5 NEW WEBFLOW FEATURES + No Code Conf Day 1 Recap

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friends what an absolutely mind-blowing first day that was at the noco conference yesterday heaps of new features were announced by webflow there were some amazing speaker events i did my talk at the noco conference and there were just a whole bunch of additional things that made this event the best virtual event that i have ever been to and i'm going to talk a bit about it in this video so without further ado let's get into it hey friends what's going on welcome back to the channel so day one of the noco conference is in the books and let me tell you it was an absolutely mind-blowing experience i didn't exactly know what to expect going into this event because it is virtual i think a lot of people were a little bit bummed out about the fact that it had to be shift to a virtual event rather than being in person but let me tell you after having jumped into the actual conference platform having been in um the gather town that was organized by the finn suite team i must honestly tell you that my expectations have been exceeded tenfold and um besides the experience of the virtual event has been absolutely amazing webflow also announced a whole bunch of new features that are going to be launched pretty much immediately that are going to be an absolute game changer for people in the no code space so let's just start at the beginning before the conference started um rama and the team at finn suite actually organized a gather town which is a virtual platform that you can use to kind of talk to other people so the way that it works is that you create your own little avatar and then you basically get launched into this virtual world that was set up by the finn sweep team and then you can basically walk around with your little character approach people and then start conversations with people who are currently in that world now i've been in gather town before and they're quite fun but this particular gather town for the noco conference was really awesome because there's so many people who showed up to it just before the start of the conference and so it was a perfect opportunity to connect with people that i knew online and it was just heaps of fun so one of the things that i took away from that experience was that it really much reminded me of the networking part of the actual noco conference two years ago so you would just walk up to people that you had probably seen online and you could just start little conversations with them so it was a really great opportunity to actually say hello to people and to create that kind of networking atmosphere that i think otherwise is quite difficult when you are doing things virtually but gather town really facilitates that then the conference started so everyone jumped into hoppin which was the conference platform that they used to host the noco conference and webflow kicked things off with their keynote i've seen a few keynotes in my time and i can tell you right now that that one was probably the most captivating keynote that i've ever experienced now if you've watched any of the webflow education team's video you'll know that their production quality is through the roof but there was something different about this particular keynote that really went even further than they had gone in the past so they kicked things off with a really funny intro as you're probably used to from the webflow education team but then things pretty much moved over to vlad who was starting to talk about some of the upcoming features that were coming to webflow so before the conference started there was a whole bunch of chatter inside of the gather town where we were kind of speculating what kind of features wipro would be announcing at the noco conference obviously everyone knew that memberships would be coming to webflow as it's already in beta and they announced it a few weeks ago but suddenly they started to announce features that were not really on anyone's radar so the first feature that they announced were some upgrades to the designer so they launched two new features inside the designer called backdrop filters and blending modes now i'm not a designer so to be completely honest at the time it didn't mean much to me but a friend of mine nikolai who also runs a youtube channel reached out to me and basically told me that this is like game changing stuff so from that i'm just going to assume that for a lot of people who are designers this is going to be a very handy feature then the next feature that they announced were some significant improvements to how you can collaborate with other people inside of webflow so up until this point working with others inside of webflow wasn't always super easy so just for a little bit of context up until now there's been two types of accounts that you can have you can have an individual account where you are just the sole owner of your webflow account and then there are team accounts where you basically share it with other people in your team now i have an individual account and what i have done in the past is that i've just invited people to collaborate with me by giving them my login and password now that is obviously not super ideal for security purposes also i've got a whole bunch of other sites that i might not want other people to have access to but the only other option that i had at the time was to create a team account and then invite people into that team but in order to do that i would have to transfer my website out from my individual account into my team account which would change all of the webflow item ids and then essentially break all of my workflows inside of zapier and so the change that they announced at the noco conference will combine individual and