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[Music] I'm going to show you how to make one of the best cuups [Music] ever hey Salam I hope you guys doing well H Che back for another video Chef present first of all let's start with prepping our Kebab mixture grab your blender in with the red onions and I've got green chili now the best kebabs uses minimal ingredients cover and blend that into a fine paste now you want to pass this mixture through a fine SE and get rid of the excess water otherwise they will fall apart using a spoon I'm just going to go through the mixture just to ensure all the water is completely removed and now just remove the paste onto a plate here I'm using some fresh coriander that you want to finally chop also here I've got one large potato that has been boiled our first thing with the boiled potatoes we're going to mash these we're going to make sure they are nice and smooth before we start incorporating in them these are going to do two things mainly first they're going to act as a glue for our kebabs secondly is to do with the texture they're going to add a bit more bite to our kebabs once they are ready all so that's perfect now here I'm using a kilogram of beef mints and now in that I'm going to mix in around 150 to 200 g of fat now the fat will do two things it will add more flavor and again it will also help in holding the Kebab shape now in with our onion and chili paste fresh coriander a little bit of this fresh mint fresh mint with the meat goes well well together and N with the coriander powder red chili some of the cumin powder and finally with the salt Now using your beautiful hands you want to give this a really really good mix mix it for at least 10 minutes so it's nicely combined and you will know it's ready when it start to stick to your hands smells amazing in the kitchen all right so this is exactly what we're looking for the mixture has become nice and sticky and it's ready to be used all now let's start shaping these first all grab your Kebab mixture you will also need some water water is going to help us easily mold the kebabs and grab a plate as well I'm going to grab some of the mixture in my hands now it's really up to you you can turn them into a round shape or you can serve them on skewers dip my hand into the water and start turning the inst into round shape touch a whatever needed that's exactly what we're looking for start placing them here let's grab another one now personally I prefer this shape it looks beautiful now for the skewers first of all I'm going to grab a handful mixture and I'm just going to roll it around in my hand so you want to grab your skewer now and I'm just going to place it here like so touch a water underne it turn it around now using this movement you're going to keep pushing the mixture down get comfortable with it you know it doesn't have to be perfect you just need to make sure you're turning it as you go around and use a touch of water I needed see it's beautifully coming along you want to keep doing a few times until you have the perfect shape now some people like to make shapes like so if you want you can add add those that's exactly what we're looking for I'm just going to start placing it here you just need to practice it for a few times and you will get a hang of it [Music] excellent it looks so beautiful for the rice I'm using is sa basari you could also use normal basari instead now for this recipe you don't need to soak the rice in water you just need to wash the rice a few times to remove the excess starch and then just set them aside here got around four cups of chicken stock and and now I'm going to throw in some of the cassia bar some of the cloves some of the salt and go ahead black line so throw them all in I'm also going to add light touch of oil in there now let this come to a simmer now if you guys want you can make this stock at home I will leave the link down below all when I start to simmer we're going to throw in our rice now the rice to water ratio really depends on whether you have soaked the rice or not and it could also depend on the type of the rice you're using now you want to cover and let this cook until there's some water left all right let's check this so there's some water left as you can see just going to mix that so at this point of time you want to turn the heat low and now I'm going to add in the saffron water on the top place a Cream Kitchen cloth on the top place your lid and now we're going to let this Steam for around 15 minutes on low heat so it's been around 15 minutes let's check this just going to turn off the heat the rice look absolutely amazing now if you guys want you can add some of the ghee or butter onto there I like to add some of the lemon juice you know add a bit of freshness a bit of tank to it carefully Flo these over with the help of a FK our simple yet delicious saffron rice done fatality all right to make our sauce turn up the heat ra medium give with a good of foil all is nice and hot in with the onions a good mixure to that and we're looking for a light brown color on those onions do not let anything burn de glaze with a touch of water if needed now we're going to start throwing our garlic into there grab your knife slice the glaze now cook the r of the garlic as well and I with your spices I've go ahead salt some of the corander powder chili and black pepper also with the green chilies now just cook the rawness of those spices as well lightly toast them and once you have toasted this in with your pasara so this fresh coriander along with the stems