A Scientific Explanation For God? | Answers With Joe

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hey it's 2016 I took a few weeks off to recharge my batteries but we're back and let's start things off with a really simple question something that's really easy to answer is there a god Jonathan Juarez asked you seem like a really smart guy Joe so I'm interested in what religious beliefs you have and if so why okay all right let's do this first off I really appreciate you thinking that I'm smart but if I do a video on religion it's pretty much guaranteed that a lot of people will disagree with you by the end of it there's a reason why they say never discuss politics or religion at the dinner table but I pissed off a lot of people with my gun control video so hey why not flame on we're gonna talk about dog there's two types of questions that I get asked on here one is the kind that has an absolute answer you can do a Google search and find it all the facts yourself the other type doesn't really have answers out there to be found so the only thing that I can search is myself the first one is much easier thanks Jonathan so religion is a very personal thing and the only way that I feel like I can answer this is to just tell you the journey that I've been on so here goes I grew up in a very religious family there were actually a lot of heads of churches in my extended family we had family reunions every year on Father's Day at this old Indian fort called fort belknap and it consisted of two parts there was a church service on Sunday mornings but the night before on Saturday night we would all gather and sing hymns as the Sun went down and this was actually my favorite part as a child all I knew was that there was a room full of people who all loved each other they were hugging each other they hadn't seen each other in a whole year and they probably weren't going to see each other again for another year we sang beautiful old-time religion songs that have been handed down for generations actually a lot of them showed up in the movie o brother where art thou which made watching that movie kind of overwhelming as all those memories flooded back in memories of those songs being sung by a chorus of people who loved me while I played frisbee with my cousin's out in a field flecked with hundreds of fireflies I liked those songs there was absolutely no reason for my 10 year old self to doubt that there was a god that he loved me and then he gave his sons life so that everything I ever do would be forgiven and I remember the first time I ever heard somebody say that they were in atheist I was its school and some kids said that he was an atheist I remember one of the other kids asked so what do you think happens when you die and he was like you died and they bury you and I remember being horrified by that thought I remember thinking like how could you get out of bed if you actually thought that but the older I got the more complex the issue of religion became to me I saw people from church acting very unchristian you know wearing a cross necklace and then judging other people and being rude I worked in restaurants where I saw firsthand that the church crowd are the worst tippers in the whole world and a lot of just the little idiosyncrasies that the dogma just didn't add up for me anymore like if God is all-powerful and all-knowing then why does he need my help and my money why did God have to kill his son in order to forgive my sins why couldn't he just forgive me for that matter why did he make sin in the first place if God is all love then why would he send me to hell for eternity because I didn't honor my father and mother correctly but I met her wanting to make Hell in the first place it just became harder and harder for me to just believe and then somewhere in my early 20s I began to seriously consider the possibility that maybe God doesn't exist I mean could it be possible that all religion is just a way for us to deal with the fact that we are mortal that we have an end date is it is it just our way of dealing with the seemingly pointless nature of it all I didn't want that to be true it didn't feel true of course you know speaking in public makes me feel like I'm in mortal danger when I'm actually in no danger whatsoever feelings can't be trusted or is the idea of God such an enduring belief because much like love it's something that's very real but can't be measured so I suppose I've been one might call a seeker and that term is viewed in equal parts derision and pride depending on a person's religious stance but I like that term better than agnostic because the term agnostic seems to imply that you don't really care and I do care a lot enough to be constantly searching for an answer but the paradox about being a seeker is that as I'm searching for an answer I also think that the answer can't be known which makes me skeptical of anybody who thinks that they do know the answer even if somebody says that the answer is that there's no God because I don't think that's something that you can know because to me it's not really about God it's about you know just reality I mean what is this thing we live in this sensory space around our bodies and it all makes sense to us we think we've got a good bead on things but when you look to the edges of our collective knowledge you start to see that this whole thing just falls apart we now think that 94% of our universe is made up of dark energy and dark matter two things we have absolutely no proof of outside of indirect observation in math equations we're finding out that the fundamental particles that make up all matter can pop in and out of existence and be in multiple places at once and only exist in probability States probability States that can be affected by observation and actions in the future that haven't even taken place yet we still learn 100 percent sure how gravity works so for anyone to consider all of that and say that they think they know the answer about God because of what they can see around them to me that's just so nearsighted so you can't trust your feelings and you can't trust your observations so what can you trust nothing nothing which is exactly what you're supposed to focus on when you meditate meditation has been used for millennia as a way to transcend the physical space and enter a higher enlightened consciousness every major religion has some form of meditation practice as part of their religion especially if you consider prayer to be a type of meditation which many people do there are amazing stories of people who have had an enlightenment experience while in this state and in these experiences they come back with knowledge they didn't have before in an absolute certainty that they were able to connect with a higher consciousness I'll link to one in the comments it's from Sean Webb of the i''m spirituality podcast and he talks about the enlightenment experience he had and it is absolutely bananas I mean you got to watch it just go check it out so people are having this experience there's a couple of different possible explanations one might be a surge in DMT DMT or tri methyl trip domain is an endogenous chemical which means that it's something that our body produces internally and it also just happens to be one of the most powerful hallucinogenics