team accounts together into something called workspaces so in short there's no more transferring sites between team accounts and individual accounts and you can just add additional seats to your workspace which means that you'll be able to just bring people in on a need basis and that will basically make the entire process of basically working with another freelancer inside of webflow a lot easier so i think especially people who run agencies will love this feature because besides being able to be quite flexible in terms of how you add and remove people from your workspace they've also made a whole bunch of upgrades to the permissions that you can give to your collaborators on a site level so if you want someone to come in and collaborate with you just as a designer or just as an editor then now you'll have a lot more flexibility and again i think that that will just make the entire process of collaboration inside of webflow so much better next they announced some speed improvements to the webflow cms now this is a classic under the hood feature and i feel like sometimes people don't appreciate these under the hood features as much as i do because they are not super visual you can't see new buttons inside of the designer but let me tell you this was a very very important upgrade for webflow so one of the things that i've run into with the unicorn factory and some other sites that i've worked on is that as the cms has started to grow as i've started to add new collection items the designer has slowed down a bit and obviously it's not the end of the world but it definitely does discourage you from working in the designer as often as you might want to only because things take a bit longer things lag a bit and even though it's never been a huge issue it's also kind of made me wary about adding more collection items to the webflow cms but now that they have addressed this issue they are basically going to give you the flexibility back that you would otherwise get when you are just starting a brand new webflow project and that is something that i'm looking forward to a lot because that is really going to push the boundaries in terms of how far you can actually scale sites inside of webflow so to anyone in the webflow team that worked on this project it is very much appreciated you have a big fan here i am looking forward to seeing how much faster the webflow design is as a result of your work and then they announced memberships now obviously they had announced memberships a few weeks ago when they basically launched their landing page and did a little bit of a tweet storm about it all but since that first announcement there haven't been a lot of news about memberships there were not a lot of people in the community that at least i knew of that had access to the beta that they had announced but they started to announce a whole bunch of new things at the conference now i'm gonna dedicate an entire video to memberships as soon as i've had a play around with the beta but from what i could see from some of the screenshots that they showed during the conference it looks very very promising so besides you know traditional user accounts you'll also be able to combine it with the e-commerce functionality of webflow and basically create paid memberships now one of the things that i'm pretty excited about is the concept of user groups so you can have something like freelancers and customers and within those user groups you can have separate plans for each one of those user groups which i personally think is going to be very very important for something like the unicorn factory if i do end up making that shift to webflow memberships i think for the first version of the beta as it gets rolled out you'll see a lot of people who are going to be creating like gated content on their websites little e-learning platforms that's at least the plan that i have for my first membership site inside of webflow and i think as more people start to use it webflow will start collecting a lot more feedback and then there'll be a lot more use cases that can be addressed with webflow memberships but overall i feel like what i did see in the demo and in those first few screenshots i think there's a lot to be excited about i think for people who want to set up a user account website inside of webflow it's going to be an absolute game changer you won't have to use any other third party tools in order to make that happen and again i think with this announcement webflow has made a huge step forward in moving from just being a website building tool which they are a fantastic one to be a platform that will allow you to build actual apps talking about apps that brings me to the last feature that they announced at the noco conference which i think a lot of people were not expecting called logic now wipro logic will basically allow you to set up workflows and automations inside of webflow natively so again this is going to be phenomenal for people who don't want to use tools like zapier integromat those types of things and just set up simple workflows inside of webflow now i actually knew that this feature was probably going to be coming at some point because a few months ago they hit me up for some ux feedback on what they were designing i kind of forgot about it a bit but um just seeing what they have come up with since then has been really really exciting because i've added a whole bunch of new things that were not in those initial designs so one of the things that i'm really happy about is that you can use web hooks as trigger events and you can also send data to apis and i think that that is going to be really really important in order to basically open up the webflow automation software to all the other tools that you might be using on a day-to-day basis one of