and I'm with your chicken stock give that a mix and bring it to simmer and when you start to simmer we're going to throw in our potatoes some of these carrots and chickpeas now give this a really good mix and we're going to let it breeze on a low medium heat until everything is nice and soft I'm going to cover it with the cage which is basically lid made of parment paper this should take you around 10 to 15 minutes all right guys it's been around 13 15 minutes let's check this I'm going to carefully remove it let's give that a mix oh it smells absolutely amazing in here now let's get rid of this coriander all so that looks amazing now you can adjust the consistency of the sauce by adding more water it looks amazing and it's going to go perfect with our rice now finally i' like to add some of the lemon juice into there or you can serve it later now if your sauce has too much acidity you can adjust it using some honey or sugar I have a mouth watering sauce with carrots potatoes and and chickpeas done now you can either cook these on charcoals you can even shallof fry these in some clarified butter or you can broil them under the oven Grill which is exactly what I'm going to do now you want to grab yourself a tray on which we can place our skewers and now we're ready to cook these under the oven Grill and what we're going to do is we're going to keep turning these like so the OV grill temperature has been set to high now once they under the grill you want to keep turning these every few seconds this way they will not burn and they will stay nice and juicy from inside if you look closely this is the second wreck by the way this should take you around 13 to 15 minutes the these are one of the best kebabs that you going to try you guys going to absolutely enjoy this or you can see the kebabs are nice and sizzling keep turning them when needed outstanding Al so the kebabs are already now let remove them now this is tot optional but if you guys want you can also brush it with some of the hot ghee grab yourself a tissue and slowly remove them for the green and red chili sauce the green chilies two red chilies two Bird's ey chilies it with some of this fresh zest of lemon and also in with the juice of fresh lemon don't use the strawberry one finally with some of this white vinegar and salt Now cover and blend this until nice and smooth now this sauce is only meant to be served with the kebabs or the rice so don't start drinking it I don't want you guys to end up in the hospital should Halal have a little taste or you know what I'm going to go for it it's so spicy so if you do like a bit of chili you know definitely try this our hot green and red chili sauce done all right guys let's play this out first of all in with your now with your beautiful kebabs some of our red and green chili sauce and finally some of our sauce with some potatoes carrots and chick beans now if you guys prefer you can also Ser with some the N bread our Ming juicy kebabs with rice and sauce done trust me you haven't tried kebabs like this [Music] before Flawless Victory I'm going to show you how to make one of the best gaj and chicken [Applause] [Music] pasta let's start with seasoning our chicken with a cayenne pepper garlic Cen coriander white and black pepper cardamom all spice smoked paprika salt oregano and finally some thyme add a good touch of oil in there enough to bring everything together give it a really good mix now for the chicken I'm using breast you could also use thighs instead thighs a bit more juicier than the breast but I like them both now you want to give this a really really good mix until everything is well coated this pasta recipe is perfect for dinner you and your family is going to absolutely love this this is exactly what you're looking for now let it marinate for at least an hour perfect now for our main past ingredients we're going to flavor with some of the whole garc cloves if you like a strong flavor of the garc then you can finally chop it to add a bit of of cake I'm using a birds a chili remove the seeds if you don't like it too hot I'm also going to use one of the red chili just to add bit more flavor get rid of the seeds for this one you want to finally chop the chilies I'm also going to use some of the red pepper again make sure to finally chop it so it just melt away in the sauce now the Hat of the sauce is going to be these sundried Tomatoes make sure to definitely use them it's going to a lot flavor and these Go amazing on pizzas as well you want to finally chop them and finally want to gr some of the cheese I'm using a cheddar you could also use mozzarella feta or some of the pesan you will also need some of the pataa or you could use some chopped tomatoes and here we got some fresh basil leaves all let's start with cooking our chicken turn the heat to our medium with a good touch of oil grab your marinated chicken and make sure it's at room temperature and all I said the chicken always away from you we're going to let the chicken cook for a few minutes on each side until the internal temperature has reached 75 C or 165 FS it's best if you can purchase a thermometer and to carefully turn the chicken now throw in some of the compound butter you can check out the recipe in one of my previous video now till the pan slightly and you want to base it for the remaining few minutes get the internal temperature read and we can see it's reach around 75 C and now we can remove this and we're going to finish cooking the next batch of B chicken that looks so delicious one of the best Cajun chicken of the