5 Maritime Disasters (That Aren't the Titanitc)

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Maritime disasters are synonymous with a single ship the Titanic this ill-fated vessel famously sank on its maiden voyage on the 15th of April 1912 claiming an estimated 1496 souls in the icy clutches of the North Atlantic however the tale of the Titanic is only one entry in a long somber Chronicle of Maritime catastrophes and there are many other tragedies that also deserve to be etched into the pages of History each disaster is a unique story of human endeavor and spirit when a vessel embarked on a journey filled with hopeful and optimistic passengers only to me to Grim an unfortunate end that extinguished all of that positivity these events just a significant and devastating are no less deserving of commemoration than the sinking of the Titanic irrespective of how they might have been overlooked by the popular narrative foreign [Music] on a calm day in April 1963 the shipbuilders of onomichi zojin in Hiroshima Japan launched a passenger Ferry named the Hima Yuri Maru designed to accommodate 608 passengers it started out its life as a sturdy and reliable vessel ferrying passengers to Japan to many islands however under the ownership of Seoul picio lines in October of 1975 its Destiny changed the himayuri Maru renamed the Don solpisio found a new home in the Philippines and a new route from Manila to Cebu it was again renamed in 1979 to the Donya Paz after a small fire forced a refurbishment it then continued serving the Manila Tacloban route until meeting its Grim fate just under a decade later that happened on the 20th of December 1987 a day that would go down in infamy as the day that the most single deadly Maritime disaster during peacetime occurred this video is sponsored by policy genius your 1 Stop Shop finding and buying the life insurance that you need at the right price but before we dive in let's talk about why life insurance is so important if you've got a family you know how much your loved ones depend on you in a worst case scenario you wouldn't 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tanker Mt Vector which had been put out to sea in a frankly shambolic State lacking a lookout a qualified master and valid license it was completely unseaworthy the Collision ignited the tanker's volatile cargo and an inferno began raging on the vector in Inferno that soon spread to the Donya pass it happened very quickly too survivors recall an explosive crash followed by a blaze that engulfed the stricken Fairy before they even had time to process the initial impact in the chaos that ensued there was no leadership from the crew who were just as panicked as the passengers and completely lost control of the situation the passengers left to their own devices found themselves with a horrific Choice jump into the Icey water to avoid the ever thickening Flames or remain on board in the vein hope that the Ferry's life vests which had been locked away in the belly of the ship and thus were completely inaccessible would emerge the consequence was a tragedy of almost Indescribable proportion of the estimated 4 386 people on board the Donya Paz only 26 survived for an estimated death toll of 4 360. and because of all the undocumented overcrowding that we mentioned earlier tragically this number is only ever going to be an estimate the incident sparked a period of introspection and blame shifting initial investigations found negligence on the part of the doniphow's crew with the being discovered that only one Apprentice was monitoring the ship's bridge at the time of the incident in addition to the extreme overcrowding that we discussed earlier neither the Donya passes nor the vector's operators wanted to accept any blame initially but ultimately it was the vector which was deemed responsible for the accident by the Philippines Coast Guard Marine Board of inquiry on account of the shambolic state of the ship so PCI lines legal exoneration did little to quell The public's anger hour the people of the Philippines were furious at what they saw as gross negligence on their part and demanded compensation for all the passengers on board both documented and undocumented a demand which the company eventually acquiesced to as the public backlash grew ever stronger foreign deepen the frosty cradle of the Baltic Sea lay the remains of the MV Wilhelm Gustav once the pride of Nazi Germany it's now little but an iron-clad Relic and a grave for nearly 10 000 people after it sank in history's worst ever Maritime disaster The Vessel entered service in 1937 not as a harbinger of Doom but as a testament to the Grand But ultimately doomed visions of the Third Reich built by the esteemed blomovas shipyards it was originally designed to Bear the name Adolf Hitler but it was instead named The Wilhelm gustloff the murdered leader of the Swiss Nazi party it was the pride of the Nazi's strength through Joy organization that funded its construction a cruise ship that was to act as a vast sailing billboard for the supposed glories of the deranged ideology that had carried the flag of throughout his initial voyages The Wilhelm gusloth wore many hats at rescue ship a polling station for German and Austrian expatriates living in England and a transport vessel for the Condor Legion returning from the Spanish Civil War however its function became explicitly material when World War II broke out being requisition by the kriegs marina the German Navy in 1939. after a spell as a hospital ship it served as a floating barracks in godhof and before eventually being drafted for operation Hannibal