5 Popular Mario Fan Theories Rejected By Nintendo

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hello it's up Oh reject it again hey guys welcome to the gamer where today we'll be discussing five popular super mario fan theories that were outright rejected by Nintendo this range of theories start from the early days of Mario in the arcades to the modern day console era what qualifies as being properly rejected by Nintendo you may ask it can be an official statement an interview or even an instruction manual and of course Shigeru Miyamoto's word is final you will likely recognize these postulations so prepare to have their foundations shattered beneath them stick around to see these myths get rejected harder than peach rejected Mario at the end of Odyssey 1 the bricks are toads there's some theories out there about the Mario series that might seem like they make sense until of course you dig a little deeper a popular one out there on the internet claims that the bricks you see all over the Mushroom Kingdom are all the transformed toad citizens that were attacked by the Koopa this implication is that Mario is a crazed psychopath that smashes the mushroom people into a million pieces on a regular basis proponents of this theory point to the official Nintendo game manual for super mario bros it's game description goes like this one day the kingdom of the peaceful Mushroom Kingdom was invaded by the Koopa a tribe of Turtles known for their black magic the quiet peace-loving mushroom people were turned into mere stones bricks and even filled horsehair plants and the Mushroom Kingdom fell into ruin this sounds like solid evidence sounds not quite evidence yet keep reading friends turn to page 8 of their instruction booklet which gives the player information on power-ups it reads as follows Mario's friends if you come across mushrooms who have been turned into bricks or made invisible they were you by giving you a power boost next to this is an image of the power block the shiny question thingy that gives you crazy good shrooms aha what the manual refers to by bricks our power of blocks not the bricks mario breaks apart by jumping underneath them and yeah those power blocks are invincible so that settles that theory confirmed by Nintendo's own words and by the way no Mario does not break the bricks with his head check the artwork my dudes he's clearly hitting them with his fists - Mario abuses Yoshi we're not entirely sure why but some fans seem to be determined to paint Mario as some kind of lunatic as we've stated before like right here in 10 times Mario let down Luigi however the most egregious of these kinds of theories is that Mario abuses his pet Yoshi you might even think there's a point to be had given what you see in Yoshi's first games super mario world the player quickly comes across the dinosaur who can be written like a trusty steed one of Yoshi's features is to stick his long tongue out on command to gobble up food or enemies when you first see this in action on the SNES it looks like Mario is stretching his arm out at Yoshi's head due to limitations of the consoles graphics it kind of looks like Mario is hitting the Dino similar to how one would give commands to a horse here's the real story in a 2017 interview with Nintendo veterans Takashi Tezuka and chick Akuma he know the original concept was for Yoshi to get bonked on the head repeatedly but after realizing how pitiful that was for him they change that mid development to Mario emphatically pointing as in go in official artwork you can see what Mario is actually doing while on Yoshi's back and it's pointing out enemies in front of him not being a psychopathic jerk just as a bonus myth bust out the fact that Mario can get an extra jump over a chasm by jumping off Yoshi and letting him fall into the abyss that's your choice there's no part of Super Mario Bros where you have to sacrifice a Mew stur leave mario alone three peach is Bowser Jr's mom Bowser the Mario franchises main antagonist has a lot of darn kids most of them are adopted however the Koopalings comprised of Larry Morton Lemmy Roy Agee Wendy and Ludwig were confirmed as such by series creator Shigeru Miyamoto that leaves Bowser jr. the one true heir and the only one that really resembles his old man jr. made his debut on the Gamecube in 2002 Super Mario Sunshine prior to the start of the game's plot Bowser told his son that none on earth and Princess Peach was his mother and that the evil Mario kidnapped her jr. then proceeded to do some kidnapping of his own bringing peach to his dad's secret volcano base and Spa by the end of the story Bowser and his son admit to each other that peach was not his mama however many theorists still contend that peach really is the mother of jr. which is just gross by the way how are they even supposed to nevermind him in a 2012 interview Miyamoto was asked about Bowser Jr's parentage to which he responded we don't know who the mother is so in other words Nintendo really doesn't care about the mother and we should probably just stick to the assumption that peach and Bowser never had a kid together again gross jump man is Mario's father this theory is actually quite complicated and stretches all the way back to Nintendo's first smash hit Donkey Kong in the original arcade game from 1981 the carpenter jump man must scale buildings and avoid barrels in order to rescue his girlfriend pauline from the runaway gorilla Donkey Kong