compound butter now leave the chicken to rest while we cook our pasta now get the pan nice and clean in with the good tou of olive oil and make sure the heat is on medium you can go with the garlic birds at chili with the red chili give that really good mix and flavor the oil make sure to use a good quality olive oil for this the smell is amazing and now we're going to throw the sundried tomatoes just slowly add that in and here with the red pepper let this cook for a few minutes and saute it of the aroma of sundried tomatoes just on another level this gaj and chicken pasta is going to be so so delicious now throw your pada along with some of the water add a good of salt black pepper some of the cajin spice with a few basil leaves now you want to give this a really good mix and let it cook on low medium heat for around 15 minutes you want to get rid of some of the acidity from the tomatoes oh it smells great it's best to leave it covered and while the sauce is cooking let's boil our pasta I'm just going to move this to a different heat in boiling water add a good h of salt and for the past I'm using a pen you want to let the past cook until it's all D meaning it still has a bite to it all let's check our sauce the consistency of the sauce is perfect it's exactly what we're looking for and I'm going to get rid of the G can remove all the basil leaves now add a light touch of sugar in there helps to balance the acidity further leftover juices from the chicken Now drain the pasta and goes into the sauce you want to add some of the pasta water as well so we can balance the consistency touch your freshly gred black pepper now give this a really good mix be careful not to break your pasta now throwing in some of the cheese and continue to mix this the water is going to help emulsify the sauce a bit that's the sound you want to hear it looks so so good just turn off the heat at this point that looks so delicious one of the best gajing chicken that you will try now if you want you could also use this chicken for your stir fries or serve some of the rice now you can mix in the chicken now you can serve it separately and give this a really good mix and finally you can garnish it with some of the fresh Basils your delicious gayin chicken pasta fire done I'm going to garish the chicken with some of the fresh Jes and chili now that looks so resistible one of the best Cajun Chicken Pasta you will ever try for a small pizza B grab your toasty bagette and a good touch of tomato sauce onto there this is not ketchup by the way you just want to spread that a Lou of extra virgin olive oil here go some the mozzarella some of this cheddar throw in some of the red chili if you like you can also add some of the leftover chicken onto there season with a touch of black pepper and a bit more olive oil now you want to boil this into a preheated Grill until the cheese is nicely melted now you can garnish it with some of the fresh chives our amazing small pizza bites done they look so [Music] delicious this cajun chicken past is [Music] perfect you win [Music] I'm using a full chicken here it's best to leave the skin on now if you want the skin to be more crispier then you need to cure the chicken with a bit of the salt and leave it in the fridge overnight this will dry out the excess moisture but for today I'm going to skip this process maybe it's cuz I'm lazy today now there's two main ways you can cut up this chicken you can either do a spatchcock or you can do a reverse spatchcock I'm going to spatchcock the chicken but I'm going to leave the bone inside first I'm just going to turn the chicken around I'm going to carefully cut this chicken in the middle so grab your scissors cut this through now turn the chicken around we're going to open it up put your hand on the breast and press it down until you hear that click add a good OU of salt onto there and some of this lemon pepper seasoning give that a really good massage and try to go under the skin as well now turn the chicken around and do the same from the other side once done just set the chicken aside and let's prep over marinade for the lemon and her ber marinate in with a red onion few garlic cloves don't use too many for this marinade as this is a mild type of pear marinade so we're only going to use few birds like chilies here I've got Zesto fresh lemon this lemon is quite large so I'm just going to use a bit of it to be honest this lemon looks bigger than my future not with a whole flesh of lemon without the seeds I've also removed all the white pad from the lemon this will ensure there's not any bitterness in our marinade it with some of this red chili paste for the spices I'm using a turmeric it with a smoked paprika cayenne pepper it with a crack mixed black pepper for more flavor for the herbs I'm using here Rosemary some of this fresh thyme with the oregano some Italian parsley we're going to balance the flavors with some of the sugar it with the salt it with the white vinegar some of this water and finally with the oil Now cover and blend this until the mixture is nice and smooth trust me when I say that this is one of the best lemon and her marinade that you guys going to try the marinade is looking great let's check this have a little taste M that is so delicious it has a strong lemon and her flavor with a hint of chili it's going to go grave with our chicken our mouthwatering lemon and her very very marinade done now remove your seasoned chicken into a bowl now in with our PR marinade we're going to use some of the marinate now and we're going to brush some