a massive evacuation Mission during 1945 and it was on this mission that it would meet its end the Gustav now a Lifeline to thousands was absolutely crammed with civilians and soldiers alike when its bar silhouette was spotted in the Periscope of Captain Alexander marinesko commander of the Soviet submarine s13 he immediately ordered his submarine to intercept on the port side facing no resistance from the frozen solid defenses of the press gang cruise ship and it fired a barrage of three Torpedoes the catastrophic aftermath was Swift the engine room was obliterated power and Communications failed and panic ensued as the goslav rapidly began taking on water the icy chill of the Baltic with temperatures as low as minus 18 Celsius offered the fleeing passengers no sympathy as they began evacuating the ship a few managed to make it to lifeboats some took their chances and jumped straight into the sea but but many more were trapped deep within the overcrowded ship and had no chance of Escape tragically for the majority on board one way or another they shared the same fate Vanishing beneath the icy waves of the Baltic Sea less than 40 minutes after the devastating attack the once magnificent philharm guslaw was reduced to a sunken Hulk its bow pointing heavenward in a last Act of defiance as it fell beneath the waves German forces saved a mere fraction of its passengers rescuing 1252 Souls most of whom had been among the lucky few to make it to lifeboats the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustav is a Macabre master in a maritime history the estimated loss of life is staggering at 9 400 the most ever recorded in a single sinking as it stands the gustloth now a watery grave classified as obstacle number 73 on polish navigation charts silently rests 35 kilometers off the coast of liver shouted in the baltics chilling bricks despite attracting numerous treasure Hunters the Polish Maritime office in ignia has forbidden any incursions within a 500 meter radius of the wreck ensuring that the Gustav tomb remains largely undisturbed in February 1914 workers at Harland will Shipyard in Belfast were busy putting the final touches on what was to become our one of the largest ships of her time the HMHS Britannic sister ship of the infamous Titanic designed to accommodate 3309 passengers the ship sailed with the promise of unmatched Grandeur and reliability under the flag of the White Star Line however the outbreak of World War One dramatically altered the britannic's plate the ship was requisitioned by the British government and transformed into a hospital ship its luxurious Interiors replaced with hundreds of hospital beds he met his end on the 21st of November 1916 and was the largest ship sunk in the first world war sailing from Southampton England the Britannic was lost on route to collect wounded soldiers from the island of lemnos in Greece with a total of 1065 people on board a mix of crew members and medical personnel the ship navigated the gear channel in the Aegean Sea with the crew ever aware that the world was at War and the Seas were far from safe on this ill-fated morning those thoughts proved macarbly prophetic is a violent explosion shook the Britannic in the early hours ship had struck underwater mine laid by the German submarine u-73 the explosion tore open the starboard side flooding six of the ship's watertight compartments even with very decent safety features for its time the Britannic was critically wounded and was going down the ship's Captain Charles Bartlett attempted to beach the ship on the nearby Island Ikea but the incoming water and the ships rapidly increasing list made the surfer futile in less than an hour the Britannic succumbed to its wound and descended beneath the Aegean Sea the ship onto Beacon of Hope for wounded soldiers had become another casualty of the war as the ship founded there was a desperate Scramble for survival tragically 30 lives were lost the majority of these losses being attributed to the premature launch of two lifeboats which were sucked into the Britannic still turning propellers yet in contrast to her ill-fated sister the Titanic the loss of life was remarkably low a quick and effective evacuation effort I mean ensured the survival of 1035 people today the Britannic lies at a depth of 400 feet in the Aegean Sea serving as a haunting relic of the war and a reminder of The Perils of Maritime travel a Memorial was erected and the British Nurses Association headquarters in London paying tribute to the Valiant nurses sailors and soldiers who lost their lives in the tragedy on a crisp January morning in 1906 the shipwrites of the Fairfield chip building an engineering company in Glasgow Scotland proudly launched the RMS Empress of Ireland constructed to carry 1580 passengers it was a symbol of optimism offering a new world of Speedy and luxurious possibilities to those who journeyed across the Atlantic operating under the flag of the Canadian Pacific steamship company it plied the route from Quebec City to Liverpool however an elevated night on the 29th of May 1914 forever tore away her reputation for Speed and dependability and replaced it with one for horror and tragic loss of life Laden with 1477 Souls began to navigate through the Saint Lawrence river which had been encased by a thick and deep fog all appeared well and the mood was jovial and Khan but unbeknownst those on board an impending disaster was steaming towards them through the fog that disaster was the Norwegian Collier SS store starred which appeared out of the fog with all the speed of a phantom and struck the Empress of Ireland