now this obviously sounds like a prototype Mario character trying to save a prototype each character from a bad guy of some kind but some fans are convinced that this jump man was intended to be the father of Super Mario himself let's put this together starting from the conception of Mario Miyamoto and crew wanted to design a game around the beloved cartoon Popeye after failing the game the creative license he created the characters of Donkey Kong now the player character was named Jumpman in the English instructions however he was specifically named Mario in the 1981 sales brochure this continued into Donkey Kong jr. and Mario Bros there are many documented instances of Miyamoto calling Jumpman Mario they are one in the same the mario of DK is the mario of DK jr. and this continues on to the games we know and love just remember that Nintendo doesn't take the lore of Mario all that seriously that would mean that the modern-day Donkey Kong's grandfather cranky Kong really is the original DK as stated in Donkey Kong Country and that would mean that Donkey Kong jr. is the father of the current Donkey Kong but in Mario Tennis both the current DK & DK jr. appear in the same game which makes DK's father younger than him G's trying to put this timeline together as almost as hard as blazing breath of the wild into the Zelda timeline Super Mario 64 is a game surrounded by many many popular fan theories many of us grew up with this game in that early internet era of secret cheat codes or fake secret cheat codes like that time your older brother convinced you that if you follow a very specific set of arbitrary tasks in game you could open up a secret door to Hyrule all right Timmy all you got to do is stretch Mario's chin into his eyes for 10 seconds on your menu screen then you got to delete your save files then after earning a hundred power stars immediately jump into the waterfall while holding both the a and B buttons and voila you jump into the water temple huh among those mysteries gamers have always wondered about the presence of Luigi known across the internet as the most powerful mario brother a popular fan theory emerged when players came across what looked like a secret message in the courtyard of peaches castle on the eternal star fountain surrounded by booze is a barely readable inscription l is real to 4:01 several fake methods emerged on how to unlock Luigi one involved collecting all the red stars in rainbow world and then using a cannon to shoot Mario out to the furthest right part of the map and Luigi is found behind the clouds of course another method is to get 120 stars go through the middle passageway in the castle and then don't go any further turn around and start cool cool mountain go to the right wall of the painting room and listen for a boos laugh then enter the level to beat the fat penguins seven times return to the baby penguin to get the star then run to the basement and Luigi is there waiting for you let us know have you tried this in spite of these methods an official letter from Nintendo to a fan this proves the L is real theory in the 1998 letter gameplay councillor Michael Chandler explained that the message was placed as a joke the intention was to drive fans crazy looking for a special code to unlock Luigi turns out they succeeded poor Luigi never catches a break on to the final Theory 5 peaches Rose Elena's mother more lineage theories okay guys why are fans of all kinds so obsessed about whose parents are whose we do it with Mario games we do it with star wars we do with Jerry Springer come on people okay okay rant over let let's talk about Rosalina those space lady at Super Mario Galaxy in this awesome we title Mario traverses the galaxy jumping across planetary bodies and stars to his heart's content reportedly Miyamoto saw what game director Yoshiaki Koizumi was working on for Galaxy and suggested that he scaled back the story typical Miyamoto this section of the game houses several stories of a lost little girl that befriends an equally lost luma and they decide to build their own home together so that they may never have to feel lost again we eventually find out that the lost little girl was Rosalina herself which is just the most touching thing the gamer is collectively tearing up as we talk about how lonely that poor girl was okay theorists point to chapter 4 the dream which depicts her mother who looks somewhat like Princess Peach not gonna lie Koizumi even mentioned that the original conception was for Rosalina to be related to peach in some way but it was officially cut out of development meaning as much as we would like to believe peach is not the mother of Rosalina hints are not enough show us a Nintendo approved family tree and we'll get back to you and this is where we end the video for today did you like our selection of rejected mario theories are you disappointed that nintendo rejected your favorite theory let us know in the comments section below we're releasing new videos each week so to keep up with all this awesome content click on the subscribe button and the notification valve see ya
Channel: TheGamer
Views: 770,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Nintendo, Fan Theories, Yoshi and Mario in court, Princess Peach, Who is Bowser's mom, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Shigero Miyamoto
Id: pTPvwa3yizw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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