later trust me this is one of the best lemon and her P prry chicken that you guys going to try your mouth is going to be absolutely watering by the end of this video now give this a really good mix with the help of your hands try to go under the skin as well and stuff the marinate make sure to cover both the front and the back with the marinade now you want to leave the chicken to marinate for 3 hours overnight for best results let the chicken absorb some of the marinade now you can either cook the chicken on charcoals or Flame Grill it but I don't have that so I'm going to grill it on the stove top and then finish in the oven turn up the heat on medium high spray your it with a good of oil you want to make sure everything is stretching a griddle now you want to turn the chicken every 4 to 5 minutes let's get some good grilling marks on there we're also saring the chicken you know locking those juices and let's turn this all so that looks great let's brush it with some more marinade that looks so good like I said before this is one of the best lemon and herb bber chicken that you guys going to try all let's turn the chicken again carefully pick that up and again just make sure everything is touching a griddle some more marinate onto there the chicken looks so so good and now we're going to turn it one last time look looks amazing now just turn off the heat finally some of more and to remove the chicken into the oven tray Lage of salt and pepper and finally you want to spray with the oil now this goes in a preheated oven at 220 C and we're going to let this cook until the internal temperature reaches 75 Celsius and like I said before this is one of the best B chicken that you guys going to try we're going to serve our halumi fries with some of this pineapple mango dip it with our mango slices you will need around half a cup equal amount of pineapple in there it with some water so we can blend this and finally some sugar cover and blend this into nice and smooth remove everything into this bowl for L bit of cake in with a red chili paste some of this fresh lime juice using it some of the fresh mint to add bit more freshness a bit of this fresh thyme as well and finally we're going to season with some of the smoked paprika freshly cracked black pepper and a good pinch of sea salt now give that a really good mix and combine everything have a little taste and adjust anything if you need to M that is so so good our delicious pineapple and mango dip done of a mouthwatering crispy halumi fries grab a ball into with the plain flour it with a smoked paprika good to your black pepper in there some of this white pepper and fin it with the salt and some of this MSG good mix to that our halumi slices go straight in give them a good coat shake off the excess and these go straight into the hot oil we're going to let these fry until they're nice and golden brown and now we have a beautiful color on these let's start removing them our Ming crispy halumi fries done grab yourself a plate in with your crispy halumi fries garnish it with some of this red chili you should always make sure your food looks great and it tastes great some of these spring onion greens some of these fresh chives and finally serving it with our pineapple and mango dip of mouthwatering crispy halumi fries done for a mixed olive salad in with the Calamar olives it with some of these Bella the sanola olives you could also use normal green olives instead and you could also use some of the black olives to add bit more flavor I'm using a Sund Dred Tomatoes fresh cherry tomatoes would work best as well some of these red chili flakes with the oregano parsley a good pinch of salt and finally some of this honey olives can be a bit bitter in Taste of course we can balance that give that really good mix they look amazing now just set aside we're going to serve our olive salad with a lemon vinegar super easy in with the mustard I'm going to flavor with some of the fresh garlic with the or oregano some of this mix black pepper good pinch of salt in there give that a good mix and slowly mix in the oil now this has beautifully come together have a little taste that is so fresh and so flavorful adj just anything if you need to have a mouth watering lemon vinegret done in a plate you want to add some of the lettuce leaves add in your beautiful olives of course some of the feta cheese you could also add some of the paman if you like some of our croutons drizzle of this extra version olive oil and finally serving it with our amazing lemon vinegret that looks so delicious our mouthwatering mixed olive salad with vinegret done you guys are going to really enjoy this and it's going to go amazing with our lemon and her berberry chicken all right guys our mouthwatering berberry chicken is done leftt of juices from the chicken goes on the top looks so delicious all right let's play this up with your per P chicken our crispy halumi fries our mixed olive salad pineapple and mango dip some of this lemon vinegar and finally of course some of the leftover marinade you can cook if you want for the strawberry mojito in with the strawberries you want to muddle them fresh lime juice some of the lemon juice as well some of this fresh mint and with some of this grantin it has been mixed with some of these strawberry Essence n with the ice and finally with the sod of water [Applause] and finally I'm going to garish you with some this strawberry looks so refreshing oh my mouth is watering right now our Delicious lemon and her Berry braid chicken done you and your family going to