5 Mysterious Amazon Rainforest Discoveries That Cannot Be Explained

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the dense jungles of our world are perhaps some of the least explored places over the years researchers have made some incredible discoveries however some of these are not entirely understood so today we take a look at five mysterious jungle discoveries [Music] secrets behind the lost city of Giants while venturing deep into the Ecuadorian jungle a group of explorers discovered a lost city these researchers were familiar with the area and heard stories about the city existing they wanted to find it improve one so fraught this site was real extremely motivated they searched and eventually stumbled across the ancient signs one of the first things they noticed was the fats the structures were massive the largest one was 79 meters tall and between 60 and 70 meters wide after conducting further research it was discovered this was in fact a pyramid however they noticed that was a strange looking pyramid the top of the structure featured a polished flat stone legends of the region state that this place was once inhabited by giants the story goes that giants were the only ones that were able to reach this location pointing to the fact it's located in an isolated area another thing the legends point to is the fact that Giants would have been the only ones able to lift the giant blocks of stone it's not known how many blocks of stones were used to bird the pyramid it is said that each block weighs hundreds of kilograms it's not just the structures that Poynter giants being involved archaeologists have allegedly discovered large human bones scattered in the area pointing to the theory that when these giants passed away they would have been placed around the pyramid researchers working the region have also found many tools and artifacts the oversized tools again suggest the haps jaunt humans used these at some point sceptics however believe that this civilization that built this pyramid would have used similar techniques to other civilizations and that no Giants ever lived here with that being said the legend of the Giants in this region still lives on the mystery of the merry Copsey it's been reported in the past and believed by many that there exists a strange undiscovered tribe known as the merry Copsey these are said to live within the dense jungles of the Amazon rainforest the merry coxy are unlike any tribe in that reports claimed them not to be entirely human back in 1914 a man by the name of Percy Fawcett claimed to have came across a strange tribe their extremely hairy lived in villages constructed from primitive materials in their jungles and used bows and arrows to help them fend off invaders they were described as being similar to that of reports of Sasquatch people only speaking and communicating with each other in primitive grunts I am residing north east of a well-known tribe known as the maximu given the fact that many of the uncontacted tribes in the region appear to have origins tens of thousands of years in the past many kind of perhaps these married Copsey are a part of the living tribes of Neanderthals in the modern day others believe there could be a hidden village of Sasquatch people moving whenever they discovered a denser more undiscovered regions of the wound others have said the creatures are shy and tried to be avoided at all costs furthest thing they're able to pick up when a human is nearby and they are incredibly hard to spot and those studying the creatures have said they've learned to avoid humans today not much else is known about these ape-like people and the hidden tribe of in the jungle regions of South America though many are still on the lookout hoping to discover a newly constructed village and provide proof to their existence the mysterious lightens those who have explored certain parts of the rainforests have seen something strange for the last twenty years there have been reports of mysterious lights above the Amazon what strange is that these are only reported during the nighttime not many people venture out into the rainforest which is why not a lot of people have encountered them but those who have have described him as being silent lions he said these lights are similar to glowing UFOs and have been seen scanning the Florida forests one eyewitness said the following about their encounter while exploring the Amazon with my friend we decided to camp happened he knew the area well and made sure we came well-prepared after it got dark we decided to stargaze we found a little opening in the trees and were able to see the incredible sights of the night sky he however this was interrupted when we saw eight bright flashing lines these mysterious lights were giving off a variety of Carlin's one of the things we picked up on was that this object wasn't making any noise after observing them for around ten minutes something really bizarre happened all of the lights then shot off into a different direction we thought it was one object giving off these Lighting's but it turned out to be separate objects we didn't see where the lights went after that and and we pretty much spent the whole night discussing what we'd witnessed we have no idea what it was we saw [Music] mysterious tribes given the dense jungles of the Amazon it's believed there's a number of indigenous populations they have yet to make any form of outside contact with the