5 Priceless Treasures Found With A Metal Detector

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we have to remove the treasure very carefully oh my God this is a great treasure we found the treasure let's explore together a very different soil this treasure should be from old times we have to be very careful what is that something very mysterious coming from inside oh my God what is that there is something very valuable in it I'm so excited we found a very valuable treasure foreign the treasure box contains many valuable diamonds and coins we must not damage the treasury this is a very mysterious treasure foreign what is that what can this be does anyone know what this happened we found a very mysterious and valuable treasure what else is there let's continue to review does anyone know what these are it has a lot of treasure inside like a bracelet foreign and hard soil oh my God we found a very valuable treasure today comment if you know what these are [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you yeah treasure coming soon metal detector picking up signals too close yes oh my God I cannot believe my eyes what's that what do you think this mysterious thing could be we must be very careful we need to extract it without damaging the treasure yes yes I think we found something mysterious we need to extract it without damaging the treasure oh my God this is a treasure box we found the treasure we found the treasure box I hope there are many valuable treasures inside this is a very big treasure box oh my God I cannot believe my eyes can you see the treasure Banks did not exist in ancient times for this reason people kept their money in the business of Cubes pouches or similar things the money kept here is that person's Capital he will spend it and add his excess earnings then this person would not take his capital and keep it in a field it will hide it by making a secret partition on the wall or floor in the place where it lives we are a professional team we go on a professional treasure hunt all over the world we do a professional treasure hunt we are very careful while hunting for Treasure we deliver the treasures we find to the museum directorates in the country we are in I want to tell you about a draw and we will present the professional metal detector to three lucky people who like and comment on this video at your very best a very valuable treasure we need to take this treasure to the museum and deliver it we must be very careful we need to extract it without damaging the treasure we found a very old and precious treasure what do you think this mysterious treasure could be yes I'm very excited now that we found the treasure a very beautiful treasure box must be very old I'm slowly removing the treasure box very heavy probably very valuable Treasures in it let's see what's in it together foreign I hope there are many valuable treasures inside we found a very mysterious treasure now it's time to review this is a very big treasure box oh my God I cannot believe my eyes can you see the treasure we found a very old and precious treasure what do you think this mysterious treasure could be there is a very different white Earth inside what's that it's a very different soil could this be Ash what do you think it could be I can't believe my eyes it's a gold necklace there's a different pattern can you see it A Warrior's necklace do you think this mysterious thing could be gold this is a picture of a warrior on a very heavy necklace did a warrior bury it here you think Kim might have buried it here there is a warrior picture on one side of the necklace I can't figure out what's in the picture on the other side what picture do you think this could be we found a treasure of Great Value that could belong to a warrior a necklace with a picture of a warrior and we'll see what else comes out oh here's another mystery you think this mysterious thing could be a necklace or a bracelet could be a very different pattern on it probably looks very valuable in gold this is a gold bracelet people living in this area because of the war they fled this area by burying their valuables in the ground treasure map says there are many Treasures in this area a very valuable treasure we need to take this treasure to the museum and deliver it I am a professional treasure hunter we detect the treasures that people have buried but cannot find Again by searching them with professional metal detectors and we deliver the treasures we find to the authorities of the country where we found them [Music] I want to tell you about a draw and we will present the professional metal detector to three lucky people who like and comment on this video at your very best we are a professional team we take all safety precautions this is very dangerous thank you oh my God I can't believe my eyes we found another very interesting necklace very different necklace there is a picture of a lion on it yes it looks like a picture of a lion this must be a very old and precious necklace a precious necklace with a picture of a lion on it we found a very old and precious treasure what do you think this mysterious treasure could be share your comments about the treasure with us we will continue to search for Treasure join our adventures by subscribing to our YouTube channel don't forget to like [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we found a very mysterious treasure now it's time to review oh my God I cannot believe my eyes can you see the treasure it's a metal powder what's that it's a very different soil could this be Ash what do you think it could be this can be a very precious metal powder we found a very old and precious treasure what do you think this mysterious treasure could be it could be silver dust we will try to melt it by Heating share your comments about the treasure with us [Music] we have to be very careful [Music] let's warm up the pot first let's pour the treasure we found into the pot thank you will it melt yes it's starting to melt [Laughter] what do you think this could be could it be silver dust yes it's starting to melt thank you more heat [Music] yes it finally melted we have to be very careful it needs to be poured into the pot slowly let's pour some water on it oh my God what's that what do you think this could be can this be silver what do you think this could be what is your opinion write your thoughts in the comments [Music] we will continue to search for Treasure join our adventures by subscribing to our YouTube channel don't forget to like and comment on our videos see you on the next treasure hunt join our adventures by subscribing to our YouTube channel [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign yes oh my God I cannot believe my eyes what's that what do you think this mysterious thing could be [Music] oh my God this is a treasure box we found the treasure we must be very careful we need to extract it without damaging the treasure foreign we detected the treasure with the underground Imaging device we found a very mysterious treasure now it's time to review what's that it's a very different soil could this be Ash what do you think it could be [Music] we found a very old and precious treasure there is a very different seal picture oh my God I cannot believe my eyes can you see the treasure what do you think this mysterious treasure could be yes oh my God I cannot believe my eyes foreign [Music] what do you think this could be what is your opinion foreign we found a very valuable treasure share your comments about the treasure with us foreign [Music] your thoughts in the comments foreign these may be very old and valuable gold coins this is a very different soil foreign [Music] we will continue to search for Treasure join our adventures by subscribing to our YouTube channel foreign our adventures by subscribing to our YouTube channel thank you [Music] for sure [Music] don't forget to like and comment on our videos see you on the next treasure hunt Ed Welcome to our Channel where we are looking for treasure let's clean this up first okay metal detector is getting very strong signal [Music] foreign [Music] there must be something very valuable here metal detector says it's very valuable I am very excited let's start digging the ground the soil is too hard it should be right under here we found the exact location we got very close metal detector picking up signals too close I am very excited there are too many tree roots there is something here get closer look yes yes yes oh my God this treasure box [Music] oh my God this is a very beautiful vase we found a treasure box full of a white Earth comes out of it it is very heavy there must be something very valuable in it a very different white soil looks like ashes it could be ashes yes there's something in the ashes oh my God this is a gem I am very excited we found a very valuable treasure looks like gold what is that very mysterious stones there is a lot of stuff here a perfect Jewel yes perfect a very precious Jewel it can be a bracelet or necklace we found treasure with metal detector there are so many mysterious pieces inside [Music] can you see the picture on it [Music] this could be a picture of a woman yes this is a black stone ring it must be a very old ring a lot of mysterious stones come out still full very exciting oh my God what is that this is a human a very different person what do you think this mysterious treasure could be [Music] [Music] yes there are still valuable pieces inside [Music] what do you think this could be this is so beautiful this must be a little gold nugget s this must be a very old coin too [Music] [Music] this must be a very old necklace too foreign what do you think this could be foreign [Music] [Music] looks very valuable foreign there is still something inside can you see the picture on it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] what is that [Music] thank you we found the perfect treasure now let's examine in detail thank you thank you
Channel: Arkeolog
Views: 171,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginho da selva, detectorismo, tesouros, botijas de ouro, botijas encontradas, tesouros encontrados 2021, tesouros perdidos, maiores tesouros, tesouros descobertos, gin jones, big treasure, real treasure hunt, epic treasure hunt, treasure hunting, treasure, клад, खजाना, harta karun, 宝物, treasure hunt, adventure time, detector, metal detector, metal detecting, real treasure, top 5 treasure, tesouro, metal detecting finds, real treasure hunting, detecting, treasure chest, gold
Id: 5BQ1NstGhMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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