5 Miso Soup Recipes Anyone Can Make

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how everybody welcome back to tabiets recipe I'm sorry today I'm gonna making a very basic five different types of a Vsauce soup we got too many requests to make variety of a miso soup in Japan there are so many so many kinds of Mississippi but today's resource about very simple I use two ingredients each of course water missile and dashi is a basically ingredient and I gonna use two ingredients more very simple easy to make so let's get started the first ingredients is carrot and daikon radish here is a character today I'm gonna making so two or three persons a miso soup each if you don't need so much ingredients there is a 1 1 carrot but it's too much about about 5 centimeter but 2 inches and cut into like this ship is like my gingko tree so it is called gingko cut Choji okay and this is daikon radish about about same inches 4 to 5 centimeter and peel the skin I didn't peel the carrot to skin we like to use the carrot to skin but the icon daikon skin is a little bit hard for me so super so I don't use this one but don't waste this tycoon radishes skin I can make a pickles or the staff writer things with this it's so tasty and easy then cut into four years and then continue to party both ingredients pour two cups of water and and instant adazi powder the amount of instance - powder it really depends in the productive today I'm using one teaspoon instant coffee powder but it depends on the product so please read carefully the backside job you are instant the spotter then turn on the heat the carrot and the daikon radish it needs a little bit of time becomes to become soft it so I I put into the water from the water wait until the ingredients become softer okay ingredients become soft then turn once turn of the heat and desirable missile today I'm gonna use 2 tbsp of a missile so 1 cup water 1 tablespoon of miso and miserable disorder in this red or miso is a little bit difficult to this wobble if you put in the in the pot as ideated as a solid it is difficult to dissolve it so so before I put in the pot dissolve oh well like this doing like this I will show you easier way later and over one more please adjust your a missile quantity after your preference so how the taste I take some oh it's good it's good okay once if you put missile please do not boil turn on the heat but stop beef just before boiling okay it's time to stop the heat then pour into your favorite super border we call it one okay the first missile suit is ready carrot and daikon radish with daikon and carrot flavor and the next miso soup is made with onion and apodaca a bragger is a deep-fried tofu party it's pretty simple I'm using Kota or onion if you are using small onion please use half or one onion it's really up to you and it's nice like this this is toga party we call this a target before using this apply again we get with excess oil out how to do it yes pour hot water or boil once but it takes a time today I'm gonna do easiest way put on the paper towel and hold it like this and press press press this is the easiest way waiting once is better you can you can remove the excess oil very very well but this is an easy way okay look this is the excess oil then cut into half slice part comedy metal is 150mg about 150 kimchi okay put onion inside the pot and two cups of water and instant adazi powder one teaspoon of instant - powder then turn on heat and please wait under it boil okay boy English if you like the soft onion please cook along that time I like the texture of onion - Akito crispy nested I don't cook it so long time then add a banana here hmm mmm smells nice I love onion and a toga party smell and Oni on become very sweet I love that the sweetness of the onion and the mists of pepper much nice you take one it's good it's good my favourite texture so damn tan with a heated and he's already nice all but this time I'm gonna use this tool you can buy at 100 yen shop this is called of me so cozy so miso dissolve ah it's pretty easy it's very helpful to dissolve missile look put the missile into this missile cozy and do like this yeah me so go out fruit through this calendar so it's quick and dissolve perfectly I'm gonna put 2 tablespoon of miso today so easy very easy simple - useful then turn on the heat again and cook just a bit what waiting okay it's time to turn off so let's pour so next to mrs. soup is with cabbage and shimeji mushroom yes I love a busy so how many cabbage should I use I think two thieves is in our food like this like to leave it to leaves then faster remember this part of course you can eat this quarter but it it is hard and takes a long time to cook so I always give this part to Justin you never can be easy good boy good boy good boy then cut into smaller size it's very up to you it's no fuss no muss I think one ug one square inch it about 3 centimeter square and shimeji mushroom I'm using the half hockey puck or symmetry machine the move is to spend part faster DD's Ichi like this like this then put the leaves shimeji mushroom into pot pour 2 cups of water 1 teaspoon of instant - powder close the lid and turn on the heat and wait until it become voiding so talking about the missile at the supermarket you will find valentino missile red the white so which one shall I buy my recommendation yes choose mixed one ok Allah say me so it's easy to use it has a good point of Renta missile and why to me so it's just a way ok it's boiling this - it has a very nice aroma today I'm using this one this one I've got no MSG no salted a very basic instant - powder mmm I love this then put cabbage into this pot and boil once okay boiling so please simmer until the cabbage becomes softened hmm it doesn't take so long time cabbage cabbage is easy to cook take one still crispy but I like this one minute more okay I think it's ready then turn the heat desirable missile using with this missile cauchy if you like miso soup I recommended this too it's pretty easy to dissolve