5 Minutes EASY Egg Fried Rice

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Hi guys, I'm Seonkyoung Longest Welcome to Asian at Home!  Today, I'm going to show you  how to make egg fried rice  and this is the most easy and simple fried rice, you, I bet, I bet!  you have this ingredients in your refrigerator  and pantry so no excuse of 'My Asian grocery   store is too far from my house' kind of thing, ok? So let's get started So, first thing is first,   I'm going to go ahead and crack 4 eggs This is 4 portions of fried rice that's why   I'm using 4 eggs, but if you like extra egg in  your egg fried rice you can add little more, ok? Season the eggs with a pinch of salt And then... This is a thing You have to wisk   the eggs with chopsticks when  you're making egg fried rice It definitely changes the flavor 😉 Ok, it's looking good, I'm  going to set aside right here Let's chop 4 green onions Where's my knife???  Here we go! Green onion will   give a really nice flavor and also give a  beautiful color to the fried rice, I love  You can cut them like a little slightly diagnal  angle, so it will look beautiful in fried rice  The preps are done! The eggs are  beaten, the green onins are chopped  The main ingredient, the rice They need to be cold rice,   so if you already have a take out rice from  your Chinese restaurant or something like that,   it will be great or cold rice already sitting  in your refrigerator it's going to work  I cooked this yesterday... I lied, I cooked this morning...  Actually I lied again I didn't cook it, Jacob did it, LOL! So my rice is here and all we have to do is   heat up a wok over high heat and start cooking Add 1 tablespoon of oil, I'm using avocado  You can use peanut oil, vegetable oil,  canola oil or... sunflower oil, grapeseed oil  We're going to add a little more  oil later after we add the rice  Pour the egg, we are going  to scramble the eggs first When the eggs are 3/4 way cooked,  this is the time we're going to add   2 more tablespoons of cooking oil Generous amount and then add the rice And now this is the time for your decision You can season this with only salt or only   soy sauce or mixture which is what I'm going to  do or season with ketchup, that's my assistant,   Hanyeol likes to do - my nephew Or you can season with sriracha, if you like   spicy so be creative with this egg fried rice, Ok? Now, I'm going to add a little pinch of salt,   2 tablespoons of soy sauce Make sure when you're adding the sauce, go around   the wok so the soy sauce will "CHEEEEEEEEEE" A little burn, and that's where   the flavor is coming from The fiery, delicious "Wok" flavor  Add some black pepper if you like to, but I'm  going to skip it because I want it to be as   simple, eggy fried rice as it can be This is pretty much it, guys  Turn off the heat, add the green onion BAM  BAM And toss toss And we are done! You tell me, you don't have   these ingredients in your house Um, um, um Yes, you can definitely make  this with cauliflower rice  Alright guys Lol, ok, let's plate it Good? Ohhhhhhhhh, SHOOT! They watched way too many Kevin Hart series Ok, Hanyeol, you can have rest of all of that Why his bowl is so much bigger than mine??  Because he is hungry, lol And he's been waiting for  this moment for a long time OH MY GOSH!!!! YESSSSSSSS  Ok, I think this should be enough and we got our chili sauce out Click right here for the recipe for  my chili oil, the best chili oil EVER!  I'm going to eat with our  vegetarian stir-fried greens  You can eat it by itself, it's so delicious! So this egg fried rice recipe is meant to be a  side dish with your other main dishes, ok? So   the soy sauce and the salt amount is probably very  plain and bland to most of your taste if you're   eating it by itself but if you are pairng with  any other stuff, it's just a perfect main meal  Alrighty Is it good? The chili sauce is spicy! Bomb-diggity chili oil, so spicy! Isn't it too spicy? This fried rice, is so simple and so delicious  and you can make it anything you want  Even I can make this Um hm, yeah, actually that says a lot  If Hanyeol can make it that's fool proof Not that you're a fool  He doesn't cook that often in  the kitchen so, if he can do it,   you can do it too SO GOOD! With chili oil, it's so smokey! I know! If you liked my easy simple egg fried rice  recipe please give this video a thumbs up   and subscribe my channel for more  inspirations and ideas of Asian home cooking  I did it this time! I made it happen! Remember, you can always cook Asian   food at your house making it easy and fun I'm Seonkyoung Longest and this is Asian at Home  If you make my recipe, go ahead and take picture  or video tag me @SeonkyoungLongest on Instagram,   Instagram story, so I can re-share, like  your post and comment, ok? I love you guys!  I will see you next time~! BYE~!!
Channel: Seonkyoung Longest
Views: 11,809,256
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Keywords: Seonkyoung, Seonkyoung longest, Seonkyoung longest recipe, Asian at home, asian at home recipe, Easy egg fried rice, egg fried rice, how to make egg fried rice, Chinese egg fried rice, Chinese egg fried rice recipe, egg fried rice recipe Chinese style, egg fried rice restaurant style, egg fried rice ingredients, Chinese food, easy fried rice, how to make fried rice, easy fried recipe, Chinese fried rice, fried rice ingredients, simple fried rice, fried rice, quick fried rice
Id: qH__o17xHls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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