5 Major Problems With The Big Bang Theory | Answers With Joe

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the Christian Bible states that in the beginning there was only God and then God said let there be light and bang there it was everything from nothing so should it be any surprise that the first person to propose the Big Bang Theory was actually a Catholic priest jo-jo mantra was a Belgian priest who was a professor of astrophysics at the University of Leuven and in 1927 he published a paper where he theorized that the universe expanded from what he called the primeval atom or the cosmic egg many of his theories are attributed to Edwin Hubble because Pablo published a paper two years later that mathematically proved a lot of the concepts that Lamar had published in his paper so he wound up getting all the credit because maths are hard y'all today the Big Bang Theory is the undisputed king of theories regarding the origin of the universe there's just no other theory out there that explains so much of what we see in the cosmos and it's a top-rated TV show that is uh supposedly funny at least that's what the laugh track keeps telling me and even though it's so widely accepted by the scientific community there's still a lot of mysteries around the Big Bang that we haven't been able to solve which has led a lot of people to consider that maybe there's another solution out there austan Marie asked can you do a video on the issues surrounding the Big Bang Theory and if it were proven untrue what alternative theories could take its place okay before we get into the problems with a Big Bang Theory let's do a little Big Bang Theory 101 the theory was popularized by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s as a way to explain the expansion of the universe saying that if he ran time backwards it would eventually collapse into a single point and judging by the size of the observable universe and the speed at which its expanding that comes out to about 13.7 billion years now scientists don't know exactly what happened at the very instant at the beginning of the Big Bang or what came before it but they do understand what happened down to 10 to the negative 43 seconds that's this long this is also the amount of time I've actually spent laughing at the TV show The Big Bang Theory at that point everything in the universe is compressed down into an infinitely small space it's infinitely hot and infinitely dense all the forces of the universe and time itself completely break in the first second after the Big Bang the universe went through five distinct epochs and expanded from the size of an atom to a hundred thousand light-years in that time the four forces of the universe untangled themselves which leads to the creation of exotic matters particles like W and Z bosons which lead to quarks and then protons and neutrons in the first atoms all in the first second this mind-boggling expansion created the cosmic microwave background radiation or the CMB which can be seen today it's a uniform glow that emanates from every single corner of the universe and in fact if you turn your TV to static one percent of the static on there is the CMB you're looking at the Big Bang the Big Bang Theory is an elegant solution that perfectly explains the expansion of the universe and the creation of all the forces in the atoms that govern the universe but much like the TV show named after it the Big Bang Theory works until it doesn't there are a few fundamental issues of the Big Bang Theory that have yet to be resolved here's five of them issue number one what the hell this is the obvious question so there was nothing and then there was everything so where did it all come from why did it expand in the first place science still has no idea issue number two missing magnetic monopoles in the first epic of the Big Bang known as the grand unification epic all the forces of the universe were combined into one unified force at like trillions of degrees when our supercomputers simulate these conditions they predict the creation of a particle called magnetic monopoles their massive particles that really should be found all throughout the universe but we've never found one if our understanding of the beginning of the universe is correct then these things should be everywhere and they're not so that's a pretty big mystery issue number three the flatness problem space-time in our current universe is extremely flat it just has a very slight curve to it but in the universe it expanded from a single point this is theoretically impossible the universe would have to be either completely flat or massively curved because any deviation in curvature in the initial conditions as the universe expanded would cause it to expand in its curvature as well but it apparently didn't for example if you point lasers in the same direction with just a half a degree difference in angle after five feet you probably wouldn't notice the difference at all but after say five light years they'd be millions of miles apart it's that difference in initial conditions that can make a big difference down the road and somehow in 13.7 billion years of expansion our universe didn't do that issue number four the horizon problem the temperature of the CMB the leftover radiation from the Big Bang is almost perfectly the same no matter what direction you're looking at it so the CMB temperature here is the same as here even though they're nearly 30 billion light years away for something to be that uniform and smooth would require it to be able to communicate with each other for example if you place a hot cup of coffee on a table the heat of the coffee would warm the table and vice versa until both of the same temperature that's communication but different sides of the universe are too far