really enjoy this Berry braad [Music] chicken [Music] Flawless Victory perfect I'm going to show you how to make one of the best KFC chicken [Music] bites [Music] fatality let's start with the chicken I'm using a chicken breast first of all using my hand I'm going to remove the tenders they should come off easily now place your hand on the chicken and you want to cut through the middle let the knife do the job and make sure it's sharp now again you want to cut through the middle and slice into bite-sized pieces always make sure the chicken is nice and clean there's no excess spat before you use it this is exactly what you're looking for not too small and not too large once done just remove the chicken onto a bowl now that we're going to mix in some of the hot sauce use Tabasco any of your favorite sauce good Ed of salt in there I'm also going to add some of the black pepper in there give this a really good mix now let the hot sauce do its thing and leave the chicken to brine for few hours in the fridge for the sweet chili sauce and with the water and with the sugar mix and completely melt that Sugar now with the vinegar with the chili flakes fresher chili garlic paprika Touch of salt give that a mix and you want to let it simmer for a few minutes excellent and when you start to simmer turn the heat to low with a good OU of soy sauce now in with this corn starch slowly mix that in this will thicken the sauce now you want to bring this to boil to cook and activate the cornstarch once it start to boil just turn off the heat our flavorful sweet chili sauce done let's a little taste a bit sweet a bit spicy amazing for a spicy barbecue sauce turn up the heat on medium low and with the molested sugar some of this brown sugar and with a ketchup use a good quality one you want to slowly mix and combine the two now meses is what is responsible for the dark brownish color of the barbecue sauce and we're going to flavor with some yellow mustard a mild type of vinegar it doesn't have to be too strong with a worter sauce and with a soy sauce for the omami flavor chipo chili paste now we're going to season it with garlic and onion powder birds at chili pepra freshly ground black pepper and finally a pinch of the sea salt now you want want to give this a really good mix and bring everything together and we're going to let the sauce simmer for a few minutes this will ensure any rawness of the spices is cooked and you can always adjust the consistency all right so our sauce is ready just turn off the heat have a a taste M of a delicious spicy barbecue sauce fatality for the natural hot of goar kayenne pepper smoked paprika garlic powder onion freshly cracked black pepper salt with the MSG and finally in with the dark brown sugar now give this a really good mix and finally we can mix in the hot oil one we are just about to serve make sure the oil is not too hot otherwise the spices will burn of mouth water natural hot glaze done have a let it taste and adjust anything if you need to now for The Drudge in with a plain flour let's season in with the black pepper white pepper as well with a celery powder mustard garlic and ginger powder with a smoked paprika some of this onion powder oregano Thyme and basil and finally with the salt and MSG give that really good mix and set aside now another Bowl cracking two eggs with a plain flour and water season with salt it of black pepper now give that a really good mix and then show they're all lumps this is exactly what we're looking for it's nice and smooth set it aside and finally in another Bowl you will need just a plain flour Touch of salt and black pepper mix and set aside all right let's go the chicken grab your seasoned flour flour batter some of that plain flour and your chicken remove the chicken from fridge 20 minutes before you start cooking it all first the chicken will go into the plain FL we're going to lightly coat it give that a good mix and now get rid of the excess flour just going to use a seeve to remove all the flour and now this goes into the batter get a good coat of that and I get rid of the excess batter and we're going to start removing it into a seasoned flour make sure to shake it as you go [Music] along I'm just going to give this a real good mix with my hands make sure to press onto the flour so it will stick to it all so that's exactly what we're looking for now this goes straight into the hot oil the oil temperature needs to be around 160 C we're going to maintain that temperature I'm going to slowly start lowering our chicken into there always away from you now we're going to let the chicken cook for around 5 to 6 minutes until you have a nice golden brown color the internal temperature should reach 75 C the chicken smells so good you guys going to really enjoy this all right so the chicken looks beautiful we're going to start removing this drain off the excess oil and remove it on a rack trust me these are one of the best chicken bites that you're going to try our crispy chicken bites done one of the best chicken bites that you guys going to try Flawless Victory now for our mac and cheese in boiling water I'm going to add a good of salt with the macaroni pasta let this cook for around 10 minutes now for this recipe you don't want it all D it you want to overcook it slightly I'm just going to move that to a different heater let's prep our sauce turn up the heater on low medium every the evaporated milk and some of this double cream give that a mix and we're going to bring this to simmer now while that's coming to simmer let's add our seasoning black