesh of his victims he also started drilling holes in their heads whilst they were still alive an injecting muriatic acid in an attempt keep them half alive dhamma claims that they all died instantly except one who he said stayed alive for several days and zombie-like state on july the 22nd 1991 dharma was finally caught when police found one of his potential victims wandering the street drugged and handcuffed he led them to Dharma's apartment and an officer noticed photographs of dismembered bodies and a severed head in the fridge after investigations a whole catalogue of Horrors were found including three frozen heads jars of preserved body parts and many skulls Dharma was sentenced to 15 consecutive life sentences and despite initially being segregated in prison he was eventually allowed to mingle with other prisoners and was killed by fellow prisoner Christopher Scavo a schizophrenic murderer who beat him to death with a metal bar shortly after meeting him aleem Wuornos played by Lily rabe in season 5 Aileen Wuornos was another gruesome guest of Devil's Night and her story makes many debate where the killers are made or born aleem was born on february 29 1956 in Rochester Michigan and had a truly traumatic childhood her father killed himself in prison while serving a sentence for child abuse and her mother abandoned her and her brother when she was 4 years old leaving them both with their alcoholic grandmother and violent grandfather during her childhood she was sexually abused by a grandfather and as a teenager she gave birth to a child who was given up for adoption as a young woman aleem was homeless and lived in the woods with her only income being prostitution she managed to hitchhike her way to Florida where she settled and married Lewis foul in 1976 but due to an arrest for disorderly conduct foul left her shortly after for 10 years Aileen drifted around and was arrested for numerous petty crimes and in 1986 she started a relationship with 24 year-old terior Moore it was during this relationship that Aileen went on a killing spree murdering at least 7 men between 1989 and 1990 her first victim was Richard Mallory and his body was found in a junkyard having been shot several times Warner's claims she killed him in self-defense as he tried to rape her although this may have been true it must have given her a taste for murder she continued prostitution along the Florida highways and went on to kill six more men all these victims were shot and their bodies and abandoned cars were found along I had state highways in Florida a palm print in one of the abandoned cars led police to Eileen and to a possible accomplice terior Moore and in 1991 Moore did a deal with the police and Aileen took sole responsibility for the crimes initially she was tried and convicted of killing six men in self-defense but she later retracted this and was sentenced to death in 1992 after spending ten years on death row she was executed by lethal injection on the morning of October the 9th 2002 Aileen Wuornos is now considered one of the most psychopathic female killers in history and many documentaries books and films have been based on her crimes including the 2003 movie monster and of course a feature in American horror story so there's five real serial killers who inspired American Horror Story characters I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next week for another one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Top5s
Views: 2,914,304
Rating: 4.9243259 out of 5
Keywords: American Horror Story, American Horror Story Hotel, AHS Season 6, Real american horror story characters, Jefferey Dahmer, Aileen Wuornos, HH Holmes, Herman Webster Mudgett, elizabeth bathory, gordon northcott, The Real-Life Inspirations Behind American Horror Story, American Horror Story Characters Based on Real People, Serial killer, Jefferey Dahmer Interview, HH Holmes murder hotel, Cecil Hotel
Id: YWPFnqcN3gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2016
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