this missile of course you can dissolve your missile in another four order take some soup Romita from this pot and put into another poor and the desorber missile it's okay it's another easy way this tool is really good i bought this two nine nine hundred yeah the price was 900 DM and I saw you come by 100 yen in Japan then turn on the heat again cook just before boiling why I say just before boiling because missile doesn't taste good after boiling so please stop the heat just before boiling okay turn another cheek and pour into your favorite the board and my third miso soup is ready hmm cabbage and miso flavor massive really nice and I can enjoy the taste of boob mushroom she made a mushroom mushroom she made a mushroom has good taste let's go on to the next so next one is using this child we call this Mira and a good I'm gonna cut this child close to the boot part I'm gonna use for another purpose I will keep for another purpose I will chop into small and mix with something like Gouda today I'm using this leaf but cutting you to like one and a half inches or one inch II like one inch over one inch and half sizes about a three centimeter crack one egg into a bowl and mix it that's it then pour two cups of water then one teaspoon of instant coffee powder and turn on the heat and boil it instance - powder is very useful it's easy to dissolve it and from the water from the hot water it's easy okay it's boiling turn over the heat to this point so far I put I put ingredients first but this time I will put miso faster why the chives Neera is very easy to cook so I will put me so fast and later I will put chip chives okay these are able me so well why me so it's so comfortable it's our soul food Mississippi's our soul food sometimes we use soy sauce instead of a missile the soy sauce soup is also good in this leader and everyone I usually cook with soy sauce it's also really good today I'm cooking with me so it both are good turn on the heat again and put these chives just before boiling okay then pull out this egg egg evenly and okay turn with a heat it's ready nice so types and egg Mississippi Hagar it make them taste my doo-doo hmm and it matches this chives so well and if you worry about the egg good please cook don't know time I didn't cook so a long time after I die poor egg Japanese Eiko is raw it of all so there's no problem but if you are worried about that the egg please cook until fully cook so the last time mr. soup is menu is oxide Chinese cabbage and enoki mushroom so I have three leaves over hak Tsai Chinese cabbage aging separated into two parts one is this leaf part it's simple and this part is thicker so it takes a little bit longer time to cook so I will make every cut like this like this one you take a stick it's easy to cook and it's a neat party just to touch like cabbage if you don't have to care so much about this suck we call it Jackie Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck it's a son when I cut that leaves okay I will prepare a new key machine so cut this party the blue teapot grandpa this is not a double cut remove this part this part is edible please saute stop with butter so the enoki mushrooms cut into half and this part is attached that's so take apart take apart I'm not tied up in kind of mushroom shiitake eating ye CEng it okey of course I'll have amassed okay but it's impossible to eat it's too expensive pour two cups of water and put enoki mushroom here instant dashi powder one teaspoon instant acid powder and turn on the heat it masculine is easy to cook it doesn't take a long time to cook but I put enoki mushroom and shimeji mushroom into water why because the master Lu mommy comes between the temperature is 60 degrees 270 degrees Celsius it's in 140 degrees to 160 degrees Fahrenheit so I cook from the water and between that renji the mummy comes out to the soup so I'm cooking from the water of course you can put this mushroom after the water has boiled both are okay but I recommend to cook from the water if you have the texture of a mushroom you don't you don't want to cook a long time so please please put after it boiled it okay it's boiling so I will add the Chinese cabbage the thick part the thick part faster it takes it takes longer time than that even part it so I will put this part for a step and cook until the thick part become softer okay the thick part is becoming soft so I add the leaf part the softer part into this pot and boil it okay it's cooked so tan hudecki and these are good me so the color is beautiful I'm using the each part of Xie Chinese cabbage which has a baby to cream it's beautiful the inside part is yellow but inside a part of Chinese cabbage sweet arrested I dissolve completely taste it taste it all that's good and then turn on the heat again and cook just before boiling okay ton of the heat last miso soup is ready I love enoki mushroom of course I love shimeji any any kind of mustard reliable not fray about Chinese cabbage and what you must do the texture hmm and this texture it hasn't each other you do it what's it it has a funny answer and it's very thin it's thicker Somen noodles and the great option for miso soup is adding three Anyang little bit a little bit green onion on top it has nice aroma yeah it goes to another dimension or will be Mississippi if you have green onion at home please add to your Mississippi it's so good so hope you enjoyed today's in my miso soup recipes so if you did please give us a thumbs up and if you want to watch another missile slip or another social soup Japanese soup please let us know in the comment below and if you are new to this channel please subscribe thank you for watching see your next delicious recipe video bye
Channel: TabiEats Recipes
Views: 444,737
Rating: 4.9370666 out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, recipe, cooking, food, miso soup, japanese food, easy recipe, miso, how to make
Id: dglRsYAVlGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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