wound researchers believe there may be more than 100 on contacted tribes within peru alone evidence of these tribes have been gathered via the use of Erfurt inge and claims of reported encounters with native tribes or throughout the region given the fact these tribes tend to reside in the most remote and densest part of the jungles coupled with modern-day efforts to prevent further deforestation and exploration is a different parts of the jungle contact with these tribes are not expected to occur any time soon the origins of many of these tribes have been shrouded in mystery however with a number of strange recorded behaviors that have led many wondering the mental state as to their villages some are reported as being covered from head to toe to red paintin's whereas others claim the tribes have been seen engaging in strange behaviors additionally such reports are not only held to the Amazonian jungle ones as there is many other places in the world that hold a wide number of uncontacted tribes giant snakes we've already talked about Percy force ends but he's someone that's encountered some mysterious things and some of his dreams not only did he encounter a mysterious tribe but he also allegedly came across a massive snake what's interesting those before Percy even visited this region there were rumors of giant snakes natives of the Amazon reported seeing large serpent like creatures that were able to reach massive lengths they were allegedly able to take down villages and the locals said they tried to avoid them at all cars saying if one was spotted close to their village instead of trying to get it out they would just leave the area some have suggested that what these people are seeing is large anacondas saying it's a fully grown anaconda can reach out to 29 feet in length others have said they most likely can grow larger than is however indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin have reported Giants links reaching over 40 feet in length Percy Fawcett detailed his encounter with an enormous name he said the following about the event we were drifting easily along the snow currents when almost underneath above the boats there appeared a triangular head it was a giant anaconda I sprang for my rifle was that creature began to make its way up the bank my guides were scared for their life by manage to persuade them to turn towards the shore these giant creatures are known to tip boats in there from was worried this was going to be a faint we stepped ashore and approached the reptile with caution it was out of action but shivers ran up and down his body like puffs of wind on a mountaintop as far as it was possible to measure a length 445 feet lay out of the water and 17 feet in its making a total length of 62 feet his body was not thick for such a colossal length no more than 12 inches in diameter but it probably been long without food I tried to take a piece of the skin for the creature was still alive Percy managed to escape a reported the encounter Lucas came forward and backed up his claims by saying that other large snakes had been encountered in the area another report said their local tribes women encountered a giant snake while walking in the forest it said that she encountered the snake while it was getting close to dusk it's thought they're most active during these hours as they're looking for food it's reported that she could hear some noises coming from behind her knowing the region well she thought it was just local wildlife and decided to carry on her journey shortly after walking on though she picked up on the fast this creature was following her so she decided to walk back and see what it was it turned out to be a giant snake measuring over 30 feet in length the woman quickly ran back and told her tribe members a search party was put together and they went on such for this name as mentioned normally they would leave but because the snake wasn't fully grown they thought they could handle it however when they went out in search for the snake it couldn't be found it's not known what these tribe members and Percy Forsett encountered some have put forward the idea that these giant snakes to exist in remote parts of the jungles or skipped his plunge the facts the largest snakes ever found do not come near these sized uns suggesting that what they saw were large names but not the sizes they reported these creatures can appear much bigger when they're closed armed however that doesn't explain her see four sets encounter as he measured the snake with that being said to this day giant snakes are still being reported in so my question to you guys is what do you make of these Amazon jungle mysteries let me know your thoughts in the comments [Music]
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 111,409
Rating: 4.8040962 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious, amazon, rainforest, discoveries, that, cannot, be, explained, amazon rainforest, amazon rainforest discoveries, amazon rainforest discovery, amazon rainforest 2019, amazon rainforest discoveries 2019, amazon rainforest discovery 2019, amazon rainforest documentary, amazon discoveries, amazon discoveries 2019, amazon discoveries documentary, amazon discoveries lidar, recent amazing discoveries, latest amazon discoveries, amazing amazon discoveries, jungle discoveries
Id: 6xBp8l1QQzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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