pepper smoked paprika cayenne pepper garlic salt and so on I'm also going to add some of this mustard in there and some Tabasco and now we can see that has started to simmer now we're going to throw in our cheese I'm using it a mix of cheddar red leester and mozzarella some of the pasta water and give that a really good mix this mac and cheese is going to be so cheesy and so creamy and it's so easy to make or the cheese is beautifully melted you can just turn off the heat at this point have a little taste of the sauce now our pasta go straight in touch of black pepper L pinch of salt now if you guys prefer you can also mix in some of the butter in there that really good mix oh that looks amazing but we're not done yet here we got a large rum we can add the p P into the remin and some of the cheese and finally some more pasta and some more cheese now you can bake this in the oven or microwave on full heat until the cheese is nice and melted now you can garnish it with some of the tortilla chips and spring onion greens of mouth watering mac and cheese done impressive all so this is how we're going to serve them add the chicken pieces add the barbecue sauce for the first one it will be best just to drizzle the sauce you know don't coat it completely sweet chili for the second one and finally our natural hot glaz for the last one these look amazing you guys going to love these chicken bites they look so much better than KFC's after you try these chicken bites you don't need to go KFC trust me Flawless Victory all right let's play this with your chicken bites and finally with our creamy mac and cheese finally I'm going to garnish you some the spring onion greens our delicious crispy chicken bites with three different flavors done oh these look so delicious look at those Flawless Victory I'm going show you how to make one of the best lamp drops [Music] ever let's start with marinating our lamp I'm using it a full rack of front lamp chops that should give you at least 12 to telene pieces you could also use back lamp chops for this for seasoning I'm going to start with a bit of this truffle salt just a little bit of f you know just to get a hint of the Truffle flavor totally optional it with the Hawaiian sea salt cumin powder kayen pepper and finally some coely ground black pepper now give there a really good mix and combine everything the ground cumin pepper all the other spices going to go really well together with our lamb and to grab your seasoning and season for both sides generously cover all sides don't waste any seasoning and make sure to tap on that seasoning trust me these are one of the best lamb chops that you're going to try we're going to keep it simple but it's going to be so much flavorful now if there's any fat on your lamp chops and you need to render it before you start cooking or you could just get rid of the fat it's really up to you now it's best if you leave the lamp to marinate for at least an hour for the beetroot pure in with a cooked beetroot Touch of this Tamarind paste to add a bit of tanginess it with a zest of fresh lemon and some of the lemon juice some of these Min leaves has a bit of freshness and a bit of this parsley you want to season this with a touch of salt and freshly ground black pepper Now cover and blend this until nice and smooth and now we're just going to pass it through our SE to make it more nice and smooth this will be amazing with theam it can also be served with salads or chicken now that looks gorgeous have a taste and adjust any seasoning if you need to of amazing beetroot puree done and for the potatoes you want to peel and slice them into quarter pieces and now we're going to power boil them until they're 70% done and they still have some resistance to it this should take you around 6 to 7 Minutes in boiling water I grab a pan in with the butter the heat is on low medium with a mix of beef and chicken stock throw in the green peas and your parboiled potatoes give that a mix and you want to let these cook until they're completely [Applause] done on of our potatoes and peas are done I'm going to pass them through a seep to remove the excess stock we're going to use this stock later for our sauce on it's cook of lamp chops turn the heat around medium it with a good T of fil and when the pan is nice and hot we're going to start adding our lamp chops and like I said if there is any fat on your lamb chops then you need to render that first there you go B now don't overcrowd the pan all right let's start with four in here now how do you like your lamp chops you like a medium you like it well done I'm going to do it well done so it should take two or 2 and 1/2 minutes on each side just make sure everything is touching the pan we want to get get a nice air on those lamp chops trust me these are one of the best lamb chops that you're going to try your mouth is going to be absolutely watering all right so it's time to turn these around look at that beautiful s look at that perfect turn these around and again just make sure everything is touching the pan all right beautiful look at that now we're going to let these cook for the remaining time and just in the last minute or so I'm just going to throw in our butter some of our smashed garlic and some of these tricks of time you know basting is very important give that a good mix smooth the lamb chops to one side and now just tilt your pant slightly and base it for the last [Music] minute oh man these lamb chops looks absolutely mouthwatering I'm just going to turn them around and get a nice color on this side