in the world people who take doses of DMT have out-of-body experiences where they feel like they've transcended this level of reality and they communicate with otherworldly beings and connect to some shared higher consciousness which are very similar to near-death experiences in fact a lot of people who study it call it the spirit molecule for that reason but could it be that simple is it just our bodies tripping on our own self-made acid the thing is people's experiences on DMT are strikingly similar it's not just that they're having these experiences it's that they're all having the same experiences geometric patterns feelings of floating connecting to an unseen entity could it be that they're all connecting to the same source something outside themselves and so how does that work well nobody knows but there are some theories one is called ork Oh our or orchestrated objective reduction and it gets pretty intricate in fact I'm just going to read you a line from their Wikipedia page the qubits are based on oscillating dipoles forming superposed resonance rings and helical path ways throughout microtubule lattices yeah what that guy said it basically argues that there are micro structures inside the neurons of our brains that allow us to interact on a quantum level with an outside consciousness this is hotly disputed okay but it's not entirely disproven but let's just go with it for a second and assume that you can connect to an outside consciousness where did that come from I did a video previously about quantum entanglement and how subatomic particles can be connected to other subatomic particles and communicate instantaneously across infinite distances and since how all matter was created in the Big Bang and spread out from there that means that connected particles could be interacting with each other all the way across the universe and how Richard Feynman once theorized that every electron in the universe could be the same electron could these infinitely connected subatomic particles communicating instantaneously across all of space and time create some kind of universal super consciousness can non conscious matter connect in such a way to create a consciousness well the fact that you're watching this means that it can your brain is made up of a hundred billion neurons none of which by themselves can hold a memory or make a thought or do anything like that but they connect in such a way that through chemical and electrical signals they create a consciousness and far from being some kind of miracle this could be a fundamental property of reality itself this field of study is something that some scientists are calling emergence theory emergence is a process whereby larger entities patterns and regularities arise through interactions among smaller or simpler entities that themselves do not exhibit such properties an ant for example has a tiny little brain it just has some encoded instructions in this little cluster of neurons that it follows and has no idea that it is working toward a bigger goal throughout this entire colony of creating entire cities underground each cell in your body has tiny little proteins and sub cellular mechanisms that are just going about their business doing their thing they have no idea that they are serving the larger purpose of keeping the cell alive and the cell just does its thing and goes about its business and it has no idea that it's serving the larger purpose of keeping us alive and we just go about our business and we just do our things and we have no idea does our existence serve a higher purpose that we have no way of seeing ourselves emergence says it could astrophysics says that the atoms in our bodies are the same as the atoms scattered all throughout the universe we are a part of that infinity in quantum physics says that all those atoms have subatomic particles that communicate instantaneously with each other all of these things point to some very interesting possibilities and I don't think that some kind of universal super consciousness or God it's really out of the question and for now that's as far as I'm going to go I'm sure this won't stir up any comments or anything now none of this really spoke to organized religion I think that's really more of a societal and psychological thing and so I didn't really get into that I just personally think that religions have their good and bad a lot of really good things have been done in the name of religion and yeah a lot of really terrible things have been done in the name of religion but if it wasn't religion I think it would have been something else people are looking for a reason to do the things the justification to do the things that they want to do in their own mind whatever it is you believe if we do serve a higher consciousness I think the only way we can adequately do so is by connecting and bringing each other together and not by dividing each other in war and killing each other so if I had a cause that I really want to promote with this channel it would be to get people to break out of fundamentalist and tribal thinking and this idea that something is better based on the fact that it's yours I honestly believe that if there's some kind of judgment at the end of our lives either in a spiritual sense or you know by history it's only going to come down to one thing did you connect people and bring people together with love and understanding or did you divide people and push people apart with hatred and fear personally I choose to do the former and I hope you join me thank you all for watching it's a Jonathan for a great question if you've got a question you'd like answered you can ask it down in the comments below or hit me up at joe scott writer on twitter we can do this together if you like what I had to say here give me a thumbs up share it on social media spread the word about this channel we're growing things are going well and I really appreciate your help with that so of course if you like what I had to say please subscribe I come back every Monday with more stuff just like this I hope you guys go out there and have a great eye opening week and I'll see you back here next Monday take care love you guys you God is in coffee
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 399,877
Rating: 4.8693113 out of 5
Keywords: God, spirituality, Richard Feynman, Religion, Orch-OR, Consciousness, Emergence, quantum entanglement, the big bang, science, spiritual journey, seeker
Id: Z3_0O-gpeYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2016
Reddit Comments

Very eloquent description of my exact thoughts.

Needs more jester entities though.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/oneirogenic 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/psychedelegate 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Note: The first half isnt' about DMT.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/oneirogenic 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

I recommend starting at 5:28

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OrganizedNoisePod 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Confirmed psychonaut

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Myc0n1k 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
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