the stall stat with its icebreaking reinforced bow inflicted a mortal wound on the empress's starboard side tearing It Wide Open this brutal Collision coupled with the open watertight doors of the empress sealed the fate of the once magnificent ship within a heart-wrenching five to six minutes post Collision the ones vibrant lights and steadfast power of the empress abruptly died plunging the ship into an eerie and paralyzing darkness and as water continued to Pile in the ship took a violent Lurch onto a starboard side around 10 or 11 minutes after the Fateful impact this unsettling shift provided a chance of Escape for as many as 700 passengers and crew who in a desperate struggle for survival crawled out from the claustrophobic confines of the portals and onto the ship's port side this provided some fleeting respite as now many were free of the risk of being dragged down with the ship but those fortunate for you still had to contend with the inevitability of diving into icy water a prospect made all the more foreboding by the fact that many of them had fled the Ship Without a life vest the prospect became reality a few minutes later as the empress took its last gasp husband descended beneath the waves just 14 minutes after the initial impact the aftermath of the disaster was a scene of Despair and disbelief a mixture of fog and darkness coupled with the speed at which the ship went down prevented an effective rescue effort and the Frantic cries of many initial survivors echoed hauntingly through the still night as their chorused cries got quieter and quieter as the shock slowly lifted and the scale of the catastrophe began to sink in the world stood in stunned silence only 465 of the 1477 on board survived marking the sinking as one of the deadliest peacetime Maritime tragedies into this day [Music] on a bright September Day in 1980 the shipbuilders of mayo left in papenburg Germany launched a passenger Ferry christened as Ms Viking Sally designed to accommodate 2 000 passengers and 460 cars it reliably served the route between turku maranham and Stockholm the Viking line for many years until it came under the ownership of s line in 1993. following this Ms Viking Sally renamed the MS Estonia found itself connecting Talon Estonia to Stockholm Sweden the ferry lived a largely uneventful life on this route but while that all changed on the 28th of September 1994 when the ship would sink in one of the worst Maritime disasters in modern European history on board were 989 people 803 passengers and 186 crew outside a severe storm was battering up against the ship with waves reaching a daunting height of up to 20 feet at times these conditions were harsh but nothing that the Estonia wasn't used to the weather Baltic Sea was hardly a mystery after all and the Estonia had been built with exactly these poor and ultimately routine conditions in mind but on that fateful night it went terribly wrong as the ship pounded its way through the storm those on board who were still awake had great cracking sounds emanate from the front of the vessel to the untrained ears these cracks would have sounded like just another great wave impacting the ship but those astute few who knew better the cracks had an ominous metallic sound to them the cause the locks that secured the ship's bowel visor a structure that opened to allow vehicles on and off or giving way one by one when the final one broke the Estonia was confronted with a disaster of colossal proportions the visor was pulled cleanly away from the ship leaving an enormous hole through its icy cold water started pouring in the car deck quickly flooded and the ship began listing severely the passengers were thrown into absolute disarray the list making the ship all but impossible to Traverse as up became right and right became down the ship was rapidly transforming into a death trap this disastrous situation was not meant to happen the ship's designers specifically noting the bow visor as a point of potential weakness had designed the vehicle ramp to act as a secondary barrier against water Ingress one that would hold out against all but the tallest of waves and allow the ship to either make it safely to port or stay afloat long enough for a full evacuation but for some reason this didn't work reports are mixed on whether or not the ramp was up at the time of the sinking and simply didn't work as planned or was lowered at the time of the sinking so thus never had the chance of doing its job either way this secondary defense failed and thus sealed the estonia's Fate due to this enormous hole it didn't even take an hour for the Estonia to disappear beneath the waves the 989 people on board only 137 Survived The Sinking bringing the final death toll to 852. in memory of the Lost lives a memorial was erected at the site of the disaster on the island of hiramar in Estonia every year on the anniversary of the disaster a ceremony hell to remember the victims [Music]
Channel: Sideprojects
Views: 245,021
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Keywords: megaprojects, construction, engineering, projects, sideprojects, lifeboat regulations after titanic, facts about titanic, merchant shipping act of 1894, largest ship, titanic, lifeboat regulations, titanic 1997, titanic truth, titanic story, titanic wreck, titanic theory, titanic iceberg, titanic secrets, titanic exhibit, titanic mystery, titanic sinking, titanic theories, titanic survivors, titanic explosion, ship crashing, how many lifeboats, icebergs
Id: L4eQDnxrEs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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