as well Al so the lamb chops are done I'm just going to remove them a beautiful plate now give the pan a quick wipe and cook the next patch of your lime chops Beautiful s again amazing you need to make sure your pan is nice and hot otherwise you won't get this beautiful s all right guys let the lamb rest for 3 minutes before serving and in the same pan add some more butter add the leftover [Laughter] stock I like to show what mustard sauce season with freshly growny black pepper and a light ouch of salt and finally add in some of the mustard I give that a mix and let it simmer for a minute our amazing black pepper mustard sauce done for the salad we're going to start with the Cucumbers here I've got many cucumbers that you want to cut into quarters length ways and to place the quarters in a bowl and sprinkle over the salt and just toss them around allow them to sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing the Cucumber numers well in cold water and now just set them aside on a dry and clothes skinside down here I've got many sweet peppers cut them in half and discu all the seeds use a spin it will be much easier to remove them now place them in a bowl and a touch of cayenne pepper freshly ground black pepper and salt with a good touch of olive oil and give that a mix and to place them onto a baking tray and broil them in the oven until they are nice and soft on to place your charart soft and peppers back into the bowl Touch of this honey to cut through the bitterness and finally some of this dried oregano give that a mix and now just set aside and let them cool completely now in another Bowl in with the boil chick pieas it with a preserved lemon it with a hot sauce cumin black pepper salt and a light touch of olive oil give that a really good mix and set aside all right guys let's plate up our salad with some of this Greek yogurt Touch of this paprika it with the baby spinach and Lamb's lettuce and with some of these juicy Tomatoes add of our amazing charred Peppers our delicious salted cucumbers our mouthwatering chick beas along with a preserved lemon oh it looks so delicious also some of these roasted split chick beas you know it's going to add a bit of that crunch we just about to serve season with a light pinch of salt and pepper and some fresh mint and parsley some of this tinly sliced [Music] beetroot and finally some balsamic vinegar our delicious salad done it looks so mouthwatering all okay let's bait up our lamp chops and some of the beetroot puy on the plate to start [Music] with and we're just going to make a round [Music] spiral with the amazing lamp chops and some of the potatoes and the [Music] piece [Music] this butter chicken is creamy Rich so [Music] delicious all right the Butner chicken has two parts today tandori chicken and the spiced tomato and butter sauce we're going to start with the tanduri chicken and the first process is to marinate the chicken with some lemon and salt here I'm using full chicken legs using the chicken with the bone you know just keeping the Traditions if you want you could use thighs or breast instead I've add a few cuts to the chicken so we can marinate it properly down to the bone always pad dry the chicken before you marinate it add a good touch of salt onto there now that I like to add some f zest of lemon you can totally skip this and finally in with a fresh lemon juice we use lemon juice mainly to neutralize any bad Aroma and it also helps tendr the chicken along with the salt give that really good mix using your hands now you want to leave the chicken to rest for at least an hour and let's make our thui marinate grab another Bowl in with the natural yogurt and with a paste of fresh garlic we're also going to use some of the ginger paste and with a black rock salt it has an omami flavor with the garam masala coriander powder red chili Kashmir red chili mainly to add a bit of the color with with the mango and lemongrass powder Touch of this cumin with the black pepper good pinch of salt and finally some of this Fen Greek powder now give that really good mix and combine everything I forgot to add the oil so throw that in this butter chicken is going to be so delicious you guys going to absolutely love this have a little taste of the marinade that is so delicious now grab the chicken and this go straight into the marinade make sure to get rid of the excess water from the chicken before adding this in now again give this a really good mix with your beautiful hands and try to stuff those skirts with the marinade now you want to cover and leave the chicken to marinate for at least 3 hours let the chicken absorb some of the marinade and the flavors trust me it's going to be so good now let's prep the main ingredients for our sauce here I'm using one large onion thinly slice the onion make a paste of ginger garlic here I've got the fresh tomatoes get rid of this core from the center and now just roughly chop the tomatoes here I've got the thin green chili that you want to slice in the middle get rid of the seeds if you don't like it too hot and finally I've got some the fresh C that you want to finally chalk we're also going to use the cashew paste to add a bit of thickness and richness to our sauce in my opinion it's better to blend this beforehand so we can get more flavor into the sauce for the spices I'm using a red chili powder garam masala cumin powder and finally some of this Fen Greek powder we're going to add the salt later all let's grab everything you will also need to use butter and this double or heavy cream all right let's get