5 Most Powerful Spider-Man Suits In Animation

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spider-man's powers come from a spider by that he received as a teenager and apart from his web-shooters his costume is mainly just material or at least it was originally over the years different versions of the spider su have emerged that not only have different designs but also give Peter Parker new and different abilities in the comics there are literally hundreds of different suits and quite a lot of them bestow very different abilities but this video is going to focus on the five most powerful spider suits that are featured in animation not the comics not live-action or video games just animation we're also not going to be including the animate spider suit from the spider verse film this is simply because it's not so much a Spider Man suit as it is a giant spider robot so it doesn't really fit the theme of this video and with that out of the way let's get started number five the spider armor suit now this suit was originally made in the comics as a bulletproof suit spider-man to fight some bad guys who had a lot of guns and firepower and in Spider Man the animated series we see the costume on a Spider Man from another universe in which spider-man is a beloved hero to the world he is uncle Benny still alive Gwen Stacy is not only alive but the two are married and Peter Park himself is a billionaire who has his own company it's basically Peter Parker's perfect universe it's also kind of like Peter Parker if he was also Iron Man and as such this spider-man has a special tech suit that is a stronger version of the spider-man armor complete with inbuilt lasers now the full power of this suit isn't shown but it is of course bulletproof and no doubt has several other tech powers built into it number four the nanotech spider suit in the short-lived one season cartoons spider-man unlimited spider-man's normal costume it's destroyed so he makes a fancy new one using nanobots that are stolen from Reed Richards lab the nanobots are housed in a watch that Peter Parker wears and when he activates it they come out of the watch and linked together to form the suit over whatever Peter Parker is wearing which is insanely useful when hero needs to quickly change into his costume back into street clothes the suit also houses web-shooters can fire spider tracers along with little spider projectiles and it was built in order to fight symbiotes meaning has a sonic mode so it gives off loud sonic noises of course effect a symbiote and most impressive of all it has an active camo mode that essentially makes spider-man invisible which is of course very useful when you're a superhero as it makes stealth incredibly easy and of course it has a tactile heads-up display that makes a lot easier when locking onto targets especially since it has a night vision mode and the suit is a nano fiber mesh so it also makes it very hard to unmask him as you can't just pull the mask off as it is essentially seamless and the material itself is incredibly strong even able to survive blasts from lasers and though guns aren't used on this show it is very possible that could also stop a bullet number three the strange spider-man suit in the ultimate spider-man series Doctor Strange at one point give spider-man the eye of agamotto which transforms his spider suit into a magical hybrid of his costume that sort of half spider-man and half doctor Strange's this suit gives spider-man the ability to fly and to open portals to other dimensions it also gives him magical purple webs that are reinforced with magical power meaning they can hold magical and demonic creatures now the full extent of this suit isn't shown spider-man does give the iBank to Stephen strange and he doesn't really get it again for the rest of the series but he most likely has other magical powers as well as the eye of agamotto is a very powerful magical relic but since spider-man has no sorcery training he doesn't really know how to use the eye properly or how to use it to its full extent so deciding where exactly the suit would go on this list was quite hard for that reason but since spider-man can fly and open pools to other dimensions with it it really does deserve this spot as it is still a very powerful suit number 2 the agent venom suit now the symbiote suits are extremely powerful as they boost all of spider-man's powers and once they bonded with his DNA they even able to give his powers to others and some suits of note are the spider-carnage suit which not only boost this alternate universe evil spider-man's powers but it also allows him to morph the suit into different weapons and of course into different shapes and in the unlimited spider-man series the carnage and venom suits not only can morph into different shapes and turn into an almost liquid form so they can fit through nearly any gap but they also make the wearer seemingly invincible as bullets and laser blasts do fire right through their body and cause damage but they feel no pain whatsoever and the destroyed part of them is instantly regenerated although of course they are still vulnerable to Sonics but when you pretty much immune to bullets well I think that's a fair trade oh and though these powers are very impressive when it comes to raw power the agent venom suit seems to be the best there's all the standard spider powers able to stick to walls she web super strength but it could also absorb other weapons and incorporate them into itself at one point stealing the rocket blasters offer B your suit and then permanently incorporating them into itself so that he can use these whenever he's also able to take armor and incorporate into himself as well now it doesn't really adapt any other weapons in the show but presumably it could adapt others if Flash Thompson pushed it too and this adaption ability is what really sets it ahead from the others as it can keep making itself more and more powerful that's and the fact that this suit doesn't take over Flash's mind at all or even seemed to influence his force in any way he is completely in control of it something which has never really happened in any other incarnation of the suit either the symbiote just influences their mind and sends a bit crazy or it actually takes over control of their body completely and the only drawback with the aging venom suit is of course its weakness to fire and Sonic's a weakness which is shared by all the other symbiotes but it is still the most powerful symbiote suit that we've seen in animation thus far number one the iron spider I imagine there was little doubt in anyone's mind that this suit would be the winner it is essentially an Iron Man suit after all and it does have some very impressive specs it's bulletproof has lasers and blasters it can fly has additional arms that can be used in battle has a direct link to the internet we have heads up tactical display and night-vision and of course the visor can filter through all of the different spectrums it also has its own web shooters built into the suit and is able to shoe spider tracers and in the ultimate spider-man series Peter Parker actually can't use the suit properly because it's just too advanced for him he has previously tried but he just can't seem to figure out how to control it now to be fair this is mainly played off as a joke and he hasn't really tried to master it but he undoubtedly could if he actually applied himself but until then Amadeus Cho is the Iron Man spider suit wearer he is a super genius but he doesn't actually have any spider powers he doesn't really have any powers at all except for being a super genius but the suit also compensates for this and can approximate spider-man's powers meaning the suit makes him super strong and lets him stick to walls for the most part and this suit is so powerful that it was even the one chosen to be adapted for the infinity war and endgame Avengers films because this is just the coolest spider suit there is and the great beauty of this suit is that it gives the wearer both the powers of spider-man and the abilities of Iron Man two of the most famous heroes of all time who each have very impressive abilities in their own right but combined this makes for a very very powerful weapon though it makes the wearer insanely dangerous and that is the five most powerful spider suits that are featured in animation so far now I feel I should mention the 2099 spider suit as well I haven't actually included it in the list because really it's only great ability is that it's made of a futuristic material that makes it super strong and quite possibly stronger than any of these other suits but other than that it doesn't seem to grant any other abilities or at least none that have been shown in animation to date though since the spider verse film had a 2099 teaser at the end I imagine that will change when the sequels come out but what do you think do you agree with this list or are there any other suits animation that you think should have been included feel free let us know in the comments and I say a quick thank you to those who made this video possible by donating to the needle mass productions page on patreon and I just want to give a quick shout out to our newest patreon malachi williams and as always thanks for watching and feel free to subscribe share like and comment you
Channel: NeedleMouse Productions
Views: 269,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, aunt, may, mary, jane, gwen, stacy, miles, morales, harry, osborn, vulture, doctor, octopus, peter, parker, nick, fury, captain, america, norman, sinister, six, mysterio, homecoming, green, goblin, hobgoblin, venom, kingpin, carnage, rhino, kraven, the, hunter, ultimate, luke, cage, avengers, scarlet, spider, uncle, ben, shattered, dimensions, madame, web, mister, negative, scorpion, electro, sandman, hydro, man, eddie, brock, daily, bugle, j., jonah, jameson, tom, holland, spiderverse, spiderham, gwenpool, noir, shocker, cameleon
Id: EOBJkpllwYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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