my initial worries that i had was that the tool is only designed to be used for web flow specific use cases for example a form submission happens but thankfully they have opened it up completely meaning that if you want to send data from a table to webflow you can just set up a webhook and do a whole bunch of things like that another thing that i really like about webflow logic and the first initial screenshots and demos that they showed us is that it is a very visual automation builder meaning that it doesn't follow a linear system like you'll be familiar with inside of zapier it follows more the kind of layout that you're getting integromat with different paths and all those types of things meaning that you'll be able to set up somewhat complex workflows inside of webflow and that pretty much wrapped up all of the product announcements from webflow and so they're not all live immediately they are going to be launching logic in 2022 early 2022 um webflow memberships is already in beta and some of the upgrades to the designers have been launched immediately but as you can see webflow has been doing a lot of amazing work behind the scenes and i am super excited about all the announcement that they've made this is honestly going to be a game changer for so many people working inside of webflow it's going to push your capabilities forward by quite a bit it's going to simplify things for people who only want to work with webflow obviously on my channel i talk about a whole different bunch of tools that you can glue together but i can tell from this first initial version of what they've announced that a lot of the things that you'd otherwise need zapier or member stack for you can actually just do directly inside of webflow and again this is something that i think a lot of people have been looking for and i'm really stoked that they have made all these announcements okay so that wrapped up the keynote it was fantastic i loved it and then we moved on to the actual speaker events now there was so many amazing speaker events that were happening at the same time so unfortunately i had to pick but i will be able to re-watch recordings of the actual events so i'll be able to catch up on some of the other ones that i missed unfortunately but i went and watched curtis cummings talk about building no code operations he works as the um basically operations software person at on deck then i went and watched timothy rick's um presentation he runs an awesome youtube channel so i thought i'd check it out after that i went and watched lacey kessler's um presentation again fantastic if you um signed up to the conference you can re-watch all of them and after that i watched aaron's um no code talk about how you can use ear table to repurpose content fantastic always enjoy aaron's stuff and then i also stopped by the speed building challenge which was mind-blowing i honestly couldn't even follow along to how fast they were building things i watched the quarter finals it was heaps of fun and then it was my turn so my talk was on how to build marketplaces with webflow ear table and zapier so i did a variation of this talk about two years ago at the noco conference in san francisco and if you have been on this channel before you'll be familiar with the tools that i use to build the unicorn factory one of the things that i was really excited about with this particular talk was that i was actually able to showcase some of the works of some of the people that watch my videos or part of my course actually have done and it was just a really good vibe like i saw a whole bunch of people in the chat um getting amongst um and you know getting excited there were heaps of people from the unicorn factory hyping things up which i appreciate very very much and as soon as that talk was done i did a bit of q a which i always love doing um there are a whole bunch of good questions and in case you missed it i will probably put up a recording about it at some point if webflow doesn't share it themselves and also i have a link to a whole bunch of resources that you should check out i'll leave it in the description down below and in the comments and it is basically an overview of where you should get started if you're brand new to building marketplaces i kind of assembled the best of tutorials that you should use or watch in order to get started and i also showcase a whole bunch of examples of marketplaces that you can build so there are a whole bunch of goodies that i'll be adding and so just go and check that out and then after that we jump back into gather town did a little debrief i had a good chat with rama about some of the features it looks like everyone was super hyped and yeah i'm going to be making more videos about some of these new features as they get rolled out i must say absolutely amazing job to anyone who is involved in getting this conference up and running it was the best virtual event that i have ever been a part of like hands down it kind of exceeded my expectations by a lot by a lot a lot and i really am looking forward to the second day which is actually starting now so i'm gonna wrap it up right here so i can go and watch trevor noah's talk and i hope you enjoyed this video and i'd love to hear your feedback about some of the new features in the comments down below other than that thank you so much for sticking around for the entire video and i'll see you back here for the next one
Channel: Connor Finlayson
Views: 3,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webflow, webflow no code conference, webflow logic, webflow university, webflow ecommerce, webflow conference, webflow cms, webflow no code, webflow tutorial
Id: UKzxbO2H5yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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