cooking first you want to grab the marinated chicken and let it come to room temperature grab your oven tray that is aligned with the grill you might need to brush it with oil just to Ure nothing will stick to it now start placing your marinated chicken onto the grill make sure there's some space in between them pinch of salt and pepper light at your F now you want to broil the chicken under a preheated Grill until the internal temperatures reached 75 C or 165 fits make sure to turn it halfway on it's cook our sauce turn up the heater on medium and with half of the butter I'm going to use the other half later a light touch of oil so the butter won burn with your onions you want to sorted the onions so we're looking for a light golden brown color a light pinch of salt if anything is burning you can always deaz with a touch of water now throw in your ginger garlic paste and just one of the green chili give that a mix and cook the Rus of that paste as well the aroma of these beautiful onion ginger garlic is so so good now deaz with Touch of water cover for a few seconds to kill the smell of the raw G let's check this on I with your Tomatoes throwing in the whole fresh coriander few bay leaves add the cashew paste as well now cover and let this cook for around 5 to 6 minutes all let's check out our tanduri chicken it looks great now turn the chicken around spray with the light touch of oil again and this goes back into the grill for another 10 to 15 minutes and now let's check this you want to let this mixture cook until the oil separates and now I can see the oil has start to separate from the mixture at this point of time I'm going to remove the coriander and the bay leaves add some water into there and turn off the heat let the mixture cool down a bit before you blend this all right let's check out with tanduri chicken just going to get an internal temperature read and we can see it's reached around 75 C let the chicken rest for a few minutes before we cut into it and to cut the chicken into medium pieces finish up with a little bit of this tandori Masala now remove the chicken pieces into a bowl place a light it up charcoal onto there add a tou of foil and immediately cover with a foil paper or an object and let the chicken smoke for at least 15 to 20 minutes it's going to add a beautiful Aroma to our butter chicken now slowly strain the sauce back into the pan we looking for a nice smooth texture as some of this honey to balance the you could also use sugar instead now bring the sauce to Gentle simmer the heat is on low medium one of the best butter chicken that you will ever try now when the sauce start to simmer we're going to throw in all of our spices give that a really good mix and you want to cook the rawness of those spices this is where the magic happens add a good of salt remaining green chili and of our amazing tanduri chicken oh man that looks so so good now again give this a really good mix and let it cook on low medium heat for around 5 minutes this is the best time to check for any seasoning as well that's perfect oh man the butter chicken looks so so delicious now finally we're going to throw in some more butter and let them melt and I just turn off the heat and I'm going to mix in the cream and this color is exactly what we look looking for it looks so mou watering this is how you make an authentic butter chicken this recipe is to die for now you can garnish it with some of the fen Greek leaves a bit more cream and finally some of this fresh coriander I a mouth watering butter chicken done it looks so delicious all let's play this up serving over some of this non bread some of these boiled basem rice and finally we got our butter chicken authentic mouth watching butter chicken right here it looks so so delicious ious I really can't wait to try [Music] this [Music] Perfect all right guys I'm going to try this it looks so M watering you guys going to really enjoy this I'm going to try some of the sauce with the rice first Bismillah wow M so so [Music] delicious the sauce is perfectly cooked and along with those rice is just another level this is the type of the dish that you need to cook for your wife or your husband the sauce is so rich and creamy it has a bit of this tanduri taste to it and now I'm going to try the chicken with some of this non bread chicken is perfectly cooked just falls off the bone wow that is just unbelievable I really admire those chefs who invented this this is so good guys M this will make a perfect dinner for your family and friends you know what I'm really lost in this butter chicken it is just amazing the sauce just the right amount of spice to it the flavors are 10 out of 10 all right guys thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it make subscribe make sure like and see you next time until then Salam makeig for your mom makeig for your dad makeig for your family [Music] andj
Channel: Halal Chef
Views: 210,710
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Keywords: ramadan recipe, ramadan recipes, 5 ramadan recipes that you must try, ramadan, ramadan 2024 recipes, chicken recipes, chicken, pasta, peri peri chicken, kfc chicken, ramadan 2024, iftaar, ramadan kareem, iftar, recipe for ramadan, ramzan recipe, ramazan recipes 2024, best ramadan recipes, best recipes for ramadan, Ramadan recipes for iftaar, ramzan special recipes, iftar recipes, ramadan 2024 recipe, eid recipes, eid 2024, islam, muslim, halal food, halal, cooking, food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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