away for light from one side to have ever reached the other side so energy has no way to transfer between the two which makes communication between the two impossible one side of the universe is like talk to the hand problem number five the clumpiness issue as I just said the CMB is extremely smooth and even but the rest of the universe is fairly clumpy at the greatest scale our universe is made up of clumps and filaments of galaxies clusters leaving giant voids of nothingness like it's a giant sponge whereas many have pointed out very similar to the cellular structure of the brain in order to explain how such a uniform expansion could create the clumpy brainy universe we see today scientist have had to turn to our old friend dark matter only dark matter can really explain why the universe clumped together the way it did but of course we still have no proof of dark matter so that's kind of a problem now big bang proponents ie the vast majority of scientists believe that these questions will be resolved with enough study over time and you know what I believe them but there is another theory that's gained a little bit of steam over the last couple of decades that aims to solve some of these problems it's called exper otic theory first introduced in 2001 by paul steinhardt Neil Turok the sporadic theory is an attempt to merge relativity which explains the nature of the universe today with string theory which better explains the universe the beginning string theory is a mathematical model of the universe in which there are 11 dimensions the four that we experience in our daily lives in seven higher dimensions that are curled up into tiny strains that shape reality at the smallest level and these strings are part of larger structures called membranes or brains for short that exist in 4d space the ik parodic theory states that there are several brains out there in these higher dimensions and from time to time these brains can smash into each other and when they do they create a gigantic burst of energy very similar to the Big Bang it's a cyclic theory that states that instead of the universe just coming out of nowhere and then fading into oblivion it's something that happens over and over again and trillion year cycles as these brains are attracted and repelled from each other and the really interesting thing is they can actually test for this many believed that there should be a gravitational wave out there in the universe that was caused by the Big Bang and they even think they know the properties of what this gravitational wave would look like of course we just recently figured out how to find gravitational waves from neutron stars colliding with each other but the scientists at these gravitational wave Observatory BIGBANG in their sights proponents of the egg quranic theory have a mathematical model of what the gravitational wave would look like if it was caused by two brains colliding so when we find this massive wave from the beginning of the universe we'll be able to test and see which one of these theories wins out it's pretty exciting then the only mystery left will be why that TV show so popular really think that sure so there was another thing that I ran across in my research for this that I found really interesting but it didn't really fit in the video anywhere so I think I'm just going to leave it here for you there's a great article that found only get down below it's about this German physicist who is very highly respected for his work on solar wind who has an interesting theory regarding the cmd' he says that it doesn't think it comes from the Big Bang at all that it's actually the product of a sort of vacuum plasma that fills the vacuum of space it's a plasma that's formed by the constant flow of high-energy particles popping in and out of existence in quantum states he thinks that this plasma could interact with photons from all the stars in the universe that would cause it to look as if there's a CMV way out at the edge of the universe but it's actually emanating from space itself really interesting idea and there's a lot more in the article so I'm linking down below definitely go check it out so one last really quick thing a lot of this honestly is way over my head so I gave a very high-level view of all this and there's a lot of stuff that I probably could do an entire video on itself but for the sake of just cramming it into one video and just gave you a very rudimentary version of it so if any of you out there actually study this and I got something wrong please let me know in the comments I might do a video later that you know correct some of these things because seriously a lot of this is just really dense complex stuff and for the sake of time I didn't get into the criticisms and the rebuttals with some of these ideas and some of these problems there are a lot of those in the links below definitely another reason to read all those articles I put a lot of them down there so you guys can do some more research on your own but um you know the people who study this say that the Big Bang is the answer and I am inclined to believe them but you don't hear a whole lot about the problems with the Big Bang so I want to do a video about that because I found it really interesting really fascinating stuff thanks for watching share and comment support on patreon see you next week love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 693,311
Rating: 4.6073303 out of 5
Keywords: The Big Bang Theory, Edwin Hubble, Ekpyrotic Theory, Neil Turok, Paul Steinhardt, Georges Lemaitre, universal inflation, branes, string theory, magnetic monopoles, bosons, quarks, protons, science mysteries, Science
Id: dbm3M9Bz4RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2016
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